HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of commencementJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE# 4395811 OR BOOK 4091 PAGE 2524, Recorded 01/30/2018 11:48:59 AM NOTICF. OF COMMENCEMENT Tl-I� l!NDl:.1(:'>l?NU) llc�cby gi_vc., �<>lice that improvement will he mudc to certain real property. and in accordance with Chapter 713. Honda Statutes. the tollowmg intonnation cs provided 1111his Noucc of Comu1c11ccmcu1. I. Demi pt ion of property: (legal dcscriprion of property, and street address cf available) EPl4\ 3µ'.'.\f\ 6\") {J__ \ \)f V � ·�rnno,.<:bOves ?'w)._St-_.t \.��\\.Q Et v1cvcD fk,Yi:901 2. Gmatdcscriptionofimprovcmcm: \\£\Ss\:(\.QV> �.lQ.·_�<,:,J[�l£i _:-_s._t_{�f . J. Owner mtormauon: y·-- a. Name and address: _6 \CY'\n j:!)\Nd\. t ffif\ts.3\2.Cl.01';:b.Q._\,y'_(x____&cad , [-\::: S?iCKf, ft b. Phone number: .... . . . -·-·----- �\ c. Name and au dress of Ice simple titleholder (if other than owner): 4. Contractor: a. Name and address: Phone number: Superior Fence and Rail of Brevard County, Inc. 2778 N Harbor City Blvd, Ste 102, Melbourne, FL 32935 321-636-2829 ------· --· - c. Phone number: .nza.. _ Surety: a. Name and address: �n� / a�------------------- 1>. Amount of bond S.n£ _ 6. Lender: a. Name and address: h. Phone number: Jlla_ .. ....... .... .. . .. ...nL.a --·- .. - - ·--·-----· ------------------ .. ·- ...... 7. Persons wuh the S1a1c of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documcnrs may he served ;1., provided by Section 713. l 3( I )(n)7. Florida Siarurcs: a. Name and address: b. Phone number: n/a Na ---- --·· ..... __ .. . . . .. . .... ....... ·---· .. --··---------- 8. In addition to himself Owner desiguares the following pcrsorus) to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13( I )(b), Florido Sratu res: a. Name and address: b. Phone number: nla n/a =�------------- .... -·---------- 9. Expiration date or notice of coouncnccmcnt (the expiration date is one (I) year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified) ·-- ---------------·····-----.------ WAU!\'ING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMl:NTS MADE RY TIIE OWNER AFTER THE f.XPIRATION OF THE NOTIC.:I:. OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDf'.R CHAPTER 713. PART I. Sl:CTION 713.13. FLORIDA STATUTES. AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PA YING TWICE FOR IMPROVSMENTS TO YOIJR PROPERTY. /\ NOTIC:F, OF COMMENCEMENT MUST RE RF.CORDED AND l'OSTF.D ON THE JOF:l SITF. REFORI\ TIIE FmST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR Ll:NDl:R OR /\N ATTORNfY I-IEFOIH: COMMENCING WORK It RE \WING . UK NOTIC, COMMP.NCf:Mf:NT. of my knowledge and belief. Pr�cd Idcnuficauon . -·'-(\_.._ _ f\ft- ... -·--- Print. Personally Known -· OR Tyre of idenuficariou produced .. STEPHANIE BROOKS MY CO�WlSSION J FF 217128 EXPIRES: April 5, 2019 8ondod Thru llot.11¥ Pu'>lic t.Jnderv.1'iters