HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement I ' JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT �ILUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4397943 OR BOOK 4093 PAGE 2853, Recorded 02:/05/2018 '12:06:51 PM NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT !' Permit No, Tax Folio No. WZ -roZ State of Florlda County of St.Lucie The undersigned hereby gives notice that Improvement will be made to certain real property,and In aecoidance with Chaptet 713,Florida Statutes, the following information Is provided In this Notice of Commencement. Le�IDescrIglon of Property:(and street a dress if available): tmn A e. -73, i 6/7i�u,wl �{awdl�t to 1/7,PM(,el. �V .C.�. General description oflmprovement;1�QWMlat'A-P— �w9 4k 1i Ownerh�for norlr_sseelnorma if a e®contract dfor helmprovemern: I ! i Name f✓ vu. � �. I' Address II I - interest!n property: :i I Name and address of fee simple tMeholder(if different from Owner listed above): j Contractor'sNeme: V nQ P\ li I o--4 CO2 v, i Contractor Address'. L Phone fNvmber. ® ® e=r M '3 "r (�'� ^y C Surety(If applicable,a copy of the paym attached);Amount of bond:$ rz�—z c r T o Name and address: Phone number: c c n o Lender Name: hone Number: rn Z o Lenkesaddress: �� y Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may the served as provided by Sectio - x = o LUL13(1}(a)7.,Florida Statutes: I ' aD Name: Or Phone Number. Address: j Ion to In addition to himself or herself,Owner designates of I to receli e a copy of An s Llenors Notice as provided in Section 713.23(1Nb),Florida Statutes 4 F, Phone number of person or entity designated by owner. I I ter, Expiration date of notke of commencement: (the expiration date may not be before the completion of instruction and final payment to th contractor,but will be 1 year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified) WARNiNGTO OWNER:ANY PAYMENTS MADE BYTHEOWNER AFTERTNE EXPIRATION OFTifE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENTARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CIiAPM 713,PART 1,SECTION 713.13,FLORIDA 57ATUTES,AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY.A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POS7ED ON THE JOB SITE SIFORE THE 11RST INSPECTION.IF YOU IffrEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING,CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Under pea per)udeclare I have read the foregoing notice of commencement and that the,facts stated therein are true to the best of my(mow dge�nd bali i i I r� IL (S-1gnatu wner or Lessee,or Ovm rs or ssee's"orized Officer/olreo/Partner/Manpger l i (Slgnatary!sTltie/Office) f �lIt✓' C j'j 1 /"Q ► 4 The f ng Instrument was ac(mowl dged before me th((�day ofjf&, 20B By leas `l for ,�,la�of P Q Type o�authority{e g,offlcer tntstee) party nn half of om lnstrument was executled h P Klf erlyli M.Imadrsonally known^or produced Identification �"'/� (Signature o Notary PUNIC-State of Florida) Commm�slan 166175422 (Printflype,orStampCammissJonedNarneofN r P ?� Eqf.januatyf6,Z6*eof-ldentlficationproduced BUM to Aaron NOWry '+ I I