HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application b ti ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPL-ICAT16N T6 BE ACCEPTED ®� @ Permit Number, - - Building permit Applicatioln ' f3�aF�fifiig i3fl�6@li@16�i3i@iit:§@i•tilE@� RuiidiH�@�d'End@�@�ul�tiai►6i�i�iur� • ��aa 1%fitgiNfa Ali@fl!1@;dart Pi@�c@ FC:��9�� Pha (772)46,24-9-921 f (772)46245-7g Commercial ResidentialPERMIT APPLICATION APPLICATION FOR! To 0@1W frof dr©pbox, 611ok arrow @fth@ end of line PROK AR IMPROVFIVIFNT L-OCATIONa Addr@§§i �.5�__ate' _A7� 1.1 _r�—__��r.. Lag@1 &Al 1sYNV �C5 Prep@rty T@k i6# _ xA_5__-_Su►Q Lot -- Sit@ Plan Nafw Block No. ----- ftjLBEt N@ei@ 8@tb9Ek§ Vfa it...._....___ Bak- Right S-Id@'s_._.__.__Left`aid@ DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORk! Wdv�c�OSS w 1r1 o� r.�Wc�r 1,� p/ ^ y .... EaNSTRUCTION INFORMATION. ' f196 (� @ ~ r ury r § rria t=E @c'all aputters �Hi�Ac 12@§Tank E8pfihkl@r§ G@§ PiRiflR Windows/Dodrs— ki@EtfiE Plumbing c@u@r@tar L—1 It®at ROW pitch fetal Rq: Ft a e-mii:uEtib 6 : rt:Of Fir§Woor: Ee§t of t6H§tfUEtian 0 �� Lltilit1@§t i#@w@r ElS@ tic BuIldi ng Height:--- ---_---- OWN FRAESSHL CONTRACTOR,''' N@iii@ N@h`i@i Addi@§§i \131 \bAr�_y��z L1 Cts c6rnpany€�2i e��► �s `�w_a -- Cita: Addr@§§:'ION - i Paki city: fa'0\ S&�.,.� P6@fl@ Ne: ' ZIP Code,, FaX; "7 8 S'_ 5��1 ----------- -- €mmail Phah@ Nay Ste^ T r�l��o Fill in f@@§irripl@ Titl@ H61d@r On twit P@d@(If dif#@r@Nt Ezmall: ffw th@ Owia@r 110@61 @b6v@) St@t@ ar Cauhty 6100s@; -- -- ---- - --- -- --------------------------_— - ------ — i#vaIU@ 6#E6H§ttue i®H is X2966 6r m6r@,a RECO@DE15 N6t1@@ 6#(r6wtl@6€@r writ Is r@quir@d. I. I II I \ I -SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATIONc ff O—NE A191SIGINIM Not Applicable MORTGAGE comO 4NY: -Not Applicable NaeiLs. Name: Addf@gg Address: City: __ stat@: City:— - - -=— - --state: -- 2ip Phe@ls Zip: — PlHori@:_ _ _ FEE SIMPLE TITLE MOLDER: —Net Applicable BONDING COMPAi1Y: Not'Appli€able Naffita r Naffi@ Addr@g§ Addf@§§: - �if�s city: -- gi� OWNER @®NTRA@T@R APFIE)ViT:Appl1@ati6R i§h@f@by fliad@ t6 6btaih a,p@fffiit t6 d6 th@ Vw6fk and in§tallati6n A§indicated, I E@fti#y ti@t H6 wafk®F ifl§t@llation{i@§E6ffiffl@MCM Of16F t6 th@ i§§U§Hf @ 6#@ p@r"Itfit: ;1 §t�61 in an .fRak@ H6 f@�f@g@f��tIQH t ahi§Ran% @�@FRilt lr�ill aut�6Fl§@ t��@Fnjlt h61d@�,�t6 build tf�@�Ub�@€t gi�rt�cture W I@ i§iH 6H IES wit aH� ppl�@a @ 6 @ W @F§ § 6@ at16fl fU @§,by aW§ r @ €6V,@Rant§fat may,F@ tF€t r pro I It gu€h §tfuEtuF@:P@i@a§@ E6R§lilt with y6uf N6fR@ WH@F§A§§6@fatf6H and f@Vi@W y6UF @@ fir any f@§tri€elfin§whl€ tiiay apply, In @6R§id@fati6R of the bfanting of thi§f@Qu@§t@d p@ffnit,I do hereby agree that I will,ifl dll regpe€tg,perform the work IR aE@6fdON—with the appf6V@d Pl§h§,the Florida Building€fid@§and St:Lu€I@ County Ariendmelits, Th@ fallowing building p@ffHit appllEatl6H§af@ @1t@fiipt fforn undergoing a full€on€Urr@nEy review:room additions, a@@@§§6FV§tfu@tuf@§,§wi iffilHd p661§,f@HE@§,W611§,§ign§,§€f@@R f66ni§and a€€@§§ory Us @§to another nofl=r@§id@ntial Use WABNIN6 TO OWNER,Youf€allum to f coed a N®tire of Comw@fic@mwit fnay re§ult lff your paying twice f®r iii t®it@m@fig ® ®ef prep@rty:A Neti€@ of Cerem@e€@m@et maUtrecorded grid posted an the fob§ite bleafm tH rgir IHg�@rt�ee: i yea int@ed ®ebtaiff fil�afj€ie�,€®ri t it I@nd@r or On aftor@@y before -------------- ----------- II\ I I %Hat%&r §§@@ ry aEt6F @§Ap@Rt 6F®WR@f §idfldt f f�6R f t6F/6i@@t1 f�61d@f STATSTATE:_ ORI©' { ;I COUNTY Of= � _, GOI�NTY I� ��- l a � Th@# I, aiHd iR§tf @Ht W§§aEkR6W1@dg@d,b@f6f@ Hi@ The f;6fp6iRp iH§tFUt nt wa§0&rlowly@ddbefore me 6# , 6 by thi§._day 6f.--_-. .:._---------- _ by NaHi@ 6f p@f§6R fRakinh§tat@Ri@Rt Name of p rsan making stat6ment- — P@f§eRally known OR Pf6du€@d Identifi€ation Per§finally known- L ®It'Produc'ed Identifi€ation._ Typ@ 6#id@Rti€i@ati6R Type of Identification! II Pf6dlj@@d Produced I I (§#HatuF@ at,N6tafy 130i&stat@ of Fl6fida) Ratuf@ of Notaryl!Publi€= tat@ 6f;Plorlda tBfHffil§§16R N6: L(SHAH @ RAM LASHAHNA ING �?bfiifiil§ I N6: ,:::::, ,••"r Puy.,, Stat of Florlda ,��� : Notary Public a, .o' Notary Public-State of Florida i c «�' gyres D c 20,2018 =• ;•c My COrtim.Expires Dec 20,2018 E ............------..._...._ r m xp non to -- f3f�VI�W ��®N� qc Co mis o a1N r Assn. _ OFF, r tion IN t r "^ Ott . it®ANT � f= REVIEW R= I- ,I ��R�VI W --------- ------------- DATE _Irc-�I1i ➢....................-.......= - --- - -------------------------------- - - -' - -=' - - - DATE --------------- q I � ' -BUILDING PLANNING i. 1 the opening containing the-product.with the glazed imum. J/4-inch hardware and shall be 1 1 opening. Panels shall be predrilled as required for installed with"6r have integral washers with a 1 the attachment method and secured with corrosion- minimum 1-inch outside diameter. 1 1 resistant attachment hardware'permanently installed iii. Vibration-resistant alternative attachments 1 on,the building. 1 designed to resist the component and clad- a. Attachments shall.be designed to resist the com- ding!loads determined in accordance with 1 j Tonent and cladding loadsdetermined in accor- provisions of'i Table!.R301.2(2) or ASCE 7 1 dance with either Table R301.2(2) or ASCE 7, shall ibe permitted. 1 1 with'the permanent corrosion-resistant attach- Table 8301.2.1.2 Windborne Debris Protection Fas- 1 1 ment hardware provided and anchors perma- tening Schedule for; Wood Structural Panels. 1 nently installed.on the building. Reserved. 1 1, b. As an alternative, panels shall be fastened at 16 8301. A hcation of ASTM E1996. The inches (406.4•mm) o.c. along the edges of the pp ' 1 text of Section 2.2 ofASTM E1996 shall be substi- . 1 opposing long sides of the panel. tuted.as follows: i a ii i. For wood frame construction fasteners shall 1 2.2 ASCE Standard: +, be located on the wall such that they are o 1 embedded'into the wall framing members, ASCE 7-10 American Society of Civil Engineers 1 nominally a minimum of I inch (25.4 mm) Minimum!Design)Loads for Buildings and Other from the edge of the opening and 2 inches Structures 1 ; 1 (50.8 mm) inward from the panel edge. Per- The text of Section;6.2.2 of ASTM E1996 shall be manently installed anchors used for build- substituted as follows: 1 Ings with wood frame wall construction shall 6.2.2 Unless otherwise specified, select the wind 1 have the' threaded portion that will be zone based on the ultimate design windeed V 1 as follows: ' utn embedded into the wall framing based on 1/q ' =inch(6.35 mm)lag-screws and shall be long 1 enough to penetrate through the exterior wall Wind Zone 1-130 mph :5 ultimate design 1 covering with sufficient embedment length wind speed, Vutr<y 140 mph. to provide an allowable minimum 300 Wind Zone .2-140 mph-<_ ultimate design 1 pounds ASD design withdrawal capacity. wind speed, Vulr<;150 mph at greater than 1 mile For concrete or masonry wall construction, (1.6 km)from the coastline.The coastline shall be 1 fasteners shall be located on the wall a mini- measured from the mean high water mark. 1 mum of 1.5 inches(37.9 mm)from the edge . Wind Zoni e 3-150 mph (58 m/s) <_ ulti- 1 of the opening and 2 inches (50.8 mm) mate design wind''speed, Vutr<_ 170 mph(76 m/s), 1 inward of the panel edge. Permanently or 140 mph (54;'m/s) <_ ultimate design wind installed anchors in concrete or masonry speed, Vulr 5 1704nph(7,,6 m/s)and within 1 mile i wall construction shall have an allowable 1 minimum=300 pounds ASD design with- (1.6 km) of the coastline. The coastline shall be measured from the mean high water mark. , 1 drawal capacity. _ . Wind Zone,"4—ultimate design wind speed, 1 ii.-For.concrete or—masonry—wall_construction, Vutr> 170 mph(76m/s).} 1 _ fasteners-shall be-located ori-the wall a mini- mum of 1.5 inches (37.9 mm)from the edge 8301.2.1.3 Wind speed conversion.Where referenced 1 of the opening and .2_-inches (50.8 mm) documents are,based on nominal design wind speeds 1 inward of the panel edge. Permanently and do not provide the lmeansi;for conversion between. installed anchors in Concrete or masonry ultimate design wind speeds and nominal design wind 1 wall construction shall have an allowable speeds;the ultimate design wind-speeds, Vutr,of Figure 1 minimum 300 -pounds ASD design. with- R301.2(4) shall be converted to nominal design wind 1 •drawal capacity and an allowable minimum speeds, Vasd,using Table R301?.2.1.3. 1 525 pounds ASD design shear capacity with R301.2.1.4 Exposure ,category. For each wind direc- 1 a 1.5.inch.edge distance.Hex nuts,washered tion considered, an exposure category that adequately wing-nuts, or bolts used to'attach the woodreflects the characteristics of ground surface irregulari 1 :! _ :. _ _structural panels to the anchors,shall be min- ties shall be ddermined'for the site at which the building TABLE R301.2.1.3 ._WIND;SPEED CONVERSIONSa i Vrrtr - 110 115 120 130 140 150 160 170j,'. 180 190 200 Vnsd 85 — 89 93 101 108 116 124 132!;! 139 . 147- 155 For SI: I mile per hour=0.447 m/s. a. Linear interpolation is permitted. ! j. 38 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE—'RESIDENTIAL,6th EDITION(2017) Copyright®2017 ICC.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Accessed by John Peterson on Sep 2[,x017 5x2:51 AM pursuant to License Agreement with ICC.No further reproduction or distribution authorized.ANY UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT,AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIESTHEREUNDER i i ++Eiw,e+9f�tii'�.......—.:.:i=,`,.wsi.=.�ti_'Mi"+.rn.�.,,:,—=ti+.=wig--G.1.r,F,.:�.,a�,rt:;�.x{,.4,r.....+n.a.�..wwtww.rri..:,-.tr.ac:—sr-win«sXc�:a..•..—:.::.ss..-..::..'.n,:,;«:wtma,N�rm-•n{:m i7ucsG-�r...zr-mr�a• ,..a. n.,..F,rn.�,"N•,nm.r..•nnv,.h.+ nn,.,,-`�•:.:r „ ..,11MI, • .y u fit zJUXN�. �I AM � . BCIS Home I Log In User Registration Hot Topics I Submit Surcharge I Stats&Facts Publications I FBc Staff ( BCIS Site Map i Links 1 Search 1 0—ro. Product ApprovalUSER:Public User P,eE,.�raEmEau 1� Product Qnnroval Menu Product or Application Search Application List>Application Detail I "`yACi?�Jrtl"� `"x FL# FL10970-R7 �,I Application Type Affirmation Code Version 2017 d r Application Status Approved Comments Archived ❑ Product Manufacturer JELD-WEN 1 Address/Phone/Email 3737 Lakeport Blvd Klamath Falls,OR!97601 (800)535-3936 II j fbcl@jeld-wen.com i Authorized Signature Jason Kantola fbcl@jeld-wen.com Technical Representative JELD-WEN Corporate Custiil er Service Address/Phone/Email 3737 Lakeport Blyd. Klamath Falls,OR 97601 j (800)535-3936 : custom erserviceagents@jell-wen.corn l� Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Windows ' Subcategory Single Hung Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency National Accreditation&Management Institute Validated By National Accreditation&Management Institute Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard „I' ii Year TAS 202 1994 i Equivalence of Product Standards ;1 Certified By I DI affirm that there are no changes in the new Florida Building Code which affect my product(s)and my product(s)are in compliance with the new Florida Building Code. Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity OYes O No O'N/A Ir Product Approval Method Method 1 Option4A I �1 r Date Submitted 07/10/2017 "' Date Validated 07/10/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval I j; Date Approved 07/15/2017 Il Summary of Products �i FL# Model,Number or Name Description 10970.1 Builders Atlantic Aluminum Side Load Single Hung(4,100)52.125"x 72"Insulated Glass (1/8 in-1/8 out Annealed)or Single Glaze(3/16 in Annealed) 0 ;I !I Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL10970 R7 CI CAC NI011624-RI.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:No 01/31/2026 Design Pressure:+50/-50 Installation Instructions Other: FL10970 R7 II DP- I-!, j. 50 52.125x72 Installation Instructions.Ddf Verified By: Hermes F. Norero,P!E.73778 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports d ;+ FL10970 R7 AE PER3032.Ddf q Created by IndependentiT jrd Party:Yes Ip i, If bli I Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487=1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer.Coovriaht 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement 1 11 :ill. j Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response toga public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions;please contact 850.487.1395.-Pursuant to Section 455.275 (1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Depart"'nt with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.l'If you do Aot wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you�are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. '� Product Approval Accepts: ,I M ON Slee 11111490141dilIM111 Mill I�' Y - I ii I it lu I i i, i NOTICE OF PRODUCT CERTIFICATION w GX FRN r s r C1JR' IFICA'PION NO: I M011 624-R1 t' DATE: ;X09/0912013 r1 9� CERTIFICATION PROr,"M: ,IStruetural j COMP A,Y-. AO-WEN 1@9 �.-' r; COBE: ; 1822- : 1 - REVISION DATE n�Eo�PRo�t � � 06L�0/2017 P i i• t To verify that the"Notice of Product Certification"is valid,please visit www.NAMICertification.com to assure that the product is active and currently listed.This certification represents product Conformity to the tipplicable specification and that certification criteria has been satisfied. A NAMI approved certification label mustbe applied to the product to claim certification status. Please review and advise NAMI if any Corrections are required to this-document. COMPANY NAME AND ADDRESS PnODue'T DESCRIPTION JELD-WEN lJuilderg Alttminuhl Single Hung 3737 Lakeport Boulevard Window(4100)111 Klamath Falls, OR 97601 w/Flange di Slip-On Neil Fin Configuration,O/X Glazing;Monolithic(3/16!1 Annefled Glass)or Insulatittg Glass(Atinealed[Glass). i Frame: W-1324mm(52.13") s H-1829mm(72") Sash: W-1276mm(5, 0.25") H-921mm(36.25") ii ,'AI I SPECIFICATION PRODUCT RATING TAS 202-94 Design Pressure: 2394 Pa(50 psf) Negative DesignjlPressure: 2394 Pa(50 psf) Water Penetration Resistance Test Pressure:359 Pa(7.5 psf) Product Tested By: National Certified Testing Laboratories Report No: NCTL-210-3656-1 Expiration Date: January 31,2026 Administrator's Signature: NATIONAL ACCREDITATION AND! MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE, INC. 4794 George Washington Memorial Highway Hayes,VA 23072 Tel: (804) 684-5124 Fax: (804) 684-5122 i i9 1 I .I I 'I I � I WOOD FRAME 4V MAX. 3 2 j (NCTL 210-3656-1A) FROM 14 S/e' CORNERS O.C.MAX. _1 1/a' o-_ E11B�EDl�NNf t � sNm1 j i L4'MA X SHIM 12 91/2'M9ENBEDNENT SPACE O.C. L4 MAX J, M MAX. SPACE�j { �r v4• DDv CORNING Z __0UON SILICONE 'GLAZING DETAD. ISI !-C TYPICAL VERTICAL ' ( 3 FRAME SECTION = NDTB Caulk bet•••n' i! / WL and COR.DDV COICONE m 1199 SILICONE ;j TYPICAL HORIZONTAL FRAME SECTION NOTES Caulk bet•••n Wt nntl op•nvp � I f t GAZING DETAIL 'I'�• SHI W% /—SPACE 'Max Frame I DP IMPACT �-INDOw WIDTH(526' MAXJ__� 0= -- t52 ° "x 72° 1+50/-50 1 Nn TYPICAL ELEVATION WITH FASTENERS General Notes: i • The product shown herein is designed,testes§fid fiiahu?&6tUF@a fa 1B§tdllatlat3N6t@§: comply with the wind load criteria of the adoptI58 Ifit@Fh&tiefi@I 6Uildl"nf 1• 9@d1 figh9d/wifiddw to substrate. Code(IBC),the International Residential Code CAd);tha Flang buildffig 2. d§@#16 F Ftp bf gf@ater fasteners through frame with sufficient length Code including the"High Velocity Hurricane 26h&'WHE)dnd tfi@ t6 p@fi@tfdt@ d mihimum of 1/2"into the wood framing(Min.S.G._ industry standard requirements for the stated eafiaitiaR§. 6.g6): 1 I • All glazing shall conform to ASTM E1300. 6. H66t§tFUdtUf@ f'w6dtti buck„istud framing and opening)to be designed • Minimum nominal glazing:3/8"monolithic or 9)6"iR§Uldt@d. dfid afieh6fed W pfbperly transfer all loads to the structure. The host • Installation methods may be interchanged ANN ih@§dfTi@ 60611iifip. §tfUetUf@ i§tfie fe§Donsibility of the iarchitect or_engineer of record for • An impact protective system is required whet@ Wind b6ffi@ d@b3fi§ tfi@ pfaja6t at ifi§tallation. ,I I protection is required by local building code. f@quired I,in the sill. • Maximum sizes are buck/net sizes and do 66t iffielUd@ t' �i�t i(} d. Fe§t@n@f§dfe not 6 �f� This schedule addresses only the fasteners required to anchor the pfndUet td g' r.4•__awEcrEN EEA: DATE 3737 Lakeport m a ort Boulevard ���'� 11u 1 achieve the-rated design pressure and impact performance(where appliatil@)do / 'aloes 11 0 /24/2010 I to the size limitations noted. It is not intended as a guide to the iridtelld5fi-4 � "a seek• Mil ��,i.:"l\ wamath Falls,OR 97601 process and does not address the sealing consideration that may arise in biffflfdfli I NTS (541)8s2-3451 ev: m1Et I 1 wall conditions. For the'complete installation procedure,see the instfU@Uofl � + _ -E- packaged _ packaged with the window orgotowww.field-wen.wnJresourcenstallatidn. fi ' - AMROVEDer: Builder's Aluminump (4100)Single Hung 11 � Wood Frame Installation(52.125"x 72.00") This drawing and its contents are confidential and are not to be reprodUcdd 8'r' � w . T/P0.wECiNo.: j' II copied in whole or in part or used or disclosed to others except as authbRid by1i ec 3 tct� IDENTIFIER No. NAME D LOCATION: CRD DWG.No,: REV: SXEEr JELD-WEN,Inc. Mrj§ Ir Q"vindow Division 'BAatoo_NCTL�to7ss6 01 2 of 5 I,i 4 II ' i , N' I� I , • I ,j i STEEL STUD A"MAX �STEE MM it (NCTL 210-3656-1A) 1C:MAX. CORNEAS 3 Th—d O.C.YAFROMd NDL rMa,pb ,I 3 Thread MIN. oQ t� swd Through Stud--{—I— I f �. \-1/4'MAX / O.C. 1 mKE 18 gad!MIN, 1/4' SHIM MAX. �� I� STEEL $TUD� SPACE MAX I j 11 0. aAmic ZEr•a 2 n TYPICAL VERTICAL !i II FRAME SECTION NOTE,Caulk bet•e•n '^5� (a Wt"and—rg-. NN EDGE V _ �j DDV C(UCM D1ST, ass si I , i t • 'TYPICAL HORIZONTAL L aT�mc xT•a I'. < FRAME SECTION NOTE-Caulk bet•a•n WS and opanb* vv MX �SNDI SPACE ' Max Frame DP IMPACT —WINDOW WIDTH(SZ%"MAX.)" ; 1` _ j 52Ye' Ik 72' +50/750 ND a Bila I 9 TYPICAL ELEVATION WITH FASTENERS ` General Notes: • Ifi§tallatidfi.f�rites: The product shown herein is designed,testes afid rnafiufaetUf@d t6 'u , 1: Seal flahg@/Window to substrate. comply with the wind load criteria of the adopt@d Ifit@ffiati6fial B§Uildic E lJse#16 PPH @h6et metal,screws or greater through frame with Code(IBC),the International Residential Codc(IFb);th@ FI6fl`da®Uil�ifig , N Code including the"High Velocity Hurricane 26fie"(HVH4 afid tha §Uffioidfit I@h jth to Penetrate a minimum of three(3)threads beyond industry standard requirements for the stated d6fiditldf%. Nfietal§Ui5§tf9it6(Mil).18 da.,Fy=33 ksi). • All glazing shall conform to ASTM E1300. a. H6§t stfudtufc(W66d buck;,lstud framing and opening)to be designed • Minimum nominal glazing:3/s'monolithic or i#'Ifi§Ulat@a. afid Eifidh6f@d t6 Pfoperly transfer all loads to the structure. The host Installation methods may be interchanged withih the§aifi@ 0P@hififj: WUbtUN6 1§the fe§Ponsibility of the larchltect or engineer of record for • An impact protective system is required whefd WIFid 68Fh@ 8C-bfi§ thb Pfdjd6t 6f ih§tkation.4. protection is required by local building code. Fa§t@fi@N§aNe h6t Nequired in the sill. • Maximum sizes are buck/net sizes and do ridt Ifi@IU66 fi ��b� l �i This schedule addresses only the fasteners required to anchor the pffidl,ia t6 �� ii PROJECT ENGINEER: DnTE• a', achieve the rated design pressure and impact performance where a lii6@61@ d ��� jir11 j` 0 2$2010 f 3737 Lakeport Boulevard g P ( pP ,; ar '� `DrWN Klamath Falls,OR 97601 to the size limitations noted. It is not intended as a guide to the id§t@II@10H :© Te I@ff �. 'I NTS r (541)882-3451 process and does not address the sealing consideration that may arise in AW BY: TIRE: I wall conditions. For the complete installation procedure, see the instfucfi fie 4F • == packaged with the window or go to www.field-wen.comfresourcesrinstallati6n. fi - - Fs nppROVEDBY. Builder's Aluminum(4100)Single Hung % i I Steel Stud Iristallation(52.125"x 72.00") F II This drawing and its contents are confidential and are not to be repro6u666 8f �� ��s.@��� ,_TIP9OJWT N6.: copied in whole or in part or used or disclosed to others except as auth6n2@d by �i y D[ Q53 ��� I ENRFIERNo. PurrNI1MEAr+DLdow'D� CAD DW 100-Na.: REV: SNEET 4 of 5 JELD-WEN,Inc. Y a idY4d@99 V2flif@ Window Division ,BAatoO_NCTL2103s5rr 01 I I I. • I ill �i i � 1 i{I l I I 11 i' 19 , I' ' I i lu ' i, ISI ' I II{ li MASONRY 'W MAX. ° "�`®""` I �' I° (NCTL 210-3656-1A) 1FROM 4 3/a' CORNERS •e ,� .. O.C.MAX. _ 11/4. 9- 1P ' G EMBEDMENT 12 �j O5/13 .C. SHIM 1/4'MAXNAX MIN.E EDHENT�---I 1/4'MAX �j MAX. , SPACE I (T3"�. SPACE. MD EAi v 2 / �� i.nalr yr O D -------------- t\ ,DCV CORNING iM 1199 SILICONE I ' .�.. GLAZING DETAIL it V' TYPICAL VERTICAL a a FRAME SECTION j NOTE.Caulk.beteeen.l o vit and anopening. X, / '>wDOW CDRNWG 1199 SO.ICOW ll TYPICAL HORIZONTAL S FRAME SECTION j NOTE.Caulk beteeen Wt and opening. id I GLAZING DETAIL 3 1/4•Mnx II.— vnNoow xnorN(52%'MAX.)" €0€ � _mo x_Ermne--- DP---------- IMPACT 52M' �--*-� �---�-Q--- nip--- TYPICAL ELEVATION WITH FASTENERS General Notes: I i • The product shown herein is designed,tested`and Fn5nU#a6tUf@d to I6§tadafi@h Ndt@§: t. comply with the wind load criteria of the adopt6d Int6Fndtlanal Building i. S@al flang@/WiF1doW tb§Ul stfat@. Code(IBC),the International Residential Code(A§);th@ Fiefida building 2. lJ§L-3%8'Tape6fi f.Ast@n@F§tFiFdugh Marna With sUffidlerlt length to Code including the"High Velocity Hurricane Zdn@"(HVH2,)and tn@ pen@trate a ffilhifnUffi of 1 i1/4"AW th@ c6n6rete(Mih.ft:--3906 psi) industry standard requirements for the stated e6fiditi6fi§. 6F Ria§dhfV(66nf6Firi§td ASTM 660). • All glazing shall conform to ASTM E1300. J. 1166t§tFU6tUF@(Wood budk;�§Wd ti'dkhg and 6pefilhg)td be designed • Minimum nominal glazing:3/6'monolithic or 1%6"in§ulat@d, ana and5@F@d t6'pF6p@Fly 1fan§f@F all 16ada to the stfudtufe. The Host • Installation methods may be interchanged within tt'i@§aFn@ 6p@Hing: atfuetur@ is'tn@ Fey§p@fi§ibilit df th@.rafahmot dr ehglne@F of record for • An impact protective system is required whet@ Wind ddFn6 d6bn§ th@ pf@J@cf of ih§fallaf3on. ,) digitallysigaed by Helmet P,Norero,KE.protection is required by local building code. ( � fu 4. Fa§t@ii@f§afe Act f@gUir@dlfhfolign;fhe Sill. t{eatoh Iamapdrovingthitdecumeht §� • Maximum sizes are buck/net sizes and do ri@t ifielud@# � t 0 �`i �i tIdW 201110,24 1108;16-04'00' This schedule addresses only the fasteners required to anchor the pfddU6t to ��� pRo3ECGENGwEM-. Dare *T 3737 Lakeport Boulevard achieve the rated design pressure and impact performance where a li&a6le u �� �'ipT^TT r &/24/2010 I J�� l\ 9 P P P ( PP ) a-, t t J r I(Jamaith Falls Ola.47601 to the size limitations noted. It is not intended as a guide to the id§tellaiioA' 6 wN IJ r '� ,• - `�_ T@�31eff II (541)eex•3451 process and does not address the sealing consideration that may arise in diffifefil Y- - �: --- TITLE: wall Conditions. For the complete installation procedure,see the inditl6tionf packaged with the window or go to www.field-wen.com/resourcosriinstallafiod. kT F as A etGVEo By: Build@F'§AltdnilnUrn(4100)SIngle Hung M9§6nly Ihsteliatiom(52,125"x 72,0011) This drawing and its contents are confidential and are not to be reprodO66d df copied in whole or in part or used or disclosed to others except as aulh86z'dd by I FlER Na. p NAME O UTIO' DWG. O.q REV: SHEET JELD-WEN,Inc. 3 MY4460 nice 051 6W 1Wl§I6n 'AA4100�IGTL210.3850- 01 1 of 5 4 � I I , i r!� i li IY ;l ii I' •I I,I I �I u , I I', I' 19 ' ' J { II - i t I {I I " NAIL FIN 1W MAX. j I II (NCTL 210-3656-1A) FROM 14.3/6• CORNERS 2 u 0.0. MAX. SPACE MAX 13• l Si011 XA% �� t 1/4'MAX SHIM I SPACE' � / � I DOv CORNING } �+ 099 SILICONE M AZM DETAIL TYPICAL VERTICAL FRAME SECTIONN • sr NOTE.COW&bet•e•n I ), unit NI opening. / DOV C(QINOlG 3 w U99 SILICONE I. (9)5 I TYPICAL H❑RIZ❑NTAL FRAME SECTION OLAIING DETAIL I II _NUM COW&bet•een Wt and openlnp 14•SHM ACE i Max Frame DP I IMPACT `--vntlDow 1n6TH(sem•MAX.>_ ,:: \ 52 ° l'x 72° +50/-50 N❑ o TYPICAL ELEVATION WITH FASTENERS e ;q General Notes: 1Hstell&titin-N6.t@ss I • The product shown herein is designed,tested&fid FfishUfaetur@d to 9. Seel Heil fifid&U t6strate. 1`' comply with the wind load criteria of the adopt@d Iht@Ffiatimal Building 2. lis@#6 PH of OWiter fasteners through nail fin with sufficient length to Code IBC,the International Residential Codd Ad);tha FIaflda Buildifi' ( ) C ) � g P@H@fret@ e H31HIFi9Utn of 1Yz"into the wood framing(Min.S.G. =0.55). Code including the"High Velocity Hurricane 2.Bfi@"(HVH2-)afid th@ S. Hb§t§tFUdfUre(W66d buck';Tstud framing and opening)to be designed industry standard requirements for the stated 68fidiNfl& &Hd aH@h6F@d f6'pf6perly transfer all loads to the structure. The host • All glazing shall conform to ASTM E7 300. §tFUefUF@ is th@ F@sPonsibilit'y of the architect or engineer of record for the • Minimum nominal glazing:3/e"monolithic or 9I8°ih§UI&t@d. PFdj@6t of ih§fall6tl6h. { ' • Installation methods may be interchanged withih th&§ahi@ 6p@hind. 4. Wd fdaddliihl@fidjh"sing Tegiatite-installation • An impact protective system is required whet&Wind 681'1"115dbbfi§ (hftp: l@Id=W.@n.com/riewinstallationtechnologyn for weatherproofing. protection is required by local building code. 6. WifiddW 06lud@s:&slip on!aluminum 6063-T5 nail fin(typ.wall thickness • Maximum sizes are buck/net sizes and do h6t inEKAO f- 0 i i fel ��f :056").NEW Fifi @zt@hds approximately 1.256"away from frame. This schedule addresses only the fasteners required to anchor the prodUd 18 \`�� iltl = �y ROIECf ENq EER: DA { achieve the rated design pressure and impact performance(where applicabl€)up, I:1I f` �E 2 24 2010 rZpT np�T 3737 Lakeport Boulevard •• r eT seA1> =+LD ��1-.1� KJamath Falls,OR 97601 to the size limitations noted. It is not intended as a guide to the idsiell6ii6ii� �� i 0 Te�laff �NTS (541)882-3451 process and does not address the sealing consideration that may arise in difh?Peh - li II wall conditions. For the complete installation procedure, see the InsiR16B66 7 packaged with the window or go to www.field-wen.com/resourcesfiinstallaU6fi. fi AFIIROVED BY: Builder's Aluminum(4100)Single Hung 1' This drawing and its contents are confidential and-are not to be reprodg6@d � ,• 7W�..�;� _T/PRmECENa.: I copied in whole or in part or used or disclosed to others except as auth6 28Nail Fin Installation(52.125"x 72.00") 6f d 6y �i Q5s aZ f iy - � 11111 N1No. P NANE D LOCATION: CAD DWG.Na.: REV: SXEE7, ^ OL JELD-WEN,Inc. 3FI�dd6g9 HiE@ "findow Division 321wO Ncn 2t-3s56 A 02 3 T u II I 51 I 41 ' �y I I ; I I I I , I, ale•d MDL � IN STEEL STUD NAIL FIN (NCTL 210-3656—SA) FROM• 1 2 3 T—d l' �I 14 3/a' CORNERS � 1¢1L O.C.MAX. I 3 TlI eod MDL Through Stud—�-I- `vr MAX MAX. 1 SHIM sPAc[ 19 pa:MIN. 1/4•SHIN O.C. �� � i STEEL(STUD� SPACE MAX MAI � tl sR I DCV DTaaDNc �' ss99 snlwE riAZ=DETM TYPICAL VERTICAL FRAME SECTION NDTE.Cnulk between Mtand nP.... 1 �, • DCV/ 1199 C.ICSILK DNE (5/C55 5 W I j, TYPICAL HORIZQNTAL 4D. ! FRAME SECTION GIAIING DET 1/4'MAX i 1!' NQrE-Cnulk between iadt and openlnp I SICM � ^i f1 SPACE tl I , s [Max FrameDP IMPACT —VANDOWNWIDTH 050r MAS.)--I � � � '52 ° . 72-++50/-50 x Nn TYPICAL ELEVATION WITH FASTENERS a dun General Notes: j • The product shown herein is designed,tested and Riafma6t w to 1• 5@al hail fit)to§Ub§frate. i comply with the wind load criteria of the adopt68 Adffiati6fial BUildIh§ 2• Us@#16§h@@t metal screw,or greater fasteners through the frame with Code(IBC),the International Residential Code(Ad);th@ Fl6fldd®Uildih6 §Uffibi@ht I@h6th t6 penetrate a minimum of three(3)threads beyond Code including the"High Velocity Hurricane 26h6"(HVH2-)dfid th@ h)@fdl 6Llb§tfdt@(Mih.18 Ga.,Fy=33 ksi). industry standard requirements for the stated dah8lb6fi§. J. Ha§t§tfUdtuf@(IiW66d buck',stud framing and opening)to be dpsigned • All glazing shall conform to ASTM E1300. afid ahbfi6f@d td(ifoperly transfer all loads to the structure. TIN tvost • Minimum nominal glazing:3/s'monolithic or 1/8"Ih§Ujat@8. stfUbfUf@ i§the f@§ponsibility of the architect or engineer of record for the • Installation methods may be interchanged wifhih th@§aft@ dp@hiht: pfdj@bf of ifi§tellat 6h. d An impact protective system is required whet@ WiNd d6ffi@ 6@tdfi§ 4: Fa§t@fi@f§af@ hof f@quired;though the sill. protection is required by local building code. 5. 1NlfiddW 18sm lUdbaja slip on,aluminu6063-T5 nail fin(typ.wall thickness Maximum sizes are buck/net sizes and do hot ihblUd@ 650').Well Fin bxt@hds approximately 1.258"away from frame. This schedule addresses only the fasteners required to anchor the pfddU6t(d 0 PRCUECrENGINEER: DATE: !o .�� •r + " , ` 02/15/2010 �]'�� 3737 Lakeport Boulevard achieve the rated design pressure and impact performance(where appli6aala)UP ,� e _ _-- -____-- _ _ II� .I.GN to the size limitations noted. It is not intended as a guide to the iri5tallati66-4 1 wa a.7 .0 Klamath Falls,OR 3451 p g y c ;`� - Te Naff NTS I (541)882-3451 process and does not address the sealing consideration that may arise in d6fen� C J ......�- wall conditions. For the'complete installation procedure, see the instfl16u6fl� + =g I packaged with thewindoworgotowww.ield-wen.comfresourcesfinstallatbhi fi ..-'- F A�ioYEDBY: Builder's Aluminum(4100)Single Hung Steel Stud with Nail Fin Installation(52.125"x 72.00") This drawing and its contents are confidential and are not to be reprodum of Qy rlPRolEcr"0 copied in whole or in part or used or disclosed to others except as authaUid by p g�@a rC,• ER Nc. Pkv+*NAME�u+C lOfA710N: CAD DWG.No.: REV: SHEEr JELD-WEN,Inc. 3 v- F11#da9§ Vefilt@ Window Division ;BAaloo_NcTL2103s56 01 :5:0:f 5 �T R q ' I I i I I 'i Il I,I I II || � NN ��N���� ������N��! ����NN~��NU`��� ������N~�� | i� / '� Date: 07/23/2014 �kPa�ectSolution ioEvery Drop | ' No 3032 Certificate of Authorization:29578 Report Manufacturer: JELD-WEN,inc. ' . Product Category: Windows Single Hung Product Sub-Category: Compliance Method: State Product Approval Method (1)(a) � . .' Product Name: BuihdaeoAluminum Single Hung Wimdom, Mechinicaft, Fastened) ! Scope: This is a Product Evaluation Report issued byHermes F. 0 based on Method la of the State of Florida Product Approval, 60artm'e��nt of Business and Professional Regulation-Florida Building Commission. Hermes F. , P.E. does not have nor will acquire /company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entitViinvolved in the approval process of | [| the product named herein. ., This product has been evaluated for use in locations adhering to the cu'�',rent Fiorida Building Code. � ' Instructionssigned (FL#73778)for specific use parameters. / ! J � Limits ofUse: '~ . � 1 This product has been luated andisi pUa with the including the"High Velocity Hurricane Zone" (HVHZ). 2. Product anchorsshall be as listed and spaced as shown!'ondetails. Anchor embedment into substrate material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucico. 3. When used inareas requiring d borne debris � Section 16O9.1.2ofthe current Florida Building Code and 'covering. 4. Site conditions that deviate from the details of drawing BA410d'NCT�l 210-3656-1 require . further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. S. See Installation Instructions BA41O0_NCTL~210-31556-1/forsizeanddesign pressure limitations. ! /]. � ! � ' | Hermes F. `Norero P.E. Florida . No 73778 '] pa8eJof6 ( � ! � ? � U || � |, ' � / 1y II i BUILDING DROPS �? Date: 07/23/2014 A Perfect Solution in Every Drop Report No: 3032 Certificate of Authorization:29578 Installation: 1. Approved anchor types and substrates areas follows: Nailing Fin Installation: A. For two by(2X)wood frame substrate(Min.S.G.=0.55), us'#8 Wood Screw type wood frame anchors of sufficient length to achieve minimum emii'edment of 1.50" into wood framing. !i I Through Frame Installation: x A. For two by(2X)wood frame substrate (Min.S.G.=0.55), us 1e#10 Wood Screw type wood frame anchors of sufficient length to achieve minimum emfedment of 1.50"into wood framing. q B. For concrete(Min.f c=3000 psi)or masonry(Conforms to ASTM C90)substrate where one by(1X), non-structural,wood bucking is employed, use13/16 ,diameter ITW Tapcon type concrete screw anchors of sufficient length to'achiev&! inim�um embedment of 1.25" into concrete or masonry. C. For concrete(Min.f c=3000 psi)or masonry(Conforms to,ASTM C90)substrate where. wood bucking is,NOT employed, use 3/16"diameter ITW T`apcon Itype concrete screw anchors of sufficient length to achieve minimum embedment of 1.25"into concrete or masonry. ' D. For steel substrate(Min 18 Ga., Fy=33 ksi), use#10 Tek Screw type steel frame anchors of sufficient length to achieve minimum embedment of 3 t)jreads!engagement into steel framing. I I Refer to Installation Instructions(BA4100_NCTL_210-3656-1)for ancho'!r spacing and'more details of the installation requirements. Design Pressure: Design Pressure Rating f,r, Positive 50 Negative 50 , V li Hermes F. Norero, P.E. j Florida No.73778 Page 4 of 6 ! I� /TA,\1S, Ih ° BUILDING DROPS ' Date: 07/23/2014 A Perfect Solution in Every Drop Report No: 3032 Certificate of Authorization:29578 Installation Method !-I JELD-WEN, inc. Builder's Aluminum Single Hung Window (4100 Mechanically Fastened) (Nail Fin Installation) 4/27 MAX.1, FROM 13" O.C. CORNERS MAX. f f II�L �I i 13" O.C.I 1 MAXI ° 'r ME I CJ I 1 2 o K 40 Cb li I it I I!� l WINDOW WIDTH (52Ya" MAX.) I ti Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida No.73778 Page 6 of 6 ' I I i. i 398 East Dania Beach Blvd. 'r BUILDING DROPS Suite 338 Dania Beach, FL 33004 A Perfect Solution in Every Drop 954.399.8478 PH Certificate of Authorization:29578 954.744.4738 FX ;+ contact@buildingdrops.com Product Evaluation Report Of JELD-WEN, inc. Builder's,Aluminum Single Hung Window (4100 Mechanically Fastened) for Florida Product Approval Deport No., 3032. Current Florida Building Code Method: 1 —A (Certification) Category: Windows Sub —Category: Single Dung " Product: Builder's Aluminum''Single Hung Window (4100 Afecltanically fastened) Material: Alui:tiiltum 606346 Product Dimensions: 52.125"x 72" Prepared For: JELD-WEN, into 3737 Lakeport Blvd, Klamath Falls, OR, 97601 i Prepared by, ��` SES o �''•. ... .. Hermes F. Norero P.E. i tt,�';.��''' ' .,F•p '0 Florida Profeggionel Engineer#73778 r 7 Date:07/23/2014 V � Y Contents: Evaluation Report pages 1—4 T 7 �Uj Installation fetalis pages 5—6 ��,� ''•..�d �P'' �.� `: Digitally signed by Hermes!`.Noreio,p. � St�jNA� a �`� I Aft @pprovirjg this document jtlllj �ijjj%%%�%S Det@:2814.08.1415-.02:25=04'00' Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida No.73778 I BUILDING DROPS A Perfect Solution in Every Drop Date: 07/23/2014 Certificate of Authorization:29578 Report No: 3032 , I Manufacturer: JELD-WEN,Inc. Product Category: Windows 'i Product Sub-Category: Single Hung I Compliance Method: State Product Approval Method (1)(a) I h i Product Name: Builder's Aluminum Single Hung Window(4100 Mechanically Fastened) (Non-Impact) 52.125"x 72" Scope: This is a Product Evaluation Report issued by Hermes F. Norero, P.E. (FL#73778)for Jeld-Wen Inc. based on Method 1a of the State of Florida Product Approval, Department of;Business and Professional Regulation-Florida Building Commission. I I I Hermes F. Norero, P.E. does not have nor will acquire financial interest in thecompany manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein. i This product has been evaluated for use in locations adhering to the current Florida Building Code. See Installation Instructions BA4100 NCTL 210-3656-1,signedland sealed by!Hermes F. Norero,P.E. (FL#73778)for specific use parameters. Limits of Use: 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the current Florida Building Code, including the"High Velocity Hurricane Zone" (HVHZ). ! i' 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment into substrate material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used in areas requiring wind borne debris protection this product complies with Section 1609.1.2 of the current Florida Building Code and does,require an impact resistant covering. 4. Site conditions that deviate from the details of drawing BA4100_NCTL_210-3656-1 require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registeretl architect. 5. See Installation Instructions BA4100_NCTL_210-3656-1 for sizeand design pressure limitations. i . II Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida No.73778 + Page 2 of 6 i ' '�1 N �I i I ii ;! BUILDING DROPS Qi Date: 07/23/2014 A Perfect Solution in Every Drop Report No: 3032 Certificate of Authorization:29578 I I' I , i i I� I Quality Assurance:. The manufacturer has demonstrated compliance of products!in accordance with the Florida Building Code for manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality assurance entity through National Accreditation and Management Institute (FBC Organization#:Q0A1789)' Performance Standards: The product described herein has been tested per: • TAS 202-94 ''ll Referenced Data: 1. Product Testing performed by National Certified Testing Laboratory, Inc. (FBC Organization#TST1589) Report#: NCTL-210-3656-1, Report date:2/24/2010 SII � 2. Quality Assurance i National Accreditation and Management Institute (FBC Organization#:QUA1789) I I I i I I i I i I r i i ' I ! Hermes F. Norero, P.E. j Florida No.73778 Page 3of6 I I I Iit , I I u i I f II li i 'i II BUILDING DROPS A Perfect Solution in Every Drop j Date: 07/23/2014 Certificate of Authorization:29578 1 Report No: 3032 Installation: J. Approved anchor types and substrates areas follows: ` jai I Nailing Fin Installation: A. For two by(2X)wood frame substrate(Min.S.G.=0.55),use#8 Wood Screw type wood frame anchors of sufficient length to achieve minimum embedment of 1.50" into wood framing Through Frame Installation: A. For two by(2X)wood frame substrate (Min.S.G.=,0.55), use#10'Wood Screw type wood frame anchors of sufficient length to achieve minimum embedment of 1.50" into wood framing. i B. For concrete(Min.f c=3000 psi)or masonry( onfor s to ASTMIIC90)substrate where one by(1X),non-structural,wood bucking is employed, use 3/16"diameter ITW Tapcon type concrete screw anchors of sufficient length to'achieve minimum embedment of 1.25" into concrete or masonry. i C. For concrete(Min.fc=3000 psi)or masonry(Conforms toASTM;; BUILDING DROPS I A Perfect Solution in Every Drop Date: 07/23/2014 Report No: 3032 Certificate of Authorization:29578 I X11 I' Installation Method { JELD-WEN, inc. Builder's Aluminum Single Hung Window (4100 Mechanically Fastened) (Through Frame Installation) i 102" MAX. ROM 13" O.C. ;,'.CORNERS MAX.CP it I III 7" I I� I MAX. N li • w I 3 I I� I 0 Z jl , 11 SII I ' Iq �'7 I II 1 WINDOW WIDTH (52Y8" MAX.) I I+ I ' p Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida No.73778 Page 5 of 6 i3 II I �I I ' � ill �� II BUILDING DROPS �j Date: 07/23/2014 A Perfect Solution in Every Drop Report No: 3032 Certificate of Authorization:29578 I Installation Method JELD-WEN, inc. Builder's Aluminum Single Hung Window (4100 Mechanically Fastened) (Nail Fin Installation) GI 4Y2 MAX.' MAX! j FROM j 13" 0.C. CORNERS' MAX. �I O.C; I 1 . MAX;. LJ 3 1 0 'i iy Z r,l I 'SII i "I d ;i WINDOW WIDTH (57S'8" MAX.) '! y 'I Hermes F. Norero, P.E. j Florida No.73778 Page 6 of 6 j