HomeMy WebLinkAboutScanned from a Xerox Multifunction DeviceALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Vate: ort I N 1 ?; Permit Dumber: %U C' eco _ O _•2 _ Wa Building Permit Application P1.. ........ y Bu;►d;.,y o.,d Cud. Humulvt,7m, 2300 Vir„ inio Avenue, Fort Pierce FL -34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 t=ai: jiitj 46&:L578 Commercial Residential PERMIT APPLICA I ION FOR: To Select frum drpbox, click arruw at the and of line rg1C III PKUPU5EQ IIGIPRuvElVIEN i EU(.Ai luM: III Address: I L4),;1u Hiat )t 0_ r9vr- FL_ 3L+951 Eegal Descripdon: ,Spax\>►s\-\ Fn,i +s tsga S Bi K toy .1,1.1 4 L Property Tax ID th05O(o J`'UU Qa25 ' OM . l [oi Mo.� Site Plan Name: ProjeCL Name: L_ODS , (10-n Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: Left Side: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Rupla= AC, luxact change unt .,dth IC3�Wri, SEER, KW AC unit Block Mo. CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Additional work to b[Irtormea un er this permit -- check all apply: _❑HVAC Gas Tank ❑Gas Piping _ Shutters ❑ Windows/Doors 13 Electric ElPlumbin6 O Sprinklers F! Generator Q Roof Roof pitch Total Sy. Ft of Construction: Sq. Ft. of First Floor: C SL of ConSLruCLion: 5CO©MoD -0LiliLies: 0 newer ❑ aepiic Building i=ieigllt: OWNER/EE55EE: CONTRACTOR: M.M. Name: Dennis raceR Address: ILIa Ll itigU►16L A V-0— Company: mRS nmerican Resiciential cervices City:IT- 2!'L�e _ SLaLe: FL address: c,? $W US MW4 cip CoQe• L o rax: airy: vc,ro 6aaan �taic. FL PRoncr RO % i Zip Code: 32960 Fax: 772 794-9783 E -Mail: Phone No. r rc r9w-,e i3 Pill in fee simple I isle Molder on nem page ( If different E-Mlail: Trom tRe Owner listed allove) Ji.tc or t_cm;1tT Liecn9e: CMC1249753 IT value oT ConStFUCUUM is $c500 or marc, - RECORDED Notice OT Commenzement 15 raMaircd. 5UPPLEME191 AC CuM i Rut~ I UN LIE19 GAW INFORMA 11019: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: x Not Applicable Name: Addre: City: _ Zip: _ Phone: State: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: = Nut Applicable Rame: Kddress: City: Zip: Phone: MORTGAGE COMPANY: " Not Applicable Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: BONDING COMPANY: =NOL Applicable Mame: _/addre55: City' Lip: Phone: I certify that iio irorX or in�tall.tlon Ras commcnccd prior to Oc 1�3eance of a perRllt. .�t. Eucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will aCu►horize the ermit holder to build the suQject structure which I. In Conflict with .nt a plir.BIe Hum= Ownem Asivciatlo" relca, 4rlow.a or o cnanU tR.t ni.y �catr;ct or proRi6it such structure. Please consult wit) your Rome Owners Association ana review your Sees Tor any restrictions wnicR may apply. In consizieration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the worn I.. acccri9.nac ::tR the appro:ea plans, the rlori0a SuilDing Codes anti -it. Cucie County Amentlments. TR. Tollorvin6 Belldlns pc....lt .prlil:a[Io.., ore exempt rrorn enUergoing a tell .-mcerrcnc, rcvi=-: room. Joitiv, ,3, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms anu' accessory uses to another non-residential use wKnrv119G i U UvvN1R: Your (allure to RecorB a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice far improvements to your property. A Notice of CummancEmant mutt be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intent) to boiain financing, consult with Ienlaer or an attorney Mefore� commencine work or recording~ your NOtiCe of Commencement.. Qx� 2r -4L signature or CjFrerl Cessee/Agent �isn.t�rc �r Cont.-� rc „c RFldcr - STATE OF FLORIDA COON i Y OF :eeae The fo'5oin6 h.stromeri Yeas .OM1n07lCocca bctorc me tflis -2,6- Bay or zuu Croy Dolsnh Z..�ak (Name of person acknow-leoging ) (signature of IEotary FdWc- State of Florida ) STATE OF FLORIDA COuM I Y OF S1. The forsoins ins,rument was acknowledged before me this :W: May Or - 47 J�& Gy Nnpm Z-awk (N.rm. of ) (�sIgnatorc vt Notamy PeBli- tatc of Florid. ) Personally Known UR ProEuceE luentiTication Personally Known x OR Produced Identification Type of Idenkification Produced I,pe or Iaentir,C-tie.. Proi9 LU FFzzo @(r, IA DERBY FFzza93o >p'�r 1B�t�I� �' DERBY Commission Ao. 4': Com, �iseion No. •: M- jISSION q FF2�09av '= MY COMMIss10M it FFttua30 EXPIRES April Io.AIV Revised 07/15/20 mEvlEvvz, FRUR i cvRlRG zQrtnvl�OR PMRz. vEGE A i load bEA l OR I EE MIANGROvE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW uAIE COMIPEETI! INITIALS Property ui, Page 1 of 1 Michelle PranEtlin, CPm — Saint Cu -ie County Praperry Appraiser -- hll rignts reserver,. P erLy IdendfiCaEilan Site Ad ".. Mz-r Aguila 5ecrro-., nse: U&.Abiiye Map 11) N tonin Own e,ship 13IL3A+��i:1t9.1�e rwrt Lei-- i Description 5reJNJ'L CS rAiKWA T5 oLK az Cv i oy (VK i iyz-i4y4y Curr nE values JUSUIV1.11 l.ilue: $71,100 A33.33d II.e: 368,68v Exemr, $34,189 i axamo 11:0: 3zy,300 Taxcs f : J'ai- cl: SLC Tax Collectors Office vownl w, for mis parcec Dowmoan Pur 0 Parcel ID: i3;G-�V—V-WzJ-VV,-I Account if: USL03 Usc I.YV':0104 jurisaiction: Saint Lucie County local Nreas Finished/Under air kSF): 1,530 (5r): L,06y Land Size (acres): 012 Lana zize (nr): 3,41 This information is believed to be coo i ,it this time but it is subject to change and is not warranted. a;- Copyright 2018 Saint Lu7ie County Properl7 appraiser, all rignts reservell. ftttp:7lwww.p , c .orgy ,c.mCard/ 27872018