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ACE APPEICABLE IlgFi_ MIU31 6E i-iiIPIt-EETED FUR APrEJtX1 lila 1 V BE ACCEP i ED Date: Permit Number: Building Permi-E Application Pionning ons ueveropment services auiruing ons Cove xegurotion Division &ZO virginio Avenue, Tort Tierce rz.j4yS- / Phone: („�j �.0�-�3�� Fax: („z)z+6c-�j7a Commercial - — Rewdential V/ PERMIT APPLIirR I ION FUK: To Select from dropbox, click arlu.,, at the end of line Iq 1c, PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: A00ress: �=n Al 1if g �P$m 14ukhoT►sm 86d 5iq949 Legal Description: orerLri Jjca6w ou+h A :t M O.nd and t ntcr'eAt PropeFty �a�lo J4a Qj'L�i'3'QOD*� Lot No. bite Plan Rame: Block No. Projeci Mame: betnaclts Front 6aci. nigRt viae: lett gine: DE IAIIED DEbC:KIP I IUM OF wuKR: `Rcptaei- AIG ext�e#- Z�f a��e U t +R a -Mn 11f S ft -r - s R1nl AIC l.uN5 I ROL I IuIQ IIaFORMA I lulu: A00monal work to be nertormed under t ispermit - c ec ❑FIVAC 0Gas E:] a appy: Q ianR Gas Piping _ Autters Wi :av-;TD7 ar3 ❑ FleCtric ❑ PlumBing ❑.)prinRiers ❑ Generator ❑ Roor Root pitcR i oral :)q. Ft of Construction: z . Ft. or First Floor: Cost of Constraction: b to ,vm co Utilities: U Sewer ❑ Septic Building Height: uvvMER/EE55EE: Cull I KAC-1 uR: Name Mame: ., - IIll y� Anaress: LA_aSO N A1� -W- W7 a comp. my. 5 Qr City: 50r) Warta State: t'[: Address: Zip Code: 3',A9 yG Fax: Chy: 31.ate:_J� Phone Mo. - CY 0-535 clp Cotle:.�2aCi(&0 Fax(_JjzPY/ - � E -Mail: PRO. -.c IQo. CI ")Zs - Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different E -Mail: . ' from .he Owner lis.ed above) SLaLe or Coun y Eicense: C140 Qt49r1,5-3 If value of constru«ion is $zuM; or more, a RECURVED Route of commencement' is required. N/ SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIED LAW INFORMATION: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: x Not Applicable Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: MORTGAGE COMPANY: x Not Applicable Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: FEE bhviPEE I I t EE nOuDER: x Mot Applicable 613MI31 G C.OMPARIT: x Mot AppliCaMle Name: Name: Address: j Address: 1 Clic: City: Lip: Pnone: I Lip: PRone: i I I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior Lo Lhe issuance of a permit. St. racie Coant maRes no representation tiidi Is granting a permit will auiMorize tfle ermlt Molper to OuilM the su�ect stracts c which is in conflict with any applicable home Owners Rssociation rules, bylaws or and covenants LhaL may reSLricL or prohibit such structure. Pleas c.m3alt MO your Horn. Ur.ncr, A..vclatian aria rc.ia r roar acrd to. ten, rc,trlctivn, which Tar apply. In .on3iaeratioa of Ou gra111iir15 er this rcyac.tvD permit, I Do Rere5, abree that I will, in all respects, peRo.m tllc -erR in accordance with the approved plans, the Flor;da Buildi..g Codes and St. Ca.ic Cam -Ay Arricnlmeats. he following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accC3,0r'yr 3trEct5Pc,, 3.iTRlirig F0013, T..—.ce3, .+all.., jgaz, �crcepi rowrig—pit! occesso. , ase: to c.notl■icr rion'rerlDe..tlol oz.e WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record F. Noticc or Con7rncncernei-.t trio, rc.ait in your paying t -;-.ice Tor improvements Lo your property. A Notice of Commencement muSL be recorded and posted on the jobsiLe before the first inspection. If yuu intEnd to obtain financinr,, consult with lender or an attorney before commencing worn or recortlinl~ your Notice of Commencement. 5ignaturc or O, cr/ Cc,3cc/Agent a t A i E OF FEUR113A COUNTY OF 3; eaov i ne forgoing instrument was acknowledggd,before me this day of E&j2 i D, 4l__ d., 5 Sijp---11-1 ature of Contra r/License Holder a i A i E Or KORIDA COUNTY OF ..leu.. i Me rorgoing instrument was acRnowletiged Def ore me tri:, X aur of ash zu AY- 5, Dennis ZacaR ean..o -MN (Name of person acknowledging } (Name of person acknowledging } azure of Motary r ic- state oT Florisa } (&A a bs� (Signature of Notarq Public- §Ate of Florida } PC;3aR.11, Known x OR Prv8-�-.ce8 18entitieotiva Personally Known ^ i-511 ProEuce5 Men riiicaLion i ype of leentincation Protlucea I Type of Identification Produced Commission Ivo. re«us3 -;��' . - NEW A DERBY Commission Ivo. FF220930 : �' ; : (SMTH A DERBY '= MY COMM15SIOR 0 FF40930 " MY COVAR055ION p FFzz Revised 07/15/201J.'A47''ry"0 " rw.W-.rjC— REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEATURTLE MANGROVE C00111IER REvicvv REvIEvv REvlEvv REVltvv REVIEvv REvitvv DATE Col01P[ETE INITIALS Sitc nma,eap !acct la. —meant a' 111ap.v Sse,—ype Zanm r, ('LIT. Coter.7 ownership . Nmna . -.C=h Z.. T. - 2w shot Paiat or ,4luqu—u F1, 9315 Legal Description CRrrcnr +alnea Jm ...—kcr .Ise: ,.ss"s�d V_tee: Tax" f0: Ihc_ rgmvl: SLC—ss rotlwun 4trKc 19 Docntoad TRIhI for this patccl: Ouwntwd POFD Michelle RranRlin, CPA — 3ainl Lucie Zounty Property Appraiser — All rights resep*ed Property Identification O4M S+tn: Lush Counsr 11.'6,91X1 11'6 900 $3 S 176 9O? Total Areas Finisfic—n—ir nir (Sp} vtvss .,rra (Sr l: --- This information is believed to be catAnl at this tim- but Itis seh;.et t. -hane .-.d h not ,_wentrd C C.p shi 2018 Sa'.nt Lwic County Proprr,—Appmisrr. All