HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplictionAEC APPEICASEE II9FO mOb 16E COMPLETED t -OR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: n`�11 a l8 G Permit MumQer: J . _ Building Permit Application Pi-nn.ng onR uereiopment .�e..:c�. tswrlti..rg —. U7 iyc !h'...rC. 2JEV virgi..... Ar--, t --..I vi—.—.f fiL44`01 Pnone:iiiLlu6z-i.)ss Commercial Residential I PERMIT APPLICATION FuR: TO Select from drpbo.t, dick armw at the end of line JWC PKuPu5ED IMPROVEMENT WCAl lulu: Aaaress: Oca cSCIc_i_J 117 K Legal Description: K PropeRy Tax ID #: 1.3D f • 009 •Ob0-] • OC]�p ?_ _ [et lvo.� Site Plan Name: Laird BIOCR No. _ [ Project Name: r ornas Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: Left Side: Replace AC, exact change out with 3 ton, / M SEER, CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: 30,11onw1 Warx t0 rrormea untler tnls permit — c; 0FiVAC 0 Gas Tank ❑Gas Piping UEI«tria U Plarnning Sprinklers I otal Sy. Ft of Cvn.tr aeti.n: Cost of Construction: S _ tP doo _ KW AC i3nit jnai,apply: Shutters ❑ vvindows/Doors LjGenerator ❑ Roof ROOT pircp 5Ft. of First Floor: _ Gtiliuestaewer E]�eptic 6ail0ing Yleignt: OWNER/LESSEE: CONTRACTOR: Dame r_r1.; rd�-MuInaS Name: Bennis 4LaceK Address:_960a► bcjcrf)o k!d Company: nR5 Hmerican Resiaential s.rviea. City: F+ FLI 'C- ztate:tL menress: &M Qz:i t -1--,y 1 Jp Cole: 511 c% -I Fax: Citr,: vero Beach State: P= PRone Igo.2(g y J ,� -, 320 _ Zip Code: 32960 Fax: r 1z 1ezr-yr8s E-Plaii: Phone no. I I z Iiia-«+, Fill in fee simple Title Holder on neat page [ If differem r -Mail: MrS. Cain from the Owner lisreti aBovea 5twte or County License: CMC1249753 Ir value or construction is :1zt J or more, a RECORDED N-tkc of Commcnc.m.nt 6 required. Sinn A}kaas (Lo Si�"Xje C.o . o pCuP G.Y*AWkSC.('. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DE5IGNEK/ENGINEER: x Not Applicable Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: FEE ZIIMPzE I I i [E HOLDER: x Mot HpplicaMle Narna: Addr"ess City: zip: PRone: MORTGAGE COMPANY: x Not Applicable Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: SCInDING COIMPAlOY: x Nut Applicable Name: Address: City: zip: rhone: I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to tRe issuance of a permit. St. C-cie Cont rnaRes no representation tRet i„ 6r -mins a r.gmir :ill-mtMcr;Cr tM-.permit Roldcr to DJU the �Vo;ect A acture which is in confjict with -any a plicable Rame t,wners msociation rules, Qylaws or any covenants that may restrict or proRiRit sucn st, acto re. Plc-.. r.5 salt -it your R. me Ovv,.ers Association and review your deed for any restrickions which may apply. In eon3:8eration or tnc gr-ntirig or trib reyec3tcif per ... it, I ?10 Rc,-c6y ogre that I mill, in all rc3peet�, perffvrm the ..orh in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and 5L. Lucie County Amendments. he following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room aQuitions, -cee3�o� yy 3tr3et5Fc3, 37.irrifflirig pooh, rerice3, wills, 34m3, -ereen roar; -rill -eeca3p. r p.e3 to anotRer nvn-i c3iaentiol use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements Lo your property. m Rotice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on tree joRsite bef irii the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, Cc;n5ult with lender or an attornEy before commencing worn or recoriaing your Modce or Commencement. _ 5ierlatare yr i3 cr?GTS r/ Le—cc/Agent Signature of Contra r/ricense Roluer zi I Iv I E OF FEUM13m I;� IA I E OF FEUNIDH COUNTY OF 3tc=. COUNTY OF 51 rug. 1 Re forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this � day of —e k) 20 ,�br Dennis Zacek (Name of person acknowledging j ure or Nota jjuEiic- Mate or Floriaa ) i Re rorgoing instrument was acRne-laagc0 Baer. me this ),—A, day of tieb 20 IS by 13nnnis ancen (Mame of person acknowledging ) re57"IvotOq Pudic- State of FloriVa I Per,cn-Ily Kn.-;-.n x OR P�u0mcca Idcntir'�atio . Personally nnown - UR ProbeceR I0entir;e-t:or, type or,aentiiication Protlucetl Type of Idendfication Produced Commission Ivo. r. zweso. >%: 80Tjj A DERBY Commission Ivo. r�-�� M, COMMISSION aFF2z09�o DEKDr . M?p1 .I -V'53 FI ~4m t5l EXPIRES NZI 17. [019 Revised 07/15/201 ,�u_,1��iiT;.,;',•'� � REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLAN5 VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE 1700MIER REVIEW REvltvv REvIEvv REVIEW REvltvv REvIEw DATE C,OMPCE I E INITIALS Michelle FranRlin; CFA -- Saint Lucie County Proper -y Appraiser -- All rigRts reserves. rroperty Idene.ificadon Site Address- rarcel IU: Accorluz #: Map ItJ: U3. 1,Fc_ Zoning: F-ityc.Z Ly Ownership Thema= Lm --d Kathy Laird 57i: norseslloc CaRC rcv S:..f .rd, NY 14143 Legal Description LAKEWOOD PARK -UNIT 8-A- 13LK 1 LOT 7 ZMAP 13 07S) kOR 3491- 1627) Curren: values jusu,viarKet varve: $112,900 A33u. sci3 Valeo: 380.924 Exemptions: s0 I—;;Bio V»lees: 380,924 Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collector's Office ijownloaQ I turvl Ior lnis parcel: De- .Ie 8 PDF G 8,Oz 5AChKNO RD 1301-609-0007-000-zi zz60 13'02S 0100 RS -4 saint erucic county Total Areas ri.�QRZIe.-Air (br): 1.504 Gross Area (SF): z,4ss Hanan `size (acres): 0.3Q L.z.d hiz, (Sf� ). 12.81,3 I nis information is oeiievell to Be correct at ulis time out it is s=Ugeet to wn-nse —mli : ;vt --PmmteB. '' l;,epTnsnl w l s SR:. -.l LOv.c CuwRI, rPepert, Arpffl;�v.. ALI gnls tae; -.w8.