HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Acceptance ' iGIIA1I�.DADE C�UiQT'Y ERO DO -GONTR SECTION' OL DEpARTN IST OF;REGULATORY ANIIECONONiIC'RESOURCES (RSR) i, 1I, zw26Street,Room208 BOARD AND CODE ADIVIINISTRATIONDIVISION Mme,Florida 33175 2474 i 3 TY 786) 15 259f1 F 78 315 2599 N01'1G O ;Acl,E NCE.(NOA) = www. e�lecoeom . i . Ik©Indies Itd. ! Brampton;Ontario CANADA �. 1 L6R�3H4 1 NOV 6,�0�7 SCOPE r PEWAFFTING- St Lucie C -Te hiO Ls em issue zmder the `hcable rules and re Y, �L ounty .77777-� app gulahons govetnmg the use of construction materials The doeumentauon submitted has beenreviewed and accepted by M:ami`Dade County RER Product, n1roL Section xo;be= used m aarsr Dade County aad other areas where allowed by- Authority Having Sunsdictlon(A TJj ThisNOAshall ziot be valid after the eXpirahon date stated below The Miami Dade County Product Corot Section i (Miami"Dade eounty).and/or:the AHJ(-m areas ot{ier thauMtami=Dade Co pr then xo have this oduct ; reserve ': or atenal tested for giiahty assurance.purposes If this Prodi ct or n atenal;faits to,perfo i m the=acceptedmauner,the. an cur-mcur the expense of`h' such testing;aud the pi T33 may mimediatelyevoke;mochfy;or suspend the use. o f such product ormatertat within their.unsdietron RER reserves.-: &right to revoke tFus;acceptance, rt Lz deteed by AamVDade Eounty.Prvduct Control Scmhon°thax.tfiis product ormatonaI fads to Meet the; euts of the appircablebiuldmg code. oduct is oved.as descnbedh Tlispr aper erein.and has:been desigaed;to comph1he.F.16hda t3nldmg=Code mel the ,i Velocity e`Zo Florida Bu�Idm Code Cambmdge.-Catu l ge HD;an d BlItmere LABEId�tG•l✓ach unrt;shatl bear a permanent label'w3th:ttie mantifactare1es name or logo,cttstate and following statement :"li�Iiaim Dade County Prodicr Coritral Approved" unless:ottierwisenoted herein. - - f- RE - NE. AL"o£this NOA shall-be considered'after a<renewal application has been filedandxhere iras been no change m -a-,pplicable buftding code'negatively a$ectugfilie performance o£thts;produet TIItNIIMATIONof this NOA will occur after the expiration date of ifthere has been a revision or clrauge m flie materials,rise,and/ormanufacture of ttie product or process._Misuse_ofxhl,sF NOA as an endorsement of arEyproduct,_for_ sales,advertising orany other.Purposes shall automatically'teimulate#lusNOA.Fanure tocomply with auy sectonof this NOA-shall be cause for thr.mm titin and:removal-of NQA.. ADVEIZTLSEtVtNT The NSA nu>riber preceded b the wordslblismi Daae Com y ty,Florida, and followed by the egp�ration date maybe>ciisplayed;.iaadverfsmg lterare if auyporon aftfieNQ_A is displayed,then i = rt shall be done ui its entirety i' , I1�ISPECTI0_N A copy_afttns.enhrh e NOAAiall be.provided to the user bythe manufacturer or its distd`tiufars:and shall be available,for ' _, inspection ar the"fob site;at the request of the Building'Official This NOA,renews NOANo 14-0603 02 and consists:of pages 1 through 4 j 'The submitted documentation was-reviewed 1iy:GasparJ Rodriguez. NOA No 164032913 C® RA�� i.. EslnonDate OSf05/21 - `- - o,� C9��' ! , A1►prowal--Date .04/Z1116 Page 1 Qf4. o .. e h �I r:- .. _ n , :: -. - .k 1 ! )'Y..' 1 FY IM ' ,I, j1) .. .1 _ i.. 3, 5� li:.. R I 'y k W_— I y ,11. .. 'a RUOFINSEMBLY P.APPROL ;� Caor�f Roofing { r� 1. 1; , Sab-Ca' oro Asphalt Shingles �� I d Materials- ' Deck Tvoe . T aria�natP , Wood ' - / j I I p r I. ;. - SCOPE 1 . �` . i - a rNf Sym using Cambridge AlZ,Cambridge HD,and Biltmore�R s j manufacftaed hy3KU Tnduslnes Ltd.as deM.sert`bed ii"in;Sechon2 of hia Notc�eofA' `' - . A s fit Product Dunencions`" Test SDec�6catio 4 ctDescrm ns , PI " tion Cambdge 1`3 3/a x40'/s TAS 110 r'`� P ;. F; 1 _ 1 oq,weight1.fJ& lass reinforced' : Mmzufactunnglocation#1,-2 ," I. - i` an,»rP asphaltshingle s 1 ; �` At f _.", dge`HD 1 s/4„: r/8,,.. TAS 110 hA h 1 I. '� glgta reinforced:, Manufaciunng Loeaiion#I 2 3 '` laminate; `, F - m , SAY .9.�1ti�ore AR L3 3/4" 40'/8"..' TAS 110 -D A hea w Manufactra7nglocalzo�r#1, 2VT - ;.-I pasphalt shingle, re�nf , .'.' Y 11AC�l[IRING IOCATION l7 , k 1c - �: '. 1 Kanlrakee,II. 2 77,Wiln11 un M12- DE r t: a � { j `3- Sylacuaga, Mon � y .1 EVIDENCE SuD .5,� � .; .. � . I . - - I *O"".."', "' , , - min W&V- . . . 1 Test.Agencv _ {ame/Re�rt Test Identifier Test N - Date 4 # PRI:Construction lVsatenals Inc IKO-050-02-014 TEAS 100 12/2I%09 - s<t IKO-076-02-01 TAS i�00 `� Oz/21%12 r IKO-114-02 Ol. T1�Sl0E}f': 09/25/14 f IKO-099=02-01`"• TAS 1'OQ Q5/i —4 . �� +; .77 IKO-01.1v96-02-01 AS:TMtD�3462 09/27/13 - IKO-095-02-01, 1. ASTM D 3462 09/27%13 ' IKO 121 Q2 01 ASTM D 34462 09/25%14 L IKO-100-U2-Ol : ASTM D 31'61(TAS-107) 05/21/14 ]KO-115-Q2-UI' . TMD (T10 } 3lbl,� 09/25/14 J a h ; xi, 1 Approvals 3041689 AS �D�3462 02/23%11 3036971 °` AS- AS'TM D:�3 1� 107) f Oi104/09 3042623 ASI _ E`108 r 04/12111 E t � { t ' (, } ru mot c . 1 F ` ' NOA No 16-ti3.913:. Eapuatroalate tt5/05/21 { A.pprovalDate 04/Zl/lfi ��, Page 2 of 4 �, , F "; _ � ; IS - , V� - . ' x yr� _ - - .. - -. 11, s ', -_f ' 1 LerA2roNs _ ., f y , ;�1 rF classifica1.hog is riot part 1...this acceptance,refer to a cuirrent Approved Roofing,.Matei7als DirectoQ.ry for fire ratings of this pmduict 2. 2 Sal notbe installedonroofnieanheights ui`excess of 33 ft. s E 3 All products listed+herein shall have a guahty`assurauce audit m accordance wrthfe Florcda Bu7dmg Code and ,R­de>6,G20 3 of the Figrida Admmistra�zve;.Code. I1�TSAIti�©N . 1 �hmgles`s3�ai1 be mstatled m compliance wrthRoofing Applcatron S`taidaTd�RAS'115 2 Flaslimg sliall be m accordance with Roofing.Application StandardtlZAS lrl� 1. N 3 The manufacturer shall:provtde clearly:wntten application instructions 4 Exposuire an(course layout shall be m'complianee with Detail`A;attached Na*i shall be?n compliance witli Detail B'°attacled. r , TA W . _, x s L S. 14tuagles s3a11 be labeled with the Miaair Dade,Seal as seen tieloQv.or the wording rami D1. ade County F ocluct Coatrol�Appr,o ^r v ' .0 'y n r2 Yl r • .: . . - �.r�. .,. F: Ir Bi�0;4 P RML,REQITIRFMF $ f :2 Apply- - - for builduig pemut shall be accompamed',by copies of#Tae following - 1�1 Trus I7oiac,,ofAcceptanee fi l2 Any other docutuents required.by'the Building Official.or the applicable code m order to pro ' y evaluate the mstaIIation of this. P�IY system., . ' I. { ! . jjr ! , . ., J f - - _ - .. F . . .. r .. . r - 4 `. (I: _ - .. t . - } `- NOANo 16-032913 1. 4 - 1:1. EaQitationDate. OS/051./21 . - ApgFnval Date ima2 6 page 3 of 4> - f, . j •. , cM ,-d 11��1. all \ 4 k 1 1 1 F S `,' f �t w g 3 1 .. i' 1, k i 1, i Y. , 11 r. .isp� Y► k "l l t i ! t S f \ Y 1 AI "�}�I - � :�l b. t 6„ 1 �,, \ I ;q1.� i i` t ) h� � i`, 1 lz l f f 1 t11 1 ..1z 'L 1, . , i l � , `iJ 1 +. i Its t 1 }, r �' {l,l tof 1. 1!+; . _ s � ` 0 0 \ - I.r0a - 11 _ U WIN .` �` - \ \� �O ., , i- \ \\ W a ,�. ry'„ U . , ,. A4 I� H W \ '\ , A �: .. �.\ i - I A w \� kav, \ _. . �. \ o \�. " w �.. ,,�,� \\, ; �\ \ L �\\\ .r, \ \\ \ U \\�\,� `` \. `I�.. \. \ AN \ \ .\ \ \ �� off �. U .. ;�\ % \ 1 ' h I ,F r, I , d, + C 'I ? s t 44444 % I, af,. i 1 •s� „� :•I -:r:U 1 t -: 1 ,. 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