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Building Permit Application
ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 02/26/2018 Permit Number: Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 1300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial Residential x PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Mechanical PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: 708 Olive Ave Legal Description: WHITE CITY ESTATES BLK 2 S 130 FT OF THE FOL DESC PROP: LOT 11 ANDE 1/2 OF LOT 10 Property Tax ID #: 3410-601-0032-000-6 Lot No. 11 Site Plan Name: Block No. Project Name: Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: Left Side: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: INSTALLATION OF LIKE FOR LIKE 3 TON TRANE A/C SYSTEM, 17 SEER WITH 10 KW ELECTRIC HEAT SOL '\v\Sic \ 0-k a r\ ci I',4 f6Y I YA (Zlouo ,S v TY 1' Mlv , -wtiv 11.p SEE12 NO KW CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: AClaitional work tor on ert ispermit -c ec a appy: 10M HVAC Gas Tank ❑Gas Piping _ Shutters []Windows/Doors Electric 0 Plumbing Sprinklers Generator 0 Roof Roof pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: SFt. Of First Floor: Cost of Construction: $' � y 50.1)0 Utilities:cnSewer OSeptic Building Height: OWNER/LESSEE: CONTRACTOR: Name JOHN HORTON Name: JAMES F GRIMES Address: 708 OLIVE AVE Company: GRIMES HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING City: FORT PIERCE State: FL Address: 3054 N US HWY 1 Zip Code: 34946 Fax: City: FORT PIERCE State: FL Phone No. 772-359-4455 Zip Code: 34946 Fax: 772-461-8722 E-Mail: Phone No. 772-461-8711 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different E-Mail: KAYLAGRIMESAC@AOL.COM from the Owner listed above) State or County License: RA0018071 If value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. ar+wnGnr r"1011YCCtt: x Not AppllCable Name: Address. City: State: ZIP: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Name: x Not Applicable _ Address: City: ZIP: Phone: MORTGAGE COMPANY: x Name: _ Not Applicable Address: City: State: ZIP: Phone: BONDING COMPANY: _xNot Applicable Name: Address: City: Zip: Phone: Ittcertify that no work or Installation has commenced prior to the Issuance hof a permit. t IN chcIs In confticcttawit�i anyyr apf ellca tae (Hothat wners Associaermirwl will abylawe a the permit holder mild the subjects ubjec s Uct re structure. Please consult wisuch thpyour Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work In accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the Jobsite before the first inspection. If you Intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work or recording your Notice of Commencampnr c STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTYOF Si t Vc The forgoing Instrument was acknowledged before me thls,Z IL day of_a fir; icy v„ 20 LS—by c STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF cT . `0 C_ k The forgoing Instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 Lg by 1 ` R"yut ES — C 2i rvtFc (Name of person acknowledging) t �F S g (Name of person acknowledging ) (Signature of Notary Public- State of Florid ) Signature of Notary Public -State of Florida Personally KnOR Produced Identification Personal) Known Type of Identification y OR Produced Identification r„ Type of Identifica on Produced Commission No. ;"'�r,.'b SUSAN MONT MYC06jtr1f. IpN#GB089099 Commission No. ;qu,,,, EXPIRES:Aprtl2,2091 SUSANNEORO 1 _9a�dNTnruNGcryFuDleUiWemtiteB f t l,'t MYCOAIMISSIONkGG089899 Revised 07/15/2014,, ;? p BondedThor REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATf REVIEW REVIEW COMPLETE INITIALS amThis combination qualifies for a Federal Energy Efficiency tax Credit when placed in service between Feb 17,2009 and Dec 31, 2016. Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Reference Number : 7907764 Data o2 -244s to Model Status : Active Old AHRI Raf arsnce Number AHRI Type : RCU-A-CB Series :XR17 Outdoor Unit Brand Name : TRANE Outdoor Unit Model Number (Cmldenseror Single Package) : 4T FR7036AI Indoor Unit Brand Name Indoor Unit Madel Number (Evaporator andlor Air Handler) : TEM6AOC36H31+TDR Fumabe Model Number: Reglan : All (AK, AL. AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DO, BE. FL, GA, HI, ID. IL, bl IN, KS, KY. LA, MA. MD. ME. MI, MN. MO. MS, MT, NC. ND, NE, NH. NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, IIF, VA, VF, WA, M. WI, W. U.S. Territories) Regan Note : Central air conditionem manufactured prior to January 1, 2015 are eligible to be installed in all regions until June 30, 2016. Beginning July 1, 2016 central air condisaners ren onty be installed in region(s) for which they meet the regional efficiency requirement. The manufacturer of ON, TRANE product is responsible for the rating of this system Combination. Rated as follows in accordance with the latest earned of ANSUAHRI 2101240 with Atldenda 1 and 2, Performance Rating of Unitary Air -Conditioning S. Air -Source Heat Pump Equipment add subject to rating accuracy by AHRI-sponaaed, Independent, third part' testing: Cooling Capacity (A2) - Single or High Stage (95F), Win : 3620D SEER :17.00 EER (A2) - Single or High Stage (95F) : 13DO EER YAcmre"Model skWs are Nose itW an AXHI Camfiration Program Parimpanl re cunenby Producing AND cwkp or aReMg Ifo sale; OR r morels Oralarobeing maMeted but are nal yet being produrad.-Pmducden Stoped -Medal Skive are those Solan AHRI CerNkaDen P C,N ar 01181InQ toySdIE mglam Pddirpanl le no IOntjer pmfJll dug BUT 6 5U 1 Ralirws Mel are acorn iedb WAe'.,d �k t The bl'hd d s 'MM ! WAS) rldrea OISCIAIMER AMID does not crone the Pmah.0m) listed on this Coulficate and makes no rom scredon£ warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility tor, the Produces) lilted NO ON CenlOcale. AHRI eapmssly Atud.lms ell II.Ni ty for damages or any kind arising out a the use Or PMolmance of Ne pmducgs), or the autherived alteration Of data listed an this CeM(cate. counted ratings are valle only far models and coMlguratheas listed in the dlrenory at www.ahrldlree[ory.ar6. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This CeNflrale and Rm Its contents are PPnaGry Products of AHRL This Certificates shall only be used for individual. Personal and A ■ Imp confidential rommoce, purposes. The contents of this UMcaMmay ria, In whole or In Pan, he reproduceQ wpleM .a.a'.. fothearolnabW, an ad anmaaomfradalaaa:a. earbaothsePrwitifiaee, In any form or manner or M am means, accept tar the users Individual, personal and confidential mosenca. AN -CONDITIONING. HEamna, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION a REFRIGMATION INsmuiE The lnbnnaeoc for Me nwdeleltedon deswniNab can or wanted orwww,nlnidiructary.urq, elle on NeenY C --oast, link militancy the AHRI Cedlfled Reference Numbirand Medete on wPiththe cedi6cekwas issued, which Is INNO! ateme, and the Certificate No.. which IS listed at OOMm HOL--- ga2016AIrConditionIng, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: 131639527MW31U we G= Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Reference Number: 10579512 Deb:02-a+-2016 Model SUNNI, : Active Old AHRI Reference Number AHRI Type : RCU-A-CBO Series Name : Outdoor Unit Brand Name : TRANE OWldor Unit Modal Number: 4TYK1512A1'00" mum-Type : MniSplRs Indoor Model Number(s) :4MM1612AIMW' - Rated as follows in accordant¢ with the latest edition of ANSI/AHRI 2101240 with Addenda 1 and 2, Performance Rating of Undary Air-Conditioning 8 Airs me Heat Pump Equipment and subject to rating accuracy by AHRFeponsored, ntlependent, third Party testing: Cooling Capacrty (MF): 12000 EER (95F) :9.25 SEER: 16.00 Sold inn : USA 1'Adive Model goods am these Mated AHRI Ceddratnn Promen Participant is currently Producing AND seNmg orofledrg lot Ole; OR new, models tlMt are being RN-I but an rwl yet Camg prM E.•PmdWion Sloppeu' MotlM ad4s em lFose lMl en lW0.1 Cg1iXceLm Prc9�nm Parli�iAvnl ie no lunger pmEucirg alit is sill Relingaotmei e e f mmnitl Ev W/S MSceln In Tify, DISCLAIMER AHRI does not arbors. the proltoom) listed on this Cartifiate ant makes no havesuntatlons, wer ultles or euannress as to, and assomee no responsibility for. the Praduce.) listed an this CeN6ram. AHRI eaprossly elicmlrmi all liability for damages of any kind taking out of the use or performance of the produdts), or the nauttmdred almretian of data listed on this Cedlfkoa. eeruned nouns are.and only tar models and configurations listed in the the., a[ www.aerldbecmry.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Cenmca" and Ns contents are propdetery produce of ANSI, This Certificate shall only be used for Individual, personal and it RAIMP confidential reference purposes. The contents of thin Certificate may not, In whole w In p eL be reproduced; efpled; disseminated, '. entered Into a computer commute, e: otherwise utillmd, In any lam Me be manner or by any means, ant for the users lndWldual, #%a `'conchal end confidNttial ralerenca. AIFCO.cohdoN4, doeTum. CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION 8 REFanaEnAL1eN nYSIITUTE The Inlonne{len rot dre model cited on mis cerliR[an can ay vended at www.anrldlrec\nry. org, cock an',mhhr Cer[ilicate' nIM ant anter the AHRI Certified Reference Number end the data ea which Ne ceNXsare was issued. which by listed above, and the CeriMcate NO, which Is listed at bottom right "'—"------------ -- - -- - - ©2018Air-Conditioning, HeMing, and Refrigeration institute CERTIFICATE NO.: 1315�ssamuwewz