HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval 12/29/2017-4:08pm internl V:\Projects\_Master Plan Sheet Store\Windows-Doors-Shufters\400 Wind Charts\ Reference\2017-b FBC WIND CHART.dwg ----- th 6EDIT-ION-FL--ORIDA-BUILDING-CODE (2017)--ASCE 7=10--- ---WIND VELOCITY=-170-MP-H-- --__MRH _5 60' 'ASD' DESIGN PRESSURES FOR COMPONENTS AND CLADDING EXPOSURE 'C' BASED ONKd=0.85- MRH=MEAN ROOF INTERIOR ZONEA4 PRESSURES 1 EXTERIOR ZONES PRESSURES �1 ENCLOSED STRUCTURE,FLAT TERRAIN HEIGHT-SEBELLOW Mean DESIGN PRESSURES(PSF)-ZONE 4 - Mean DESIGN PRESSURES(PSF)-ZONE 5 4 INSTRUCTIONS FOR TABLE USE: 2 1. IDENTIFY THE ZONE OF THE OPENING S IOR-(ZONE 4)OR EXTERIOR(ZONE 5)PER THE ROOF Tributary Area(Sq Ft ;-- Tributary Area(Sq Ft) 3 URE BELOW LEFT OR INFOR ON'P OVIDED T O ETHERS. - Height 10 20 30 40 .5 Xlpeght, 0161 10 20 30 40 50 1.5: ANY QUESTIONABL O T NSID VA ID THE MORE CRITICAL(EXTERIOR)ZONE 41.0 39.3 38.3 37. 7r. -50.6 47.2 45.2 43.8 42.7 2. IDENTIFY THE BUILDING M VERAG ;HT FROM THE LOWEST GROUND ELEVATION.IF o-1sft I $ft I MEAN ROOF HEIGHT CANN(51 BEq t1F F D U THS PEAK(HIGHEST)ROOF HEIGHT. +37.8 +36.1 +35.1 +34. . +3 +37.8 +36.1 +35.1 +34.4 +33.8 2.1. ALWAYS ROUND UP ROOF�EIG To NBT LE VALUE. 2. VALID FOR ALL ROO�S O ES:NFOR SLOEE AN ENGINEER FOR REDUCTIONS. -42.6 -40.8 -39.8 39. 38; -52.6 9.0 -47.0 -45.5 -44.4 3. CALCULATE THE TRIBUTARI�AREAOFkiE_OPE NGTN U�STION AS THE GREATER OF(HEIGHT18 ft +39.3 +37.5 +36.5 +35.7 +35.2 ft +39.3 +37.5 +36.5 +35.7 +35.2 3.1. ORUSE THE AREA BTHE SPAN ETWEEN NG TR CiURA EN NGS ONLY-THIS iVE WIDTH OF 1/3 T INCLUDES AHE HEIGHT REAS BETWEEEIGHT N 20 ft -43.6 -41.7 -40.7 -39.9 -39.4 20 ft ,COLUMNS,ETC. 3.2. IF THE TRIBUTARY AREA OF AN OPENING CANNOT BE IDENTIFIED,THE SMALLEST +40.2 +38.3 +37.3 +36.5 +36.0 +40.2 +38.3 +37.3 +36.5 +36.0 (10 SQUARE FEET)SHALL BE USED. 3.3. ALWAYS ROUND TRIBUTARY AREA DOWN TO THE SMALLER TABLE VALUE.FOR LARGER -45.7 -43.8 -42.6 -41.9 -41.3 -56.4 -52.6 -50.3 -48.8 -47.5 TRIBUTARY AREAS THAN PUBLISHED,USE THE LARGEST PUBLISHED VALUE. 25 ft 25 ftREAD OFF POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE PRESSURES FOR USE AS REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY +42.1 +40.2 1 +39.1 1 +38.3 +37.7 +42.1 1 +40.2 +39.1 +38.3 +37.7 IN ACCORDANCE WITH CODE. 30 ft -47.4 -45.5 -44.3 -43.5 -42.9 30 ft 58.6 54.6 52.3 50,7 49 S. FOR SITUATIONS THAT REQUIRE Kd=1.0,TABLE VALUES ARE UNDER-DESIGNED BY A FACTOR OF 1.18.VERIFY Kd REQUIREMENTS WITH LOCAL MUNICIPALITY PRIOR TO TABLE USE. +43.7 +41.8 +40.6 +39.8 +39.2 +43.7 +41.8 +40.6 +39:8 .39..2_ GENERAL NOTES: -49.0 -47.0 -45.8 -44.9 -44.3 -60.5 -56.4 -54.0 52"3 -0 1 TABLES ARE TO BE USED IN CONFORMANCE WITH"ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN METHODOLOGY"PER ASCE 7-10 35 ft 35 ft 5 CTION 2.4.1 AND CHAPTER 30 PART 1 OR 3,USING THE CRITERIA AS OUTLINED HEREIN. +45.2 +43.1 +42.0 +41.1 +40.5 +45.2 +43.1 +42.0 + a +4 . l2.DESIGN IS BASED ON THE 3 SECOND GUT(WIND VELOCITY)FOR THE WIND VELOCITY&EXPOSURE SPECIFIED. -` WORST CASE'CRITICAL CONDITIONS SHALL BE ASSUMED FOR SAFE PRESSURE RATINGS. -50.4 -48.3 -47.1 -46.2 -45.5 -62.2 -58.0 -55.6 3. --2.5 \2.1. ASCE 7-10 RISK CATEGORY IS INDEPENDENT OF THIS RATING.FIND CATEGORY TO MATCH OR BE LESS 40 ft +46.5 +44.4 +43.1 +42.3 +41.6 40 ft +46.5 +44.4 +43.1 4' . 7}1.6 _ I1AN THE RATED LIMITING WIND VELOCITY ABOVE. .TOPOGRAPHIC FACTOR Kzt=1.0 FOR FLAT TERRAIN USE ONLY.NO HILLS SHALL BE NEARBY AREA. 51.7 49.5 48.3 47.4 -46.7 -63.8 59.5 57.0 -55.2 5'3., 4.INTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENT(GCpl=+/-0.18)FOR USE WITH AN ENCLOSED STRUCTURE ONLY. 45 ft +47.6 +45.5 +44.2 +43.3 +42.6 45 ft +47.6 +45.5 +44.2 +43.3 +42.6 5. VERIFY HVHZ USE OF Kd IGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE.OR)WITH LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT. -52,8 -50.6 -49.3 -48.4 -47.7 -65.2 -60.8 -58.3 -56.4 -55.0 6,TABLES ARE FOR WALLS AND VERTICAL SURFACES ONLY. 7.THIS DOCUMENT IS A MASTER PLAN SHEET,NOT A SITE-SPECIFIC DOCUMENT. 50 ft +48.7 +46.5 +45.2 +44.3 +43.6 50 ft +48.7 +46.5 +45.2 +44.3 +43.6 8. THIS DOCUMENT IS ONLY VALID WITH AN ORIGINAL SIGNATURE&RAISED SEALED OR DIGITALLY SEALED WITH CORRESPONDING LIMITATIONS. -53.9 -51.7 -50.3 -49.4 -48.7 -66.5 -62.1 -59.4 -57.6 -56.1 9.THIS DOCUMENT ILLUSTRATES ALLOWABLE DESIGN WIND PRESSURES(ASD)AS LISTED.APPLICATION OF THESE 55 ft LISTED +47.4 +46.1 +45.2 +44.5 55 ft +49.7 +47.4 +46.1 +45.2 +44.5 TABLES AND CORRESPONDING WIND VELOCITY,EXPOSURE,&OTHER COEFFICIENTS LIED HEREIN SHALL BE DICTATED AND VERIFIED BY THE GOVERNING BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND PERMIT HOLDER.NO WARRANTY FOR -54.9 -52.6 -51.3 -50.3 -49.6 -67.8 -63.2 -60.5 -58.6 -57.2 APPLICABILITY OF THE USE OF THESE TABLES IS��OoF.F ED-HEREIN. 60 ft f O:ft 10. THIS SPECIFICATION DOES NOTrOEFER'ANXdP_111 - PPRQV D CERTIFICATION. REFER TO ANY SEPARATELY +50.6 +48.3 +47.0 +46. + +50.6 +48.3 +47.0 1 +46.0 +45.3 SUBMITTED TEST CRITERIA AND OTH R A 8V LS`FOR'DESIGt�I NSTALLATION INFORMATION AND APPLICABILITY OF THESE TABLE VALUES WHICH IS T(J*B i%E IERSACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNING CODES. 11. ADHERE TO ALL LOCAL IMPACT FIRGiIE1LtiINANCES. \ 12. NO CERTIFICATION IS OFFERED� O ,. INTEGRITY FTE HOST STRUCTURE. 13. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVID HER... O DD1TI N -CERTIFICATIONS OR AFFIRMATIONS ARE INTENDED. INTERIOR ZONE(4� EXTERIOR ONTO F`H'E"GHT EXPLAINED LEAST HORIZONTAL c m m z rn o T -I rn n In�zxo-o0rxm" DIMENSION m Gl m G1 z m'-'m O a= 10%OF LEAST HORIZONTAL DIMENSION OR 40%O�1 N ROOF- -----PEAK-ROOF- -- -----�Z-�-P-Z-C:z-�p Z -0_Z _ HEIGHT m D In vim --- HEIGHT,WHICHEVER IS SMALLER,BUT NOT LESS THAN 4%OF LEAST 5 5 =m o G1 o 3�x x-�w m IT! -- HORIZONTAL DIMENSION OR 3FT.USE ZONE 5 IF AT ALL IN QUESTION. jn?00 D D 2 0 1- n D C Z H In Z � H CONSULT AN ENGINEER FOR A MORE SPECIFIC INTERPRETATION IF In in N G-I x z o m D n v O - - - --- � -- ------ --- _ _ _ _ _ _ MEAN REQUIRED. - ---- _ -- --- ---_-- - ---- - -,-,-ROOF..---_- - - - ---- ----- P z., Z 3 m'"f$O=- - -- --_-- -- ---- -- -_ x a rn 3 MEAN - - - - EA`-�E HEIGHT - _ - - -- -- m G-4 Z m m'i >�rn I11 - ---I=D - -- - - ------- -- -------- a a ROOF ROOF nDyZp�ODZwtA � O D - 1--I HEIGHT HEIGHT En>zcm0[1„Z„G7-MM2 f� W O r _ z ;o o =1MzZm m - - - -- - -- 5Q _ - - OIn-Im MV DGlmare D (f) �- O 5 -46)Z-O!�0-m-12P-zmr-4 -O-C-Z m 5 I O 5 O 4 �t PLAN VIEW ® DyD�2y'��01Cul 0 a a rn D a 050 a COMPLEX \\ ��ZNmM=�mm� Z U) O r ELEVATION '� Ln 0 ISOMETRIC CORNERS 5 O 0 a° o m O IA 0o REMARKS DRWN CHKD DATE 6TH EDITION FLORIDA BUILDING CODE - ENGINEERING two° -0� D O INIT ISSUE GSS TSB 03/05/12 - o N z s N mo z m 3 REV-ADJUSTED HEIGHTS GSS TSB 04/09/12 2017 EXPRESS 1 0Wz \ A� m REV 2014 FBC DGM TSB 06/10/15 2 UPDATES,2017 FBC FLB FILE; 12/17 ASCE 7-10 CHAPTER 30 CORPORATE OFFICE: =z m I �m z m ' 160 SW 12th AVENUE, SUITE 106 �� > z Ii DESIGN LOADS FOR COMPONENTS&CLADDING m� D DEERFIELD BEACH, FL 33442 o v 1 6) THIS DOCUMENT IB THE PROPERTY OF ENGINEERING EXPRESS, MASTER PLAN SHEET P:(954)354-0660 F:(954)354-0443 z m 0 I I - OO AND SHALL NOT SE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR PART WITHOUT CERT OF AUTH#9885 z LI 0 I_A m WRITTEN CONSENT OF ENGINEERING EXPRESS.ALTERATIONS, E:HELLO@ENGINEERINGEXPRESS.COM z LX) ,� ADDITIONS,OR OTHER MARKINGS TO THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT ASCE 7-10 rn r Tit o PERMITTED AND INVALIDATEouRCFRNFICATION. ENGINEERINGEXPRESS.COM j l Florida Building Code Online li jg�,'.Ax 5° 3 .t '�a-^ wn�tiJ'� W`\ .}' .:C,^ectad =9 U BCIS Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publication's FBC Staff BCIS Site Map Links Search �F ~brida } ( j rjpfl Product Approval I 1 USER:Public User Product Approval Menu>Produrt or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail I yFL# FL22378-R2 t P`t Application Type Affirmation I Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved I I° r ., II Comments r Archived D 4 J a � Product Manufacturer Masonite International {` Address/Phone/Email 1955 Powis Road I r West Chicago,IL 60185; (800) 663-36671 1 sschreiber@masonite.com { �n Authorized Signature Steve Schreiber) sschreiber@masonite.com Technical Representative a Address/Phone/Email t Quality Assurance Representative i Address/Phone/Email ,. Category Exterior Doors I I 1 Subcategory Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Certification Mask or Listing r Certification Agency National Accredlitation&Management Institute h: Validated ByNational Accreditation&(Management Institute t Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year I` TAS 201 1994 m i k TAS 202 I 1994 TAS 203 1994 l Equivalence of Product Standards � €• t Certified By t i I � Il 01 affirm that,there are no changes in the new Florida Building j Code which affect my ptroduct(s)and my product(s) are in compliance with the new,Florida Building Code. # i Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity I j OYes ONo ��N/A l I � � i' http:/hv w.floridabuilditig.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgs3M6m9%2fK8XPIOX7v28WDo0ZYpgvK4LaKGIVagYyNDl20w%3d%3d[1/16/20189:43:27AM] 4 ' I ii ISI j Florida Building Code Online t t I • Product Approval Method Method 1 Optionl A Date Submitted 12/01/2017 }., Date Validated 12/01/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 12/06/2017 j ' I t I Summary of'Products `,'('`{ FL# Model,Number or Name Description [ I,p ' v _ i 22378.1 I Stormguard Fiberglass Side-Hinged 6'-8"Opaque'I/S Single Door S ( Door Unit ` 1 Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL22378 R2 C CAC NI007077.07 .pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance.Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +60/-65 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL22378 R2 II FL01)70.�df • Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By, National'Accreditation&Management Institute where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created by Independent Third Party: pressures listed. 3'-0"x 6'-8" max nominal size. Hurricane Evaluation Report's (s ! protective system is NOT required. See DWG-MA-FLO170 for FL22378 R2 AE 51'4010A.pdf :! anchor details and water performance where required. FL22378 R2 AE 514014A.pdf Created bylIndeperident Third Party: Yes r 22378.2 Stormguard Fiberglass Side-Hinged 6'-8"Opaque O/S Single Door Door Unit Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate r Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL22378 �Z C CAC_NI007077.07 .pdf {: Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date b Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 I P Design Pressure: +60/-60 Installation Instructions 1' Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL22378 R!2 II FL61I70.pdf I P. Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone,and Verified By6 National Accreditation&Management Institute E where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created bylIndeperident Third Party: pressures listed. 3'-0" x 6'-8" max nominal size. Hurricane Evaluation Reports - protective system is NOT required. See DWG-MA-FLO170 for L22 7 -2 AE 4 1 A. ` q ' df P l anchor details and water performance where required. FL22378 R2 AE 514014A.�df Created by�IndepeMentThird Party: Yes i 22378.3 Stormguard Fiberglass Side-Hinged 6'-8"Opaque I/S Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites P Door Unit t t Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate P i Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL 2378 R2 C CAC' NI007077.07 ;pdf ;N Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 I' I Design Pressure: +50.5/-50.5 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL22378 R2 II FL0'170,pdf i Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified Bye' Nation al'Accreditation&Management Institute where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created bye Independent Third Party: - pressures listed. 12'-0"x 6'-8" max nominal size. Hurricane Evaluation Reports protective system is NOT required. See DWG-MA-FL0170 for F1_22378 142 AE 54'4008A.bddf anchor details and water performance where required. FL22378 R2 AE 5!1'4012A.odf i Created by Independent Third Party: Yes -- d 4 22378.4 Stormguard Fiberglass Side-Hinged 6'-8' Opaque O/S Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites Door Unit I Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL22378 R2 C CAC' NI007077.07 .Rdf ' I tt Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality As'surancetontract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/202'0 Design Pressure: +55.0/-50.5 Installation Instructions ! - Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL22378 R2 II F0170.pdf Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation &Management Institute where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created by Independent Third Party: fpressures listed. 12'-0"x 6'-8" max nominal size. Hurricane Evaluation Reports t protective system is NOT required. See DWG-MA-FL0170 for FL22378 R2 AE 514008A.pdf anchor details and water performance where required. FL22378 R2 AE 514012A.p�df I ' i http://w%i'w.floiidabtiilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.asps?paramwGEVXQwtDgs3M6m9%2fK8XPIOX7v28WDo0ZYpgvK4LaKGl VagYyND20w%3d%3d[I/16/2018 9:43:27 AM] I I', I � Florida Building Code Online I Created by Independent Third Party: Yes r is 22378.5 !Stormguard Fiberglass Side-Hinged 6'-8" Impact Glazed I S or O/S Single Door w/or w/o Sidelites Door Unit L Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate N Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL22378 R2 C CAG'NI007077.09 .pdf r. Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance:Contract Expiration Date } Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 j } Design Pressure: +55/-55 Installation Instructions i, Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL22378 R2 II FL0172.odf t Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By:!National Accreditation&Management Institute {' where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created by Independent Third Party: .:" pressures listed. T-0" x 6'-8" max nominal size. Hurricane Evaluation iReportsl protective system is NOT required. See DWG-MA-FL0172 for FL22378 R2 AE 514008A.pdf l i t anchor details and water performance where required. FL22378 RZ AE 514b12A'rdf Created byIndepedaent Third Party: Yes 22378.6 Stormguard Fiberglass Side-Hinged 6'-8"Impact Glazedj',I/S Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites ` Door Unit Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate j Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL22378 R2 C CAC:NI007077.09 .pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance"tontract Expiration Date ; Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 P, F j Design Pressure: +50/-55 Installation Instructions ¢ x Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL22378 R2 II FL0172•1df ! f Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone,and Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created by] ndependent Third Party: j I pressures listed. 12'-0"x 6'-8" max nominal size. Hurricane Evaluation Reports r I protective system is NOT required. See DWG-MA-FLO172 for FL22378 R2 AE 514008A.pdf j anchor details and water performance where required. FL22378 R'2 AE 514012A.2df Created by!Indeperident Third Party: Yes I 22378.7 !Stormguard Fiberglass Side-Hinged 6'-8"Impact Glazed O/S Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites Door Unit - -- --.........._ ._............ _- - Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate �- Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL22378 R2 C CAC.NI007077.09 .12df �;. Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date ( Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 i Design Pressure: +55/-55 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL22378 R2 II FL0'172•gdf Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified Byc National Accreditation&Management Institute where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created byi Indeperident Third Party: j 1 pressures listed. 12'-0"x 6'-8" max nominal size. Hurricane Evaluation Reports protective system is NOT required. See DWG-MA-FLO172 for FL22378 R2 AE 5]i_4008A.p ! anchor details and water performance where required. FL22378 122 AE 514012A.pdf ` Created by,Independent Third Party: Yes . 3 22378.8 Stormguard Fiberglass Side-Hinged 8'-0"Opaque I/S Single Door ! 4 I Door Unit I, k t ;( Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL22378 R2 C CAC NI007077.08 pd �. Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 a Design Pressure: +60/-65 Installation Instructions. Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL22378 142 II FLO'171.pdf Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute t' where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created by Independent Third Party: pressures listed. 3'-0"x 8'-0" max nominal size. Hurricane Evaluation Reports, a protective system is NOT required. See DWG-MA-FLO171 for FL22378 R2 AE 514009A.p_df s � t anchor details and water performance where required. FL22378 R2 AE 5,14013A.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 22378.9 Stormguard Fiberglass Side-Hinged 8'-0"Opaque O/S Single Door "`. Door Unit I Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate I Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL22378 R2 C CAC NI007077.08 .Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Y 1. � pp es Quality Assurance,Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +60/-60 Installation Instructions a Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL22378 R2 II FL6171.pdf Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation &Management Institute where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created by Independent Third Party: pressures listed. T-0"x 8'-0" max nominal size. Hurricane Evaluation Reports hap:HWw"'.floridabtiildiiig.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?parain=wGEVXQwtDqs3M6in9%2fK8XPIOX7v28WDoOZYpqvK4LaKGIVagYyN 20w%3d%3 d[1/16/2018 9:43:27 AM] I i I I I , Florida Building Code Online I e— protective system is NOT required. See DWG-MA-FLO171 for FL22378 R2 AE 514009A.pdf }° anchor details and water performance where required. ( FL22378 R2 AE 51'4013A,bdf `a Created by Independent Third Party: Yes I. 22378.10 Stormguard Fiberglass Side-Hinged 8'-0"Opaque I/S Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites i (-� Door Unit Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate ! Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL22378 R2 C CAC'•NI007077.08 .pdf z= Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurancel Contract Expiration Date i Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +50.0/-50.5 Installation Instructions I„ Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL22378 R2 II FI.0171.odf Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone,and Verified By National Accreditation &Management Institute t_ where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created by Independent Third Party: pressures listed. 12'-0"x 8'-0" max nominal size. Hurricane EvaluationlReports 11 protective system is NOT required. See DWG-MA-FLO171 for FL22378 R2 8E 514007A.ndf anchor details and water performance where required. FL22378 R2 AE 514011A.6df Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 22378.11 Stormguard Fiberglass Side-Hinged 8'-0"Opaque O/S Si;ligle or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites l Door Unit Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate l Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL22378 R2 C CAC'NI007077.08 .odf i' Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 { Design Pressure: +55.0/-50.5 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL22378 R2 II FLO`171.12df Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By! National Accreditation &Management Institute where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created by Independent Third Party: { pressures listed. 12'-0"x 8'-0" max nominal size. Hurricane Evaluation,Reports { protective system is NOT required. See DWG-MA-FLO171 for FL22378 R2 AE 514007A.odf anchor details and water performance where required. FL22378 R'2 AE 514011A.12df Created by Independent Third Party: Yes l 22378.12 Stormguard Fiberglass Side-Hinged 8'-0"Impact Glazed I Single or Double Door w/or w/o Door Unit Sidelites I Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL22378 F� C CAi NIO07077.04 .odf % Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date I ! Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +43/-47 Installation Instructions " Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL22378 R2 II FL6`.173.odf ( ` Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By National Accreditation &Management Institute t { f where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created by Independent Third Party: pressures listed. 12'-0"x 8'-0" max nominal size. Hurricane Evaluation Reports' protective system is NOT required. See DWG-MA-FLO173 for FL22378 R2 A i4007A.2df anchor details and water performance where required. FL 7,9 R2. AE 51401 I A,odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 22378.13 Stormguard Fiberglass Side-Hinged 8'-0"Impact Glazed O/S Single or Double Door w/or w/o { Door Unit Sidelites f 1 Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate } Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL22378 R2 C CAC NI007077.04 .pdf ' Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance,Contract Expiration Date { Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +47/-45 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL22378 R2 II FC0173.pdf {• ; M Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: Nation,al'Accreditation &Management Institute r where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Created by Independent Third Party: pressures listed. 12'-0"x 8'-0" max nominal size. Hurricane Evaluation Reports, (} protective system is NOT required. See DWG-MA-FLO173 for FL22378 R2 AE 5t•4007A.pdf S anchor details and water performance where required. FL22378 R2 AE 5].4011A.Ddf 1 Created by;Independent Third Party: Yes I - Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road.Tallahassee FL 32399 Phoned 850-487-1824 t I _ The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer.copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement'::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement 1, Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any'questions;please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to Section I http://w�ww.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?para,n==%vGEVXQwtDgs3M6in9%2fK8XPIOX7i,28WDoOZYpgvK4LaKGIVagYyND20w%3d%3 d[1/16/20189:43:27AM] - --- N0T-IC-E-OF P-RODUC-T-GER-T-IFICATI 0N ��'GER7lfirC Q� eccc o'ay .' Company: Masonite International Corporation Certification No.: N1007077.08-R1 1955 Powis Road Certification Date: 05/22/2017 West Chicago, IL 60185 Expiration-Date: 1-2/3.1/2020 N M Revision Date: 09/27/2017 Product: Fiberglass Impact Rated Opaque Inswing or Outswing Door w/and w/o Impact Rated Sidelites c. (w/Wood Frame or Worldwide Composite Frame'unless noted) Specification: TAS 201/202/203-94/ASTM E330-02 The"Notice of Product Certification"is only valid if the NAMI Certification Label has been applied to the product as described within this document. The certification label represents product conformity to the applicable specification and that all certification criteria has been satisfied. This product has been approved for listing within NAMI's Certified Product Listin at www.Nainicertificitioii.com. NAMI's Certification Program is accredited by The American National Standards Institute(ANSI). Inswing Glazed Structural Water Missile Test Report Number Configuration or or Maximum Design Test Impact Drawing Number& Outswing Opaque Size Pressure Pressure Rated Comments X US Opaque 3'0"x 8'0" +60/-65 0 psf Yes NCTL-210-3102-1/ATLNC 0129.02-I5/ATLNC 1031.01-16 Single Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 8'0" X 0/S Opaque 3'0"x 8'0" +60/-60 3.75 psf/6.0 psf' Yes NCTL-210-3102-1/ATLNC 0129.02-15 ATLNC 1031.01-16 Single 10.5 psf Z/9.0 psf a Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 8'0" Anchor Details-MA-FL0171-07/W-1807/W-1835 Double Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 8'0" Anchor Details-MA-FL0171-07/W-1807 XX 0/S Opaque 6'0"x 8'0" +55/-50.5 3.75 psf/6.0 psf' Yes NCTL-210-3105-1/ATLNC 0129.01-15 ATLNC 1031.01-16 Double 8.25 psf'/8.25 psf' Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 8'0" Anchor Details-MA-FLO 171-07/W-I 807/W-1 835 XO/OX I/S Opaque Door 6'0"x 8'0" +50.5/-50.5 0 psf Door-Yes NCTL-210-3105-1/ATLNC 0129.01-15 ATLNC 1031.01-16 Single w/Sidelite Glazed Sidelite Sidelite-Yes Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 8'0" Anchor Details-MA-FLO171-07/W-1807 XO/OX O/S Opaque Door 6'0"x 8'0" +55/-50.5 3.75 psf/6.0 psfDoor-Yes NCTL-210-3105-1/ATLNC 0129.01-15 ATLNC 1031.01-16 Single w/Sidelite Glazed Sidelite 8.25 psf2/9.0 psf' Sidelite-Yes Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 8'0" Anchor Details-MA-FLO171-07/W-1807/W-1835 ------ ---OXO ---I/S-_Opaque-Door_ 9'0"x_8'0" _ +50.5/-50.5_ 0 psf Door-Yes NCTL-210-3105-1/ATLNC 0129.01-15 ATLNC 1031.01-16 Single w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelite Sidelite-Yes Maximum Panel-Size:3'0"x 8'0"- ------- Anchor Details-MA-FL0171-07/W-1807 OXO O/S Opaque Door 9'0"x 8'0" +55/-50.5 3.75 psf/6.0 psf' Door-Yes NCTL-210-3105-1/ATLNC 0129.01-15 ATLNC 1031.01-16 - - Single_w!Sidelites -- -Glazed_Sidelite=__ - - =- ----" 8 25- sf'-/9_0 psf+7 Sidelite-Yes-_= - Mai mum.Pamel-Size:-3_0 ti 8 0___ 2lnchor Details-MA-FL0171-07/W-1807/W-1835 -- - OXXO I/S Opaque Door 12'4"x 8'0" +50/-50.5 0 psf Door-Yes NCTL-210-3105-1/ATLNC 0129.01-15 ATLNC 1031.01-16 -Double w/Sidelites-- - - - Glazed Sidelite _ _ Sidelite-Yes _ _ Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 8'0" ---Anchor-Details-MA-FLO171=07/W-1807-- - - OXXO O/S Opaque Door 12'4"x 8'0" +55/-50.5 3.75 psf/6.0 psf I Door-Yes NCTL-210-3105-1/ATLNC 0129.01-15 ATLNC 1031.01-16 Double\v/Sidelites Glazed Sidelite 8.25 psf'-/8.25 psf Sidelite-Yes Maximum Panel Size:3'0"x 8'0" Anchor Details-MA-FLO 171-07/W-1807/W-1835 I-Denotes Z-Series Threshold Design 2-Denotes High Dain Threshold Design 3-W-1815 4-Denotes Worldwide Pro T4 Threshold National Accreditation& Management Institute,Inc./4794 George Washington Memorial Highway/Hayes,VA 23072 Tel: (804)684-5124/Fax: (804)684-5122 NAMI AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: Lo 111 Mn►sorviTe: o 0 50 STORMGUARD FIBERGLASS DOOR UNIT --1 Q LID &-0"DOUBLE DOOR WITH/WITHOUT SIDELITES - 149•W.OVERALL FRAME WIDTH o 0� ' 21" MAX 36.375" MAX. D.L,O. -PANEL WIDTH 37.5"MAX. W/ASTRAGAL FRAME WIDTH Z GENERAL NOTES W O Q 1. EVALUATED FOR USE IN LOCATIONS ADHERING TO F U THEFLORIDA BUILDING CODE AND WHERE PRESSURE REQ ® ® ® ® z REQUIREMENTS AS DETERMINED BY ASCE 7, MINIMUM Z DESIGN LOADS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES, ti U DOES NOT EXCEED THE DESIGN PRESSURES LISTED. I Z L0 2. THIS PRODUCT DOES NOT REQUIRE THE USE OF Q c- cn - A HURRICANE PROTECTfVE SYSTEM (SHUTTERS). m LLl 0 g 3. POLYURETHANE CORE FLAME SPREAD INDEX OF 50 AND SMOKE DEVELOPED INDEX OF 60 PER ASTM E84. X � 4. PLASTICS TESTING: W g W TEST DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION FACING LITE FRAME s_j id t SELF IGNITION TEMP ASTM D7929 752 'F > 650'F 842 'F > 650'F " m a RATE OF BURNING ASTM D635 0.56 IN MIN 1.28 INjMIN ^ w �� SMOKE DENSITY ASTM D2843 53.4% 70.2% a TENSILE STRENGTH- I ASTM D638 3.2% DIFF 1.8% DIFF K• J�J 5. PLASTICS TESTING OF WORLDWIDE COMPOSITE FRAME (WHERE'USED): TEST DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION RESULT SELF IGNITION TEMP ASTM D7929 779 'F > 650'F o RATE OF BURNING ASTM D635 0.0 IN MIN EE o SMOKE DENSITY I ASTM 02843 39.0% I F o TENSILE STRENGTH- 1 ASTM D63B 3.6% DIFFiL • COMPARATIVE TENSILE STRENGTH AFTER WEATHERING __JJ�� 4500 HOURS XENON ARC D 1 In N N W DOUBLE DOOR UNIT WZSfDELfTES 3:3:3 3 m Incnv)cn 0103 1301 ® 01 ' : 0101 1313 T 0101 Fl- 1303 0113 LAJw En in Li >>a • • • e Hyla z I - -- -----' ---- --------- W , oQ z- Ll ¢>¢� I SINGLE DOOR UNIT DQUBLE DOOrc UNIT yl_N�AS DOOR U Si al DOOR UNIT SINGLE DOOR UNIT WISIDe'UTES Ot)3�F-DOOR UNIT ff,'S;OELITES - - . WITH SID£LITE WITH SIDELITE N N N N p STRUCTURAL WHERE WATER INFILTRATION PERFORMANCE IS DESIGN PRESSURE-RATING "' _REQUIRED TO BE 157--OF DESIGN-PRESSURE C IG MAX WIDTH INSWING w1mr INSWING BUMPER O S _Z-SERIES O S T4 O S HIGH DAM O 5 X 37.5 +60.0 -65. +60.0 -60.0 N A +25.0 -25.0 J. -40.0 +60,0 -60.5 +60.0 -50.0 in C.)m¢z 74 +50.0 -50. N A +25.0 -25.0 +40.0 -40.0 +55.0 -50.5 +55.0 -50.5 OX or XO 75 +50,5 -50.5 +55.0 -50.5 N/A +25.0 -25.0 +40.0 -40.0 +55.0 -50.5 +55.0 -50.5 OXO 112.5 +50.5 -50.5 +55.0 -50.5 N A +25.0 -25.0 +40.0 -40.0 +55.0 -50.5 +55.0 -50.5 OXXO 149 1 +50,0 -50.5 +55.0 -50.5 N A +25.0 -25.0 +40.0 -40.0 +55.0 -50.5 +55.0 -50.5 DATE: 41910 7 4r /� -E.- N.T.S. TABLE DE CONTENTS Addetdumlomm Dwc,BY, SWS SHEEP DESCRIPTION CNK.BY: 1 TYPICAL ELEVATIONS & GENERAL NOTES Ceddie2Upnryo,;./1t(j'pp�p,g DaavnHc No.: 2 ANCHORING LOCATIONS & DETAILS RofFfid8) KURT 13ALTHAZOR 3 ANCHORING LOCATIONS & DETAILS DOW / FLORIDA P.E. DWG-MA-FL0171-07 4 ANCHORING LOCATIONS & DETAILS #56533 SHEET 1 OF 4 6. SEE DETAIL CL: DO 3 'E" 3» 3", 6"1 6 —Y kD M 0 V) SEE DETAIL V Lon) Ld w 0ro 04 w 0: SEE DETAIL l, b w H c SEE A 2 G w 6. 6. 6' 6 0 3� 3- 6. 6. 3- V) SEE DETAIL 6. x 2 ASTRAGAL RETAINER BOLT HOLE v) En F' MUST BE DRILLED THROUGH 0 0QTHE THRESHOLD & INTO THE V)!�E (n #10 x 518- STRUCTURE DEEP ENOUGH Ld FOR A,1.375" THROW a_ #10 x 518" DETAfL "F" ASTRAGAL • #10 x 1" DETAIL "E" ASTRAGAL -w =0 ATTACH-;ASTRAGAL RETAINER-BOLT Addendum to NMA CEO ai —#-1 #10 x 1" STRIKE PLATE TO FRAME 0§ - - COKMIJIDn W."Nroa 70�,)-z AS SHOWN. #10 x 5/8' IA& T too co C -=DETAlLf7C�- to '4 C 6ETAI L D r,-CN N 0.124'HEAT STREN ENED DECORATIVE INSERT 0,124*HEAT STRENGTHEN C�W A INSERT C)11 11 (NOA 15 OPTION -t u') 0.962"1 0.090'SWLEX-(NQA 15-1201, (0,PTIONAL) 0.090 -:�1201.111) .0124*-IEMP. 0.124'HEAT STRENGMTHEN .0124'TEMP. 0,124'HEAT STRENGTHENED 1.375" T GL�� T 1/2'SITE 1/2-SITE 0 L)m¢0 z INSWING THRESHOLD BUMPER O/S THRESHOLD DATE-. 4/9/07 DOW 995 DOW 995 DOW 995 w DOW 995 scALF- N.T.S. DING.BY.- SINS 1.482' 1.75" 1.437" T T T ICA L GLAZING Q IL AL RNATE GLAZING Q IL DRAWING NO.: RATEDIMPACT GLAS IMPACT RATED (IAS D—MA-FLO171-07 7-SERIFS O/S THRESHOLD HIGH DAM O/S THRESHOLD T4 O/S THRESHOLD SHEET-.2-OF-�4 i � I I 26" 26" (_ 26' 7.375- T, .375" — - L'J w ;moi m vz m Ri to m m � •�� w_ rn m w �� N r N W I W >) W it T � I I j 6' I — 4 MORE EQUALLY SPACED g" I ; I CL 37.125" j Wo EA � w I 'I I I I'I i m I Im I I m it - W W 9(ap� OT T — O w I , cu I �� WI 4 MORE EQUALLY SPACED 6" — , I j I 1 I j I I p v n v PRODUCT: DOOR PROOUc -3 D 10 27 1,7 ADDED T4SWS B'0 RBERO M OPAQUE MASONITE INTERNATIONAL CORP. IW o z C 4/26 17 VARIOUS UPDATES SWS DOUBIE DOOR UNIT B 528 15 ANCHOR UPDATE SWS PART OR ASSEMBLY: 1955 POWIS R0. A cn o A 11 2:10 MISC UPDATES SwS i{' 7 NO. DATE I� I — BY ANCHORING LOCADONS WEST CHICAGO, 1L 60185 &DETAILS REVISIONS U7 0� DO - O p J Z 6-j Q (f)Q _ 1.25.._ o.,. p'. z.. j ¢ §j U 1.25" . 1.25" Iv- MIN I > i. 1 „ p U MIN M I o.,•. i. ,`0.25" — _0.25" —0.25- MAX Z _ ISHIM SHIM Lo U CL,I I— CL—ILn CL y F— co TYPICAL MASONRY 1X BUCK MASONRY TYPICAL WOOD BUCK ANCHOR INSTALLATION ANCHOR INSTALLATION ANCHOR INSTALLATION RL o �o Addendum toNMtl a z CerotcalionNo. 00 j o Reriaa�dR. DffieRime- / o a a, 3333, ATTACHMENT DETAIL !nDrn= 1. ANCHOR ANALYSIS FOR LOADING CONDITIONS PREPARED, HARDWARE SCHEDULE SIGNED AND SEALED BY ROBERTO LOMAS, PE �w FLORIDA 62514 WITH THE LOWEST LEAST ¢18 cn # ) (LEAST) 1. KWIKSET SERIES 400 GRADE 3 CYLINDRICAL LATCH AND o o w FASTENER RATING FROM THE DIFFERENT FASTENERS SERIES 980 GRADE 1 DEADLOCK HARDWARE TO BE INSTALLED >ja BEING CONSIDERED FOR USE. JAMB, HEAD, AND AT 10-1/2" CENTERLINE. I r_Lo m z -- ---THRESHOLD-FASTENERS-ANALYZED-FOR THIS_UNIT-INCLUDE----_ _- HINGES. ---- �o _ --2--4"-X-4"-FULL- MORTISE-BUTT- -- - --w4=v-� X10 WOOD SCREWS, 1/4" TAPCONS. AND #10 TEK SCREWS. o�oV) A PHYSICAL SHIM MUST BE PLACED IN SHIM SPACE AT EACH a>dz� ANCHOR LOCATION, TAPCON EDGE DISTANCE MIN 2-1/2". j -�-- --WOOD-SCREW=EDGE--DISTANCE-MIN'=3/4 --TEK-"SCREW-EDGE=-=-_ -- --_-- -- - - ---- --- --_ - _ —_ -- _--_ - --- -- - --- - ^r,u-)_o;------ - DISTANCE MIN 1/2"- - NCD NNNd - 0 2. ANCHORING -INTO STEEL STRUCTURE.MUST BE SUFFICIENT.TO It U') ACHIEVE 3 THREADS MINIMUM BEYOND STEEL INTERIOR SURFACE. 1-Xi/2" CORRUGATED #10X2" WOOD SCREW 3" FROM EACH END 5" FROM EACH END 131 H10X2-1/2" (4) #10X2-1/2" 3. THE WOOD SCREW SINGLE SHEAR DESIGN VALUES COME FROM AND 7" OC AND 12" OC WOOD SCREWS wo D SCREWS in v m¢z ANSI AF&PA NDA FOR SOUTHERN PINE LUMBER AND ACHEIVEMENT EACH END EACH END / ACRYLIC OF 1-1/2" MINIMUM EMBEDMENT. THE TAPCON MUST ACHIEVE CAULK ® ® anre: 4 9/07 MINIMUM EMBEDMENT OF 1-1/4". ACRYLIC ® SCALE: N.T.S. LATEX 4. WOOD BUCKS BY OTHERS MUST BE ANCHORED PROPERLY TO CAULK —CL DM.er: SWS TRANSFER LOADS TO STRUCTURE. { CHK COMBINATION WOOD COMBINATION WOOD INTEGRAL WOOD INTEGRAL WW DWG—M—F 5. MINIMUM DESIGN VALUE STRENGTH OF ANCHORS 155 LBS. MULLION (BOXED) MULLION (BOXED) MULLION (CHS) MULLION (CHS) DG-MAFL0171-07 sxEET 4 of 4 I , L. Roberto Lomas P.E. I, 1432 Woodford Rd. Manufacturer: Masonite Lewisville.NC 27023 Report#: 514009A , 434-688-0609 I Date: 10/10/2017 rllomas 0D.lrlomaspe.com I Test Report: N/A i Product: Single door 3'x8'(Wood Frame) Scope: I I;. This analysis provides calculations,quantities;and spacing requirements for installing product to substrate,and It applies only to the product described herein.These calculations comply with requirements of the Florida Building Code. Anchor capacity in shear condition: Solid members w/6 w/out gap: a.With threads present in shear plane Fastener type:#10 wood screw (NDS.2012,NDS 2015,TR12) I� Nominal diameter: D: 0.190 in Gap: g: 0.0000 in i Root diameter: Dr: 0.152 in Moment arm:' 0.0000 in i Minimum required penetration: p: 1.140 in Screw bending yield strength:i Fye= 80,000 psi Side member:Douglas Fir-Larch(6=0.50) Main member:Spruce-Pine-Fir(6=0.42) Side member thickness: t,= 1.000 in Main member thickness:; %= ' 1.500 in Side member dowel bearing strength: Fu= 4,650 psi Main member dowel bearing,strength: F_= 3,350 psi Side member dowel bearing length: I,= 1.000 in Main member dowel bearing length: � Im= � 1.140 in I I �I Mode I„ Mode I, Mode II Mode III. Mode In, Mode IV qm= 636.5 lbs/in qs= 884 lbs/in A: 0.0007 A: 0.00096 A: ,10.00107 A: 0.00135 P= 725.61 lbs P= 884 lbs 8: 1.07 a: 0.57 8: 0.5 8: 0.000 Ko= 2.400 Ka= 2.400 C: -427.674 C: -253.623 I C: ;267.699 C: -93.6 i Zm= 302 lbs Z,= 368 lbs P= 331 lbs Ms= 46.8 in-lbs Mm- `. 46.8 in-lbs Ka= 2.400 P= 297 lbs p= 319 lbs P= 263 lbs Min.Design value: Z= 110 lbs Z= 138 lbs Ka= 2.400 Ko=' 2.400 Ka= 2.400 Duration Factor: Ca= 1.6 Z= 124 lbs j Z=1 133 lbs Z= 110 lbs Allowable Design Value(ZCo): Z'= 175 lbs/anchor I l Fastener type: 1/4IfW Topcon Tabulated values 'I N.O.A.16-1222.06 edge spacing(in) , Substrate:Hollow block distance 2.00 4.00 Minimum embedment: 1.25 in 2.00 130 j 161 I Actual edge distance: 2.50 in 4.00 163 202 i I Actual C To C spacing: 3.00 in Allowable Design Value: Z..= 155 lbs/anchor(per interpolation when needed) j Fastener type: #10 Tek screw Substrate: 18 GA,Steel Tabulated design value: Z= 1266 lbs Safety factor: Fs= 4 i Allowable Design Value(ZFs): Z'= 316 lbs/anchor iMinimum anchor capacity: 155 lbs/anchor I i Note:Anchors with the least capacity is used for calculations to quality anchors with higher capacity. ' Anchor calculations,minimum reouired anchors 36.38 Design pressure: 70.0 Psf j Area load Ind. Max' Anchor v Zone (ft') (lbs) (in) O.C. Cap. Load i Result 95A2 A2 .25 (in) (lbs) (lbs) Qty A, 2.3 161 N/A N/A 155 2 80 I; OK ' Al AZ 9.7 681 6.00 18.00 155 6 114 i I„OK E IV *'4� 0 495V !' TAT �(OR I Luis R. Lomas P.E. FL No.: 62514 �1 of 3 10/10/2017 I i I ' I i , it ,