HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: Permit Number: T. s Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772)462-1553 Fax: (772)462-1578 Commercial _ Residential ;K PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Roof PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: Legal Description: 0I (' C(16CC Phes Elk 1 L >f (,rC' - � ) �C� IC,J ZSZZ - Zolti�� Property Tax ID#:a, �C;".� - 00 C9 - 000 0 Lot No. Site Plan Name:nl�G I.J SY1 e\\-e i) 7 e. ­e:� Block No. Project Name: Ter-r Setbacks Front r In�Jt--1^P�_ Back: 1 n 11A Right Side: n/A Left Side: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Additional r to b rFo—rmed under this permit-check aT� apply: FIHVAC l—J Gas Tank Gas Piping F]Shutters Windows/Doors Electric ❑_Plumbing Sprinklers Generator Roof `IL Roof pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: L i z1:1 _ S . Ft. of First Floor: n t,"1 Cost of Construction: $ � ,(, ) Utilities:0 Sewer OSeptic Building Height: OWNER/LESSEE: CONTRACTOR: Name -(,.Ai kG u',f Name: � Address: l0 l Z Sin C_V Te y-r Company: City: t'nck 'z'�i State:FL Address: Z (] J �(�C;i ,Y Sfi Zip Code: Li� Fax: nip City: �y-k State: r-L_ Phone No. Z - `"licri - \1Z'� Zip Code: ILAci)Z Fax: E-Mail: Phone No. '1 - JZ Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page (if different E-Mail: kC:lj r\n(y-Aek-\S en U60�(Ai'ro ceyM from the Owner listed above) State or County License: If value of construction is$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: In w Name: Address: Address: City: State: +rl City: State: Zip: Phone Zip: n\6 Phone: FEE SIMPLE JITLE HOLDER: x Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: Name: n 1A Address: Address: D 1A City: city: Zip: Phone: 014 Zip: /I+Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects,perform the work in accordance with the approved plans,the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures,swimming pools,fences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER:Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work o ding your Notice of Commencement. Signature of Owner/Lessee/Contractor as Agent for Owner Signature of Contractor/License Holder STATE OF FLORID STATE OF FLORI / ' COUNTY OF J�_ �L��/ C'— COUNTY OF � Lv C/C The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me The forgoing instru t was acknowledged before me this�lO day of-tb• 20�by this, '" dayof m b L 20a by Name of person making statement Name of pe son making statement Personally Known ,' OR Produced Identification Personally Known OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Type of Identification Produced Produced (Signat re of Notary Public- Florida���y (Signature of Notary Public-S of Florida w ., ip. Commission No. * • #GG14,202 1 Commission No. Ez 19,2 1 .� tarnbor 19 202 *�, 02= ''Far�t�' Y�dAw9wfpitNdrrSwrkas tt -. �4� Mnd�dihuW+dyK►k4"YSwyka REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED Rev. 8/2/17 Certificate of Authorization No. 29824 CREEK17520 Edinburgh Dr Tampa, FL 33647 TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC (813)480-3421 EVALUATION REPORT FLORIDA BUILDING CODE,6T"EDITION(2017) Manufacturer: TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS Issued September 25. 2017 220 West 4"'Street Joplin, MO 64801 (417)624-6644 Manufacturing Plants: Joplin, MO Phillipsburg, KS Frederick, MD Dallas, TX Tuscaloosa, AL Quality Assurance: UL LLC(QUA9625) SCOPE Category: Roofing Subcategory: Asphalt Shingles Code Sections: 1504.1.1, 1507.2.5, 1507.2.7.1. 1523.6.5.1 Properties: Physical properties,Wind Resistance,Wind Driven Rain REFERENCES Entity Report No. Standard Year PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-043-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-051-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-054-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-114-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-117-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-130-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-131-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-165-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-280-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-303-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-307-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-314-02-01 Rev 2 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-315-02-01 ASTM D 6381 2008(2013)e1 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-317-02-01 TAS 100 1995 UL LLC(TST9628) 02NK9507 ASTM D 3161 2016 UL LLC(TST9628) 04NK24366 ASTM D 3462 2010A UL LLC(TST9628) 05NK28006 ASTM D 6381 2008(2013)e1 UL 2390 ASTM D 7158 2011 UL LLC(TST9628) 06NK03898 ASTM D 3161 2016 ASTM D 3462 2010A UL LLC(TST9628) 08CA59132 ASTM D 3161 2016 UL LLC(TST9628) 09NK07896 ASTM D 3161 2016 ASTM D 3462 2010A UL LLC(TST9628) 1OCA50498 ASTM D 3462 2010A UL LLC(TST9628) 1 OCA64882 ASTM D 3161 2016 UL LLC(TST9628) I INK14014 ASTM D 3161 2016 ASTM D 3462 2010A UL LLC(TST9628) 12CA24551 ASTM D 3161 2016 UL LLC(TST9628) 4786110543 ASTM D 6381 2008(2013)e1 UL LLC(TST9628) 4787043752 ASTM D 3161 2016 UL LLC(TST9628) 4787148748 ASTM D 7158 2011 ASTM D 3161 2016 ASTM D 3462 2010A CREEK Technical Services LLC(ANE11669) TBP15001.3 Calculations 2017 TBP15001.4 FL18355-R4 Page 1 of 11 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. DEEK TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS j'� Asphalt Shingles TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Elite Glass-Seal® 12-114" x 36", ASTM D 3161. Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class H self-sealing. 3-tab (Frederick,Joplin& asphalt shingle with fiberglass mat coated on both sides with asphalt and surfaced with Tuscaloosa) ceramic granules complying with ASTM D 3462. Glass-Seal 12-114" x 36", ASTM D 3161, Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class H self-sealing, 3-tab (Frederick& asphalt shingle with fiberglass mat coated on both sides with asphalt and surfaced with Tuscaloosa) ceramic granules complying with ASTM D 3462, Glass-Seal 12-114" x 36", ASTM D 7158, Class H self-sealing, 3-tab asphalt shingle with fiberglass (Joplin) mat coated on both sides with asphalt and surfaced with ceramic granules complying with ASTM D 3462. Shingles shall be used in the non-HVHZ only. Heritage® 13-1/4" x 39-3/8", ASTM D 3161, Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class H fiberglass (Dallas, Frederick, reinforced, laminated architectural asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral granules Joplin, Phillipsburg& complying with ASTM D 3462. Tuscaloosa) Heritage®Premium 13-1/4" x 39-3/8", ASTM D 3161, Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class H fiberglass (Dallas, Frederick, reinforced, laminated architectural asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral granules Phillipsburg& complying with ASTM D 3462. Tuscaloosa) Heritage®Premium 12" x 36", ASTM D 3161, Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class H fiberglass reinforced. (Frederick) laminated architectural asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral granules complying with ASTM D 3462. Heritage®Vintage® 17-112"x 40", ASTM D 3161, Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class H fiberglass reinforced, (Phillipsburg) laminated architectural asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral granules complying with ASTM D 3462. Heritage®Woodgate 13-1/4" x 39-3/8", ASTM D 3161, Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class H fiberglass (Dallas&Frederick) reinforced, laminated architectural asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral granules complying with ASTM D 3462 Heritage®Woodgate 12" x 36-3/8", ASTM D 3161, Class F fiberglass reinforced, laminated architectural (Frederick) asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral granules complying with ASTM D 3462. Shingles shall be used in the non-HVHZ only. Hip and Ridge Shingles 12-1/4" x 12", ASTM D 3161, Class F fiberglass reinforced, hip and ridge asphalt (Frederick&Joplin) shingle surfaced with mineral granules complying with ASTM D 3462. Vintage®Hip and Ridge 12" x 12", ASTM D 3161, Class F fiberglass reinforced, hip and ridge asphalt shingle (Phillipsburg) surfaced with mineral granules complying with ASTM D 3462. TBP15001.4 FL18355-R4 Page 2 of 11 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services. LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. C RE jj TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS j1 Asphalt Shingles TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC INSTALLATION Elite Glass-Seal® Basic Wind Speed (V,,,t): Max. 194 mph Frederick, Joplin& Basic Wind Speed(Vasd): Max. 150 mph Tuscaloosa) Deck(HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; & Solidly sheathed min. 19/32 in. plywood or wood plank for Glass-Seal new construction; Min. 15/32 in. plywood existing (Frederick, Joplin (Non- construction. HVHZ)&Tuscaloosa) Deck(Non-HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements, Solidly sheathed min. 15/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction, Min. 7116 in. OSB existing construction. Underlayment: In accordance with FBC requirements. Min. slope: 2:12 and in accordance with FBC requirements. Refer to the manufacturer's application instructions when installing shingles at slopes greater than 21:12. Installation (HVHZ): Installed with 5-1/8 inch exposure in accordance with RAS 115 and manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using "6 Nail Pattern" detailed below. Installation (Non-HVHZ): Installed with 5-1/8-inch exposure in accordance with FBC requirements and manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using either"4 Nail Pattern"or"6 Nail Pattern"detailed below. NAILS Nang .... ....... ............. 6-70 Area ............-........-....... ...... Butt Edge Figure 1. Elite Glass-Seal&Glass-Seal 4 Nail Pattern (Non-HVHZ only) NAILS 1" Nailing` -.. ......................... ------------------------ 6-7W ............. Butt Edge Figure 2. Elite Glass-Seal&Glass-Seal 6 Nail Pattern TBP15001.4 FL18355-R4 Page 3 of 11 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS CREEK Asphalt Shingles TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC Heritage® Basic Wind Speed (V,,,t): Max. 194 mph (Dallas, Frederick, Joplin, Basic Wind Speed(Vard): Max. 150 mph Phillipsburg&Tuscaloosa) Deck(HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements: & Solidly sheathed min. 19/32 in. plywood or wood plank for Heritage®Premium new construction, Min. 15/32 in. plywood existing (Dallas, Frederick construction. Phillipsburg&Tuscaloosa) Deck(Non-HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; & Solidly sheathed min. 15/32 in. plywood or wood plank for Heritage®Woodgate new construction; Min. 7/16 in. OSB existing construction. (Dallas&Frederick) Underlayment: In accordance with FBC requirements. Min. slope: 2:12 and in accordance with FBC requirements. Refer to the manufacturer's application instructions when installing shingles at slopes greater than 21:12. Installation(HVHZ): Installed with 5-5/8 in. exposure in accordance with RAS 115 and manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using "6 Nail Pattern" detailed below. Installation (Non-HVHZ): Installed with 5-5/8 in. exposure in accordance with FBC requirements and manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using either'A Nail Pattern"or"6 Nail Pattern"detailed below. FASTENERS NAIL ZONE COMMON BOND $-1/$" EXPOSURE 6-6/8" 1" - 12-1/211--►�- 12-3/811 - - 1 2-1/2"-� 111-1" Figure 3. Heritage®, Heritage®Premium, and Heritage®Woodgate(Dallas) 4 Nail Pattern (non-HVHZ only) FASTENERS NAIL ZONE COMMON BOND 6-18" EXPOSURE 5-518" 1"-►I h--r-1/2'L+-7-1/2" 4- 7-/8"*1 -7-1/2"-0�11-7-1/2"-11� h--i" Figure 4. Heritage®& Heritage®Premium 6 Nail Pattern TBP15001 A FL18355-R4 Paue 4 of 11 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. JCREE TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS Asphalt Shingles TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC NAIL ZONE/ ASTENERS;� COMMON BOND 6-1/8" EXPOSURE 5 518" 1—� �7-1/2'�-7-1/2'+7-3/8" 7-1/2+7-1/24� �M-1" Figure 5. Heritage®Woodgate 6 Nail Pattern -��f"�1"�� 12-1/2"--►� ��----- I FASTENERS Common Bond c� • • _ T Cn 7 LO c �xx +w ------ 39-3/8"- -- ,' Figure 6. Heritage®, Heritage®Premium, & Heritage®Woodgate Alternate 6 Nail Pattern PAINT LINE 7-7/8":#� --- ---------------------------------------------------- - - -- -----------NAIL ZONE 6-1/8" EDGE OF COMMON BOND EXPOSURE 5-5/8" ACCEPTABLE 'FASTENER LOCATION DO NOT FASTEN ALONG EDGE OF ------------------- ---------- COMMON BOND if PREFERRED FASTENER LOCATION Figure 7. Heritage®(Tuscaloosa) Expanded Nail Zone Nail patterns from Figures 3, 4, and 6 may be placed in the nail zone as described above TBP15001.4 FL18355-R4 Page 5 of 11 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3- The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. G RE E K TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS Asphalt Shingles TECHNICAL SERVICES. LLC Heritage®Premium Basic Wind Speed(V it): Max. 194 mph (Frederick) Basic Wind Speed (Vasd): Max. 150 mph Deck(HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements: Solidly sheathed min. 19/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min. 15/32 in, plywood existing construction. Deck (Non-HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 15/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min. 7/16 in. OSB existing construction. Underlayment: In accordance with FBC requirements. Min. slope: 2:12 and in accordance with FBC requirements. Refer to the manufacturer's application instructions when installing shingles at slopes greater than 21:12. . Installation(HVHZ): Installed with 5 in. exposure in accordance with RAS 115 and manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using "6 Nail Pattern" detailed below. Installation (Non-HVHZ): Installed with 5 in. exposure in accordance with FBC requirements and manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using either"4 Nail Pattern"or"6 Nail Pattern"detailed below. NAIL ZONE/ FASTENERS COMMON BOND 5112" EXPOSURE 5" 1"- �-- 11"--►�-- 1211 --►�--11"--►) �--1" Figure 8. Heritage®Premium (Frederick) 4 Nail Pattern (non-HVHZ only) NAIL ZONE/ FASTENERS COMMON BOND fS,,_,. 51/1" El SURE 5" Figure 9. Heritage®Premium (Frederick) 6 Nail Pattern TBP15001.4 FL18355-R4 Page 6 of 1 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS Asphalt Shingles TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC Heritage®Woodgate Basic Wind Speed (V,,,t): Max. 194 mph (Frederick) Basic Wind Speed(Vasa): Max. 150 mph Deck (Non-HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements: Solidly sheathed min. 15/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction, Min. 7/16 in. OSB existing construction. Underlayment: In accordance with FBC requirements. Min. slope: 2:12 and in accordance with FBC requirements. Refer to the manufacturer's application instructions when installing shingles at slopes greater than 21:12. Installation (Non-HVHZ): Installed with 5 in. exposure in accordance with FBC requirements and manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using either'A Nail Pattern"or"6 Nail Pattern"detailed below. NAIL ZONE/ FASTENERS WIT COMMON BOND 5-1/2" EXPOSURE 5" 1't-4 �- 1 r 12-3/8"- - 1 r --rl �--r Figure 10. Heritage®Woodgate(Frederick) 4 Nail Pattern (non-HVHZ only) NAIL ZONE/ FASTENERS COMMON BOND t S'1 Ar IF EXPOSURE 5" 9-1/2"-4*-3'+-9-31B +3+9-112" Figure 11. Heritage®Woodgate(Frederick) 6 Nail Pattern TBP15001.4 FL18355-R4 Paae 7 of This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS Asphalt Shingles TECHNICAL SERVICES. LLC Heritage@ Vintage@ Basic Wind Speed (V,,,t): Max. 194 mph (Phillipsburg) Basic Wind Speed(Vasa): Max. 150 mph Deck(HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 19/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction, Min. 15/32 in. plywood existing construction. Deck(Non-HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 15/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min. 7/16 in. OSB existing construction. Underlayment: In accordance with FBC requirements. Min. slope: 2:12 and in accordance with FBC requirements. Refer to the manufacturer's application instructions when installing shingles at slopes greater than 21:12. Installation (HVHZ): Installed with 5 in. exposure in accordance with RAS 115 and manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using "6 Nail Pattern" detailed below. Installation (Non-HVHZ): Installed with 5 in. exposure in accordance with FBC requirements and manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using either"5 Nail Pattern"or"6 Nail Pattern"detailed below. 40^ notch Fw*nets t7-tn` s• F�rosu� IL vta04 v t —t aa,+a•--�{ �+—to-am----� Figure 12. Heritage@ VintageO 5 Nail Pattern (non-HVHZ only) �PWd Vr raoe�e: wr Zone v-1rr Ll Eq�own }- LF F Figure 13. Herilltage- O Vintage® 6 Nail Pattern TBP15001.4 FL18355-R4 Page 8 of 11 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS Asphalt Shingles _ TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC Hip&Ridge Basic Wind Speed (V,,,t): Max. 194 mph (Frederick&Joplin) Basic Wind Speed(Vad): Max. 150 mph Deck (HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements, Solidly sheathed min. 19/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min. 15/32 in. plywood existing construction. Deck(Non-HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 15/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction, Min. 7/16 in. OSB existing construction. Underlayment: In accordance with FBC requirements. Min. slope: 2:12 and in accordance with FBC requirements. Installation: Installed with 5-1/8 inch exposure in accordance with the FBC and manufacturer's published installation instructions. The direction of the exposed end shall be away from the prevailing wind. Direction of prevailing wind Start 5-1/8" exposure here Start Figure 1 here 5-1/8" exposure lip " Fastener Fastener Fastener Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 14. Hip & Ridge(Frederick&Joplin) TBP15001 A FL18355-R4 Paoe 9 of 1 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. C C TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS CREEK Asphalt Shingles TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC Vintage®Hip&Ridge Basic Wind Speed (V,,,,): Max. 194 mph (Phillipsburg) Basic Wind Speed(Vasd): Max. 150 mph Deck(HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements. Solidly sheathed min. 19/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min. 15/32 in. plywood existing construction. Deck (Non-HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 15/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min. 7/16 in. OSB existing construction. Underlayment: In accordance with FBC requirements. Min. slope: 2:12 and in accordance with FBC requirements. Installation: Installed with 5 inch exposure in accordance with the FBC and manufacturer's published installation instructions. The direction of the exposed end shall be away from the prevailing wind. Direction of prevailing wind hStarrt 5" exposure 1 ti Start here 5" exposure Figure i 1 99 Fastener Fastener `-5-1/2" Figure 2 1/4» Figure 3 Figure 15. Vintage®Hip & Ridge(Phillipsburg) TBP15001.4 FL18355-R4 Paqe 10 of 11 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEKTAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS Asphalt Shingles TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC LIMITATIONS 1) Fire Classification is not within the scope of this evaluation The root deck and the roof deck attachment shall be designed by others to meet the minimum design loads established for components and cladding and in accordance with FBC requirements. 3) The mean roof height shall be restricted to a maximum 33 ft in the HVHZ. 4) Classification to ASTM D 7158 applies to exposure B& C with a building mean roof height of 60-ft or less. 5) Deck substrates shall be clean, dry, and free from any irregularities and debris. All fasteners in the deck shall be checked for protrusion and corrected prior to underlayment application. 6) Shingles shall be installed starting at the eave in horizontal layers such that the laps shed water from the deck. 7) Installation of the evaluated products shall comply with this report, the FBC, and the manufacturer's published application instructions. Where discrepancies exist between these sources, the more restrictive and code compliant detail shall prevail. 8) All products listed in this report shall be manufactured under a quality assurance program in compliance with Rule 61G20-3. COMPLIANCE STATEMENT The products evaluated herein by Zachary R. Priest, P.E. have demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code, 6`h Edition(2017)as evidenced in the referenced documents submitted by the named manufacturer. ``t%J111rrr1" '• 'E'NsF• •�s 2017.09.25 ti. 10 ,� No 74021 11 :31 :41 -0400 ' 9 ' STATE OF Uj C :O 441 :- 'c� P•'���: Zachary R. Priest, P.E. -e�S• ' R\• ��� Florida Registration No. 74021 --",,,IONA\- ��� Organization No.ANE11669 CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE CREEK Technical Services. LLC does not have, nor will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. CREEK Technical Services,LLC is not owned,operated,or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R. Priest, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R.Priest, P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. END OF REPORT TBP15001.4 FL18355-R4 Page 11 of 11 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services. LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein.