HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Florida Building Codc Onfine haps:;,w14,\%-.tloridahuilding.or r pirpr app dtLa�px''parnn-��... tWtS Nome Lng In user Re9,stmhon nef TOOK* submit surcharge S4 NIS R facts PublCahons FBC Stan WIS Map UMs Snamb br� t! uct be Uwrcvat USER: R EC I`" _.._. .FIVE ourl 4op--i Menu>vrndurt err Ambi—(—5rarrh.Annpr.ithin Lit App nsFl"ry° 7 CC04 FL Y FL10124- 0 Application Type Revision " '612%,tifti-Per Code version 2017 fitting Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer GAF Address/Phone/Email 1 Campusrive Parisppany,NJ 07054 (8DO)766-1411 mstieh®ga com I Authorized Signature Robert Nleniinen lindar@nemoetc.com Techrical Representative William Brot ssard Address/Phone/Email 1 Campus 0 rive Parsippany, 4307054 (800)766-1411 TechnKalQu!stionsGAF@agat.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Asphalt Shlrjgles Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architec or a Licensed Florida Professional(Engineer >- EvaluaLn Report-Hardcopy Received ' Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Robert Niemnen ® Evaluation Report Florida License PE-59166 U Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date ID/20/2018 Validated By John W.Kne evich,PE UjVafidat' Checklist-Hardcopy Received JCertificate of Independence F 4 COi 2017 Ol COI Niemiren df Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ASTM 0197 2015 LL ASTM D3161 2016 ASTM D346 2010 ASTM D715 2011 TAS 107 1995 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By I of 2 02128/2018 11:44 AM Florida Building Code Online tips://www.tloridabuildiniLoro pr/pr_app dtl.aspx?pavan=w... Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method t ption D Date Submitted 09/20/201 Date Validated 09/27/201 Date Pending FBC Approval 09/28/201 Date Approved 12/12/2011 Summary of Products ` FL a Model,Number or Name I ascription a 1 GAF Asphalt Roof Shingles Iberglass reinforced 3-tab,laminated, -tab and hip/ridge sphaft shingles Limits of Use nstallation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL10124 R20 It 2017-09-FINAL-ER iAF A5 h It Approved for use outside HVHZ:YeS hlnoles FL10124-R20.1)df Impact Resistant:NiA Verified By:Robert Nieminen PE-59166 Design Pressure: N/A rested by independent Third Party: Y Other:Refer to ER,Section 5. valuation Reports F 10124 R20 AE 2017 09 FINAL ER GAF Asphalt Shlnales-FL10124 R20 1)d1 Created by independent Third Party: Y lack Nan Cont.K.t Us 2601 Blair Stone Road U see FL 31399 Phone 1350 487 102 4 The State of ifonda is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 20072013 State of FklHda.::Po-cy Statement::Ac e.ssrbili State or::Retuod Statement Under F.orida law,emal addresses are public records.If you do not want your -mail address released M response t0 a Public r rdseq request,do not send electronic mad to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mad.If you have any questions,please contact I 50.497.1395.'Pursuant to Senwn 455.275(1),florula Statutes,ellecuve October I,2o12,licensees licensed`u`nder Chapter 455.F,S,must provide the Depart ent with M rt ml address d They nave one.The emails provided may be used for ofo-jal communication with Irre lic Msec.However email addresses are public cord.It you do not wish to wpply a personal address,please provide the Deparlment with an email address which cen oe made Available to the public.To ijeTecit ix of you are a luensee under Chapter 455.F.S.,please click here. Product Approval Accap/a: o®®o® lid Safe of 2 02.'28/2018 11:44 AM EXTEROR & DES CN, LLC @rtifi e of Alit honzation#9503 TRINITY ERS 35.3CHRIST1ANSTFEET UNIT#13 O>F(IRU Cf 06478 (203)262-9245 EVAL-DATION FEPORT GAF Evaluation ort 01506.01.08-F?22 1 Campus Drive FL10124-FZ20 Parsippany, NJ 07054 Date of ssuance:01/03/2008 (800)766-3411 FeN ision 22: 09/20/2017 S T1h s Evaluation FL-port is issued under Rule 61020-3 and the applicable rules and regulations erring the use of construction materials in the State of Flonda. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Fbbert Nieminen. RE for use of the product under the Ronda Building Code and Rorida Building Code, Residential Volume. The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 6" Edition (2017) F orida Building Code sed ions noted herein. DE9cRPTON. GAFAsphalt Fbof Shingles LABEIJNG: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Asst,rance Agency noted herein and FBC 1507.2.7.1 r 8905.2.6.1. OXTMNUED Obkvpt-IANcE This Evaluation Fbport is valid until such time as the named pr uct(s) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes or provisions of the Cbde that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Fbport by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Fbbert Nieminen, RE if the product changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes. Trinity) EFU requires a complete review of this Evaluation FcWrt relative to updated Gude requirementswith each O)de Cycle, ADVBFTISEMENT: The Evaluation %port number preceded by the cords"Trinity) EFU EvaluaE'' may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Pleport isdisplayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INgE'TtON: Upon request, a copy of thisentire Braluation Fbport shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be avalable for inspection at the lob site at the request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Fbport consistsof pages 1 through 6. Prepared by: Rbbert J.M. Nieminen, RE RFs G �''f„'r�:„'{•,` , fief,igmlrsM;q{rcfur w.n dtur.Jatf lh RfiM Nert,hen Fonda Fbgistration No.59166.Florida DCAANE1983 PE OnU9W2n2C1n n,sw r uns rs n arlronalirygxu aoarnert QF"RGNnCTI OF IND TNM C'✓ 1, Trinityl B;D does not have, nor does it intend to aoqure or will it aoquire, a finainciai interest in any corTpany matnufactunng or distributingproducts it evaluates; 2 Trinityl ERDisnot owned.operated or controlled by any compainymanufacturingor disInbuting products it uatPs 3. Fbbert Neminen. PE doesnot have nor will acquire.a financial interest in any company manufactunng or c istributing productsfor which theevaluation repo(tsare beingissued 4 Pobert Neminen,PE doesnot have,nor will acquire.a financial interest in any other entityinvolved in the 3pprovai process of the product 5 This is a building code evaluation Neither Trinity)EFU nor Fbbert Nieminen. PE are. in any way. the Desgner of Fbcord for any project on which this Evaluation Fiteport,or previous versons thereof. is+was used for permitting or design (dance unless retained speobcaily fort hat purpose TRINITY ERD Rcx)RNG&srEmsB/ALUAT-IoN: Product Category: Fbof ing gib-Category Asphalt Shingles Cbmplianoe Statement: GAF Asphalt Fbof Shingles, as produced by GAF, have demonstratEd compliance with the following sections of the 6"' Edition (2017) Florida Building Cbde and Florida Building Cbd . Fes+dential Volume through testing in accordance with the following 9andards Compliance is subject to the Ins allahan Paquirements and Limitations/ Cbnditionsof Useset forth herein. 2. ST'ANDAFcis Sect i on Property 3Mdard Year 1507 2.4 t 1507.1.1, Physeal Roperties ASTM D1970 2015 R8 2.31 R9W 1.1 1507.2.5.6905-2.4 Physeal Properties ASTM D3462 2010 1507. 6.1 Wind Resistance ASTM D3161 2016 1507.2.7 1.6&05.2 6 1 Wind 6b9sance AS6M D7158 2011 1507.2.7.1,68052.6 1 Wind Fes stance TA$107 1995 3. Fou;EvCS Entity Examination %few rend Date GAF(POM 1915) Letter of Equivalency Sial-A Rdge Impact Pessant IR 01/13(2012 PR(TSr 5878) Physical Properties G4-'025-02-01 01127/2002 PR(TSr 5878) ASMI D3462 GAF-059-02-01 09/02/2004 PR(TSr 5878) ASTM D3462 GW080-02-01 05125/2005 PR(TSr 5878) Physical Properties GAF324-02-01 12/0112011 PR(TSr5878) Wind[riven Bain GAP407-02-01 01,121/2013 UL(TST 1740) ASTM 03462 93W295 11/291993 UL(TST 174 0) ASTM D3462 994143835 01/12/2000 UL(TST 1740) TAS 107 94NK4632 03/29t2000 UL(TSr1740) ASTM D3462 01NIm6632 02/02/2001 UL(TSr 1740) ASTM 0(3161,TAS 107 01419226 0512V2001 UL(TST 1740) ASTM 03161 014137122 12118/2001 UL(TSr1740) ASTM 013462 014137122 12/19/2001 UL(TSr 1740) ASTM 03161. TAS 107 OM1 2980 04110'2002 UL(TSr1740) ASTMD3161,TAS 107 02NKM71 09109/2002 UL(TSr1740) ASTM 03161 03CA5367 03/11/2003 UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3462 034126444 10/1712003 UL(TSr1740) ASTM D3462 04NK13850 06107/2004 UL(TSr 1740) ASTM 03161 0"13850 06123/2004 UL(TSr 1740) ASTM D3161 04WO546 03/10+2005 UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3462 04"Q2009 05,106/2005 UL(TST 174 0) ASTM D3161 04NK22009 05'096 2005 UL(TST 174 0) ASTM 03462 054127924 02`10(2006 UL(TST 1740) ASTM 03161 05W7924 02/11/2006 UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3161,D3462 060418077 06/0512006 UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3161.D3462 06CA18074 06/1612006 UL(TSr 1740) ASTM D3161,D3462 06CA35251 10i 1&'2006 UL(TSr1740) ASTM 03462 06CA31603 12/01/2006 UL(TSr 1740) ASTM 00161.03462 06CA41095 12/27/2006 UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3161 07W5228 03/112007 UL(TST 174 0) ASTM D3161 06CA31611 04/"2007 UL(TSr1740) ASW D3161 06CA61148 0460912007 LIL(TST 174 0) ASTM D3161.D3462 07CA31742 1110&'2007 UL(TST 1740) ASMI D3161.D7158,D3462 08CAID6100 03113/2008 Ex'.e rx F�- and in Ge iqi a C. Evatuaso faport 01506 01 OB.f�2 Qxtihnteof authorua(an*9603 v''t33iTIt�N 20'7)FBC;NCI*HvW_- ALUATlON (s_':':.'4 Tzl�1 CSF AsphAt Fbof Sh rgie5 P vision 22 08120 2017 Page 2 of 6 RINITY ERD Entity Examination Reference Date UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3161.D3462 07W5908 04/01/2008 UL(TST 1740) ASW D3161,D3462 09(:A10592 0312612009 UL(TST 1740) ASTM 03161,D3462 0_"56 05/152009 UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3161.D7158.D3462 09f"7 08/01/2009 UL(TST 1740) ASrtvt D3161.D7158.013462 09CA27281 08/27/2009 UL(TSr 1740) ASTM 03161.D7158.D3462 101�A35554 0310512010 UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3161.D7158 03462 10CA13686 05115/2010 UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3462 10CA07264 05/2712010 UL(TST 1740) ASPM D3462 10CA11953 10129f2010 UL(TSr 1740) ASTM D3161.D7158.D3462 1 owl 1951 10/3Qi 2010 UL(TST 1740) ASTM D13161.D7158.D3462 t OW12070 11/04/2010 UL(TST1740) ASTM 03161.D7158.D3462 08CA06100 0113012010 UL(TST 1740) ASTM 003161.D7158,003462 10CA53934 03/31/2011 LIL(TST 1740) ASTM D3161,D7158.03462 11CA48924 10122/2011 LA-(TSr1740) ASTM Ct3161.D7158.D3462 IIdM7919 1Z'03/2011 UL(Th7 1740) ASTM D3161.D7158,033462 11CIAA8408 1210&2011 LA-(TST 1740) ASTM 03161,D7158.D3462 116448725 121091'2011 UL LLC(TSr%28) ASTM 03462 120#34891 10/1212012 UL LLC(TST%28) ASTM 03161.D7158.D3462 12CA58151 02/152013 UL LLC(TSF 9628) ASTM 03161 126438083 02/2612013 UL LLC(TSF 9628) ASTM 03161 13CA32332 0611&2013 U_LLC(TSr9628) ASTM D3161 13CA37934 08/02!2013 UL LLC(T9 9628) ASTM D3161,D7158.D3462 4786875675 07/1712015 UL LLC(TST 96281 ASTM D3161,D7158.03462 4787434542 05/1712016 UL LLC(QUA%25) Oual i t Oontrol Inspection ftmt.R21.Mobile.Al. 10/25/2016 UL LLC(QUA9625) Ouality Control Inspection Fbport.R21,Myerstown,PA 10/242016 UL LIG(QUA 9625) Qjality Cbrttrol Inspection Fbport,R21.Tuscaloosa AL 11/11/2016 UL LLC(QUA9625) QLaiity Cbntrol Inspection Fbport.R21,Michigan Qy. 114 11/0112016 UL LLC(QUA 9625) CLalityCnntrol Inspection Import.F;21,9iafter.CA 11/17/2016 UL LLC(QUA 9625) QualityCbntrot Inspection Fbport,R21,Slvannah,GA 11/11/2016 UL LLC{QUA%25) Quality(bntrol Inspection Fbport.F?21.Minneapolis N N 10/2512016 UL LLC (QUA 9625) Q AityCbntrol Inspection Fbport,R21,Mt Vernon,IN 10/25/2016 UL LLC (QUA 9625) Quality Cont rot Inspection Report,R21.Baltimore.MD 10/21/2016 UL LLC(QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspection Report,R21 Tampa,RI 11/17/2016 UL LLC(QUA%25) Ouality Qmtrol Inspection Fbport.R21.Callas TX 1110412016 UL LLC("%25) Quality Qmtrol InspectionFeport,R21, Ennis TX 11/03%2016 UL LLC(QUA9625) CIA it y Cont rol Inspection Rport.R21,Fbntala,CA 11/01/2016 4. PROOU CT DE9U:�PTI ON: 4.1 Asphatt_31in es: 4.1.1 Marqui4JWeaIlherMaxG Fbyal Scivereigi8and S�ntinelJare a fiberglass reinfor 3-tab asphalt roof shingles 4.1.2 C amelotG C amelot®II. Forn[L[7eT"l C3enwoodT" Grand C anynrlC; Grand SbquoiaC Grand Slaquoia&IR GranU Sequoia& Armorcieffl'41 Monaico(& Senna& TimberlineC� American Hvvest QP Timberline0 ArmorShield TM 11, Timberline(R)Natural Shadow®R Timberline HDC-TimberlineOCbol Sbesi;.�; Timberline Utra HO<aicl Woodland,::fare fiberglass reinforced. laminated asphalt roof shingles 4.1.3 9ateline(�)isa fiberglass reinforced 5-tab asphalt roof shingle. 4.2 Rip 8 Rdge Shingles: 4.2.1 Seal-ArRdge@ Rdge C,p 9iingles, Seal-A RdgecJ` IR Impact-Resistant Rdge Cep Shingles, 'I aA-A RdgeC ArmorSIlel0'MRQge Cap q ingleOwd TimbertexR)Premium Rdge Cep Shingles are fi grass reinforced,hip and ridge asphalt roof shingles I Ex;er:u Rtr d�,n;1 tlwctr-w Evalu sio 4Wt 015%01 WFC22 t2rliftwoofafuthorimC*P*%W 6''®I11CJN(2017)RBCN(7 hIvICEVALUATICNV CAF Asphalt Proof 9ungtei irvison 22 09?20 2017 Page 3 of 6 i TRINITY ERD 4.3 Accessory garter Brigs 4.3.1 Pro-Start(JEave/Fbke garter Strip Shingles and WeatherBocker"•'Remium EmIR31oeSlarter Strip Shingles arestart er strips for asphalt roof shingles 4 3.2 QuickgartC Fbel & Stick garter Fbll is a is a rrineral-surfaced, fiberglass-reinfo , self-adhering SBS modified bitumen starter strip, nominal 9-inch x 33 ft'roll, for use with asphalt shin eswith exposure of 6- inch or less. 4.3.3 ,r�rMa�H7'"'Starter Strip Shingles are color caordInated starter strips for use wi h Grand C�nyo xk and Grand 5equoiatD series asphalt shingles. Ec4w[�rMa(10T"are inM lIeO aO Te nO 11 W for GranO Catyortc'i',and Grand SequoiaQ?�seriesinstallatiens. 5. UmITAT10NS 5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity)8U nor Fbbert Niernnen, P.E are, in any way, the Designer of Fbcord for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous rsions thereof, istwas used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 5.2 This Evaluation Peport isnot for use in F BCH%A-,lZjurisClictions. 5.3 Fre Classification is not part of this Evaluation FOport. refer to current Appro ed Fbofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 5.4 Wind Classification: 5.4.1 The GAF asphalt shingles noted in Section 4.1 are Oassfied in accordance with FEIC Tables 1507 2.7.1 and 8905.2.6.1 to ASTM D3161, Class Fand/or ASTM D7158.(lass H.indicating the shinglesare acceptable for use in all wind zones up to V„q,= 150 mph(V,, =194 mph). Fbfer to Sedion 6 for m allahon requirements to meet this wind rating. 5.4.2 The GAF hip& ridge shingles noted in Section 4.2 are Classified in accordance with FBCTables 1507.2.7.1 and 8905.2.6.1 to ASTM D3161, Class F. indicating the shingles are acceptable for u in all wind zones up to V,,,= 150 mph(V,, = 194 mph). Wer to Section 6 for installation requirements to meet this wind rating 5.4.3 Classification by ASMI D7158 applies only to exposure category B or C as defined n FBC 1609.4.3, and a mean roof height of 60 feet or less. C-IcuWions'',by a qualified design profes6 onal are required for conditions outside these limitations Chintad the shingle manufacturer for data sped icto each shingle. 5.5 All products in the roof assembly shall have quality as�ranoe audit in accordance wit F.A.G Fade 6100-3. 6. INSTALLATION: 6.1 Underlament: 6.1.1 Underlayment shall be acceptable to GAF and shall Hold current Ronda Statewide Roduct Approval, or be tacally Approved per Rile 61G20-3,per FBC 1507.2.11507.2.4 or M05.2.3. 6.2 garter Siindesor garter Strip: 6.2.1 Installation of Ro-Start EavelFaalce garter Strip Shingles,WeatherBlocker Premium e'Fbke garter Strip Sh i ngl es.an d Qui ckSt art Feel&Stick garter FbfI shall ootnply with the GAF current p jbiished instructions, 6.3 A 3halt_Shingles; 6.3.1 Installation of asphalt shinglesshall comply with the GAFcurrent published instructi s, using minimum four (4)naals per shingle in accordance with F BC 1507.2.7 or 8905.2.6,with the following xeeptions 0 Camelot, Camelot II, Grand Carryon, Grand Sl;quoia. Grand Sequoia IR (aand Sequoia Armor9lield. and Woodland require minimum five(5)nals pet shingle. d 9ateline requires minimum six(6)nails per shingle. 6.3.2 Fasteners shall be in accor0woe wim manufadlrer'Opubli[DeO requirement Lunn JIeiI7(Ilan FBC 1507.2.6 or F905.2.5. Staplesare not permitted. 6.3.3 Where the roof dope exceeds 21 units vertical in 12 units horimntal. special methods of fastening are required. Contact the GAF for details, Enc.,.t a Fk-srwcn.arc;CtSr?i U-C Evaluali m Report 01506.01 08-622 oxtrih ate of AuthoruatKirt++'.1 M 6"EDITI N(2017,FBCV)N-WHZ ALLA71ON FL10124-R?O CAF Asphalt Roof Shingles Revision 22 09t2d2017 Page 4 of 6 RINITY ERD 6.4 kjp Rdge Shingles 64.1 Installation of Seal-A Ridge Rdge Cap Shingles, SgI-A-Rdge IR Impad-Re' sistant Rdge Cap Shingles and Seal-A-Ridge ArmorShield Rdge Cap Shingles shall comply with the CSF current pu lished instructions with a minimum two (2) nals, minimum 3%8-inch head iameter, per shingle and nominal 0.25-inch diameter beads of Henkel "Loc ll FL S30 Fbof& RaCl;Jing Seal Q. t t 5 Saalani (292 rrrnm) - sellanto 125 mm, Endue.de nchede • • 12' I hrt�mm1 I 6.4.2 Installation of Tmbertex Remium Rdge Cep Shingles shall oomply with GAFcurre t published instructions with a minimum two(2) nails, minimum 318-indh head diameter, per shingle and baads of Sonneborn NP1 Cin Grade Fblyurethane Sealant or Henkel Pt_Fbofingand!lashing Sealant. ' '_' r SW'*W' i l i �.----------- 6.4.3 Fasteners shall be in accordance with GAF published requirements, but not le that FBC 1507.2.6 or F905.2.5. laplesare not permitted. at rt--P-;y ,an.:Desch lig. &aluatt n Report 01506.01 WFi22 011ikatoofAuthorLmtaj44,43 6n'® FB IT1ON(2017rCNON,M/HZ ALUA71ON FL10)124-FQ0 GAF Asphalt Fbof Sting) Fit--vtson 22 09121Y2017 PnW,5 of 6 I RINITY ERD 7. t ABaJNG: 7.1 Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Qual ty ksurance Agency noted herel n. 7.2 Asphalt shingle wrappers shall indicate compliance with one of the required dassfi tions detailed In FBC Table 1507.2.7.1