HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) •til SCIS Home I Log In 1 User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats 6 Facts I Publications FBC Staff SCIS Site Map Links Search �I n� Yni Product Approval ITW USER:Public User Product Aooroval Menu>ProducL or Aoolica Lion Search>Aoolication List>Application Detail OFFICE OF FL# FL5259-R27 SECRETARY Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments tib' C' e Archived Product Manufacturer POLYGLASS USA Address/Phone/Email 150 Lyon Drive Fernley, NV 89408 (570) 384-1230 Ext 242 jakins@polyglass.com Authorized Signature James Akins jakins@polyglass.com Technical Representative Maury Alpert Address/Phone/Email 1111 W. Newport Center Drive Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 (912)429-8610 MAlpert@polyglass.com ; Quality Assurance Representative Ariel Lender Address/Phone/Email 1111 W. Newport Center Drive Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 (954)233-1230 ALender@polyglass.com Category Roofing Subcategory Underlayments Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report- Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Robert Nieminen Evaluation Report Florida License PE-59166 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/05/2018 Validated By John W. Knezevich, PE I Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FI 5259 R27 COI 2017 01 COI Nieminen.odf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ASTM D1970 2015 ASTM D226 2009 ASTM D6164 2011 ASTM D6222 2011 FM 4474 2011 FRSA/TRI April 2012 2012 TAS 103 1995 TAS 110 2000 UL 1897 2012 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 09/14/2017 Date Validated 09/15/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 09/18/2017 Date Approved 12/12/2017 Summary of Products FL Model,Number or Name Description 5259.1lyglass Roof Roofing underlayments ToPU(Inderlayrrients Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL5259 R27 II 2017 09 FINAL ER POLYGLASS UNDERLAYMENTS FL5259- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes R27.odf Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Robert Nieminen PE-59166 Design Pressure: +N/A/-622.5 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Other: 1.)The design pressure in this Evaluation Reports application relates to one particular FL5259 R27 AE 2017 09 FINAL ER POLYGLASS UNDERLAYMENTS FL5259- underlayment system(over concrete deck)for R27.Ddf use under foam-on the systems(where the Created by Independent Third Party:Yes underlayment forms part of the load-path). Refer to ER Section 5.6.4 for other systems, other deck types and associated maximum design pressures. 2.) Refer to ER Section 5 for other limits of use. Back Next Contact us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-437-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Cooyriaht 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with thelicensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S., please click here. Product Approval Accepts: MR-- E Credit Card Safe 1 EXfiEWR REMMW*&DESIGN,LLC. bwdQ icate of Authoriiatdow 4050:3 T R i 353 EHRIrS3iAN s ffr 6 .(iii'0fs498 6478 PliiOW:(rM)263-9345 PAa�Ec:(�D�3-9243 EVALUATIM FR€PORT Polyglass USA, Inc. EuW%atlon ReportV12060AZA9-621 156 Lyon Drive PLM9-R25 Fwrniey, NV 95465 Date of Iss WMM:Oz//24/2009 Re isimnn2k:m/17/2016 $EAP€: iiniir, E"tuAw sr,Rift irs isKcedj u ukar garb&baMe33a"dJ*0e &WiRRxiCE�rrtilmw�ami reoutitaacs&3MWMM tthrxe use of construction mateniails iin Ow State ofrf+iwr da.-T�w FE_ for Lume atttitegoaadmtuaaebertrthEFfdoridciBBudchagr aar FfrbarideE&ukd t (Code, Remdwrtiail Voiunrft. 11fw MMIWOS desmbaEb IR@ mrn Irtwa--bees-n the 5t 6dstiorC��9�4 f��idaeHwijt> cf, Mons noted herein DEmaRnunorRotyean�goof udeehWinents LxME1N dAbM6a9*)*H acaocdr �ta�heffagairean teSth�Aaa a titaeai @niality Asnwaince,A mated herein. CwamuE)ECmum&4Rc6Ar (hE5: referenced @uaiity AsswamcR--doxutmentedion the product chance Acceptance of this FuAua#ia n KWWkt b y tthe"awned dier&eWwAftubes agreement to if dw pro&xtolumnes or the referenced qty . TrinitVI€P.2)rigirre%a3 awn*ehe�review of tticii3 Evaluation Report relative to negwi wnventswwihF> )cine(Cycle. At mffRSE HMETJNe &**e "rol ss'TT► dVA FE9cEuWaiaL*iWa,rnaVykt& displace in advertising literature.iff.-olWgmrtim-coftibbeEEvatuatQonFRepwdiicdisp4yed, h1wn itshali be done in its entirety. INr�t ¢nvs�dparpKsgrm�stcap�op#�t�tisrtl�re+r�vfff�tiat7e�shsiN�ne�prprsciaiatdsotdheaaeeerf ►yttr�rrtorntfetdtureiror its distriibutm>%and shall be avaiilarhbe fror inspection M the job site at the request of tripe Ouildia g Official_ This EvAtwAion amort consists of pages 1 through 33. Prepared by: "h°+. -= eA The facsimile seri wing was au*ori=edbypertNieminen, RE This does not serve as melectronically Ebert J.M.Nierainen FP$. �� ��c =,.•' sWeed document seated r+arrdwgws have been Florida RegistraWnAW. ,rQvftdoiRG4AW 198 �,;,?„!�,;,,++'`• transmittedbmtY�productApprovalAdministratorandtoti,e named c-#lent EENTIFI AT19N 6F INOEPEN(€NE: 3, T-firirtit OM does not have, nor does it intend*wai:oquire orvwilwtaacquke,a3 fhawwW iirttataeAiinaa-rwcaerWany manufacturing or distriiburiritg pry lit . �. TTriro-yt��Di��tawvr�d,agt�atJmrarmntcmVi2cld}y�-ry/a�1W®sasynAanufactuni�®rdistrtlsuttir��tuatsiit�ilwai�. 3. RlIoberNkierniaenF'PLE. nad kave nor%WW acquire,a financial interest in any products for which t>I%--evaivatimmrrooarreetsirtgiired_ 4. RBober&MetwiaenQPLE.ai sasmttrt „avoramaiil q+sirre a financial interest in any other enriWth�umiarasl air*r w appravai prrazess of the product_ rs. Tilhi59 loudtfig�oacleee iiioinN®ieitt rTnittik�l3i3QtooRBolaertJttiertriBanPte.�1PE,iina)1)yWats,},,ttkeit nerof,Record for any project on whii©h Utter Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,Is/varus used for perrnWft ga€tra4eE9LVn VAdafixe unless retained specie icaliy for that purqj�se. r Ci TRMOlf,T'YL D SqMtv €tami wWon Rae#erenee Date "M knTr(s049) ph"Call ll Properties "3370,03,11 03/02/2011 EoimC9649) Ph""i Properties 04/26/2011 EMim-6049) pf"sicaliProperties P473@0:i®:ii 30/19/2011 €M((T5a@O49) Ph"tza6Properties 08/06/2012 6-4®inTr6649) Nrrotali Properties PA4&190:®!):i2 F 08/07/2012 00 iTSTFW49) PMtryrsicali Properties X4)420:0§:i2 09/11/2012 €MiTvrf6049) Wiind Uplift 03/04/2013 6-40iT`wr6649) Piny cWiProperties P'45370.04,13 04/26/2013 6-4DiUTr664g) Wand Upkh P 1739,02.(7-R2 04/29/2013 HM kna Ee049) W rid Uprtt ))959.®4.0-); 04/30/2013 €M((T3Tr(i049) Wand Uplift 08/06/2013 6noinTr@049) Wind Uplift 11/26/2613 ERIO iTvrwo) Wilnd Uplift 33/26/2013 HMDrwrC049) P*saaiProperties P43270:05A4 DS/12/2014 €1 Dgvr@ 49) Pirtpirg&Preperties &02®:07,14-1 09/08/2014 €M imr8049) P Orp ah Properties perties 6020,09:14-2 09/08/2014 uwci inTr@649) Ptny adi Properties 6020,09.14-3 09/08/2014 6-4)knTF 6 64 9) P4rVstaliProperties 6020,®9:344 D9/08/2014 LMknTrW49) P callPr,operties 09/08/2014 € lb knTr@649) PhSiCali Properties perties 0@ :®9:34 6 09/08/2014 6-40 jnTT Am 9) Pin"cali Properties 10/03/2014 FAD((T7%.TrE'49) Physicali Properties P44M0:30:i4 10/07/2014 EM iTvrC�t9) P h"itali Properties perties P"43NDA0.i4 10/17/2014 EMinTrEr4m9) PdrrysiealiProperties P'6W r 7 .@4.15 03/24/2015 €40 qs r(Z►9) P "i P roperties P4DW0:04:15 04/03/2015 EM inirEr049) P hI mcah Properties P t-YG- (9 :15 1 05/20/2015 EMST-&TrW49) Wind Uplift 05/17/2016 €M inTr@649) Ph ysicali Properties P'F W 09:16 07/16/2016 PMinTrW49) W rid Uplift P'6W 1 :10.16 30/12/2016 lce-M(Mmm) 18Ec CRurtlianee BR44697 11/01/2014 Miadvi (tQM 35921 HNAAZ lnrnpliance 404)4-0739:08 01/22/2015 P*oiygiass USA Manufacturing Affidavit prgduets€w""t 03/18/2009 Wygiass USA NLAMdavit MWL-Nude(crass Ltg 03/01/2008 Paolygiass USA Materials Affidavit "stick SA C nrpound De/18/2011 UL,LLL(iQUA99625) Quality lorntrol -"rrit p-COj frrm*ien Bgp."/24/2018 4.PRcPffW1Vit st?14fWXM: 4:1 Mechanically Fastened Underlayments: 4:1.1 Umatobase bitumen base sheet_ 4:1,2 Ehmbobase P,i&aapW*eAe r-ireinforced,sBsmo:djfied bitumw m base sheet. 4:13 "glass& iwiaafiht�wwareirr,iorced,asphaltic base sheet- 4;1.4 heet.4:1.4 PoiYglass AMBwwSsa4 wgjMsmMfOm3e*A#R r�fied bitumen base sheet_ 4.2 SaWAdhering Underlayments: 412.1 Peiysiidr MTs i&.as rrranwi"i(04mii thick rubberized aha waterprao&W mnkian-Amasw,06ss fiber reir>(&va&al,stmiated wifi WJWWitftrriikr>;ermdaeet rseefAASWdDil�9rMawtdTT9QtS 303. 4:2.2 P ab#st" MTS PtdJ d3saarrmsmnvAiGD3mi kWck rubberimd ssphaltt waterproofing membrane,Mass fiber reirri6mjed, surfaced wide padko rr�;meeetsrTekd 163. 4:2.3 PokysMekIR-Awiwaanwninaii6Ma4*ii*iickrubbe#izedaapitWttwaherproofing membrane, glas$ftkerr reinforced, with an aWreDate surface;me d%MTM 61970. Exderlar nharrdtE2ksjgn,tL1>E. "watrionPtepaRp13080.83.69Rai CoMficeteofAuthorization#9503 FDCNOHVHZEVAWATICN F 9-R35 Raviiiom Mt:liW/)7/2016 ftasb3of33 4,7:4 Peiystiek Tkb membrane,glassfrberrreinforced,with a polyestertfelkriic ;ttraae3sai�SiTiDt1t51f�ixDarttiTTA3 363. 4:7.5 PWVAittk,,TWa Pis zenoominali 3 iknlbick�ttti res�e�sasphgltNa nrootiggr�sr�+t l�aee,g�ssstfitiaev( of ster reinfcal,aviNranudar�sur�aeel,+�e�sAldJil�xO�radrTal�363. 4.7:5 PaIWOf&TUU)Manic is a n mina)6O-and thick rubberized asohWt waterproofing membrane with a 190 gonmi polyester tabirmsuite;miree s4c&TWCIQW-wadTTM 163. 4.7.9 Poiyflex SAP,Poiyflex SAP Pik,Mule-Hide SA-APP Cap)Sheem ardi Mule-tilde 3A-APP Cap S (FF4 we polyester reinforced,APP modified hdmffisncW ;d iaat/;MfiM 062-3:2- 44;9 Pelliste{k D", Pro—i%a momiiiairiilit&Mlk� reinforced, lag tarfi rQrsvrrl ;rrreeei; fiAr181�6_ 4.2.9 Pmi%sbickk Tiiile Piro—is a nominal 60-mii ttftia4,cdaa4fkWrc�taerraeai a�lnaltw�a�cnofrirrtgrtirsertdr�,f�e��s reinfsr�l,�vith��aojssrtl+aiori¢sai�aeele�sv;�iiNd3i�#2�aratfr5 163. 4:22:1® PolvAickh MLJ-lk is a rnfiKlliTwlss4FrmiltrtiQielau�aidy�+�erru ee+eeidaspplaalt�wv�sspeoafi®gr.reernbaaree,fl6be s reinforced,wietha tm we# &Aid ro)0icil ree*wmementscati WAA 01#76. 4.3 Mechanically Fa temri*an-Wor Banded Underlaymenta: 4:3,1 E120ofiex S6 d and Elmstzofiex S6 t3 I`Wa-e�Ipodtyieatetr reinforced,Snirnualitied bitomiere sheet&,r fiM 06164. 4.3.22 PokyHex 6 and Paiyfiex 6 reinforced„APP modified biatrrr>er ;rrresBtaPt3fiM 06333. 5, L I Mlrlf JTAIF : 5,1 This rs a building corke e"rm,etiim- riiattfWrTTrritti*)A WRD nor Robert ftiernk%en, P.E.ami,in any way, the Oesigm&i-of lE�aar}�fmm amy pmafyerzn on which this Eyiiitluabizam Rowtt,atrr or design gwideretx umiiesarieteim"Wmftaitlh,few that purpaese. 5.22 This Eqtluatalon kart is not tar—im titwF4k#AL 5.3 Firmss4w6tpssheffthies hQ;Iu tiush ",referrtan eitrrrremt Approved Fa[aftft Watersakg Idirmabaiv irar fire ratings of this product. 5.4 the product its specifically referenced within SBC--a gWovala dmatiaro lams.Iff not ilisted, a request may be m9ade to ttl:a--AkUtizmiWF+;iavisj JurisdieSM for approvai Derr,tirii;;avairr. itasr,carun{xirte[tiwiNn d tmfeli-OW P091Wed ramfa6e '*M. 5.5 Aliennaib�e rRee(-C9ver3; TAstr 1;FftmwcGnvvR Onvon Undssfayrw�nt Asphalt Shingles Nail-9n Tile Foam-6n Tile mew weeg Shakes R to Shingles Yes Yes taast�ese Yes in2ply toeses*e+oinzPty Yes Yes Yes WA-m1 w---ma Yes Yes pestehese P Yes (bes *A"in 2jer Yes Yes Yes "env system) Yes Yes Hlyglass 32 areae Ne ti>ese*OM in 2-pty tb—t sr«l in 2 p1W No No No w"-nv wp-ma Yes Yes Poiyglass AiPP Base N© tbn W em in 2-W to- Ii m in 2-ft No He Ne syNeml srseam) Pptr�sm Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yrs PDrysfN*ftMiN1116 Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes PolysK iWxe Yes No No No Yes Yes PdystidcTUP Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 3t a 3.3.1 Pehis"TU Plus Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9@05.5.1 EarderiariReseamYiartddDwsFign,LLW. "witMon Report P 12060-02-0"24 CeMficete of Authortzatiun x19563 W r4C*-HVH2 EVALUATION FiS259-1125 Riftuiomm2lh li /17/2016 PW 4t of i3 C/TIRRM 'YER9 PnJWHiftk&W wr&OR,fi#R.om Muie-Hide sA-AP#-t W%%wlt or tWSehaeCt( )ds*ssrrott have an eempmure limitation,wnless the prepared roaf�farerrng is>tatbeamthesiive-set Gid„4n hese is 30 days. E�sssaffrea�bsCroar S�S6RaaasrRo ��Cc�aar�SF#fad�es��tha amt s�ae�limit�itaury. unleswtWne prepmed roof cove6nq is to be adhesive-salt file(Flastofiex 56 G or Polyflex G only), in wdrich mase the mreattimi rn exposure is 180 days. �. i N Sl14ST+41�ATSOPI; 6:1 Rtxm6fWmd"w4ntettft slwWh be installed in accordance with ft4lass published installation ceqoireewents subject to the Limitatimis set fortki4n3ectisn S herein and the specifics noted below. 6:2 RQ_-�nrnanVI aadccbeebl#cropparadinginuilihi�. to re"WVe anydust and debris priorttoat;WiizAimn,and prlimn ithes&ti be(jit liable-. 6.6 Elmsobase,Elaerobwe Pbcw Mule-Hide Mail gas*: 6.3.t iii be installed in cornp a kWW6T>TWte iI a udeikWrra5t3ntirFEBf Sections 1503 icor the type of prepared roof covering to be installed. 6:6:2 Nien-TAe Applicatii Wer irsntada--tmthe current ediiiIii3ancuftN&ff4#ff_A Meep-slope RaAnD Manual and AWMA.ree mxmvterediations for installing shingle underiayawnifEsand AhAfiings rdOfA ,Etfmbekm@ePpwrl*We� d@_—"ll ilk ma*be covered wti9h�i aroo�8gl�rtrirkP t{�p� � MIIA&Attle_A& , P Cap Sftea or SA-APP> aM t(fM)Qn1zidF�roDosrTiilre li4m,,%eif-adhered,EEfdm-%6cGeDrEEc6a"in hot asphalt ar FM44"(G ord FR;.torch applied 6:6.3 Tile Applicationts: eketee i�mari�tto FRTRRAp p I iP@A 3$QA413 )ns�}n�irm,NO�ru�lamdT�ni�li Irtsrh.ttisrt�ttir�i m�nfueitions noted above as a gywideline- 6.4 PolystickWT*UTfS PLIi` IR�-f TtUF,TU.Ptue;;Ta &xyDEuMiProa TtiwFf®orMU-Xur4kalWf4yr-:6APftLV%wCE5APFM, Mules Wtde$A-*PP Cap S*eet or WWle4Qa4FPCaP Sheet ffR): 6A.1 Ali be in compliance with lLS07 for tike t of prepared rasif ccaverrnS to be mstaiied_ 6:4:2 Direct-to-Deck wii1hi rDa fl artccel ttl FRo&Covers: All self-adi9erittgrtrtaF$r 5,vwxuithrtkie pp5ioetafofi�ll�ticktTt�iBiu��iglt� sfSAlbosAkPrfFR rtW dE APAitPCap ShRet or @x k4wais//Mule-Hide f ardxrdaiiirt�Ccrrir�e. Nmis s1tWh be Pamb-14aft resirAWM,bb gaid rirtriaakktypea-witim a minimum 3-inch diameter metal disk or Sirnpiex-type metal cap nail,at a minitntAm ra&-of 9a1'mcc.F4BWit&bfekTTUFRluA sherilttl&--back-nailed using the above noted fasteners and spatimt,im,ar-reai mrw&Q&"naiit wear, faa E-(aft acne The head lap brane istcw e,&rermb6a arees beimg back-nailed All syeai-kap searm>3; (self kapo)rnua#t be firmk,k roiled+ with a rminttnum 28 ith.Ifmmd + roller to emare f%M Een"et am A aAhe3ien. Fwr MaW i Rrca)wt di ire Prcat.alit,the edge of t the top sheet to site end of M*Wkie pattern tt tthe sheet will overlap the fabrics_ a V few on®ve4p Seam of Dual Pro and Tile Pro EYaerfersWese>rmY�andt ign,ttl�. "uatrien RepertPi2666.@2-6t"21 femficate of Authorszatkw**9503 FR€NONi-HVH2 EVAWATIGN 9-R35 Itawgi am 7ltt 2Cq'/17/2016 pa@R�bIof13