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Certificate of Product Ratings _ Model 6,,,S: Dlscongnuad AHRI CerBfIW Reference Number: -I03224'I Date : 0301-2018 Old AHRI Reference Number Product : Wao r-bC Air and BHna-to-All Modal Number : SOPCWGOtJR^LCA Manufacturer Name : CARRIER CORPORATION Brand Name : CARRIER Rated as follows in accordance with ANSRAHRVASHAREfSO Standard 13258-1 Water-toAir and Brine -To -Air Ham Pumila and subject to verification of rating accuracy by AHRfapoymored, independent thlyd party testing: Full Load Air Flow Rate - Cooling: 20W Air Flow Rata - Heating: WHP(WNdw.Ld PHeat PUMPS) Cooling Capacity (Btuh) 5TBW Cooling EER Rating (BtuNwaO) 13.00 Cooling Fluid Flow Rate (gPm) 1500 Heating Capacity(BWh) 0]2 672 00 Hearing Cop (WOUNA tt) 150DHeadng Fluid Flow Rate (gpm) GWHP (Ground Water-HOM Pumps) Cooling Capacity (BWh) Gaoling EER Rating (BWNWen) Cooling Flub Flow Rate (qpm) Heating Capacity (Btuh) Heating COP (waDhamn) Heating Fluid Five Rate (gPm) GLHP (Ground -Loop HM PWdPa) Coating Capacity (Uluh) B010D COoOng EER Ratlng (BluluWae) 1A.to Coaling Fluid Flow Rate (gPm) 00 15 15.00 Heeling Capacity(Btuh) Heating COP(waWWaH) 3.20 Heating Fluid Flow Rate Wish) 15.OD Indoor Bbwar Motor Fen TyPe :PSC Sold Ing : USA Part Load1 Part Loatl2 Part Load3 1Motlels MN'OisconNnueT Mpdal 8btua are alma Nat an AHRI Ceniacaaon Pmgrwn ParlidPanl no IwrNer Praluces AND is m bnger SBling IX DNHag lar snb. la hllahM ndw'a shpmr -__he— AS tl Ralanalhatwo DISCLAIMER AN, Ones notelWwx the pmducl(sl lNled on bk CedHficab and makesno repnaentaWnz, warteniks or guarantees es to. and assame at th. prods ryof lbw pmEedt(s) ILsled on MN Cer�Mo.. AHRI emrmNy disclaims all Iimnifty for damages of any land arisingoul of the ux w performance of the product(s7, or the namhodzed attention of data ININ on has C,dr ate. Candied ratings am valid anly W models and conaguratl^ns listed In me Oman, at www.aarldimcto1o16. TERMS AND CONDITIONS al end Tri. candaeate and its..W.%arepo,,,br, laaduate of AHRI.IaIad, In whole or in he mefwl^divitluatperxn �.■+ conadenllal mle�ence Wrposes.lM1e contents piMh Cartlfl[a1e may no41nner or or iaya nenpmducelthe aware dNsemdual, emend Into a ewnpNer data0ax: orotherWix u1111rM, In any tOlm w manner or by any mearm, incept lar the uaaYa IntlNldual, ptF-CONDITIaXINQ NEATINa. personal and canaJenaal reference. a InFRmERAr. 01,mburE CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION n.rLe i:4 e. r e. They A"infarrmeA for Carideo Reference the Number and owaffle n which wwwahndlreetoryArg, dlek M'Verily OertlXeele'1 , aMemw Ne AHRI Cerdfletl Reterentt Numhtt and the data on whlcM1 the ceAacate was lssuatl ---- which is nsled ahWe, and Ow Ceniacme No., Milch is listed At hounde right. t318N3]a15]21389a6 CERTIFICATE NO.: ©2058Ag-Conditioning, Rearing, and Refrigeration Institute