HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 02/14/2018 Permit Number: Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial Residential X PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Mechanical I PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: 6 VENTURA LANE Legal Description: 27 36 40 ALL THAT PART LYING E AND N OF ST LUCIE RIVER AND W OF US 1- LESS AS IN ORS 2519 Property Tax ID #: 3»121- kik-bobz_- fDOO -6 Lot No. Site Plan Name: Project Name: Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: Left Side: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Block No. INSTALLATION OF LIKE FOR LIKE 3 TON CARRIER PACKAGE UNIT, 14 SEER WITH 8 KW ELECTRIC HEAT CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: AU itiona work to he nertormed under this permit -c hecka appy: 1zHVAC Gas Tank In OGas Piping _ Shutters []Windows/Doors Electric Plumbing Sprinklers Generator Roof = Roof pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Cost of Construction: $ 3,836.00 SFt. of First Floor: _ Utilities:n Sewer 0 Septic Building Height: OWNER/LESSEE: CONTRACTOR: Name MARC LEMOYNE Name: JAMES F GRIMES Address:6 VENTURA LANE Company: GRIMES HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING City: PORT ST LUCIE State: FL Zip Code: 34952 Fax: Phone No. 772-237-4581 Address: 3054 N US HWY 1 City: FORT PIERCE State: FL Zip Code: 34946 Fax: 772-461-8722 Phone No. 772-461-8711 E -Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) E -Mail: KAYLAGRIMESAC@AOL.COM State or County License: RA0018071 it value or construction is $z5uu or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. Name: Address: City: State: ZiP: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Name: x Not Applicable Address: City: ZIP: Phone: MORTGAGE COMPANY: Not ble rnr: Name: _ Applicable Address, City: State: ZIP: Phone: BONDING COMPANY: Name: x Not Applicable Address: City: ZIP: Phone: I certify that no work or Installation has commenced prior to the Issuance of a permit, structure. (s In ease wltlt any app Ilca tda Home OwnerstAssocPatlonirules a ylaws o� anFen covenants that build o)r prohrIuct such structure. Please consult wlthpyour Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which ma a I . In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work y in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for Improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. if you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work or recording vour Notice of rnmmonrom.. * STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF GT . I A) r t F T1C0UNTYOF_ ; ,l 1�f The fo oing instrument was acknowledged before me this.4day Of,J_ xv , ZO X_,by -" - F CaCLIYv�FC (Name of person acknowledging) Type Commission No. Revised 07/15/2014 OR Produced Identification REVIEWS I FRONT I ZONING COUNTER REVIEW INITIALS #00089099 C_ The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this a day of tom, I p tot ZO _M_ by _ JPkrwF� F�c,�Q-�rwlt=IN (Name of person acknowledging) State Personally Known OR Produced Identification Type of Identifica on Produced Commission No. 11,; SUSAN �ANEGRO MYCOMIMISSION#GG089 099 SUPERVISOR LANS�VEGETATION�SEA TURTLE I MANGROVE REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW VIEW mad CERTIFIED Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI CM6fled Reference Number :7490503 Data 01 Model Status : ACWe OM AHRI Reference Number AHRI Type SPA Seder : Ouldoor Unit Brand Name : CARRIER Outdoor Unit Model Number (Condeaddr or Single Package) : SOZPGO3 30" IrMocr Unit Brand Name Indoor Unit Model Number (Evaporator Mndfor Air Handier) Furnace Modal Number : Region : All (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO. CT. DC, DE. FL. GA. HI. ID. IL. M. IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD. ME. MI, MN, MO. MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV. NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SO, TN, TX, UT, VA, W. WA, M, WI. WY. U.S. Tmdmdx) Region Note : Central air cprWitiorlers mamtacturad prior to January 1, 2015 are eligible to be installed in all legions until Jim 30, 2016. Beginning July i, 2016 central air contlilice ers ran Only be installed in region(s) for which May meet Ore regional efficiency requirement. The manuMcWmr Of this CARRIER product Is responsible for the Doig of this system combination. Rated as follows in accordance with the latest Frohlich of ANSDAHRI 2101240 with Addenda 1 and 2. Performance Rating of Unitary Air -Conditioning 6 Air -Source Heat Pump Equipment and sublecf to rafig accuracy by AHR4sponsored, independent third party testing: Cooling Capacity (A2) - Single or High Stage (95F), bWh : 35000 SEER :14.00 EIER(A2)- Single by High Stage Ig5F) :11.50 IEER YActNe' Madel Status are thea that an AHRI Cx10@stion Program PaNcipant is arrw y, pe during AND WIN, Or offering M sea; OR rww modals the are being mmndant but era not yet being pmduoad.Sroduckahe Stopped' Madel Sm. am Nma Mat an AHRI C firalipn Pmgam ParbrJpentls W lager gadneing BUT as III G u thaal %W,'nmNWnfsJ byW c -rand run 1 T o bl'eNml Ggh91 abW with Me wavmu rl WPSI raI DISCLAIMER AHRIdon not met. Ne Dnoducts)Ilsled on lhls famnWte and make no represematone.somantleswguaremson, as M,andassumeno Irml,e iNMylor, the pmduds111Wd m Nle CMMwte. ANRI nmomey deklmons all llaNltty fordamegn of wry Nlnd arNing out of the uboor perfambnce w the pro luat s). or Ne netho Fred onemtion N do. listed on this CeNlNate. combined youngs are vand only for modaw and worsened—IWed In the directory at wwwah.Idlrectory.orC. TERMS AND CONDRIONS Tim Ceniacate and he makes are phatimay, produce of AHRI. Res QHMca shall only be used la Indhedual, paKonal and A "Cap motdenlial reference puM .The contents otNH CMI%Wle may not in whole Orin pan. be reproduce4 eopled; dineminsted: entered Into a computer dae ; or othermVe NIIlu0.1n any Mme or manner or by ammatin; seen for the users tndlWdual, defended and comakedfal rHendes. on medrn NMS. keiTr G. CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION G RCPT WERATION INSTITIIiE The 1,111m tion lw the modoldbd omnis wrtifiote can he ye. at www.ahrldhemory.ma, click on Noflfy ConlllchW linty anal eeler the ARM Certified Reference Number and the data on which the cenlflWle was Inued, which Is listed above. and the Certificate No., which h IWed at bottom right. 52MAir-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute CERTIFICATE NO.i 13162502900511078.56