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Notice of Acceptance
A COUPTIT$ . K�RT�111Q - BETAI�➢ E�ILAIVLSIN ' - • �ORY AIIECONOMC RESOURCES MM) ON3NIlsim . �3tIo7o5m-242074$;:. T(786)35-ZS98 (�$�31�-259 ------------------------------ Amata. � 40-`Hansen } mit, NOT 6,' PERlfifTTING 4. 5t Luc4e Counr,FL This NC3Aas he issued under tl�e agpltcable. les and regalWdons govern agthe use of og� S Tie mon has been=evte�ved and accepted byIui}anu`Dade Conaty RSR Ptodncto moa to be_ . I used:m 1VtT3ade Comfy and otherareas whereallowed by the Authority Haemg hmsdetron its NOA 7 77- shot lie waltd after the egpnaip.tcon date:stated:below.TheFamr�ade GoUn €y Prod Cos#ol Secticin ( € ,)and/oF the AH:T iia areas-.( #1ra�3Vi3ann.Dade Cotmty) ese ve tbe to ham tl prodsct . of - ss or petipumateriaa3ts#o peFfor :m th er,the. maaucurthe of such lesttng andthe A$J nm3rtmmediately revue,modcfy-ofd theM.se. . ( . osac�anal win theirimsdictron. 1tBRreservesthe nghtto revoke daccepit�s deeaeic ►ya�Dade Ooiin#yrocltict Coatrol:Section;that this Y. — orma€enal fa7s toeet#he=i�geemeuts. .. Ofthe•a��EabTe btt�ihlig.Cnde.: .Jim rodttcfis appra�edsas descn`bed herein;and'has been.designed-to comsilyw l the FiaFtda B tb$g Code mci the Digh Yelcactfy e,Zo Florida Bntl Code ; I t'ambndge Caotbridge;IEID'andBHtnioreAR 1 T Ate. uaxt_shali bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's pante''or logo,CIty,.s�beanct lbllocv ng :"` as Dade Cooniy ProdZiet Cont�+oi Approved" ;mtless:0 erwise acted hem y ' .of ties NOA shaIl be Mist'ered;after a renewal,apphcat[ort has been fled ani there bias change m the lzcable I�di g code riega#tvely a$ec. lie. tmg Performo ance f#ius;pmduct: 7-77 MMUM of ins NOA wtIt occura#ler the exp2rat�on date or tf dieie has iteen.aims cha mthe i els,bse,aud/ormanufacfe of the prociact or processviisuse offs NOA as W. ee�se #Af ayadttct,for saes;=aclvertgtr anyotheFpurposes'sbail airtomatically: ermmabe-#tits NOS.Faire to comply raSecLco�of th -NUALA be:c�use on. (if(ifNOA �' Tfre IOA number preceded by the words Mraini Dade Coiloada,a lollo _ - by a ex on die r*Y.be displayed adv literature: If au �ifismg Y portion ofteO�is cglayec fhen donees itsv r3' $5 'EC ©�. co offs entire- TOA;shatl be provrded.-to the:userbyIthemangyotosAd urs and- sltallbe available for oaat the1'ob site at the est:of the Butt - I ' ltirs KOA eaews, 3UANo 14-0643 42.and consists ofper �• - es 1 through 4. . The. dor me atron-was zew-ewed.by-GasparJRodriguez; co NL}A N� I64329 23- � ►nafoabe- A5/85/21 7® pEov�LI)ate. 64Q7116... � _ Page,1 PI4 i i oc �rs��s Arr.RovA , c Aoii&g r_ aIS. �attamate SCQPE This yes a roo i g s3►stem usuig Cambridge AR,Cambridge HD,aid SaeR asa series by3��des Lidas,descgbed ui Sechon'2 of lis Nohceof Acceptance; Prnduel Dimensions Test Snecxfications Proms BescFit�tioa Cab�tdge 13 ala"x 40 T/8" . TAS:110 A heme :f feforced 43.- as h pe- Camb $� J3 3/a"x40 T/s"• TAS 1:10 1�' i Feu fforeed midge heaj'Y,wei1 � { achwing Lvc�ivn#I Z 3. : 7P -fie I 3 " T " f B mores A 1:3 la x..40 /$ :. ' TAS 110 A heavp�ee t, reinforced. Maittrfaduzmgloeatro41,2 1�nateasPlral hmgTe - , . � �esl-9genw - ... Tesl Identdier .-. Test:Name%Itc�or# ii _ Dale 1 1 PRI Constr rortllla nta s Inc IKO-050-02-0.1 TAS l0E) IKO-076-02-0.1 TAS loo, . 02/21%12.. : iKO-114-02-01 TAS 1,00::' i 09/2.S/14 IKO-099=02-01 TAS Imo;. `fl5/12/14 IKO.-.0 '-01 ASTM D'3462,' I 09/2713 : IK".5-02-01 ASTM D 3462: IKO 121,-02-01` AST11�I D 3462 . . ..09125�14- IKO-100-02-0.1ASTMD 3161(TAS-10� = OS/21f14 I. IK0-115.-02-01AS-I D 3IS1{TAS-I ;09/25/14:. . . FM.AgProvaTs :3041689' ASTIVI D 3036971 ASI MD 3161 (TS-IOC. QI104% 9 3042673 AIME 1.08:. 04/12111. 16-832913--, f Fa-Dabs_ 851AS1ZI T- 1,- 4.: . I �t � I , 1 Frze classcatroi is not partof tlns:acceptanee, efer to a'ceurent Appmed Iooftugs Hecto for. fi�e.�gs ofih{s pct_ : 2 Sfbeed anoof mean heights m:excess.o€33 ft.` 3 p hsted hetet shall ve aquaizty assurance,audrt:m accordance w-th t Finn, Bnr7�Code and . Rttle.61G2fi_G o�the Florida A sfr&' Code' , - l S sal be;mstalled m.compliance RtrthRoofitg Application StaudatdS 115 Z Flasb he m accoFdance�c�th Roofing App}�Cation,.Stauda d'>itAS LTA 3 3e s1�T prude cation;mskrrzckions { _4 a$cl course la out shall _ y mpllance:; thDeta A,attached: . . 5 �Targ slallbeln conipizance wy m,coith Detail B',attached TA j . s L Shm�ss s311 .labeled with.tile iViia Dade Seal:as seen.t�elow,:or the woag` iaam73ade County f $Ih� � I�iRFMFNTS, i Aheatzoa for hutldmg peIImtshail:le acco�npamed:by copies of the foIlowmg - 1�Aty other.documents recpu=ed:by the Building Official or...tife applicable;c -to properly :. evaluate the3nsxallahon of this f Ag�FovstiBat� I I . 1 1! 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