HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering KOZAR/CESPEDES 1/17/2018 16675 C 24 CANAL ROAD 207135 .� FORT PIERCE, FL 34945 0 Width in Height in Area in Allowable Pressure Required Pressure Max Anchor ID No. Span Type Mount Inches Inches Squarefeet perFL812-R8 per ASCE 7-10 Spacing 1 70 106 52 65 -68.25 PSF 39.5 -48.8 PSF 6' 24"O.C. HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 2 70 106 52 66 68.25 PSF 39.5 -48.8 PSF 6' 24"O.C. HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 3 70 106 52 67 -68.25 PSF 39.5 -48.8 PSF 6' 24"O.C. HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor j� Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 4 70 106 52 68 -68.25 PSF 39.5 48.8 P 1 HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 5 70 106 52 69 -68.25 PSF 39.5 -48.8 P HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor -� Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 6 70 106 52 70 -68.25 PSF 39.5 48.8 P HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 7 70 106 52 71 68.25 PSF 39.5 48.8 P HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor - - Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 8 70 106 52 72 68.25 PSF 39.5 -48.8 F t., HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor ° ) Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 9 70 106 52 73 68.25 PSF 39.5 48.8 F \ HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 30 70 106 52 74 -68.25 PSF 39.5 -48.8 F HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 11 70 106 52 71 -68.25 PSF 39.5 -48.8 PSF 6' 24"O.C. HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 12 70 106 52 72 -68.25 PSF 39.5 48.8 PSF 6' 24"O.C. HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 13 70 106 52 73 68.25 PSF 39.5 -48.8 PSF 6' 24"O.C. HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES n L- X o D o Z n M ? °D < e o M Armor Screen Corp. oo 2744 Hillsboro Road Shutter Schedule West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Page 1 of 1 I KOZAR/CESPEDES 16675 C 24 CANAL ROAD FORT PIERCE,FL 34945 .� - ARMOR SCREEN CORP TEL:561.841.8890 \ 2744 HILLSBORO ROAD FAX:561.841.8897 WEST PALM BEACH,FL 33405 —Armorw—n.com 01/12/2018 207135 SCALE:NO SCALE PAGE:1 of 1 TOP OF SHUTTER(FEET): 12 MEAN ROOF HEIGHT(FEET): 9 ROOF PITCHED?Y/N: YES BUILDING ENCLOSED?Y/N: NO WIND EXPOSURE?B/C/D: C WIND SPEED(MPH): 170 NO. 13 NO. 12 NO. 11 NO. 10 NO.9 NO.8 NO.7 SOUTH NO. 1 NO.2 NO.3 NO.4 NO. 5 NO.6 L:-RECEIVED---] 8 2018 �, Permitting ALL WIND LOADS DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASCE 7-10 PER SECTION 1609 OF THE 2014 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE ROOF PITCH IS GREATER THAN 2712" OR >= 10 DEGREES PROJECT NAME: CESPEDES SO-207135 NOA or FL# FL812-R8 ADDRESS 16675 C 24 CANAL ROAD NOA or FL# CITY/STATE FORT PIERCE FL 34945 NOA or FL# CLADDING TYPE: ARMOR SCREEN SERIES 2000 NOA or FL# COMPONENTS AND CLADDING OF WALLS AR ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED ( Vult) 170 S CRE N® NOMINAL DESIGN WIND SPEED ( Vasd) 132 EXPOSURE C HURRICANE PROTECTION MEAN ROOF HEIGHT 12 TOP OF WINDOW OR SHUTTER HEIGHT 9 SCREEN AREA WIND DIRECTIONALITY FACTOR 0.85 ENCLOSED BUILDING GCpi= +0.18 50SF><=100SF 100SF><=200SF 200SF><=500SF+ POSITIVE PRESSURE (ZONE 4+5) 48.1 28.9 45.5 27.3 42.2 25.3 NEGATIVE PRESSURE (INTERIOR ZONE 4) -56.2 -33.7 -53.5 -32.1 -49.9 -29.9 NEGATIVE PRESSURE (END ZONE 5) -62.5 -37.5 -57.0 -34.2 -49.9 -29.9 PARTIALLY ENCLOSED BUILDING GCpi= +0.55 50SF><=100SF 100SF><=200SF 200SF><=500SF+ POSITIVE PRESSURE ( ZONE 4+5) 65.8 39.5 63.3 38.0 59.9 36.0 NEGATIVE PRESSURE (INTERIOR ZONE 4) -75.0 -45.0 -72.3 -43.4 -68.8 -41.3 NEGATIVE PRESSURE (END ZONE 5) -81.3 -48.8 i -75.9 -45.5 -68.8 -41.3 LIGHT GREY AREAS ARE ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN PRESSURES CESPEDES 1/12/2018 16675 C 24 CANAL ROAD RECEIVED 207135 FORT PIERCE, FL 34945 JAN 18 2018 5T4 Lucie County, Permitting Mount Width in Height in 1 Area in Allowable Pro* a Required Pr sWre ­_ - -I-nches -inches -1 Squarefeet per FL81Z-R8 per ASCE 7-1111110 Spacing 1 70 106 52 65 1 68.25 PSF 39.5 48.8 PSF 6' 24"O.C. HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 2 70 106 52 66 1 -68.25 PSF 39.5 -48.8 PSF 6' 24"O.C. HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 3 70 106 52 67 1-68.25 PSF 39.5 -48.8 PSF 6' 24"O.C. HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 4 70 106 52 68 1 68.25 PSF 39.5 48.8 PSF 6' 24"O.C. HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 5 70 106 52 69 -68.25 PSF 39.5 48.8 PSF 6' 24"O.C. HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 6 70 106 52 70 -68.25 PSF 39.5 48.8 PSF 6' 24"O.C. HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 7 70 106 52 71 -68.25 PSF 39.5 -48.8 PSF 6' 24"O.C. HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 8 70 106 52 72 -68.25 PSF 39.5 48.8 PSF 6' 24"O.C. HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 9 70 106 52 73 -68.25 PSF 39.5 48.8 PSF 6' 24"O.C. HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 10 70 106 52 74 -68.25 PSF 39.5 -48.8 PSF 6' 24"O.C. HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 11 70 106 52 71 -68.25 PSF 39.5 48.8 PSF 6' 24"O.C. HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 12 70 106 52 72 -68.25 PSF 39.5 48.8 PSF 6' 24"O.C. HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 13 70 106 52 73 68.25 PSF 39.5 -48.8 PSF 6' 24"O.C. HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor Buckle&Strap BOTH SIDES 14 70 106 52 74 1 68.25 PSF 39.5 48.8 PSF 6' 24"O.C. HORIZONTAL 3/8"Carriage Bolt w/Dropins or Female Wood Lag Anchor - �- Buckle&Strap I BOTH SIDES Armor Screen Corp. 2744 Hillsboro Road Shutter Schedule West Palm Beach,FL 33405 Paye 1 of 1 s + I e BCIS Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publications FBC Stafr SCIS Site Map Unks Search pra ,joaProduct Approval `-��„i•%USER:Public User Product Acr2val Meru >Cott or AnDllclNen Search>Acnli='on US*>Application Detail RECEIVED FL# FL812-R8 p JAN Application Type Affirmation 1 2018 Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved ST. Lucie County, Parmitting Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Armor Screen Corp. Address/Phone/Email 2744 Hillsboro Road West Palm Beach, FL 33405 (561)841-8890 dougt@armorscreen.com Authorized Signature Douglas Turner dougt@armorscreen.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category 6va act Protective Systems Subcategory ovable Compliance Method uationReport from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report- Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Theodore Berman, P.E. Evaluation Report Florida License PE-09814 Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2018 Validated By Simon Segal, P.E. Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence F'912 R8 COI Cer'fr3l°cr^-f inreoe^derc�.SS.^rf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ASTM E 1996 2005 ASTM E 1886 2005 ASTM E 330 2002 TAS 201 1994 . TAS 202 1994 TAS 203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code -' I affirm that there are no changes in the new Florida Building Code which affect my product(s) and my product(s)are in compliance with the new Florida Building Code. Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity Yes No N/A FL812 R8 CCC FL812-47 2017 ComDliance.Ddf Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 12/05/2017 Date Validated 12/05/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 12/10/2017 Summary Products FL IC Model, Number or Name Description 812.1 Armor Screen Series 2000 Flexible Wind Abatement/Impact Protection System Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FI-R» R8 II Installat;cn Irstr_ic`-'.crs-Ar^cr Screen Series Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 7 (10.cCf Impact Resistant:Yes Verified By:Theodore Berman, P.E. No. 09814 Design Pressure: +130/-130 Created by Independent Third Party: No Other:This system is not for use in the high velocity Evaluation Reports hurricane zone(H.V.H.Z.).Glass separation is required for FL812 0,8 AE Ev>luaticn Recce No.73A 15-0423.02.odf installations within wind zone 4 and on essential facilities.The Created by Independent Third Party: Yes un-breached envelope criterion is met since the system is considered'non-porous'and remains intact under impact and air pressure loading.The system is to enclose the protected opening all around. 0 Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Coovriaht 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.'Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which an be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S., please click here. Product Approval Accepts: ME- rPww'q® HE0 Credit Card Safe M Ted Berman and Associates, LLC Certificate of Authorization#27502 April 23, 2015 Engineering Evaluation Report Report No.:TBA 15-0423.02 Prepared by: Theodore Berman, P.E. Florida Professional Engineer License No.09814 Manufacturer: Armor Screen Corporation 2744 Hillsboro Road West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Product Line: Armor Screen Series 2000 Product Description: A flexible wind abatement and impact protective system. Code Compliance: The above mentioned product has been evaluated for compliance with the requirements of the Florida Building Code S'Edition (2014) and as Per Rule 61G20-3. Supporting Documents: a) Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., File No.:03-346, Lab No.: 3783, Report No.:01 TAS 201,TAS 202,TAS 203 b) Hurricane Test Laboratory, Inc., File No.:0139-0528-01 ASTM E330,TAS 202 i 925 4' St.. Suits 10 4. Mha; i Seach. FL 33'40 P:;ores: i3C5; 856-4707 Fax. (788) 206-60117 coroyal-Corr... Ted Berman and Associates, LLC Certificate of Authorization#27502 c) Hurricane Te;—,Laboratory„I.nc.,File No.:0139-0305-98 TAS 2'01 d) Arn+erican'72:; Lab of South Florida,File No.:0301.01-03 TATS 2'01 e) Installation Instructions,Armor Screen Series 2000,Verified by Theodore Berman, P..E. Limitations and Conditions of'use: • Maximum allowable design pressure:+130/-130 psi' • All supporting host structures shall support the superimposed loads indicated on Installation Instructions. • This product is for use outside of the High Velocity Hurricane Zones(HVHZ). • The separation from glass is required only when system is installed within Wind Zone 4 and Essential Facilities. • This system is considered non-porous. • Product Data shall be in accordance with Installation Instructions,Armor Screen Series 2000. • Product shall be installed into substrates shown on Installation Instructions not to exceed the spacing indicated. Anchor embedment shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. • Site conditions that deviate from the details on the Installation Instructions will require further analysis from a licensed Professional Engineer. • All components that are permanently installed shall be protected from contamination and corrosion. Quality Assurance: The manufacturer has demonstrated compliance of products in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20-3.005 (3) for manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality assurance entity: National Accreditation and Management Institute(FBC Organization ID#QUA1789) Each product shall be labeled in accordance with the requirements of the quality assurance entity and shall indicate marking as indicated on Installation Instructions. �G1,e i 04. M;,arni vvacn, FL 33 It 4V Fax: (786) 206-8C!7 `PIbV`t�.i:ir^vCI:C'3C'G�G`:� .CGS'" Ted Berman and Associates, LLC Certificate of Authorization#27502 Certification of Independence. Please note that Theodore 3errnan,,P.E.,does not have nor will acquire a financial interest in anycompany manufacturing or distributing the product(s)for which this report is being issued.Also,Theodore Berman„ P.E.does not have nor will acquire a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the listed product(s). Respectfully, ,,4ZUl1919!!!/' No 6PQRE 09$14 Theod??*Q ONA-i. U��` l ✓ Florida Licen'W% Vl�814 Ted Berman and Associates, LLC Certificate of Authorization No.27502 `-25 4" �' '4. U a 14 ��... Suite e �„' � a^�i Bea �� 3� 0 Phcnes: (3C)6j 868-4707 Fax: (786) 2C6-6017 *>ANpt E Vz3`c'��+yam ARMOR SCREEN INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: *,'*�!{�0.•;G Sys;. 50 Armor Screen is a flexible wind abatement and impact protection system utilizing a woven e h�. •ti �'~ monofilament geotextile that fulfills the Florida Building Code 5th Edition(2014)requirement for : 09814 "•• opening protection. This system is for use outside the high velocity hurricane zone(HVHZ- Miami-Dade&Broward Counties). For information on use of this system within the HVHZ,refer to �} Armor Screen's Miami-Dade Notice of Acceptance(NOA)available on the Miami-Dade Product °~ " Control website. Separation from glass is required only when system is installed within wind zoned S TA}„ OF 4 and on essential facilities. *� Geosynthetic hurricane screen: The hurricane screen shall be produced from a polypropylene, se J�• G 1 Q `� woven monofilament geotextile fabric with individual filaments woven into a basket weave network L� i r✓..s^ and calendered such that the filaments retain dimensional stability relative to each other.The woven monofilament geotextile fabric shall have the following minimum average roll values: THEODORE BERMAKRE. NO.39814 Grab Tensile Strength (ASTM D4632) 425 x 325 LBS W23115 Puncture Strength (ASTM D4833) 130 LBS Mullen Burst (ASTM D3786) 675 PSI z Trapezoidal Tear (ASTM D4533) 150 x 125 LBS uj Wide Width Tensile Strength (ASTM 04595) 225 x 205 LBS/IN u w E Wide Width Elongation (ASTM D4595) 22 x 21% m r) o C Apparent Opening Size 30 US STD SIEVE. w z (n o¢ } n y Percentage of Open Area 5% u' Z 00 w Cr LL E 9 P U H W o r m O U The pores in Armor Screen are small enough that the surface tension of water causes the barrier screen to become solid in the U) � w aff co _Co y m presence of rain,and prevents damaging voluminous water intrusion,even from torrential rains. O X 0 = E o 0 - In dry conditions,the pores remain open,and based on testing,allow approximately 3%of the wind to pass through. _j � N o m Barrier can be mounted with opposing primary anchored perimeters in vertical,horizontal or any alignment appropriate to the Q ¢ C3 L) m structure being protected. N a Design loads calculated to ASCE 7-10 as required by the prevailing building code. U) ; W Product marking-a label shall be affixed to the barrier with the following statement: w "Armor Screen Corporation,Florida Building Code Approved" rn ALL GEOSYNTHETIC HURRICANE SCREEN ASSEMBLY INSTALLATION DETAILS DEPICTED WITHIN THESE DRAWINGS ARE TYPICAL FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THIS WIND ABATEMENT AND IMPACT PROTECTION SYSTEM ONLY. ALL OTHER BUILDING COMPONENTS SHOWN HEREIN ARE DEPICTED AS EXISTING, AND NOT CONSTRUCTED BY THE SCREEN COMPANY. EX LES OF TYPICAL INSTAL ATIONS U J Jo 0 E N O O O U � (n C) P_ O•° co 0 >> (n N LL � a T 1 d � o Isco m - U 10 U 7 M OD 7 CJ�+ 0 m l[) 0 c*S nai E Q. flL1. �P�►J t�ICaS 2 FLUSH HHRIZHNTAL STORM BAR U C T C co CQ) > C N W L DATE: 04/23/15 ....�. *C1;...iY' SCALE: N.T.S. ANiL: FD GH T BAL. Y SHECT: 1 of 9 �f3l,S 1' ev l p W S S 0 Table 1 Anchor Sp aci Anc oices Span 1' O/C 2' O/C J1 ' 2" 3* 4* in feet Design Pressure 318"open eye 318" 112"open e e 112"bolt 4' 130 65 X X X THEODORE BERMAN.P.E. 09814 6' 130 65 X X NO 041231153115/IS 6' 92.75 46 X X X 8' 130 90 X E= 8' 130 65 X X Z 8' 115 58 X X X W E 8' 68.75 34 X X X X i.- w $ 130 90 X on F- 101 o m 10' 130 65 X X X LZ O U) c H 10' 94.75 47 X X X X W Z O ;e 0 12' 130 90X U) W L) �° m 12' 130 65 X X - m w CO =m 12' 120 60 X X X 0XO 0:Eo 12' 69.75 35 X X X X Q: _J [ m rn Q W Q co N 14' 130 80 X O U CO 14' 130 65 X X N d 14' 120 60 X X X U) 14' 64.75 32 X X X X W 16' 130 75 X w rn 16' 130 65 1 X X 16' 110 55 X X X 16' 60 34.25 X X X X 20' 58 29 X X 24' 48 24 X X CON "Table is intended for drop-in and LDT anchors in concrete. J WOOD: Lag anchoring(incl. LDT)into wood as follows o Column 1*: 3/8"thread, 1.75"penetration into SYP(0.55 sg) N o Column 2*: 3/8"thread, 3.1"penetration into SYPa) 0 0 C7 t > v Column 3*: 1/2"thread, 3.0"penetration into SYP V C U r- m O-C n o Column 4*: 1/2"thread, 3.7"penetration into SYP is o J ti O EARTH: * Specified earth anchor may be used with any of table choices. 'v LL `t a HOLLOW BLOCK:Column 1',approved epoxy anchoring system for 3/8"& 1/2"thread. L ( L 00 m -1 U U t0 NOTE: "Design pressure may be increased by 5%for negative loads C -0 M C TRACK SYSTEM:Table applies to track system,anchored with two 5/16"fasteners per C (j m o 0 cleat,as follows: C C - a 01 7 E w into hollow block, min. 1 1/4"embed can be installed as in column 1* :c .� 3 into concrete,min. 1 3/4"embed can be installed as in column 3* ".� Q 3 into concrete,min.2"embed can be installed as in column 4' Co N into wood(SYP. sg.0.55),min. 1"embed can be installed as in column 1* -U rn into wood(SYP. sg.0.55),min. 2"embed installed as in column 3' CJ NOTES: ~ Anchor Spacing: varies inversely with pressure and is subject to rational analysis. Span:is measured anchor to anchor. ANCHOR SPECIFICATION: Part numbers: 3/8"Lag Anchor(AS9038S) 1/2"Lag Anchor(AS90123) mm Ta con 5/16",3/8",and 1/2" LbT can anchor in both wood and concrete d Drop-in Ancho 3/8"Steel Drop-in anc�ln00 PSI(m�conete, 1 5/8"min. 0' embedment(H3038w 12"Steel Drop-in n00 PSI(mrete, 2"min. embedment(H3012S) Earth Anchor: Proprietary System: Stabilized 1/2"x 30"shaft with 4"helix DATE: Q4/23/15 Working load 3150 LBS.(E7912P) SCALE: N.T.S. Soil Class: 5(medium dense coarse sand) Epoxy Anchor. Equal to Red Head umbrella inserts and screens with C7 adhesive. SHEET: 2 of 9 \ - TRUSS GUSSET LATE 318',11112' ------------- - � LEA E:TABLE 1 e '•.► -� oss 4A /;; ATE ANCHORING 1� +•1(� �, Q RNED EYE OR PLAIN ••, `,� o t ovLDT v DT 1,- ���,45'� y�'1� ✓r,�J.G,� il UJ ABLE LAG •d 7l i'I l ii S,AS9038S) G= ED VERTICAL ONLY THEOCORE BERMAN,P E NO.39814 m E TRUSS MEMBER 0,23,15 LLJ "MIN.EDGE� E. / z x w Lu E Lu CD m = m Q >- m Lu O � c E m w 0 WXu. E X U � � (X0Q LL rnwU Va ca V' OXO p�Eo z wd ^a Co LL CD ~ Q N U U N d ' � g � w - O cn CONCRETE FOOTING Q SE SHEET ANCHORS SEE SHEEEE 1 AT 1 ANCHOR SPECS. 5e: —I-=1_I I I — — TYPICAL E STORY ASSEMBLY � � �C�S INSTALLATION (� N u0' U) m O co O N -0 'Z6 -0 O — 3/B"or 112" co N Of LL v a EYE or BOLT < `o i s ob and DROP-IN -o m co M I' ANCHORS Q O m i 0 z SEE: TABLE 1 `o •- a cLm � E - c (I m [OR TRACK] m L U Q r O= 3 m m� � N CONCRETE i y FOOTING— q� A CONCRETE SLAB X- (4"MIN.THICKNESS) m r �X '° I (3000 PSI Min.) m 1= ( 3 I1 C - c Eli H w� ALTERNATE ASSEMBLY DATE: 04/23/15 INSTALLATION AT EXTERIOR SLAB SCALE: N.T.S. SHEET: 3 of 9 STORM BAR `,� �0' RL SPAN 4' 5' ; 6' I 8' 9'9" fid, MAX. PSF i 135 86 60 I 135 _ 60 �.�,�.• ,,;• o fi•:�,� i DEFLECTION 5.5" 6.1" 6.7" 8.5" 16" 1 h N0 0y$14 `• ' SYP2"X6" X X X i ALUM.TUBE X y: 2"x 6"x 1/8' •a �SYP4"X8" � '5��; ST',Tc -DEFLECTION:ACHEIVED BY ONE OR MORE STORM BARS AND MAY BE s�s' . C 1 INCREASED WITH BLOCKING i✓ f '�� �11 ��xi✓s��, -ALUM.TUBE TO BE TYPE 6061-T6 -ANCHOR ENDS WITH 5/16"X 1-1/2"TAPCON MIN.OR WITH ALUM. MTD BRACKET AND \ THEOO NRO. 998;4AN.P .E TWO 1/4"X ONE 1/2"TAPCONS ` _ 0411/+s -SUBJECT TO RATIONAL ANALYSIS \� -� z w E o W o li Q F- U) o m zoU) �� y of W=LL E w_ ALTERNATE v) w U m m E ANCHOR � m w vii=_ m POINTS O X O X= E o m -i � �ndm w Q u- Q0 0 n A Q 0 < 3m U N0- U) w — Lxw 1�1^ \\�`\. w -1 LL. „ Iz u I5� U) U YI tE� J o CD -Ln o E Y 3/8"ORV2• STORM BAR .2 ti a) 0 0 --', DROP-INANCHORSCONFIGU RATION � _ c v -;0 SEE TABLE 1 T—x YI , "' " U 0 U) r') ti @ -0 J I'- O Ir- \ IEII (n NLL 'It CL CL 00 m z c 11 I_ rl� ll 0 co 0 aC)i � x PORCH INSTALLATION E L @ m U Q C REMOVABLE EYE d N O �U rn PAVER ~ m PAVERINSTALL � WITH STABILIZER WITH CONCRETE 5 l� STABILIZER FOOTING— 180 S0.IN m �I .-•! d a X, L' C X.\ I Lu - P--Il DATE: 04/23/15 INTO O EAR I H EARTH ANCHOR,4'DIAM.HELIX SCALE: N.T.S. HORIZONTALLY ALTERNATE ASSEMBLY [NUALLAID 2'0.C.. SEE: ABLEI'IZED SHEET: 4 of 9 _I i--nn 4S 111111 ix" - 3'MIN ,VIII IIII � oA A ti N I1 LI)IJ I II-I_. CZl y C C) O Xi m �� - Typical of wall anchors —111 1 m m rn III II x �-z .------ _ A IIi1DILI"Lll-II4-� r w �� S aOWad ARMOR SORE 9 3Nd01aa1H 3191X31, ARMOR SCREEN FLEXIBLE EN F�EXIB�E HURRI a3RlNV (ALTERNATE TO TI BSM) E WRIER � a rel �✓ • I � D m P, D 3 z �DDCJDO A 1> M ZD�dDn Dcuc� EDz-0zD; (azo-mZ mv, mom �ZDD � 70 'CM o n0C)z(43> M r D 17C54� r ^ O 3 r- Z J M D .Z7 Z o d �oyrftaaaar���a _ fTl Z Z r*t 'i•e ,'PO `� •'! iii n to ii•,dd`�• Ci. Qpo '-i • rn ?m m 0 co = n y Engineering ARMOR SCREEN '> ". •,'� -rt l+ �+,F/>) M D Review By: Ted Berman and Associates, LLC ::1i m Certificate of Authorization#27502 SERIES 2000 FLEXIBLE WIND ABATEMENT/ M "' m A�� '•,i ,i v'�°d 0 o 925 Arthur Godfrey Rd.Suite 104 IMPACT PROTECTION SYSTEM r'z"'s- b�'Z :Et o N Miami Beach, FL 33140 ARMOR SCREEN,Inc. ' t a���t+i co in Fie (305)868-4707 2744 Hillsboro Road l / L West Palm Beach,Fl- 33405 www.flproductapproval.com (561)841-8890 www.armorscreen.com f �T_ %%at,i:3d iK.ij�,r� ;ari." A Tr�uHtN r1=�� Vu ON �s1I vldC M SYN HE3ER STRAP •a v E•f�j ;•."/ ry (PRODUCT ►v0 M-17CH).TC B �• `�•" r,� `� `'.9 z SEWN INTO GEOSYNTHtTIC � �y 'Y J FIBER MATER AL[Moy Le z J 'corporate .snap nook or »�. e QUAD FLAT FELLED\PLACS D-ring; Part Nc-s e `� Y Q / - AS-52i4, . m , -EO SYNTHETIC /2 13e T*7^ ' Hsi 0, ASS.s "„�' S op THREAD # 138, AS91i2.]A' TOP ANI) BOti FABRIC SHEETAV F W_ G£GSYNTHETIC ?tib ? MATERIAL ` iZir� O >a� WEAVE NOT SHOWN FOR r�Y"�a=!ltS11Sa�,`, �'3 CLAIRITY GF STRAP - Z OCONF IGURATION--i -- THEODORE BERMAN.P.E. . _ 1-(U NO.09814 Lo Z ..-.._..._.- -'__. !14/73/15 H•- 3� TOP STRAP DETAIL ' I, LLJ ' w W 2 E ~ W ° I� Q cn n c m CO am W a0 c m 11 2 wZp ws°O� E ` U � F w 2=m` !n W U U am m � m � o =w OXO p'. o =-_ LLJ Of WEAVE NOT SHAWN FpR c U �m CLARITY OF STRAP�\ N IL F, Z CONFIGURATION � g w \ w WELLINGTON SYNTHETIC FIBER STRAP a) FINISH GRARE PRODUCT NO. M-17OH (OR APPROVED EQUAL) TO BE SEWN I_Jl=til=iil-l-11=11- `i!TI1=! INTO GEOSYNTHETIC FIBER MATERIAL i... BUCKLE W/STRAP AND TRIGLIDE EARTH ANCHOR, ---_y SEE SECTION"J/6 OF 7" SEE ANCHOR SPECIFICATIONS BOTTOM STRAP DETAIL ON SHEET 2 OF 9. SOIL SHALL BE MIN.CLASS 5(MEDIUM (AT EARTH ANCHOR) DENSE COURSE SAND). o a vi C E Ucfn jti to O•� c') 0 0 U N J d T Ll" 1 Q ca 3 WEAVE NOT SHOWN FOR C CD 00 o 2 m CLARITY, AND STRAP of •E v n i-a CONFIGURATION m L m CONC EXTERIOR SLABWELLINGTON SYNTHETIC FIBER STRAP OLO PRODUCT NO. M-170H �U 04 \ (OR APPROVED EQUAL) TO BE SEWN O INTO GEOSYNTHETIC FIBER MATERIAL �... 1/2' OR 3/8' RAIL DROP-[N ANCHORS SEE ANCHOR SPECS. ON SHEET 2 `-- BUCKLE W/TRIGLIDE, SEE SECTION"J/6 OF 7" BOTTOM STRAP DETAIL (AT ANCHORAGE INT❑ CONCRETE) 3 wx DATE: 04/23/15 ® SCALE: N.T.S. SUPER CONTOURED MODEL BUCKLE BY NEXUS SHEET: 6 of 9 3/8' STEEL LAG =:rn a LAG THREAD TURNED >> 0� • .�C �o„ W'w c)oc EYE BOLT 1 3/4' MIN �� EMBED. 4w`� 'n �1,G )4 -.•90 : No OS£i?� ALTERNATE 3/8' DIAM ar ' STA' OF }i DROP-IN ANCHOR +�, •' '��� y'n. U H= GEO SYNTHETIC HURRICAN SCREEN s•�,C ti� ,, a oxI— C3 03 ALTERNATE �`- 43- .`��'vf� WW~¢ TOP STRAP DETAIL J4 O THEODORE BERMAN.P.E. w Ce 3 d FOR OPENING 10 FEET OR LESS Nw 7O. 9854 I= Z w ALTERNATE CORNER DETAIL ADJACENT SCREENS Lu E m � o } i - Wotn wZZ Z0� E h .-.}-i -„-. I '�", __ _ W O, is F TYPICAL ADJACENT m m � =m 3 _ _ = SCREENS ARE w o Q-E, OVERLAPPED ONEa LL a a N ANCHOR SPACING. o v 3 co Cn V Cn a w - HE w tn SCREEN THREAD NOT SHOWN (NTS) (NTS) (NTS) \ �� FOR CLARITY � STRAP DETAIL BUCKLE W/ STRAP AND TRIGLIDE ' SEE SECTION 'J/6 OF 7' WELLINGTON SYNTHETIC FIBER STRAP PRODUCT NO. M-170H U COR APPROVED EQUAL) TO BE SEWN J INTO GEOSYNTHETIC FIBER MATERIAL J N NOTE: SCREENS MAYBE GROMMETED. (1 Anchor Overlap) vi ~ (U O U 0c (nc*� ti co TRACK DETAIL o.- . co o > 0 U) N J V tZ . Q C N '000 sZ— w U U � Do COa� O O 'O () mo O INSIDE MOUNT CEILING m z s E v Efm I � Q = LO 3 I 0u °D I I I I I I I WALL ' MOUNT Wm DATE: 04/23/15 INSIDE MOUNT SCALE: N.T.S. FLOOR SHEET: 7 of 9 2Ty 5P0 zR yR � ,l���is L530 ti G� •TYP �A r .062 R «v �---�- 0.350 �--- 1.110 No 09,314 ••� I s �e• a 0.125 I .125 R r 45' TYP x OF FULL R .Z •s�= +� �w TYP 2 .�-- 1.0310 -4 C r�t V f� 3.750 rC`�!l a olp N BRACKET(PART#A�0�yYl 100) ALUMINUM THEODORE GERMAN,?.E. NQ 09814 6005-T +'— 0.750 —S F- 7 Z W W � 0 0.750 ~ w QF- c 1 0 o m — — Wzz c ' N O w 0 Lu a:LZ E Lu2dq NWU Un° m Q: m W to=m 3 2 ND � Wd' �vmrn lv/ -j CL IL sham 3.750 w Oil 0 Lu U) U J Jo v Uj;n o .375 DIA N E TYP 2 U c U) -- 1.5C0 � 0= .6 (nN LL a CL < o y �o0 m 1. 00 D � cn C o a) -o m o 0.375 .047 R o .- YP o D-RING CARRIERS(AS-5214) T4W a E EU SPRING CLIPS(H-5100) 0.571 v °' 3/8";KEYHOLE CLIP AS9138 1.444 0.250 1 YHOLE CLIPS(A 9112 D:D -41 / 0.280 0.094 7_ 5116"TAPCONS(FT1556) -? 318"TAPCONS(FT1538) m; 1/2"TAPCONS(FT1512) FULL 0.750 7 3/8"LA AS9038S) m� /8"CARRIAGE BOLT "I"TCK(PART#AS-1000) DATE: 04/23/15 112"LAG ANCHOR(AS9112S) ALUMINUM ALLOY SCALE: N.T.S. 6005-T5 1/2"CARRIAGE BOLT SHEET: 8 of 9 , y F ATE OF 62 ��l;zs�flj4lSl',�0 LLL" THEOCORE BERMAN.P E. N0.]9814 SCREEN LOADING ON STRUCTURE (PER LINEAR FOOT) Z DESIGN LOAD (PSF) Ui w 30 40 50 6b 70 90 i 110 130 Z <>< c� 4 1 180 1 217 I 276 284 332 1 358 401 5 224 275 312 342 355 416 j 447 500 ° w2 6 268 327 372 408 426 500 536 599 m "m X � O p Q o 311 380 437 480 503 579 � 625 704 � U3� a �N a 8 355 438 497 546 574 663 715 802 ` o Q 9 399 491 j 557 617 644 747 804 901 Cn 10 447 543 625 683 715 832 893 1013 w 11 491 602 683 749 786 910 982 1105 U) �- 12 535 654 743 821 857 994 1072 j 1203 13 579 712 808 887 928 1079 1155 1302 C- 14 j 622 760 j 868 959 999 1165 1244 1401 z 15 666 818 928 1025 1070 1241 j 1333 1506 W U 16 715 870 994 1091 1141 1325 1423 1604 co 17 758 j 923 j 1054 1162 1212 1410 j 1512 1703 18 802 981 1114 1228 1283 1494 1601 j 1802 = ° 19 846 1034 1180 1300 1359 1572 1690 1907 0 `� m o J ti 2 20 890 1086 1240 1366 1430 1657 1 1780 2005 �� 21 933 1144 1305 1432 1 1501 1741 1869 2104 Co 73 22 977 1197 1365 1504 1572 1825 1958 2203 0 co` �° 0 23 1026 1250 ( 1425 1570 1643 1903 2047 2308 ti v 3 F24 1069 1308 1491 1642 1714 i 988 2137 2406 _ 3 r0 N �L � Ci Notes: 1. Span is measured anchor to anchor. m.. � 3 C > OI> CG) W x DATE: 04/23/15 SCALE: N.T.S. SHEET: 9 of 9