HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT bL�bMi+A-n1_qe.Cj1flUd1PL13 . tv ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: rermit Iquml3er: • a - Builaing Permit Application tse,ra,,.y v.,i3 frvl�r liey..ry t.v,.Urs,,,O„ 2JO0 vr.g,'„�,.Aa�„am, Fart r'u,. FL.34982 ` Pro ��i�)�s2-155j F_: iii2)462-?578 Commercial Residential ✓ PERMIT APPEIC:ATIUN FUR: To Select frm drpboA, click drrow at the eno of line C PRuP05tD IIVIPRuvEPIEMI WCAIIFjM: Eegal Description: al•K- -, ] _ _C1 Property Tax ID#: Cot Site Plan Name: ``-- RI._R N. Projec►Name: R Q d [_--f'l Setbacks From Back: Right Side: Eeft aide: DETAILED DESCRIPTIuN OF vvuRR: Replace AC, uAact Chia,--.g, ect with tun, I L SEER, KW AC unit� CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Additional work to cirmecl under this permit—check all apply: 0HVAC 0 Gas Tank ❑Gas Piping _Shutters ❑vvin0owsMoors Electric 0 Plumbine Sprinklers Generator Roof Roor pacn Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Scl. Fk. of First Floor: Cost of ConSLrUceion:$ to �Kr1 Utilities: sewer E23,p6r_ Saildin6 Heisht: OWN ERAE55EE: CONTRACTvR: M.,... L. LL Name: Dennis caceR Address: VAI NC r�wefi0 t-± Company: ARs American Reuiaentiul Sa...ices City: L atate:� A05ress: 2tiuo 05 R y 1 tip CoQe: Fa-: City: Vero Beach State:PC Prone RQ.M 7 f'_Pr) Zip Code: 3295u rax: r Es E-Mail: Phone No. f r-6 ftf-rcra Fill in fee simple Title Molder on next page(h different E-Mail: , co Trom zRe Owner IisteD aaove) State or County icense: CAC e245t 53 Ir value or construction is$zsUu or rnore,a RECURDED Notice of Commencement is required. CA SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCT—ION LIED LAW INFORMATION: DE-AI3MER/EM13I,vEErc: x Mat Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: x Nat Applicable Name: Dame: Address: Address: City: SLate: City: SLate: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: HE SIMPLE I I I CE ROEDER: X Mot Applicable EsO19DING COMPANY: x Mot Applicable NemE: Name: Address: Address: City: City: Zip: PRone: Lip: FROM=: I certify that no worR or installation has commence-u prior to the issuance of a permit. st. loci.Coent rM.Kc R-repro eRtatiam that i,5rant;Rg a rer....t:ill aarmori..tRe-erv--it RvlileT to Eieili9 Me;e6;tet Ara�ter. wnicfl is in conflict with any a plicable Rome owners association rules,bylaws or andreovenants that may restrict or prolliait such structure.Please consult wit your Home Owners Association and eview your de.a for any restrictions rvnlcFi may apply. In co ri[ler.tian of the dr.Rting of tni,.eziorAca perrRit, I as ncre6, agree tn..t I will,i,,-11 rc3pceta, pcFTor—Or-orK in accordance with the approved plans,the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. I Re following buil'ing permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review:room additions, occe3nv.►3trVct4re3,37-imMi 5 P0015,tcRce„--ll,a,5ils"3,�erccri rooR19 F—a CCC33s.i ehc3 to..Motncr Ron-rGlaenti.1 ma WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your Payin6 twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencemeni must be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If yciu intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work or recoraing your notice of Commencement. _Signature of OW../Ec39ec/Agent Signature of Contra r/Eicense Molder a I A I E OF FCORIDA 31 A I E or PEOnIUA COUNTY OF s,=gin COUNTY OF .!r'.. I Me roe oing instrument was acitnowledged before me I Re forgoing instrument was acRnow'eagefl7 coefore me Lhis�day of Fib 20� by tFii3 �doy of F-eb 20 g by Dennis Zarek Mnnla—raR (Dame or person aanowie'uging 1 (Name of person acknowledging) (�i r. ) / \ ) rabD - bRotere Igot PuBlic-.)tate of Flor'aa) (3ignature of+iota ublic-state of Florida) P.r-nally Known X OR Pr�aocca lacntifl'catio" Fersonally Known - OR Prooucea laent:fication Type or itlentincadon ProGucee Type of Identification Produced rrzzasso �� '� GCRB s - ih: B rC�TPH��}A DERBY CeTTI��IvR Igo. . •�•;': _�,' Ct]h1Ml Commission Mo. fFu.ea..e My COhfiM55�ON.FF22093a -�— . 'N M-F220930 EXPIREb Apra 15,2019 EXPIRES Apnl 15 20--9 Revised 07/15/2014 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEATURTLE MANGROVE wQMIEn REvIEvv nEvlEvv nEvlEvv REVIEvv REvIEvv REvltvv DATE CORIPLE I t r lv l i ImL.S Micnalle Franklin, LFA-- Saint Incia Laanty Praperty Appraiser--Ail rights resemad. Property Identification J;to AS�c7,-tea : 174 SE SONCTO CT Parcel ID: 3419-550-0038-000-:) AeeweRt FF: 43729 Map ID: A 28S use type: 0100 RS4 %ityiZounty: Sai.-. Lucie Can..nay Orrriership Leah R Redmond 100 Chestnut Ridge RD Sacnt Mary.,PA 15857 Leal Description RIVER PARK-UNIT 7-BLK 69 LOT 9�M_P 34 28S,;OR 591-816:932- - - --- R — 2634) Current values _ } justnvmrKet vane: S79,800 , Azzc.-.90 Value: Exemptions: !)43.123 - 1 l]le V-Ilte: 30 Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Coliecears Office© TOLal Areas uownloau i tctwt for tnis parcel: D.:.1-rd PDF FinishedlUndcrAir(5F): 1,304 Gross rnrea[5r r 1.72, 1_4na Size(Ewes): 0•=4 Lanll size raPp: 10.340 This informali.,n is 6clicvrd to B.%Lorrccr..r this ti.�,c but it is subj��t i.,change and is not warranted. Copyright 2018 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser.All rights reserved.