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Search Results-Applications
FFA Tvoe Manufacturer Validated By Status
FL9190- Revision LP Building Products CBUCK Approved
R5 FL#:FL9190.6 Engineering
History Model:LP SmartSide Strand Substrate Lap and Panel Siding (561)491-
Description: Precision Series 38 and 76 Series Primed Lap Siding. 9927
Precision 38,76,190 Series Primed Panel Siding including Silvertech&
Category: Panel Walls
*Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary.
Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road.Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824
The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement
Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send
electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to
Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if
they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to
supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under
Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here_.
Product Approval Accepts:
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https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_lst.aspx 2/19/2018
suiwiwcv•ucrs TRIM 6 SIDING
• At the time of manufacture,siding meets or exceeds the per- Moisture control and moisture vapor control are critical
formance standards set forth in ICC-ES-AC321 and has achieved elements of proper housing design.Check your local building
code recognition under ESR-1301, CCNC 11826,APA recognition codes for application procedures for handling moisture and
under PR-N124,and HUD recognition under HUD-MR-1318.For water vapor in your area.
copies of ESR-1301,call LP Customer Support at 1-800-648-6893
or go online at http://www.ice-es.org/reports/pdf_files/ICC-ES/ When using wet blown cellulose insulation,the insulation
ESR-1301.pdf or http://www.apawood.org. must not be in direct contact with the siding and it must be
allowed to dry a minimum of 24 hours or longer if specified by
• Minimum 6 in.clearance must be maintained between siding the insulation manufacturer.
and finish grade.
• As with all wood products,do not apply engineered wood
• Siding applied adjacent to porches,patios,walks,etc.must have siding to a structure having excessive moisture conditions such
a clearance of at least 1 in.above any surface. as drying concrete,plaster or wet blown cellulose insulation.If
such conditions exist,the building should be well ventilated to
• Minimum 1 in.clearance at intersection with roof line allow it to dry prior to the application of the siding.
• Apply siding in a manner that prevents moisture intrusion and Siding must not be applied to green or crooked structural
water buildup. framing members. Do not apply siding over rain-soaked or
buckled sheathing materials.
• All exposed wood substrate must be sealed in a manner that
prevents moisture intrusion and water buildup. Gutters are recommended for control of roof water run off.
• See alternate fastening options for fastening lap siding to SIP,
ICF and Steel Frame assemblies.
• A properly installed breathable water-resistive barrier is
• DO NOT USE STAPLES required behind the siding.Consult your local building code
for details.
CONCRETE, BRICK,STONE,STUCCO OR MORTAR. LP will assume no responsibility for water penetration.
9 • GAPS
• Store off the ground well supported,on a flat surface,under a •Seal all gaps with a high-quality,non-hardening,paintable
roof or separate waterproof covering sealant. Follow the sealant manufacturer's instructions for
• Keep siding clean and dry.Inspect prior to application.
•Use ahigh-quality exterior sealant meeting the ASTM C920,
minimum Class 25 sealant.
• Precision 38 Series lap may be installed on studs spaced FLASHING, WINDOWS, .
a maximum of 16 in.O.C.See alternate fastening option for
fastening 38 series 6 in.and 8 in.lap on studs spaced a maxi- •All openings must be properly sealed or flashed in a manner that
mum of 24 in.O.C. prevents moisture intrusion or buildup. Several examples that
accomplish this are shown on the following pages.
• Precision 76 Series lap may be installed on studs spaced a
maximum of 24 in,O.C.
• In all installations over masonry or concrete walls,the wall
shall be furred out and open at the top and bottom of the wall
to allow for convective ventilation between framing spaced 16
in.O.C. The framing shall be of adequate thickness to accept
1-1/2 inches of nail penetration. A properly installed breath-
able water-resistant barrier is required between the siding and
masonry or concrete walls.
• Install kick-out flashing to direct the water into the gutter DO
• Prime and paint all exposed surfaces including all drip
•Install step flashing with minimum 4 in.upper leg edges or where water will hang.
• Apply finish coat as soon as possible or within 180 days
•Properly integrate flashing with the secondary water-resistive of application.
barrier. Use housewrap,flashing tape,z-flashing,or other items • High-quality acrylic latex paint,specially formulated for use on
as needed to maintain the counterflashing principle. wood and engineered wood substrates,is highly recommended.
Semi-gloss or satin finish oil or alkyd paints are acceptable.For
•00 NOT extend the siding or trim into the kick-out flashing or flat alkyd paint,please check with the coating manufacturer for
gutter their recommendations for use on composite wood siding.
• Follow the coating manufacturer's application and
•Maintain a clearance between the end of the gutter and the maintenance instructions.
adjoining wall to allow for proper maintenance of the siding
•Prime and paint ALL exposed cut edges Semi-transparent and transparent stains.
• Shake and shingle paints.
• Vinyl-based resin formulas such as vinyl acetate, PVA,
vinyl acetate/acrylic copolymer paints.
between trim and roofing
• LP SmartSide 76 Series lap siding may be attached directly to
framing members spaced up to a maximum of 24 in.O.C.
• LP SmartSide 38 Series lap siding may be attached directly to
framing members that are spaced up to a maximum of 16 in.O.C.
• Check your local building code before starting to install the sid-
ing to confirm if wall sheathing is required.
Clean rain Siding joints should be staggered over successive courses.For
gutter installation with or without wood structural panels,joints must
occur over stud locations.
• Siding shall be installed with top(blind) nailing,with the nails
placed 3/8 in.from either end and a minimum of 3/4 in.from
Do not run trim or siding inside the top edge of the board. Fasteners will be exposed on siding
of the kick out flashing located immediately below window sills,fascia boards,and
horizontal trim. Fasteners below window sill shall be spaced a
maximum of 8 in.O.C.
• Overlap successive courses of siding a minimum of 1 in.
SmartLock Overlap>r Blind Fastening
Trim should be thick enough so the siding does not extend
beyond the face of the trim. Self-aligning
rabbet `
•Trim and fascia must be applied in a manner that will not allow f
moisture intrusion or water buildup.
3/4 in.nail
LPO SmartSidem siding is not designed and/or manufactured
1 in.overlap spacing
to be used as trim or fascia.LP SmartSide trim and fascia are
available in a variety of dimensions.
•LP SmartSide lap siding is not designed and/or manufactured
to be installed vertically. Install SmartLock lap
siding consistent with
the specifications
in these installation
CONDITION CORRECTION Minimum 6d(0.091 in.shank diameter)hot dip galvanized
ring shank nail with a 0.200 in.diameter head,spaced a
Snug ® OK ® maximum of 12 in.O.C.
Flush - ® OK - ® Alternative Fastening Option over ICF Assemblies
Visible fiber ® I Paint ® 38 and 76 Series Precision lap must be fastened with:
Minimum#8 hot dip galvanized tapered head self-drilling
Countersunk,/,,- /e IN._® Apply sealant ® screw with a 0.270 in.diameter head.
Countersunk more ® re-nail' Apply sealant and _ ® Minimum penetration of 3/8 in. beyond the thickness of the
than 1/8 in. nailing flange.
• Larger screws may be required by the ICF Manufacturer
based on the following minimum withdrawal requirements.
• Use minimum 8d(0.113 in. shank diameter), hot-dipped galva
nized nail with a 0,297 in.diameter head. • Minimum withdrawal value of the ICF nailing flange must
be 50 lbs.with a maximum 12 in, O.C. screw spacing.
• All exposed face nails must be caulked and sealed in a manner
that prevents moisture intrusion and water buildup. • Minimum withdrawal value of the ICF nailing flange must
be 31 lbs.with a maximum 6 in.O.C.screw spacing.
• Penetrate structural framing or wood structural panels and
structural framing a minimum of 1-1/2 in. Alternative Fastening Options over Corrosion Resistant Steel
• Nail from the center of the siding toward the ends,or from one Stud Framing
end to the other end. NEVER nail from the ends of the siding •Minimum withdrawal value of the steel framing must be 50 lbs.
toward the middle. Refer to the framing manufacturer's evaluation report.
• Shim siding at studs as needed,to avoid drawing siding against
uneven walls.Do not overdrive nails. Nail head should seat 38 Series Precision lap must be fastened with:
firmly to face of siding but not be overdriven to distort the Steel stud spacing a maximum spacing of 16 in.O.C.
siding surface.
• Minimum#8 hot dip galvanized tapered head self-drilling
• For information on fastening LP SmartSide products in high wind screw with 0.270 in.diameter head.
speed areas,refer to ICC-ES Report ESR-1301 or APA PR-N124.
• Minimum of 5 threads beyond the combined thickness of
Alternative Fastening Option for(strand)over Wood Structural the siding and framing
Panels and 24 in.O.C.Stud Spacing Minimum steel framing thickness 0.032 in.or 20 gauge.
• Limited to 6 in.and 8 in.wide lap siding.
• 76 Series Precision lap must be fastened with:
• Wood structural panels must be a minimum 7/16 Category with an
APA Trademark that contains the consensus Standard DOC PS 2. Steel stud spacing a maximum spacing of 24 in.O.C.
• 38 Series Precision lap must be fastened with: Minimum#8 hot dip galvanized tapered head self-drilling
screw with a 0.270 in. diameter head.
• Minimum#8 hot dip galvanized tapered head wood screw Minimum of 5 threads beyond the combined thickness of
with a 0.270 in.diameter head,spaced a maximum of 12 in. the siding and framing.
O.C.with 1-1/2 in.screw penetration into each stud or...
• Minimum 6d(0.091 in.shank diameter)hot dip galvanized Minimum steel framing thickness 0.032 in.or 20 gauge.
ring shank nail with a 0.200 in.diameter head,spaced a maxi- CAUTION
mum of 8 in.O.C.with 1-1/2 in.nail penetration into each stud.
• Do not force siding into place.
Alternative Fastening Options over SIP Assemblies DO NOT USE STAPLES.
• Wood structural panels must be a minimum 7/16 Category with an Climb cut the surface of the siding such that the rotation of the
APA Trademark that contains the consensus standard DOC PS 2. blade cuts downward on the primed or prefinished surface.
• 38 Series Precision lap must be fastened with: Where siding butts window trim,door casings and masonry,
• Minimum#8 hot dip galvanized tapered head wood screw etc.leave a 3/16 in.gap and seal.
with a 0.270 in.diameter head,spaced a maximum of 12 in.
O.C.or... Insulated Sheathings
• Minimum 6d(0.091 in.shank diameter)hot dip galvanized LP SmartSide Sidings may be installed over low-compression rigid
ring shank nail with a 0.200 in. diameter head,spaced a foam or exterior gypsum.The following precautions must be followed:
maximum of 8 in. O.C. Adequate bracing of the wall in accordance with the Interna-
76 Series Precision lap must be fastened with: tional Codes or other ruling building code is required.
• Minimum#8 hot dip galvanized tapered head wood screw with For rigid foam sheathing up to 1 in.(25.4 mm)thick,siding
a 0.270 in.diameter head,spaced a maximum of 16 in.O.C.or... may be nailed directly to the foam sheathing unless a drainage
plane is required by the local building code.Nail length must 1 IN, ROOF Eir CHIMNEY CLEARANCE
be increased to ensure a minimum 1-1/2 in. (38.1 mm)fastener
penetration into the structural framing. Figure
• For rigid foam sheathing greater than 1 in.(2S,4 mm),a
minimum 1-1/2 in.(38.1 mm)thick by 3-1/2 in.(88.9 mm)wide
vertical strapping or furring strip must be installed over the
sheathing to provide a solid,level nailing base for the siding.
The strapping must be securely fastened to structural framing
spaced no greater than 16 in. O.C.(406 mm)with a minimum
nail penetration of 1-1/2 in.(38.1 mm)and a maximum nail Min. 3/16 in.gap
spacing no greater than the width of the siding.
Paint bottom
Louisiana-Pacific will assume no responsibility for any damage or 4 in. min.flashing edges
condition arising from the use of rigid foam or exterior gypsum.
1 in. min.clearance /
CLEARANCE • + from roofing
Figure 1 LP Precision Lap siding may also be installed in compliance with category
8140-Exterior wall siding and sheathing for Wildland Unban Interface
Min.3/4 in.nail (WUI)applications atop LP FlameBlock sheathing. Refer to FlameBlock
spacing from top Installation instructions and product data sheets. All LP lap sidings(both
Breathable Foundations and Precision)may be installed as exterior siding in Wildland
1 in.min. Sheathing water-resistant Urban Interface(WUI)applications installed over one layer S/8"Type X
if required
overlap barrier gypsum sheathing applied behind the exterior covering or cladding on the
exterior side of the framing. They may also be installed over the exterior
Siding must not portion of a 1-hour fire-resistive exterior wall assembly designed for exterior
Siding must extend $ contact masonry fire exposure including assemblies using the gypsum panel and sheathing
below plate ! products listed in the Gypsum Association Fire Resistance Design Manual.
The Louisiana-Pacific Corporation("LP")LP SmartSide Siding(the
Min.6 in. "Products")limited warranty(the"Warranty")applies only to structures on
finish grade r; which the Products have been applied,finished and maintained in accordance
clearance ; with the published application,finishing and maintenance instructions
`t in effect at the time of application.The failure to follow such application,
finishing or maintenance instructions will void the Warranty as to the portion
of the Products affected by the variance(the"Affected Products").
LP assumes no liability for any loss or damage sustained by the Affected
BUTT JOINTS Products and is expressly released by the purchaser or owner from any such
loss or liability.
Figure 2
Any modification of the Warranty's application,finishing or maintenance
Nail min.3/4 in.from top requirements is void and unenforceable unless approved in writing prior to
and 3/8 in.from edge application by the siding general manager or his designee and a member of
�\ the LP Legal Department.
\ r---— For a copy of the warranty or for installation and technical support,visit the
O O i} LP SmartSide product support Web site at:
Gap 3/16 in. or for additional support call 800-4So-6106.
• joints must occur over studs. Cal.Prop 65 Warning:Use of this product may result in
• A minimum 3/16 in.gap is required at ALL butt joints. exposure to wood dust,known to the State of California
• If joint caulking option is selected,seal all gaps at butt joints to cause cancer.
with a high-quality exterior sealant meeting the ASTM C920,
minimum Class 2S sealant.
• If joint moulding option is selected,add the thickness of the web4BUILDINC
to the gap allowing a net 3/16 in.space for expansion. TRIM 6 SIDING
• If siding is prefinished by an approved or preferred prefinisher
it does not require sealant or joint moulding when backed with 02014 acific Corporation.
tion.ration.All rights reserved.LP and SmartSide are registered trademarks of
q I g Louisiana-Pacific Corporation.Printed in U.S.A.
minimum 4 in.wide flashing and the ends of the siding are
NOTE:Louisiana-Pacific Corporation periodically updates and revises Its product information.
factory finished. To verity that this version Is current,call 800-450-6106.
LPZ80515 1/14
Figure 3
Over Openings Alternate Butt Joint Treatments
Ensure Joint Moulding Caulked Butt Joint
paint coverage Gap 3/16 in. plus thickness Gap 3/16 in.and seal
of the 3/i5 in.
drip edge of joint moulding web
' II
3/8 in.
Figure 3A Figure 38 Figure 3C
Vapor Retarder
if required
by code
o . .
, .G ate,
6 in.minimum
ElC. . . •�:,....
Figure 3E Figure 3D
gap 3/16 in. and seal gap 3/16 in.
and seal
Inside Corner Outside Corner
Detail Detail
LPA0 P. on.Ss PR-MI24
Traiattrid ine® d-�Aood L�i� P40" oidia
Ltiuis�utrtrn� iii l 11"�iOf' PblmW 'July 2;2014
Pmuct 7 de Predsion SWIM T= npered-•Wood Lap and Panel SkIng.
Lauisiarte-PAeft.CcarpoMtion,414 Union Street,Suite 2040, N*61 ilia,;TN $7219 _
1: Basis of the product rel"d,
e 2¢12 and 2009 international BWidBtg Code:Section 104.11 AlaemaUva.liAat late
c 2012 and 20091 iter'ijifflonnal,ResidenW.Code:Section 8104.11 Altternativs Materials-
AN6UAF&PA SOPWS-200 SpwW tin Pions for V&A and Seismic
e ASCE 7-10 and ASCE 7.05 Minirnu deign.Lords for Buikgnge and Ottw Structures .
o ICC-E8 Acceptarm Ceftis for Trealled4ramwedAftod ShrI,AC.321.
APA PRP-108 Perfo ntanoe-Standards and Qin Policy'for SWP�K -t.lse Panels
+L NES EvaNStIon Pt'aOW for:DeEerminaftn of Flood-Rre dwco Properties of Building
• APA Reporter R&D 874-1,TB74•A5,T$1.4-11,T914-2d,TfflCI-4,T97Q-a 0,'i.'884.13,
T98Q-i7,T 23,T2008Q-12;T2008P-73,T20t?W-74,T200SQ-M,T2011 Q-0,
T2012P.22,and over quafftWon data.
2. Prod,ct descripbon-,
Louisiana-Pas fla Corporation tl^&ru:;t OdO Precision Tria#ed-Engineer ed-lNood Lap
and Panel siding Is overlaid with a rosin.#rested papa'and is arvall with-eiifier s sates
or embossed'eurtace textute. The siding le.available as tsps or panels. The siding is
b eted w th'Zincbarate for decay and Insect reWshinw. All edges are factory"Wed vAttl a
pdmsr. :
LP's Smarode's Predslon.Bates Tram ed-Er%llneereed-Wood lap siding is evadable in 318
and 7116 PorOm"O."Categories,in nominal widths of 8,8 and 121nc and in lsrg6u up.
LA's 8rn irtb`fde®Precision.Senes panel aiding is available in 3/8,7t18 and,19132
Perioime ce Categories,4-fM Width and in lengths of 8, 9,and.10 feet. The 3J8
Per�orItoW11 a cdtewry pbneis are available Without grooves or with grooves spaded 8
an center, The 7115 end 19132 Perbrntance Category paimb ore aveftable without.
grooves of%th grooves spaced either 4 or 8 inches on center. lMinlrnum thickromw at the
growand shiplap are d=xnented in the plant Quetlty Manuel.
3: D"Ign properties:
Allows*racking loads for LP®Smartfte®Precision Series panel aiding are listed in Table.
1. For 318 Perbmnes Category panels nalled of shiplap edges,use 5118 Performance-
Category st valla - For 7116 and 19/32 Perfc Mance Category panel sangs_r ailed art
shiplap ads,use 318 Periorrnank Category shear valts.'Design uclnd(cads LP's
Smart.SW Precision 3ertee lap and paned siding gra l*qd In Tables 2 and 3,revely.
UP-&nsnSiUct nS PPrecisioti-S_eriesTreated-Engineered-Wood•Lap and Par*tdngsshalt be
lnstailed.in accordance with rec�crtr"rtendatlorts pnoviifad by the msanufacburer . .
and rand APA
Eng0eerod Wood CCnstraabbv Gudala,Form E30 tME40609,oratpubil The
0 204 APA-The F..ngi?*qd Woad Association
81r�oe�tw u�O40P•oto su} 1JOWSOWBpua'K� tR-,ld Irani 'Oft,
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APA Product Rt pprto PR-Nt24 ,
Revised July 2,2014
Page 3 of 7
Table 1, A&Wabk Ram Smear( tbr LPA Smar#SideI*pWjsion$e1ls3s Tr tKW=xt lftr f 1 Simi—$160MIng$hear ttilaNss:with.
= Ft am of F+N-arch or Southet�'Pir*for Vl�W yr SeaisMe t
Minirqurn Panels Apphed Dkw4 to Frinft Panels Applied oiar 1124neh or.
ldari�• %S-kwb Gypsum shaatf nq .
Cakawy Panetratlon Neil fts Nall Spacing at Panel Edges f fte, ftla8W360 '
In F �t (Common or {in.) (Cw Mn oria .$ 0 t.i-914 180 2710 3BO180 28d 3/S" 200 . 3 3$0 510 - 200 3�_ 320 410 � 20 S .
1-932 ad 10B
7n6(6) 2ID sea 4.% 2W 3W ,ma)
- jM
1.-" .10d 340.
For ::1 im*=23.4-d m,1 pit=14.6 N3rn.
� t tom►;(a)Flnd sps glevlty for spgtaer iif ttmitferr A►liFBt'A NabEw+et B)WO shear valise from t"br nab ske, c
( )mY sabre byr
" M forWOVIas*0 sPftft geavty$wsOsr that+eKequsl 40 0142 but fess tllon 0R8,or o-W,f0r '
suedes aAth apet6llc Brarrkjr iM ttrptr 0.42
m*M PWW» be bac W wfi 2-,xh nm"or wkler t raft. PWA&MAIM ba lnsts the"&tevion h,tt>a>rert4t�i apediorq Spaoe resb a troches o c
a1gn9 inb mOdlpte metMM fOr 318 aW MO Petisenl nm COWOwY Owwk kt UAW an Muft spaod 24 niches oz For otfwr conditions and panel pori osis
fabflffdW*w tmffk 12 bid=ax.as ala Wppark
:Fortwarbo*ofnmwWorpetroffn srttoaddutafmthe++duesbrthe+i*sWbarnuffpWby0:83or0,66.r*sp iy,
iarnfng at panel edges swat be 3 k nary W at vada+ww nab mot be Ateggend lrihera true mora 2 kwhft ex-,and Wheis tOd haft ha"Perim Filo homing � ,
of m"It"t.Mlnrltaet are spaced 3 Inches or less,'OX-Ern. l trema +sriuiead,2�r►ch twurrin� ►+>aP be+wed Winre fi+�r9 sutfeoa lB eira9�e aral • "
SpA pa nates lit Fnouto�ter T,peitret ttddutess art p ofirratti at pang odds nee apFµccsbb�hear veJuas,enaoepf that.3lg
edges i.hd jl4B'ParAorrtrenhW4wspoty sh�r Yallues,atut 7M 6 atml 1O{$E Peetormsnce Gltegory pemsl.+tldings Wiled at 8hlpaep edges tete 318.Pe�io ��roiled at vditp
.11dgeg roust 6e dtw6ieF�elled�one nag re be planed in do mde Cab48�Ii+treeer,►e ea. '
rfeti and a eboond t .must be pieced irtVAUM .ttNl owrtigp at the nswpptietr sp ified ivF the sppiealite sl+ear
rn. Fudendrs owd got be inlrfaW-in panel sing OmOve s in Ilia field,of 8tts PoOtaidifto oFVMn the panel:ddTflg graoues Dccew vial+!tKtl�s iof ttfe panel aklfttg.
0 2W4 APA-The Err neezqvd MW Asso:labiorr
APA Product fepoe PP N124
Rmised Ju} 2,2014 4 of 7
Tahle 291 Lao'skism—MWmum>non*ml s Na Able ' 1 Wmagesc V tt,
MaA turn Maldmum Ms dmuni Nomina LAS)W nd
Perform enm wait Siding Allowable S bed,Ve m jmph
gory Shad Wid4h Y*W uM CabKOV
8peatin ' Pressure S C D
6 80 970 .. 6Q 140
318 16 8 79 170 150 140
12• 50 40 12f} 110
8. 80 ' 170 ISID. 140
1 t3 8 76 IT50 130
7116 12 49 140 120 110
6 71 170 145 130
24 a 51 145 12MO 110
1Z. 32 110 •90 I 90
For$I: f Inch=25:4 mm,1 pati=47.88 Pa,1 mph=0,447 m/s. .
n, One faaW*r per stud.iocalad 314IhO from>3i9 top edge of the sktbV. Cackaxwe"casae of lap sidling must.
ovwkP a minimum of 1 intim. Fast mw mist We a mWmum head dna oOw of 0207 Inch,a rrdnkmxn stA diameter
af.Q.113 Imh and o mWmum tendrh of-2.5 tnciues�Od box nag).
WO studs must h"a W*dm rn ap ift ipavt1Y of 0,41, .
Th*e.e*d6dd, WV;based on.vondigassm easing torriead and s#&y from bu9dirq aurl%*m,at 90A heigtd 1n Zone 9
uflth anw46at affsOm ares:per Chapter 8 of ASCE 7-05,Section RM.2 of"2009 acrd 2012 IRC,and 6wdm
1808:1.1 of the 2008 IBC. .
TEIWO 2ti. La Sidina--At7CrneUln utdmm dostan lfalrrid s3 of ("
Maximurn Mmclmrim Moodirrmin tllfirrnatp Design YOnd Speed, .
Perfortnarnce Wall Sidi% Umnalitie V nn h
Stud VMth. Wind Wrid cute ory
. � � BpeCirtg� (in.) Pressures t3 C b
133 180 180
318 16 8 1. 131 180 450.1 .
12 1 83 180 150 . 140
8 133
810 i$0
16 . 9 127 200 190 160
7148 12 81 980 1 40
6 119 204 180 160
24 8 46 180 ISO 140
12 34 1 •140 1 120 195
For$1. 1 Ih h=25.4 rnm,1 =47.58 Pa,1 mph=0.447 rive.
'r Ono fowtar per og taCated 34 inch from the.tDO edge of ft it UV-Esds*xmm".mlurae of lap ak*V at"
ovarhipa tnir0mum of 1 Inch. Fastener toast gave a rdinirnm tread d>a:rtreUot'of 0.267 Inch,a rr intKOnAaba6 dmffn w
of 0.113In6h and a minkYwm larrgth of 7-0 Indies(84 bili sag).
¢I WAn studs mt*t►ava.a minium Bpeditgrawty 010.4,2.•
Threa�second dust;based ch wind praMft atm toward and soarer fre m bwlft suftmB,at 30-ft tmW in Zone 5
WlQ�ilrrietbet est at88 gar ChepAer 28 otABCE 7.10 ani9 t#ectton 1609.1.1 of the 29121BC.
0 2014 APA-R* "reed Wood Assodstkw, .07-02
APA PtodW Report°`FW24 r„
1R6v1w duly 2,2014 a t3f 7
Table&L Pa nal Siidi - dom in wlnd 56600tY
Mwdmum �ataterterSpii Mttilrrnurn kltt}rirraAx+.NortsinMl ) .
Performaxe Wall Stud in.0•Q ANQMYBbIQ V • ' (MOM
wagory Spacings EdOes. Find Wind And ra o
am). Pressure a C D
18 fi 12 46 130 110 105
Q 80 170 TSO 140
24 12 31E-W
• S 130. 1 •
149 $ 12 #3 110 106
7116 5 ._ 84150• 1248 2 92 .85
6 59 150 130 120
16 13 12 M 1 110 160: .
19132 8 so 170 R50 148
24 . 8 12 105
BO -
19 150 125• 110
Wet.I Inch 26.4 mm, 1 psf=47.W N, !mph:0.44 en
Fastener must him w a'mkzkrxcm.head dlemeter of 0.2R7inch.a rrinkmrrn Wv t cVarar&*of 0.'1.431rwM and a minimum
' box nM.
Misb Mop ds s.6 kichoo a mWm spedkgraft a(OA2.
tsr Ttuee400and-gust hosed an whd praaeursa affing iwmrd and away ri cpm bufldit surFam,at 30-It height to 2cna 5
ludas smelimat a area per Chopmr 6 of ASCE 7.08,Sedon IMi.2 of the 200 and 2012 IRC,Alit!Serdlon
ISM.1.1 rafthe.2000MC; ;
We 3b. Pane!Sidi — u n WInd s V
MAodmum Faftr'w pts' MSWMM Mwrum Ulla trt�Dosign Wind :
Pw1bfrran Y IiS�ad U.ItArsate 8 VV&
Y d world Wrsd Es aOwe cstsaor�
(in.) F►eki Rresaur® . C D .
18 . 12 77 im 150 130
• 8 1 2t30 180. 180
24 $ 1 61 140,- . 12D 110
..8 102 2W 1. .160. 150
AS 6 12' 74 160 1 140: 135
7196 . 133 200 1&1' 18(1
24 B }. 50 . 140 120 7 110
6 99 200. 160 150
16 6 —12 g9 ISO 40 '
1a 6 133 ' 200 184 180 .
24 6. 12 46 130 196 .
$ 1 82 18f3. 77. ISO ibtf
for OL-1 bich m.,25.4 mm, 1 paf=47.88 Par,1 mph=0.447 m/s,
nr Fas4amer roust have¢nlrrinxim heard dtanwW oro 297 inui.a minftmn shot diaraeiEer of 6,118 truth and a rninfrruun
wwft Of 22 inures t'8d bier nal).
°jVW!shift most hAva A.mt mum spo tic Wa*y of 0.42,
7f t hase�.an wind prerEsurarc argdrg4 Wftrd&d ar9 W from 6r aft auttaaei,at 3041 MW Ih zone 5
wMh aenalfest' . area perc2taplar•26 otASCE 7.10 wW.S6 W iQ0 tl ottha 2012 W;
0 2014 APA-The Eno mred MW Ase o afbn ��
: : = "�8t��a9N�1`4?dQOL Port Ott• �9Z�9dgq�b9a+lea�r a ��►�
S euaZ u!146+WN 12 V""O!PUM++!fit A*a pus wows Quipw simoowdp ,A puooa�aWy .
• • '�aa aa�4�
• ���!i�k'g in dip�fuP��r)culuAb+Q'U�W d,Bt CIQ A e's�l�pti�f+P�ivas,
P W .von o9 awkw"A P6 goo duk:"WO4 4Wt:$tt Pel( �Ip toy t lhl6t o�AOON► 1 to
j wlo^wtntqutm o Putt
Xt�t1e Ouy�!! y{Rele!et4T,ttige��4+4u a+kWR nPVt ► � 4 + LDW��+sppoW Wuuiw,t4naNlTa9.0
4uk va Dwxoq(S"Put L
�Rrt'0)lluu t lop re 4wO
- •ssut�pu�pygMm! �►dla�P�i4471e4a R�PYt�;1�Magq Mµ"'at4tq
sra�o eweu,ae�e+�.a�wu •w DMe4et+!���d'I�:iQ atg�ieeaxlea .a9l, W '
urtp{aeNs)�Isutd•�latr�a'orR� �W.1 cu
'od#Q' * 'wts, ' L"_DPW t '
OEL gb Z4
t l 401 0, 96 Z6 Lft
y' l LQ
Ia� oaz Wk:
d ;
AAODOM�0 3 S try &tpadsNO . .
crr S.
�4dW)'cc���'''n'�ewdS.pim * '1 Pant t XI�I�e4S. a��
u 0+ 4tCt.uonu tam, �uPMW' �ulUumm `
1u*uaisap.ogpemw Uq y^a3Sdlg P,fid W#aenp Pel Kips tian
ow'ow zwz PUB ow nor woo wmm iv-z ped fte rlm~jYpleWi-jW
' O etVg W14DIWK PW IN'SWVJM&MM WU bW*Mia 6 nag trot ,b t�a!e+uo P�q�a•p uq t �
tuliu s PL tpLq vo we IQ np.tjs mil Z m tp6ttel
'u lw a ►Rt!!d' o10 p R"4 wniux woAM.w""on-
ODCiN a41 llaBrt arJ R6ux�[i#atp 10.E d�atg wa3:4 T,/t 4 1{1igeW9lp u!tKiW 19 G'0y�tetus poom et wo w
p m u"u w miu a uug.4�i ozvo dQ phis tbnwm(r 8,4104/.i6a O�J%owrom tumLgmp a"amp
e u*WWdup aeit. ' latalR aQPs keg tpt t&� grr*%gqWtti"W4 OCt,•'OTy�nu�l9.�p6.arLj m
. 's�uM1y<r1u�P�� d �taxsio+F1 ���+tgN►l�tl�4.+1W;. �191q
of4ths'qu alnb�e eta lol aoneluo whit PIIO4 Na gel d"l e4l�¢tilpP�q:M�i�d�u�oe�an pp�pFtq�� .�
Dut4t to ase �t ao WAmwqr*ww ow DUN=
• . . �ai�c��n t�it�k�.ev.an� s�u��oq.Mti .�,.
i t l ost
OU- ' est
9M Sit Ob;.. 'fit
�t M 096 $ � "Q _' •.
{lkt 04t :01
. .�IAiF' •t�0'IM �� t� S � .
{lltflu}�kkP-A'POWS p : Nq! ►ql�t, 6tilptg S WIN Nue4S' eon
tsl hN)MgUION Wnw"— 9uffU wtaul*W
_ •'(�Iort1 tei,twetr uleulnnrrwu_ .mak.�:. �.,.... ..,.�._�– -----� Fu
APA Product Rsp a PR-N 924
Rest 4 2,2014
P '6 7of7
APA- Ths 8100Jaered Nkod Aesoofaib» i4.en a
OOMMIled �aoot* 611"x1 aft
O)d3sy'A"q'icaia# ►*r .7dAPA'lx�ee:I(Atsi.
YY�duet'fl�ndefas W wom age( .�amb" d NSI.
APA an oart t(on tx�sty tJnd6p ISO �Y'Si�rrtdbrds Gmmo of CdnadA
t ort agency> 1SOAEG 17020 by k*rr tag,Coo trouh�
Ammftffmi �rO OW. and an at�bdW orQaniaa C under
Lawn .:i rnz by LASS. APA is elaa an appretied Product.0NOW M py, Tem .
�Y Assurance grid dal . on En tr by tee SbOv'of FbrWat, and an
NMMwy by Gtty ai Los k**a and Mlgmt^ppe County_
• Phage:.��3?�6.68Q4�Fttc t��866-?26fi•InteaCiet:Addpr�;�'�+�1�+41a
(233)$20-7400 a E..tr)wlAddw :h0lppWM4d•*M
r TM 'rearad tA'iaor!�. Taewtm�
V�Itf tfta s+►algid in ftnwppet, tValgrer °A lhe,�rpdtNx ewefu911oat kt a
nEtr ies magltsae rrrerke
ftpVdwd#, imppact,wr aiss"any bpi Wily or�tr bre ube eppSesY a
�rrtsibr.ne�Oraeaa to Oonk >a,frk WO,�:�MMMMOMkM ted In tate rgpo;,
y iaw,efftmak"m ar d Ipn t4 airraxg
or onr.
t3ockne APA has rw e0 o
�+M pt�duq �d product+are Umed,R cprugt anigtr!
perlbintRt�oq.or as�a�y fid. .
®201-CAPA-77t®&gkt9 and yttpOd ASK66fian
arv[Ston[:ops oo oto--• ,Axa tMpos
�y�ktr b
' 'r s .'�717i• i�, , to
. �:,�.�� ";::� -; • .fix. ,.�;..�;,, . •
4➢ U (�N1' �((�� . rl,•..1"v}J!fsa+ iNi/iq•+:..as..
"G�:: •ri u4u
OWE .�1�• .�+�.�.•'., j � +J•i�.i�• r.SC
- '.� : . , a,•- � • •434• r 'BYRE }'
.. - �"' •w 1LLL444\iiiy9$�ib uSo Big •ik�y` ,r t tl .
IQ iI °'.
Look i+or tW VuMd mics orf Conformltyi
020U,Reetllple� )f Pis Western Sa'atesSesmic P*Aky+Coandl
(WSSPQ Am"d In Fxcdle ice" A Svbsldiary of
ICC-ES Ebahradcut Reports are not to be cons"as repremilmg nest mics dr ate'other attrtbuaes•rm slsac�lc dO
add=ed nor are they Yo be eons&w4 as an`ena6or�sar►stm of lire subject 9f the.repor!av a reeomW►uietifln for its use.
There is no warranlu by ICC EvaFuittion Servjee, LLC.',avrerw ar Implied ca5 to arty f It4ng or other»ratter in eav report,'
oras to a*pra*xi covered lry Aw ra wn.
Copyright 0 20i4
Joint Evaluation Report
ReWived Febrvw 2W s
This.MP&t is subjw to rem" war February 2016,
www.it .erer t. ?4Z:i-4887
# 8 Sttbstdisry Of the Mt M8fiorra!Codi CouncP
DMSN7M:06 00 00.41ow)PL'ASTK:s AND 3,� lwtllPTiOAt
t3ecBoa:x'16{l0•-.8l�ritir� -• 3.1 tiertetaP .
DPMIQN:07 00 DG—THEIiMs AND it MtURE LP Smertsw Oredwo Lap Siding and Lf" SmartSida�'
PROiECyfpti,t PracisiCn Panel Siding.are sn9(neered-wo6d exterior Wall
obi 01r 4.0=-=Wood Siding. txrw9rtng materiede tt i'ar*a far'loryg.terrrt eorooatrre
xueattwr or conddiolltt of shvi*spuerity,when fa4bned .
REPQIt'f l 1LDER: t0 vertkat supporta or approved nail le wood suites
in acoorda rft v+itta it►eir open rallp�s and ttifs 9vali ttgn
L0Ut8{ApfA-PACW'11:CMPQMTM report 'ftp leis WMng and panel sidkE9 Products car�st of
Ali 10M S't TI allrM A a mat-foned wood auibetratb R tvaq'tres* %ft
NE1'MEE 3M9aklc borate In noo witty AV PA Standar T1,and:a
resin-�natecl overlay mar%tetl bond to the'face of
LEeorrn.cen, the lap.and panel siding pmducts.intertcied to be expaaeeR{
to the tnrearttter,Additicn►ally, ail panel and lap song edgea
are hmgory led y g s6�aler In accortlanoe with the
tVAL tdA'f igPi SU$JE4 C: eppr gt;rslitY oarttrol manual.
LIP 12 LIP Erhaett�e�Pea Ion Lap Stding:
pR P {dN ' BmiNQ ANQ ILP LP Sinerisidse Precialori Lap Siding is avaiiei7te in
$iyUU�r�3�iIPREC1810N BAitiBL#IDl1lt3� widths,
g 9 8. 9"anr! 12 ii ch"£152, 203 pnd 305 mm);"c�a��ey
1.0 LVALUAT�N BCCPE' !S and /9s;. and W41ft. of. 12 to 11 feet (3665•to
Cempuanw w(th the 4877 rri n). The 8401-wide (203 mm),' iii"oetail�Y �P
�411uiatttg : skIng is`also aV8lttabia wilt an dPbWal '991f4lipnn%Mt
5 2012, .20c�,_ 2008, and 2003 tnta►nstAana! n9 '
�.3 LA Sra�triaide`�Pneclgtiion Pstnsl Sk tQ:.
a 2012x2009 200t3 and 2003.1 ' nta lt1s1 LP 5martSidse Precision Pa>tnel-Sidtrfg 116.4 ftlst'(.1218 mm)C.c►ds (iE C) wa}e'and 4, g, 7,8,9 or 10 feet(1219,•1828:2134,2438;
Properties avahtatied; 2743.,or 30x8'mm) to lerh. Pr�arGSidee.Pion
Panel S d rig is avaitarrbie in Ie, lja.and t°/
as Exterior stdtng The %c:afepcuy panel 11183 grooves spao d at c�"
stuctwwl (203 mm), Wth a•rnin,bywrn tht*gMa at the groovas or
0.164 inch(4 mm)acrd a nuniftm 1Piicllutess at the shipiap
a•Q"USES. of 4.136 Inch(4 inrn) Tbe'1la ORUVpry Panel has grooves
Spaced at 4 or 8 inches fj 02 or 203 mm),vLft a tnihim�
LP Smaitmide .Prion LRP 3k{lrV and LP SrnaatSide® thtc�cnsss at•the proo3ies of 0.235'ir r (e.min) and a
PrecW611-Fanei SKIS am usttid'ata w tftr wall ammr)nq. minimugm thkkness at tfte'shiplaP`0:f.0.150•indr (4-rnm).
Matarials on Wdinp where corribudbla mvtenals. ane The i32 teary paitbl Iters grooves spagtci.at 4'or
17ermiftad.. 8 i►u�s(102 or 203 mrM,-%Al a rriirrinitan thwnma at the
LP Smartt Iw Pf OWon Pertet.Sid grooves of 0.311 Ino (a nim) and a,'mWdmUM SNPAP
bradna moMcd'3 for oonwenttortai w �ed w.dAlb as thlUmese of 0.194 inch(5 rrirq
HPOdW. .in 00 Seaft 2308.9.3 ajnd iRc.•Saot)on LP SmiltrtSklee Pre c Panel Skfing iss
86Clammed as
02:10. Extetrior:Raiatl Siding'&Exterior Rated Siding—sheathing.,
LP Sr7tarL9&fee preoie{on Panaet Siding may ,be used to .ExEarior Ra ed Skil noted'in the labra) +arr tfie panel. .
aheething.kw..wood structural penal shear watts ng. Is it akied to bre tnstp W in
allowable shear. loads . � apptidedons in,awordarrce witlt 16C%dfon.2§08.9.1 acid
ap fed for l'SZ~cksrnyilant iRC 6ecbon 860210 as en
cdektgrior Siding aubsbiet fbr
wood4MW aheetlhing in accordance with 2W=006 19C long M axpnmure to Weather or oohctiticns Of similar
Seon2386.4 1,and 200912012 MC Section 23013.3 sevarny. In a¢dititln to the intartded
appkodon for Ext dcr
`Wjiwd itwmtapi~2Wa
rape 109 p
Rtttad,. doi
Sitfirlp " Exwrlor, R#W Siding•-i t i e 2 of 7
or MiialHal ` ati
1n$erisd to be lntrtaied in 9ppY,cattior 9n aresord with odierwise made.
2WWW MO S$dw j :4.1, and X012 .. ' '
SaMon 23M.3. lac
4.0 O STALLA 4Apsinesrtt abd° .Ciadtltng Miffrtd Prea6UM
4.i Genesi: Mwdmum 'allowable cofr�vriQn�and da�iding wild trade
LP gall,zone 6)fo LP�nartSW6 PrftW4ih tai Siding>artd'
p'retdsibn Lap Siding and LP Smarsidee LP zone 6) , Precision Panel Sidi
bion Petnsel Siding must be installed in acro morn fess bateed on a
wltFi rEionce: is W schedu* are proWdsad in Tables 2
(#dad m#�'8 Publisaited Install n ktstrtx tPcxrst � siih_3. TAbies 2 and 3, for la and'
AAINfOahbrp Inslss�ttorfs tP � � P Panel 'sldirgr,
�L*;a. se ++an itretg,are based,on futi farftesier
penetrsahc�'t litre the'
In to s�ertt �Pa lSkbig).and this rappri. w�U`' � i.e., fasrsenbr•pensba*m fastww
c nfticfs, this rOPOrt-S s.:A sem+of theAiding thlOm aid. Tatues a:an;!3,dor lap h
obsitea t all >: Installation fth xtI0ng rrtMM be an the SIYr s8 bdeed'an a minlrrwm fbete
labsaite at all dn�es.lisrbrg Ir�stellatlon. into rpai Wail stmt'Of 02 irtattes. . Pier PNW&ftn
LP 8rria"icfee bion Lap Swrtg and LP amartal4o 1'_ COMNYMM OF.CBE
Pnm%lon Panel Siding mum be nlstallesf an .
WRADnra'sleliys>w t rridr.as „ appraved The LP SsrrartSirleee Pr>�ioq
raga' tib'ApPIlcabie code SmartS1404 Ptedsion Panal.Sidit in this LES
Lp arrrfl � done through, and t Of th abirpiy with, or are srulteble altsntapv to iswhatrp
prr ieisari'l ap Sidirt$ attid LP.Scr»ar aciRed'In;those codes listed ir1.5ectbn l.Q of this i;
Pied*Rainel Siding are otltsidi the apope of tttlg mean �,
and ftvAd..pe-spechlully,SWC by to code ofilidal In foltosN►rg3'c'conditions.,
aCCOrtisattse wgtT the applicable.r de, l3. l.P arrsaradeo Pnlld*n Gap Siding 'mum }
be e aoth&VAM rwroad,in-thfs re .M anis acrd �� r'g �Ui�►� .In
O rnusft be as-rioted in the aMIicebte code.
4.2 LP$Inatrt8ldeeprecissDen Lap Siding: If 2 LP SmartSittae Precwm, Panel Siding-Shing,
LP Sma►t lee P when in"Ied as so forth in t�,sport,�,be used .
tedwri Lap Siding mtlsat be attaphed to as mt 3 Wacissg sapecifled in.8ectfatt' .9 of
framing.MOnbere. spaoed a maotlmsmt of i.e irlQhj* file 1BC and sectibA.RSW-1 a of the IRC. .
(406 mm)on center for a �y siding and a'idmssrn 8, m ar+e8g where s8isityiC
of z4.finotbs t69Q rtbt)an oentisr for'!aa category.sidl' Analysis rspqutrod by the.
ae)f�li fining LP SmsArt8lda® 'cmbta coda,the q* erode>tes Irerrttm�.
IriSelied'Aft Haile.P l Tion � Siding-to vmod Strus�ual panel sNwr'wolls must be oonsulted
at the top 6f,ft 5m
LP a for 80ftional d ifirtg requh-pm6 ts; reabietons
Preoisis3n lip 'SkRAO. !z Inca (13 Tm) do>tan toth the oonsr>"ina Certain =16
+,leper edge. Each sucoesslvsa course of 14P sktlt►p hetet thO iesfDWsb(R.shearr 1 � rsqulre�d moac s to'
resit on#*baa.sabbet and must sa.allgst at ars over, ad+iiHpnslii Insa �te tttatis�d in this report,and
ss j'e inch(21 mm). ►R Of P �
5.$ LP SrnarfSidee prdolsion Lap Siding'. Mid Lt'
ofNal s.muast be Of sufhcaent kn lh.to.penetrate a minimum SmartQ d e Precisim Pant-SWng rrw at -not
2 irk t3&:rrTtrtj fJtrou{I6 tela stsreattting .sand Into installed In s }(�coftsiats er rMs ry.
framing alt Bch s4tld l&uMph. eB LP artSisls4s
4.3 gds, a Lap Siding and L?p •Ssnas•t8idO
tale Pnbiebn Panel Wing: 1'nastsalois Penial.Skit Musa t o installed aurin a .
Lp smarts d ee Precision pane{'gig must be Jnstsaltert mfntrriunt 5 Inst (152. mm) of deed nce' ttvm
wfttt fGtI*f dirt wWontortelnbsa v�+y finished grade:,'
When LP SmartSidee f>E:8 Wha�A,%. ld cuts'W8 nlatde to LP ttgide16."
df P +ion Pastel Siding is �piie,� Rrsedaidn
rectty to' rite ir8mf , 'thy 1seu9X3ritsatt gppcino of the; LAP.Siding and ..L.ia Smartame Precision Panel
framing.st W be,consWtoint with the span ratinga* of the LP Slctiatg afl e d �rifta s nwet be .finished
SrrsesirtSidd1°Pmi6wpn,Psertse! Siding, ►rrhiah is aCCOWIng tri the paint or caulklaseelsant manijgJ3 ,V
the panal'b law, identified on, stns .
bads forsrit4ari, ils stiefalfhed tiirlUt l.P 5'r LP .Strtaride� E�alon. lap' Slcting ,gird Lie
Sss srtSldsa Precision Panel Std Srxisr�ldre fres ian P`enei Biding spa msanulesdured
16 Table 1. trig—Sheathing gra nof;�d : , by' L- Uisiitrti��PAcifia CortSorat;aR in tial,
Utiiei.orisain. (&Rip 'NO."
ila. 357); Nswb", Nflohigen
i:cur-#ao y fa (121g min by 24F 8 mm) LP (Mg Ma 416);.7avuahawh,"min Na 435);
SmOrt& a Precision Panel Sldtng--SheathftV ingtaited and Two flarbnrs.Rflinrteaslta (hAftl No. 399),tai 43 a
sro�ticttlly, dtrs4spty.t4 ftterning, with a single row Of rtalla Quality wn"program with lrtst iotlons bj
penofto lsatFt laps, spaAsld:6 indlil$on cbOar et.panel &0 !�'1/OCIE,etCE SUAM
Wain and 1;a,Inches(306 rpm)on oienW at interm6date
SOWS fty. las us>fed to*satisfy thew�l txas�rig >�.:ln accordentse MsiUt the [CCES Mance Criteria
raquisertros�rtta tcx comntional light fr ne �d�i for T,i OW:�p� 040pod.
spedfled.In.ttie;code for, October 2008. - Skiing tAC321t ..•.daw
W node �_oonshtsttfon. -WiftII.
trequkarttsrtts fOr stia#hod 3 brvidng,with wood 7.t?-ll?E6fTfFIt:AT1t}N
sfrtsChWW paws. '
Ail LP Snsa►tSis ® p ion Panel S rtta must L� r Precision 1.a ,girl
P end l,.P SmanSidee
l?raciaisn Paribi Siding.must be lssibelad wiftt fhe product
t set framing bgitm era sand most tse prptected wfitt::sa d+alA m".and.the.rtes.of l.otsfslans•f�at tis: Ths
txritprtuous tiitrard. b etT, 'tzetsNd�; Naspting, -or ,,temp.,shall Pvvitla the following Eit{t►rn%porr
ii "4 Max 1'w 11 uogneg Due'aa(n otap r/ a ►03'90••4 30130 0 jqda�q Jed�o IP.
3�1evt6 41Na 4, Z 4a}3y9Feti le¢�O£ie!g@dejir :Bulhl UJ4.fi8ene pttq PASO 9eaMMW paps uo PMt 4m
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I QuM Guo(can�p®11E"eq Is= d'0atlwr4JePIM Jo Isuium 40AA•z QKO"nq"Anw
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4ul 4"Glow uo towq),AioU441?3o ean�odxej�pHJ� ''�
• "(lob"�3).lagwntt�3otl�1 tlo�en�etia ay,l ••�
iQ S 'x�Iwt'Fts lllltd• 'l
ftp 4 07
• twt► Who •
• B C D '
6 133 200 190 ' ISO
a� 16 9 . . 131 200 180 180
12 83 if* 130 140
8 • 133 200 180 180
1E 9 127 200 180 t80
�lte 12 81 18o 130 140
119 .2W 180 180• '
24 8 86 180 ISO 940.
12. 64 140 120 118
Forth i;Ch-26.4&m.t paf-47•t$N,1 mph-1.9 ko.
'tine.%&WW W SU lo$*ed%inch tram the top wipe of tha.Wding. EaM se acesktr8 cow"at lap sidhtp.mu#cyedep a mlftn m of
1 VwX Faeterter rturet ttsye.It niftrium t*W dWnetm'of 0,297 Itch,a minlnnmr�W dWneter of 0.193 fnoh GM a m**Mn n+M►gth of
2.5 InCttee ted ttox�- _ •,
�atbulaRbd vaduee seratsaie iidf pgMt of fife fi�erter Inte the tas0 studs,Ls:,faster pen*ation=%sfener —skiing thOmm,
studs rrlte�hlav�4 a�rNrrkrinrnapeadrin,gravi(y Of O1i2. .
"T11r90 seottifd 9usl; 6sNd ort wlnd preee[+rpe�AotlnO.b�werd and away gram �WICAr�arboo,at WWI ho4M in Zone b wait unaRest
afl'aCtbra aroa fNBti t2 •Z8 oI7►S$E?-10end 9eC8on le�,Y,1 ofitha 2tl1?_IBG. '
FAIx 3m-#"m1 L woolta•KIM mmNA.tAuz% Lrx)cowvmf914 AIM CLAWNG DES4 N VAND WIM,
CATRO 1( I,=lwoi d Owma"),a") ALN: LR WIND (AL tl�ua�VAM SPEED,.
tftlrXtey PRESSURE 0*4
ado" Fwte V.ftd rs Catigory
.. a C Ij
• Via '. 8 ' ,
12 46 130 110 103
80 170 130 . 140
12 31 110 . g0 8tf
24 S' 8 Bi ISO 130 12Q
12 43 180 110 108
f9 8 8 AO9T0 184 140•
12 30 110: 90 85
t3 8 79 160.. 130 120
12 41 130 110 100
80 174 OG t40
12 27 tOB 90 -
2A . e
. e' 55 13tt . 125 110
Foe>3l:1 inch.+�Z&ol n)n4.1 psi a 47.88 Pe,1 mpti�1.8 kPh• ' ,- •• . •
'Tabulafed values a6slesrte ftAt pi.n soon of the faslettar into the wall attAs,i.e.,faeanorpenetiM w. faeeertRrlenyth—s4ng thlolmeea.
2,AW*#de must haws a n* ttum spedit Wt'el*of oa42.
°Fastow ftst have a mhmum.head ilameter of 0.297 Inch,a minimum shaft diameter of 0.11$InW and a mirtmum IwVth of 2,8 Inches
{{8d batt sail)..
'Thr uta,bmw on.Wind pmewas acing toward wW amly from b didktg audposd,at~3049W.In Iona 6 wtth wrWIW of C*M aft .
per Chap•8 of ASCE 7-05,SecBon 113612 of fim 2 121RC,and Ucdw190$.1.1 of the 2009 IBC
ESR-1301 j ..iA a end Tru-ggd ;
rABt.r=3,...P; reg Pa as oft
S lt�ci-+IUtxlN illt utn CC
JflpONENT AND OLAMW t imm rYrriO s�f=o,yam,
(tt )MDOPACIING2 �d1di16ti O.a l lAAfiD PIl6l4�! MAXU".ULn T9
!2f? "No SKEtTS_��
gdilaa PMdd WAwd Bvmwwo.
1 6 1Z 77180 150 130
8 133 200 1 100
246 12 Eft • . 140 .• 120 414
# 102 20 . 160 ISO
18 B ~. 12 :14 1013 1 130
{33 200 180 ~fiso
24 g 12 90 140 -• 120 . 110
6 8$ 200 160 . y50
1fj B 12 a9 160 .140 130.
'lac d. 133 7200 480 tad
24 a 12 46 130. 11a
y $, 92 leo 160 150
For 26A nva,1 pef m 47.88 pal mph t,8.kph.• '
'TatbwWod uagtes aastxrte M per,U"m Of the iatdeW intg fie uW anti,L0,,U%mtsr
'W"atl:ds must 3 W-V 8 mk*m" r pg 0,42. P'e a#on=fsst rw Wath— ,
�=Fa sie h wst ttawe a'mtNIMtim head&8rneter of 0.297 hx h,.a rnhamum. cUameger of 0.1 t3 irtcti and a mtntatum tenpfh 02.5 ktdtes
` dbo�tnwo.
-BuC based t o Ag 7-1W*Sv0
acting towarq Mrd matey ftom tX'Mtl p.miff=' of 304M*hoott'ZorW"5r W�1 t3ndaflW
. par eh+�ter 23�d�?-40 erul;Sat�iora 1809.1.1�f.tha 2012 fBG. . .
J/iL1.MA41.ii� ONEhY'IMID.CLId�IKQ ,1�ipN WAND 9WM.1.; u
pelt l�ORC mA ,=i IfYl/i7lt�fdtlUYltj1(,t, Q{OIkO '
CA'K40RY MAXtftM*Nommu Lfs`}WINfa
NlUtf"AfMAdNQP t)111�TH (AL!tDWAB
{MIOIIMI '• (NtchMl �tJR� � �SPL'fMar'ttddhl .
VAnd Exposura 0aepgpty
B Ft# 170 : ... ISO 130
1f3 ° 8 5a tt3U. 125 110 .
12 33 120 100, ' 90
B 78 1'70 " 160 130
e• _ . � 1� -. t$b 110•. "
12 35120 100 (}C1 '
i4ts• 120 1jo
24 8 3T 1II0 .' 180 H(t
2,.Nr IM:1 kWh a 26.4 ffM I pef a 47 8a fro;1 mph S 1:$•kph,
'Clete fas*w per ahtd kOcafed e/.hch*Gm the WP 040 of ft sidh& faeh. akre ORM of I*8tc�titter e�R a nikthnttrri�
1 trait. a(84 ba .MW MM.hsv�•a mk►kn=head diad OW Of 0297 ttm i,A ntirUOh n Diff dtantafe,of ft 113.tnctr and a alk*mwn lertgt of
2,3 ttttshss(&1 you ttailj.
�I`MW MW OIL*Gs"Tte 8'f 4Iwv pvnetrbVw of t'h tnches intra ft wam sfi>da.
'W%H studs must htnne a mhftni'apectft Wr ty pf OA2
`I'f 0019oond gue$ batted on wMd.pmMrse W&W.toward and away front Ixwnp at t( WL hakht In Zone SL wkh sgtaUest
etYact area Dter 6 of ASCD 7-08.S edit f2301.2 of the 2009P,tt112 SRC,and S%%on 180®.1:1 of the WM MC.
APA Product Report®PR-NI24 .
Revised July 2, 2014 Paige 6 of 7
Table 4a, Lap Siding Installed Over the Facer of SIPs(1)–Maximum nominal (allowable)
design wind 9122M V (2)
Maximum Ring Maximum Maximum Maximum Nominal(Allowable)
Performance .Shank Nall Wood Screw Siding Allowable Wind Speed,V,:drSj(mph)
Category Spacing(3) Spacing(4) Width Wind Wind Ex oaure Cate or
(in.) (in.) (in.) Pressure
(psf) B C D
6 80 170 150. 140
3/8 8 12 8 63 150 130. .125+
12 40 . 125 105 84
6 58 750 130'• 120•
7116 12 16 8 42 130 -M-0-
12 27 105 1 85
For 8l: 1 incur=25.4 mm, 1 psf=47.88 Pa, 1 mph=0.447 m/s.
The facer of the structural Insulated panels(SIPS)shall be 7/16 Performance Category or thicker OSB sheathing
meeting DOC PS2 requirements.
9) The tabulated values resent the capacity of the LP La Sid
rep ty p Ing installed in accordance with the requirements of this
31 table. The tabulated w.lnd speed shalt roof exceed the StP capacity for wind load maiatanse.
One 6d ring shank nail(0.120 Inch in diameter)IoCalied 112 inch from the top edge of the siding. The ring shank nails
must have a minimum head diameter of 0.297 inch,a minimum shank diameter of 0.120 Inch and a minimum length Of
2 inches.
"' One#8 wood screw(0.164 inch in diameter)located 112 Inch from the top edge of the siding may be.used. The wood
screws must have a minimum head diameter of 0.297 inch,a minimum shank diameter of 0.164 Inch and a minimum
length of 2 Inches.
g Three-second-gust;based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces,at 30-ft height in Zone 5
with smallest effective area per Chapter 6 of ASCE 7-05,Section R301.2 of the 2009 and 2012 IRC,and Section
1609.1.1 of the 2009 MC. .
Table 4b. Lap Siding Installed Over the Facer of S[Ps(')–Maximum ultimate design wind
speed,V (2)
Maximum Ring Maximum Maximum Maximum Ultimate Oesign
Performance Shank Nail Wood Screw Siding Ultimate Wind Speed,V ft""(fnph)
Category SpacingC3l spacing(4) Width Wrnd Wind Exposure Cateo '•
(in.) (in.) (in.) Pressure
(p$8 8 C D
6 133 200 180 180
318 8 12 8 105 200 • 160 160
12 67 180 140 .120
6 97 200 160 150
7/16 12 16 8 70 1140.• 130
12 45 130. 115 -
For$1: 1 inch=25,4 mm, 1 psf=47.88 Pa, 1 mph =0.447 m/s.
s' The facer of the structural insulated panels(SIPS)shall be 7/16 Performance Category or thlicker OSB sheathing
meeting DOC PS2 requirements.
'I The tabulated values represent the capacity of the LP Lap Siding installed in accordance with the requirements of this
table..The tabulated wind speed shall not exceed the SIP capacity for wind load resistance.
r'r One 8d ring shank nail(0.120 inch In diameter)located 112 inch from the top edge of the siding. The ring shank nails
must have a minimum head diameter of 0.297 inch,a minimum shank diameter of 0.120 inch and a minimum length of
2 inches.
One*8 wood screw(0.164 inch in diameter)located 1/2 inch from the top edge of the siding may be used. The wood
screws must have a minimum head diameter of 0.297 inch,a minimum shank diameter of 0.164 inch and a minimum
langih of 2 inches.
' Three-second-gust;based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces,at 30-ft height rn Zone 5
with smallest effective area per Chapter 26 of ASCE 7-10 and Section 1809.1.1 of the 2012 ISC.
0 2014 APA-The Engineered Wood Association 07-02
APA Product Report*PR.N124
Rev1W. July 2,2Q14
Poo 7 of 7
APA — The Engineered Wood Association is an approved national standards developer
accredited by American National Standards lnatituto (ANSI). APA publishes ANSI standards
and Voluntary Product Standards for wood strictural panels and engineered wood products.
APA Is an accredited certification body under ISO 86 by Standards Council of Canada
an accredited inspection agency under ISO/IEC 17020 by International Code Coundl (ICC)
International Accreditation Service (IAS), and an accredited testing organization under
ISOIIEC:17025 by IAS. APA is also an approved Product Certification Agency, Testing
Laboratory, Quality Assurance Entity, and Validation Entity by the State of Florida, and an
approved testing laboratory by City of Los Angeles and Miami-Dade County_
7011 So.19"St.■Tacoma,Washington 98488
Pho w(263)W15.8600•Fmc(253)585-7265•Internet Address:www.anawood,oro
(233)620-7400•t=mall Address help@apawood,org
APA Product Reporr is a trademark of APA — The Engineered Wood Association, Tacoma,
Washington. The information contained herein is based on the product evaluatlon in accordance
with the references noted in this report. Neither APA, nor Its members make any warranty
expressed or implied, or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the use, application of
and/or reference to opinions, dings, conclusions, or recommendations included in this report
Consult your local Jurisdiction or design professional to assure eomptiance with code,
construction, and performance requirements. Because APA has no control over quality of
workmanship or the conditions under which engineered wood products are used,it cannot accept
responsibility of product performance or designs as actually constructed.
0 2014 APA-The Engirmg &d Wood Asaosratlon 07-02
Technical Note No. 014 LP
Installing LP" SmartSide"' Trim and Lap Siding on Concrete or Masonry Walls
over Furring Strips in Florida (V.,i Wind Speeds)
This Technical Note is an addendum to the LP"' SmartSide' Trim and Fascia, and LP'"' SmartSide'
Lap siding Application Instructions ("Instructions"). It is intended to provide an alternative
fastening option for LP SmartSide trim and lap siding on concrete or masonry walls over furring
strips. The Instructions remain effective except as may be modified by this vote. Refer to the
Instructions for all other aspects of product installation.
Trim and lap siding may be installed on concrete or masonry walls over furring strips:
■ Trim and lap siding must be installed over a minimum 1x4 nominal size Southern Pine
furring strips with a specific gravity greater than or equal to 0.55.
Install furring strips no more than 16"o.c. in wind speed areas less than or equal
to 200 MPH`
• Siding shall be installed to safely support all loads, including wind loads, of the locally
adopted building codes. The installation of siding shall result in a system that provides a
load path that meets the requirements for the transfer of loads from their point of origin
through the load-resisting elements to the structure. The mechanical connection of the
furring strip to the concrete or masonry structure is the responsibility of a design
professional. LP assumes no liability for any loss or damage caused by the design of the
mechanical connection of the furring strip to the concrete or masonry structure and is
expressly released by the purchaser or owner from any such loss or liability.
■ Minimum Fastener Type:
o Corrosion Resistant— Hot Dipped Galvanized or equal (ASTM A153)2
o Ring Shank'
o Shank diameter= 0.120 inch
L) Head diameter = 0.270 inch
o Length = fastener shall fully penetrate a minimum 1/2 inch into nailable furring
Caution: fastener shall not bottom out on masonry wall leaving the fastener
head less than flush with the face of trim or siding.
A,:::,Aj 411 Union Sheet
S'JSte Zoo®
-_, Ifi15)U36-S6oC
cat 1615)98£>-5666
ttt xwWj,,)C p.com
Date Created: 12'04/2015
Last Revision: 12117,2015 +
Exoirat'on Date:06?2017
■ The 2012 IRC and 2014 Florida Residential Code require a water-resistant barrier be used
on all exterior walls, except over concrete or masonry walls per Exception 1 in Section
R703.1.1 of both Codes. LP always requires the use of a WRB behind LP' SmartSide`,
products. LP has no responsibility for any damage arising from a failure to use a WRB.
Lap Siding
• Limitations:
For use with Strand substrate lap (all widths) and/or Fiber substrate lap
(up to 8 inches wide only)
Excluding Cedar Shake Fiber Lap, Bold Profiles Fiber Lap, Self-Aligning Fiber Lap,
and SmartLockT" Strand Lap
■ Fastening Requirements:
Place fasteners 3/4 inch from top edge of lap siding
Increase minimum lap siding overlap to 1-1/8 inch
Blind nail two fasteners per furring strip (every 16" o.c.)
Min. 1x4
Furring Strips
t t s t t t
t t t t t t
Lap Siding
t t t t t t
t t t t t t
t t t t t t
t t t t t t
t t t t t t
• 2 nails per furring(4 nails at butt joints)
• Nails spaced 3/4" from top edge of lap and 3/8"from ends of lap(approximately 1" apart)
• 1-1/8" min. lap siding overlap.
Page 2 of 3
Z14 Union Streat
Sate 2000
(6 15)9865666
w'TS ~.tpCO(P'CM
Date Created: 12104/2015
Last Revision.121171'2015
Expiration Date:06%2017
■ Limitations:
In Florida where high negative wind loads are a concern, box or common nails
should be used.
- Trim nails may be used in Non-Hurricane-Prone Regions with the
following cautions: Do not overdrive or counter sink the fastener, nail
flush with the surface of trim. Detachment of trim is not covered by the
LP" SmartSide" limited warranty whether common, box, or trim nails
are used.
is Fastening Requirements:
o Two fasteners spaced a maximum of every 24 inches o.c. along the length of the
trim, or two fasteners at both ends with additional fasteners spaced a maximum
of every 12 inches o.c. along alternating edges the length of the trim.
o Trim under 7 inches wide use a minimum of 2 nails per width. Trim 7 to 12
inches wide use a minimum of 3 nails per width. Trim over 12 inches wide use a
minimum of 4 nails per width.
1 Wind speed is Ultimate Design Wind Speed/lone 5/ 10 ft2/30 foot height. See 2014 FRC-
2 Corrosion resistance and capable of preventing rust, stain and deterioration of the fasteners
under normal outdoor environmental conditions for a period of no less than 50 years. For further
information or guidance, consult your nail supplier/manufacturer.
3 Ring shank nails shall be capable of the performance specified in Table 1A Ring-Shank Nail
Withdrawal Loads of APA publication TT-109, Wood Structural Panels Used os Noilable Sheathing
when tested in accordance with ASTM D 1761, Standard Test Method for Mechanical Fasteners in
Wood and NDS-2015. For further information or guidance, consult your nail
Page 3 of 3
+J1UR V%,; A 14 Union Strew
Suite 2000
TEL (615)986-S60C
FAX (615)986-5666
WrH www.lpcorp.corn
Date C;eated: 1 2104120 1 5
Last Revision: 12/152015
Expiration Date:06!2017
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EL# Tvoe Manufacturer Validated By Status
FL17206-R4 Revision WOODLAND INDUSTRIES, INC. Locke Bowden Pending FBC Approval
FL#: FL17206.1 (334)300-1800
Model:TYPE II underlayments-HVHZ
Description: #30 Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt
Category: Roofing
'Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary.
Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road.Tallaha« F Phone:850-487-1824
The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Arrncstni!ity ctarenwnr;;Refund Statement
Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send
electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.-Pursuant to
Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if
they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to
supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under
Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here_.
Product Approval Accepts:
M ® R ®
Credit Card
https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_lst.aspx 2/19/2018
Report for: Woodland Industries
1520 Kalamazoo Drive
Griffin, GA 30224
Attention: Bill Ward
Product Name(s): No. 30 Manufacturer: Woodland Industries
PRI-CMT Project No.: WII-008-02-03 Source: Woodland Industries
Date Received: May 12, 2017 Dates Tested: May 16—Sep. 15, 2017
Sep. 13, 2017
Purpose: Evaluate No. 30 for compliance with the physical properties of ASTM D 226
Asphalt-Saturated Felt Used in Roofing and Waterproofing, Type II.
Test Methods: Testing was completed as described in ASTM D 226-09: Standard Specification
for Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt Used in Roofing and Waterproofing. Test
methods assigned or referenced include ASTM D 70: Standard Test Method for
Density of Semi-Solid Bituminous Materials(Pycnometer Method);ASTM D 146:
Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Bitumen-Saturated Felts and
Woven Fabrics for Roofing and Waterproofing; and ASTM D 6136: Standard
Test Method for Kerosine Number of Unsaturated(Dry)Felt by Vacuum Method.
Sampling: Product samples were provided by Woodland Industries from Griffin, GA.
WII-008-02-03 PRI-CMT Accreditations:AAMA;IAS;Miami-Dade;Florida;Los Angeles;CRRC UL
The test results,opinions,or interpretations are based on the material supplied by the client. This report is for the exclusive use of stated
client. No reproduction or facsimile in any form can be made without the client's permission. This report shall not be reproduced except in
full without the written approval of this laboratory. PRI Construction Materials Technologies LLC assumes no responsibility nor makes a
performance or warranty statement for this material or products and processes containing this material in connection with this report.
PRI Construction Materials Technologies LLC 6408 Badger Drive Tampa,FL 33610 Tel:813621-5777 Fax:813-621-5840 e-mail:materialstesting@phcmt.com Website:http:1Avww.pricmt.com
Woodland Industries
ASTM D 226 for
Page 2 of 3
Results: ASTM D 226
MethodProperty Test Result Requirement
Physical Requirements
Breaking Strength (Ibf/in-width)
20 specimens; 1" x 6" x thickness; ASTM D 146
Cond. 2h @ 73.4±3.6°F &50±5%RH;
Test 73.4±3.6°F; Rate=2in/min
Longitudinal (with fiber grain) 66 >_30 >_40
Transverse(across fiber grain) 29 2: 15 >_20
10 specimens; 1"x 8"x thickness; ASTM D 146 '/" radius %" radius
Cond. 10-15min in water @ 77±1.8°F;
Test 90° around 1/2" radius in 2s
Longitudinal (with fiber grain) Pass No Failures No Failures
Transverse (across fiber grain) Pass No Failures No Failures
Loss on Heating (weight%)
2 specimens; 12" x 6"x thickness; ASTM D 146 2 :54 :54
Test Cond. 221±5°F for 5h±3min
Dimensions and Masses
Width of Roll (in) ASTM D 146 357/8 36±1/4 36±1/4
Area, min (ft2) ASTM D 146 218 432 216
Moisture at Point of Manufacture (%) ASTM D 146 NT <_4.3 <_4.1
As Received' 3.2 <_4.3 <_4.1
Net Mass of Saturated Felt(Ib/100ft2) ASTM D 146 26 >_ 11.5 >_26
Mass of Saturant(lb/100ft2) ASTM D 146 17.5 >_6.2 >_ 15.0
Mass Ratio of Saturant to Desaturated Felt ASTM D 226 1.5 >_ 1.2 >_ 1.5
Saturation Efficiency(%) ASTM D 226 NA >_70 •••
Mass of Desaturated Felt(Ib/100ft2) ASTM D 146 11.4 >_ 5.2 >_ 10.0
Ash (%) ASTM D 146 5.0 <_ 10.0 <_ 10.0
Continued on Following Page
WII-008-02-03 PRI-CMT Accreditations:AAMA;IAS Miami-Dade Florida;Los Angeles:CRRC UL
The test results,opinions,or interpretations are based on the material supplied by the client. This report is for the exclusive use of stated
client. No reproduction or facsimile in any form can be made without the client's permission. This report shall not be reproduced except in
full without the written approval of this laboratory. PRI Construction Materials Technologies LLC assumes no responsibility nor makes a
performance or warranty statement for this material or products and processes containing this material in connection with this report.
PRI Construction Materials Technologies LLC 6408 Badger Drive Tampa,FL 33610 Tel:813-621-5777 Fax:813621-5840 e-mail:materialstesting@pdcmt.com WebSite:http:/ANww.pdcmt.com
Woodland Industries
ASTM D 226 for
Page 3 of 3
Property •d Result Requirement
—7 Perforated Felt(in2) ASTM D 226 NA <_ 0.05
Average Venting Area (%) ASTM D 226 NA >_ 0.1
Unrolling @ 50'F and 140°F(Pass/Fail] ASTM D 226 Pass No Damage No Damage
Note(s): 1- Moisture(As Received)was utilized in lieu of Moisture at Point of Manufacture;
NT- Not Tested;
NA- Not Applicable
Statement of Compliance:
The product was tested has demonstrated compliance with the physical requirements of Type II prescribed in
ASTM D 226-09: Standard Specification for Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt Used in Roofing and
'% `( r••PF11
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Florida Re ter Prolessfonal Engine& : LU
.E.Number.7421 ti OF :!.0
Date: C.i I •, a � � ��
Report Issue History: 11111.11
Issue# Date Pages Revision Description (if applicable)
Original 09/18/2017 3 NA
WII-008-02-03 PRI-CMT Accreditations:AAMA;AS:Miami-Dade;Florida;Los Angeles;CRRC;UL
The test results,opinions,or interpretations are based on the material supplied by the client. This report is for the exclusive use of stated
client. No reproduction or facsimile in any form can be made without the client's permission. This report shall not be reproduced except in
full without the written approval of this laboratory. PRI Construction Materials Technologies LLC assumes no responsibility nor makes a
performance or warranty statement for this material or products and processes containing this material in connection with this report.
PRI Construction Materials Technologies LLC 6408 Badger Drive Tampa,FL 33610 Tel:813-621-5777 Fax:813621-5640 e-mail:materialstesting@pricmt.com WebSite:http:/twww.prcmt.com
Report for: Woodland Industries
1520 Kalamazoo Drive
Griffin, GA 30224
Attention: Bill Ward
Product Name(s): No. 30 Manufacturer: Woodland Industries
PRI-CMT Project No.: WII-008-02-03 Source: Woodland Industries
Date Received: May 12, 2017 Dates Tested: May 16—Sep. 15, 2017
Sep. 13, 2017
Purpose: Evaluate No. 30 for compliance with the physical properties of ASTM D 226
Asphalt-Saturated Felt Used in Roofing and Waterproofing, Type II.
Test Methods: Testing was completed as described in ASTM D 226-09: Standard Specification
for Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt Used in Roofing and Waterproofing. Test
methods assigned or referenced include ASTM D 70: Standard Test Method for
Density of Semi-Solid Bituminous Materials(Pycnometer Method);ASTM D 146:
Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Bitumen-Saturated Felts and
Woven Fabrics for Roofing and Waterproofing; and ASTM D 6136: Standard
Test Method for Kerosine Number of Unsaturated(Dry)Felt by Vacuum Method.
Sampling: Product samples were provided by Woodland Industries from Griffin, GA.
WII-008-02-03 PRI-CMT Accreditations:HAMA;IAS;Miami-Dade;Florida;Los Angeles;CRRC;UL
The test results,opinions,or interpretations are based on the material supplied by the client. This report is for the exclusive use of stated
client. No reproduction or facsimile in any form can be made without the client's permission. This report shall not be reproduced except in
full without the written approval of this laboratory. PRI Construction Materials Technologies LLC assumes no responsibility nor makes a
performance or warranty statement for this material or products and processes containing this material in connection with this report.
PRI Construction Materials Technologies LLC 6408 Badger Drive Tampa,FL 33610 Tel:813-621-5777 Fax:813-621-5840 e-mail:materialstesting@pricmt.com WebSite:http:/Avww.pricmt.com
Woodland Industries
ASTM D 226 for
Page 2 of 3
Results: ASTM D 226
MethodProperty Test Result Requirement
Physical Requirements
Breaking Strength (Ibf/in-width)
20 specimens; 1"x 6" x thickness;
Cond. 2h @ 73.4±3.6°F & 50±5%RH; ASTM D 146
Test @ 73.4±3.6°F; Rate=2in/min
Longitudinal (with fiber grain) 66 z 30 >_40
Transverse(across fiber grain) 29 >_ 15 >_20
10 specimens; 1"x 8"x thickness; ASTM D 146 '/2" radius %" radius
Cond. 10-15min in water @ 77±1.8°F;
Test 90° around '/z" radius in 2s
Longitudinal (with fiber grain) Pass No Failures No Failures
Transverse (across fiber grain) Pass No Failures No Failures
Loss on Heating (weight%)
2 specimens; 12" x 6"x thickness; ASTM D 146 2 <_4 <_4
Test Cond. 221±5°F for 5h±3min
Dimensions and Masses
Width of Roll (in) ASTM D 146 357/8 36±1/4 36±1/4
Area, min (ft2) ASTM D 146 218 432 216
Moisture at Point of Manufacture (%) ASTM D 146 NT <_4.3 <_4.1
As Received' 3.2 <_4.3 <_4.1
Net Mass of Saturated Felt(Ib/100ft2) ASTM D 146 26 >_ 11.5 >_26
Mass of Saturant (Ib/100ft2) ASTM D 146 17.5 >_6.2 > 15.0
Mass Ratio of Saturant to Desaturated Felt ASTM D 226 1.5 >_ 1.2 >_ 1.5
Saturation Efficiency(%) ASTM D 226 NA >_ 70
Mass of Desaturated Felt(Ib/100ft2) ASTM D 146 11.4 >_ 5.2 >_ 10.0
Ash (%) ASTM D 146 5.0 510.0 <_ 10.0
Continued on Following Page
WII-008-02-03 PRI-CMT Accreditations:AAMA IAS Miami-Dade;Florida;Los Angeles:CRRC UL
The test results,opinions,or interpretations are based on the material supplied by the client. This report is for the exclusive use of stated
client. No reproduction or facsimile in any form can be made without the client's permission. This report shall not be reproduced except in
full without the written approval of this laboratory. PRI Construction Materials Technologies LLC assumes no responsibility nor makes a
performance or warranty statement for this material or products and processes containing this material in connection with this report.
PRI Construction Materials Technologies LLC 6408 Badger Drive Tampa,FL 33610 Tel:813-621-5777 Fax:813621-5840 e-mail:materialstesting@pdcmt.com WebSite:http:/Avww.pricrnt.com
Woodland Industries
ASTM D 226 for
Page 3 of 3
Property ••
• Type
Perforated Felt(inz) ASTM D 226 NA _< 0.05 •••
Average Venting Area(%) ASTM D 226 NA >_ 0.1 •••
Unrolling @ 50°F and 140°F(Pass/Fail] ASTM D 226 Pass No Damage No Damage
Note(s): 1- Moisture(As Received)was utilized in lieu of Moisture at Point of Manufacture;
NT- Not Tested;
NA- Not Applicable
Statement of Compliance:
The product was tested has demonstrated compliance with the physical requirements of Type II prescribed in
ASTM D 226-09: Standard Specification for Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt Used in Roofing and
4.� g021 •' �`
FloridaPrOiMlbnal Engir"r LIJ
.E.Number 741
^v cT A�6' Q•.'
Date: i� ( i O •L
Fa�Ss l Q•N P%%%��
Report Issue History:
Issue# Date Pages Revision Description (if applicable)
Original 09/18/2017 3 NA
WII-008-02-03 PRI-CMT Accreditations:AAMA;IAS;Miami-Dade Florida;Los Angeles CRRC UL
The test results,opinions,or interpretations are based on the material supplied by the client. This report is for the exclusive use of stated
client. No reproduction or facsimile in any form can be made without the client's permission. This report shall not be reproduced except in
full without the written approval of this laboratory. PRI Construction Materials Technologies LLC assumes no responsibility nor makes a
performance or warranty statement for this material or products and processes containing this material in connection with this report.
PRI Construction Materials Technologies LLC 6408 Badger Drive Tampa,FL 33610 Tel:813-621-5777 Fax:813-621-5840 e-mail:materialstesting@pricmt.com Website:http:/Awww.phcmt.com
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Search Results-Applications
f1# Tvoe Manufacturer Validated By Status
FL10674- Revision Owens Corning John W. Knezevich, Approved
R13 FL#:FL10674.1 PE
History Model:Owens Corning Asphalt Roofing Shingles and Starters (954)772-6224
Description:3-tab,4-tab, 5-tab,laminated,starter and hip&
ridge shingles
Category: Roofing
Subcategory:Asphalt Shingles
`Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary.
Contact Us::7601 81air ton Road.Tallaha« F '199 Phone:850-487-1824
The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement;:Refund Statement
Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send
electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to
Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if
they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to
supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under
Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here.
Product Approval Accepts:
® NE 0
Credit Card
https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_lst.aspx 2/22/2018