HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationACC NPPCIMSEE IMFU MID.) i BE COVAPEET ED FOR APPEICAi ION 10 6E ACCEP i ED Date. Permit Number: Building Permit Application Pranning onlY aeveropment zervices uuhuing anu Cotte Regulation Division zzil)V Virginia Avenue, rort tierce FL .3$y8L Phone—(? -/Z) 4Bi-i»1 Fax: {i r�) u'n�-15x8 CuniMUI CIA Residential ` PERMIT APPEILA i lull FuR: To SE;Iuat from drapbuN, slick arlvw at the and of line jr_+ J(+ f PROPOSED IMPROVEMEN i WCAi lull: mddress: Ri'o De Lesal Description: s _aural} y Club Property i a7, ID n: Col Mo. �1Ila Pl.n M...,e: Block Mo. Pro;.et M-Fric: _ffla+hew5,_=homy S — :i,etnacKs Front B.CR: RigRt Side: Left Side: DEIAILED DESCRIPIIUN OF WORK: Replace AC, t?xdcL change out witn _ on, SEER, W KW AC aviit f,-gCkay CUI451RULIIUN IMFURMAIIUN: Add Mona I work to be riertorrmecl en yr t i3 permit — eck all apply, In ORvHC 13 Gas iariR ❑Uai Pipin6 _Shutters Windows/Voors U Electric 0 PlumBing 11�,prirlklcm U Generator Li Roof Roos piicrl I otal --JQ. Ft oT Construction: Cost of Construction: 5 _ &&C5 5 Ft. of First Floor: Utilides:U Sewer Elseptic Builsing FleigRt: uvvN ER/CE55EE: CON TRACTOR: Mame ma H7ews, T�'1rir17Qs IQan�v: Dennis ZaceR HUoress:J_6_ RJO DC „ „Pat IMM S_ Company: ARS mmerican ResiGendal Services City: Ft 2eru_ Scale: I�L Address: zauQ Cs Rwy -i Zip Code: Fax: City: vero aaar.R State: FL Phone no. 4ip Code: 32960 Fax: r r z r y4 -7r as E -Mail: Phone No. 772 7s -r -+i iu Fill in tce loseple Title Holder on next page ( if different E -Mail: -- r mil rLS from the Owner listed above) )tate or County Eiccm,a: CM 1249753 it value of construction is sz3ov or more, a rimuRoEo Notice or Lammcnae...crit is, rcyei.ca. 5U M, It LV. Dh SUPPEEMENTAE CONSTRUCTION LIED LAW INFORMATION: DEalIGNER/ERV3IMEER: x Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: X Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: City: State: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE aINIPEE I IILE ROEDER: x Moi /Applicable 001rIDIMG COMIPAMY: x Moi Hpplicat7le Name: Name: Address: iMdress: City: C;17: Lip: PROM=: Lip: Phone: I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. m. t.ucie Countyy mages no representation [Rai is granting a permit will authorize the permit Molder to Eailtl the aQ;Cct :tPoLterc which is in conflict with any a plicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such stractarc. Plea.e cori;alt FlpTc O ricr� A5:5oriatIRn G. .0 re iww your, acca roe any rc�tr]ctlpn7 ry Foch Tay apply. In evi,siaeration or the granting or this reqz;estea permit, I Mo nerea, agree that I -ill, in all r"peet�, pcRarm the .arR in accordance Witri tFie approved plans, Me Florida Sailai..g Codes and 5t. [acie County Amendments. he following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, acec33o-,T ..IFWBFs.., :aTPnIRg pevl�, rv.-vee„ :all., Sib R:, :ereem welTl: an8acee..:e. j a„Czi t� ans[fle1. hare-F.A.Atial 03c WARNING TO UvvMER: Your rode, -e to Rccora o IQ.,ticc of Carr[enei.ccrne..t .o.oy Desalt in your paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jubsite before the first in3p�ction. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commenciniz worn or recoraing your laotace of Commencement:. _ 5ign.,ta�c or O er/ Lr3ee/Hent a i m 11! Or REORM/A COUNTY OF :1e,aa i he fo_ rVing instrume L was acknowledged before me this a.y at 1iJ r eenm —cert (Mame of person acknowledging) — �� T�r�� (aignature or Motary rul3:ic-a e or Flori'oa 1 s Signature of Contra r/License holder arra, E OR FEURI VIA COUNTY OF ..=euce i Re forgoing instrument as a:Rnowie'ageli Defore me tni37-day at zu �by eannis —Cees (Name of person acknowledging j (Signature of Notarq Public- ata a of Florida l Ycr3a—li, Rna m x Ort P�:oaucca lae..[irieo[iv.. rersonaily renown ^ OR Pro'ouceG lGentification type of Identification Produced Type of Identirication Produced Commission Mo. BE�A1A DERBY Commission No. ..M . C-MM13SION 0 FF2209ju Revised 07/15/201427"1122 °7"1122 iso DEMEY MY C13MM15SION 0 FF220930 REvIEWS FROMT ZOMMIS SUPERVISOn PLANS vEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE CUUMtER REvltvv MEvlEvv REvltvv RLVIEVV KEvlEvv REvltvv DATE CDIN'irEETE INITIALS Haoi RB • Plumis uv�iumtN .—T Eft. Start D..ta A lirsfallaGairi WvrK Order Est Camplavaie Dai. (772) 567-3100 Corporate vustomer 2600 U5 H:gh--.y 1, Vere Bench, FL 32960 Rel-lioria AimPmm Resida%W Smcw d Flada Jm Lkm= # CMC 1249753, CAC045ti76, CFC (866) 603.0675 I EMAII CALL SLIP CELL' SIZETYPE .,q��/ ! UIZE_ TYP EFFICIENCY �/�rr EFFICIENCY $ _ a $ 7,7 ••% ` DESIGN OPTION Slzl'_ TYPt EFFICIENCY __ __ ❑ Liquid Tile Conduit ❑ Ceiling Saver Kit ❑ Humidifier -- SUBTOTAL $ 62� (0 SUBTOTAL $ 8�c fJ / r SUBTvIAL y MON I HLY EST.' MOIL I R 51. • $ MONTHLY EST.' $ CUSTOMER INITIALS Cu ER INITIALS CUSTOMER INITIALS Warranty: ,��? Parts LaborW nty. --j-d-9 Parts Labor Warrant, Porto Labor Comp. -.=or L�H.at Excharigor s Compressor Heat Exchanger ------:Compressor. Heat Exchanger Refrigerant recovered and disposed of as required Dy law. Complete clean up inc uding use of floop oa-wm to ppeteet ye p home and removal of existing equipment. All work completed is done n accordance cith e-iatiF;g eedw- and pe.,..a7, ® -qe ped. OF +UR INSTALLATION roo- SELECTE❑OPTION: ❑1 152 ❑3 ❑ Weatherproof ZrConnect to Existing ❑ Electronic Air Cleaner_ SUBTOTAL $. 0 Disconnect Electrical ❑ Media Filter 8 Fuel Piping ,Q'Ilfetime Equipment Slab ❑ New Plywood Deck ❑ pCO,$ 2,—' DC �ound Isolation Pads [3 Reconnect Drain Line 13 UV Light eq p CREDIT CARD (LAST 4#s) Ot-stat ❑ Liquid Tile Conduit ❑ Ceiling Saver Kit ❑ Humidifier -- • Start Start Kit (Pan 8 Most) 0 Dehumidifier TOTAL $ ❑ Refrigerant L.L. Dryer-,,,- ❑ Main Drain Safety Switch ❑ Outdoor Unit Pad ❑ Refrigerant Pipe Me o.Seal New Connections ❑ Flue Venting ❑ New ❑ Reconnect ❑ Support Attic Equipment ❑ Ductwork Connections ❑ CASH ❑ CHECK# ❑ Refrigerant Pipe Cover O Supply Plenum 8 Fuel Piping ❑ Expansion Valve ❑ New ❑ ReconnectB Electrical Wring p CREDIT CARD (LAST 4#s) Ot-stat [J Return Plenum DrHome Service Plan - ❑ New ❑ Reconnect 1 Term (364 days) EXP . APPROVAL _ Comfort Guarantee dome Protection Guarantee —rEELLjANCING" 24 -Hour Service Guarantee 00%6 Unconditional Money -Back Guarantee Payment options available with approved credit PfGs� i cy gr.%j �o 443P6,K/ /a 1{/ , • PWJA-.)dL6A DW - Written customer authorization wil' be obtained before beginning any unforeseen additional or exlended W -0m • mMY i.OaIMb FvR CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS ARE SUBJE= TQ THE Ni TZl• RNG CURE PRuViSICNS OF CHAPTER 556, FLORIDA STATUTES • BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL: This is a home solicitation sale, and if you do not want the goods or services,■u rite; eee.el this _gmemeat by providing written notice to the seller In person, b, telegram, op b,- m-11. Thio native mo=t indi. Yte th-t you d■ not -tet th■ goods op se -Ices _gid most be deli -eyed op'o.-t-_eked before id sight of the third beslrlari. d..y after you -1g.. this og-errant If you peal thio as-e■menx, the -ell.. -oy net keep all or p -rt of any eeah da :n poymont. S— the -ide hereof for an o;;pl "ation of thio, right • I aclfuwleugo mar my righi 1w cancel has bwen wxplainwd io me .sorry ..nu in writing, no witllooi waiving my right to cancel, I authorize Ille porrurm„ ncu u. i„a w.,rk, sabjaut to .11 Irma and conditiurm aur f.,,.,, n iiia rovers. Bion 1lereor, plus any taxes upon completion. N=tloo To O-ne:. De net sign this, helve improvement venlreet in blank. Yee ..-. entitled to — appy of the aaRlmat at the tiara you oign. Keep it to prat—t your luu-I riehtc. This humor'ee..treet mry want -in a Rrertgaga iaa erectv a liar .n your pmparty that could be foreclosed on if you do not pay. B. sure you understand all provisioris of contract b ore you sign. 03 ER aics11 VRG Onrc GORrr'KnT Rq�R�a�IR u—ir� es„�IlplR..see.. �RE DATE e. TE c ZCti.v,wvirw nesiowl- w.•,.ve CCe. roll nglha rtiaii a. .,RM.70 173c0:7 a%eo Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Reverence Humber ; 7490504 Date 02-14-2018 Model Status ; Anti -.a uld AHRI Kereibnee Numbor : AHRI Type : SP -A aeries : Outdoor Unit Brand Name : CARRIER Oard.r Unit M.dcl Nombcr (Cundenser or Single Packager : ;jOzl"C048-30" Indoor Unit Brand P.me Indoor Omit Medal Nembar (E-poretor andl.r Air Rand6r) Farm -o. Moael Nalrtber : Region : All (AK, AL, AR, PEG, CA, CO. CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID. IL, IA, IN, KS, KY, LA MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, w, M5, MT, NC, NO, NE, NH NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, UR, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, I X. u I, VA, VT WA, WV, WI, WY, U.S, TQ "torics) Region Note : Central air conditioners manuvactured prior to January 1, z01 are eligible to be Installed In all regions until June 30, 2016, Beginning July 1, 2016 central air conditioners can only On Immailled in 'o7ien(-) for -filen they meet the regional effieia.my ,,..yelpeNreNl, The manuvacturer or uJs CARRIER product Is responslMe ror the rating or utfs system comMnation. Rated as follows In accordance won Me latest edition of ANSlIA19RI z101240 -hn Aadend- 1 u-0 z, Perfferinartce, R.Ii,.j of ❑Ktary Ali -Conditioning & Air -Seems Fle-t Petnp E.,elptnent and abject to retie„ aeeo—y by AHRI-spomNored, Indurpe„dem, third pars testing: Cooling CapaM ny Val - zingie or High Stage (9b!!1, elull :47000 SEER :14.00 EER (A2) - Singlo or High Sraye (95F) : 11.50 IEER : T"Active' Model Status are those that an AHRI C=rtifivullon Pra-,mn P.rtldpnt L ■oF—Rtl7 proded..g AND Belling up.ffering for sale. OR nae models tea: are ening rn,moleo Dal are —I yet Doing proud— Provoction Stopped" Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is no 10.59_p ppdZ.45 BUT i_ -W still .a e� ulf ring for mal.. Roti-qs that are otcvrruaeni� by WAS Indicate on iriyd•.rlar4 •'gale. The ne,. oddished ralna Is s rwn ail-rij Win the prBvig lfe. W-S)ratinq. DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the produ=tlel Ilel_d -n IN= C.nifl...t..nd Nrak■■ ;;■ repp.o.nt-li.ns.: arrantles.p gu-rti.n;v� 4 b, and assom.z no respansiDdly Tor, me prouo�t(s) liste..n .els Cvnirl";u...RRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or pert-rma;;.■ cf th, i;pedvvtjvl, ■p th. ■N.dho.l-ed .lt.ratlon .f d.ta ll,ted on this Cenlileela. Ce..lfled put are :.lid only for maoe.a no conegor.a.ns llatoa in ino directory at www.ahridlrectory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS uMits c.rrin—tu and its contents are proprietary products of AHRI. This Certificate shall only be used for indl-ideal, per—n.1 .nd .onfldantl..l referti :oa perpo. The eon:anN of this Canincab may not, in WHolo or in parr, Do roprvaa,ou; cupieu; disseminated; entered Into a computer database; or otherwl= utlllz=d, In an; fwm up nr.nnep ■p b; _n; mane, ecoept top the szer's indl-ideal, persan.l an. eonnoenrl.l rercran..e. .111- GIND111eNING, HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION IN........ The Infarm.,lon to, tfla mwcl .rtco on can De 9crrneuat w—...I1rI.Ir.ctury...rg. click on 'Verify Certificate' link x, ..ice life better- and ent=p th= AHRI C■rtlflod R.f.p.n_. Number a: d the dot. on -hleh th..enifieata -as 1=, d, w1`101 6lim....ee1F., an. Ine Certificate No., which Is listed at bottom rignt. 02018Air-Conditionins, Hearing, and Refrigeradon Ins►lrure CERTIFICATE NO.: 131630950970685870