HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4396537 OR BOOK 4092 PAGE 1404 , Recorded 01/31/2018 02 :37 :15 PM iAYrERUQQ M,-RET1512i Q RECEIVED i jAN 31 2018 PERMRNUMBER �Ml�,�eF`':rtfrMtrMaer Tye T. Lucie County, Permitting NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undarzigned hereby gives notiee that haprovement will be made to certam real property,and in accordance with C2sphs 713, Florida SWmtcs,the following information is provided in fbia Notice ofCommenoeatonL I. DBcRurrioN or rRorimTv([.eget description of the property&street address,if available)FAX FOLIO 140a 4426-8054029 OOOId l susDlv®oN HARBOR RIDGE-ROYAL FERN WAKM TRACT VA-3 Loi 15 6LDG UNIT 2007 N.W.ROYAL FERN CT.,PALM CITY,FL 34990 L CR?fONL DEW RIPTION OF IMFROVIDd QdT: flFltifll MON OF FYICTING HOUF 3. OWNLR WFORYATFON OR LZWKZ INFORMATION IF TER I.1111111113t CONTRACTED FOR THE DWW VNI@1T: Nana and add neer STEINBERG LNING TRUST-4562 SW HAMMOCK CREEK DR_,PALM CITY,FL 34996 b.>m w;apeeper,Y FEE SIMPLE c Name ud.dors of Cx ea�i c tit chuider�f dQerat fiom O*na lined.tore): I 1. a.CIXiTRAC'IOR'9 NAMY: GRANDE CONSTRUCTION OF FLORIDA.INC. PO BOX 881765 PORT ST LUCIE,FL 34988 aviIaua exec 772-3W7240 5. SURITY(if appli-bk, copy of the paymert bond;:.&dwM: i .N.me.M.dd— N/A b.Pborr maeber o.Amout of bond S 6.a LCgDLR'S NAmxe N/A --___-- Larder's.ddfle h Pbaa T®ot¢ W 7. Persons within the Stale of Florida desigeatod by 09merupon wham Bodo"or dher documents maybe served as provided by y ty Section 713.13(1)(a)7.,Florida Statutes: C= --_...._.__.___. Y .Name and adtrese Q C=C N b.Phone eeumbrrs ofdeag,atedpv -- ---__--- d U S� R.a.Tn-Wisiot to himself or hawK Owner daignatca of— to f_to reoeive a oopy of the Imor's Notion n provided in Section 713.13(1)(b).Florida Statute. OC b.Phone®ter of person or entity deugntad by Owner ---- — O W O 9. Expiration date of notioe of oommencem ant(the a�iratiaD date will be 1 yea from the date of rwwd'wg unles a differrat date is ti V V U � J speciiedX ,20_ W W 0— WARNING WARS*G TO OL ^-'R-ANY PAYI.mh MA BY THE OWNER ASR'1HE EXPIRATION OF TH&r70TICF OF COAdb�N?' Lu W�_ 3PNTRN ARF COhS.ID :.,tmhn B&MOPER PAYh4E2 I MM rM=713_PART L M=N 71313 FLORIDA St'ATLnM AND CAN F–r q REMULT IN YOUR RA TWICE FOR D,rPROVPLffiNSS TO YOUR PROPERTY. ANO IIGES)F.roti-n!�NCIA1EN1 LUST RE � nQ-►==DI CE JL 0 pernnrt� AtSf)pp�a-,-[Irn nu Tut lnp telt AFiunpv Tuv cmaT 24FCMN. IF YOU II]TO OBTAIN FINANCING-CONSOX +n�F"'►�Q m go (Signattre et r err Lessee,or Omm't s (PrMt Naar and Provide Sipeamry'e lace) Attthatiael O ff t�/DlreNw/Par>mer/Mrsege r) State of !FAD 12-1–L-4-A County of S-177.L."Q r- -- )j) The foregoing mmt strtimwas aatnowtedged befam me this 1� _ day of')Gnu nj 20-16-- S' by �Vrn�� W\\5 'Xl as { Z (name of pricer) (typo of authority,...".offroa,trustee,anorncy in fact) for – (n®e of party on behalf of wham insuvatent was-Q/eouted) Ponoually Known or Produood IduAification y Type i,eatim P,.&,.d JAYM{E L.Vik' 'ON ( ) f" MY COMMISSION#FF10S204 (Rini, or St.mp Cmmi+—d N-4 ofN^t-y Pd.6a) 3 1 EXPIRES April 2, 2012 (ince)398:.163 Mondallotsryservice.00rn I f Rev.10-13-11 I