HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval BCIS Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics ! Submit Surcharge i Stats&Facts Publications FBC Staff ; SCIS Site Map I Unks Search db r 0 Product Approval USER:Public User Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail ' H # F�L14095-R10 Application Type Re Code Version 2017 Application StatusAp roved *Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. Comments Archived I J Product Manufacturer JELD-WEN Address/Phone/Email 3737 Lakeport Blvd Klamath Falls,OR 97601 (800)535-3936 fbcl@jeid-wen.com Authorized Signature Jason Kantola fbcl@jeid-wen.com Technical Representative JELD-WEN Corporate Customer Service Address/Phone/Email 3737 Lakeport Blvd. Klamath Falls,OR 97601 (800)535-3936 customerserviceagents@jeid-wen.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category CSIngle s Subcategory ung Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency ' National Accreditation&Management Institute Validated By National Accreditation&Management Institute Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 1994 TAS 203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A Date Submitted 07/11/2017 Date Validated 07/26/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 07/28/2017 Summary of Products FIL# Model,Number or Name Description 14095.1 Premium Atlantic Vinyl Single Hung(8100)36"x 72"Insulated Glass(5/16 in PVB or SGP Lam-1/8 out Annealed) Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL14095 RIO C CAC N1011567.04-R3.gd Approved for use outside HVHZ.-Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 04/30/2025 Design Pressure:+65/-70 Installation Instructions Other:Laminated glazing interlayer material requirements FL14095 R10 11 FL14095 R5 11 DP65- meet the current edition of the FBC in accordance with 70 3602 Impact Installation Instructions.pd Miami-Dade NOA for DuPont SentryGlas and DuPont PVB FL14095 R10 11 N1011567,04-R3 Dwas 07252017.pdf interlayers.White PVC exterior extrusion meet the current Verified By: Hermes Norero,PE 73778 edition of the FBC In accordance with Miami-Dade NOA for Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Quanex.IG back bedded with Dow 995.Safety glazing Evaluation Reports required to the exterior at heights above 30 feet. EL14095 RIO AE PER3094-odf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 14095.2 Premium Atlantic Vinyl Single Hung(8100)36"x 72"Insulated Glass(1/8 in-1/8 I out Annealed) Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL14095 RIO C CAC N1011567.08-Pl.Qd Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL14095 RIO C CAC N1011567,09-R2.r)df Impact Resistant:No Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure:+65/-70 04/30/2025 Other:White PVC exterior extrusion meet the current Installation Instructions edition of the FBC in accordance with Miami-Dade NOA for FL14095 RIO 11 NI011567.09-R2 Dwqs 07252017.pd Quanex.IG back bedded with Dow 995.Safety glazing FL14095 R10 11 PAV TSH FBC 36x72 SS 2017-06-26.odf required to the exterior at heights above 30 feet. Verified By:Hermes Norero,PE 73778 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL14095 RIO AE PER4869 SS 2017-06-26,j2d Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 14095.3 Premium Atlantic Vinyl Single Hung(8100)52 1/8"x 75"Insulated Glass(3/16 in- 1 3/16 out Annealed) Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL14095 RIO C CAC N1011567.06-Rl.nd Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL14095 R10 C CAC N1011567.07-R2.r3df Impact Resistant:No Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure:+65/-70 04/30/2025 Other:White PVC exterior extrusion meet the current Installation Instructions edition of the FBC in accordance with Miami-Dade NOA for FL14095 RIO 11 N1011567.07-R2 Dwgs 07252017.gdf Quanex.IG back bedded with Dow 995.Windows with FL14095 RIO 11 PAV TSH FBC 52x75 SS 2017-06-26.00 insulated glass wider than 36"require setting blocks.Safety Verified By: Hermes Norero,PE 73778 glazing required to the exterior at heights above 30 feet. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL14095 RIO AE PER4870 SS 2017-06-26.pd Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 14095.4 Premium Atlantic Vinyl Single Hung(8100)52 1/8"x 75"Insulated Glass(5/16 in PVB or SGP Lam-1/8 out Annealed) Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL14095 RIO C CAC NIO11567.02-R2.od Approved far use Z:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resist Yes 04/30/2025 Design Presse:+50/-60 Installation Instructions Other:Laminated-94-wing1fiterlayer material requirements FL14095 RIO 11 FL14095 RS 11 DP50- meet the current edition of the FBC in accordance with 60 52.125x75 Imoact Installation Instructions.I)d Miami-Dade NOA for DuPont SentryGlas and DuPont PVB FL14095 R10 11 N1011567,02-112 Dwqs 07252017.vdf interlayers.White PVC exterior extrusion meet the current Verified By: Hermes Norero,PE 73778 edition of the FBC in accordance with Miami-Dade NOA for Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Quanex.IG back bedded with Dow 995.Windows with Evaluation Reports Insulated glass wider than 36"require setting blocks.Safety FL14095 RIO AE PER3091.odf glazing required to the exterior at heights above 30 feet. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 14095.5 Premium Atlantic Vinyl Single Hung(8100)52 1/8"x 75'Insulated Glass(5/16 in SGP Lam-3/16 out Annealed) Limits of Use Cert cation Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL14095 R10 C CAC N1011567.01-Rl.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL14095 R10 C CAC N101I567-RI.nd Impact Resistant.Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure-+65/-75 04/30/2025 .............. .......... ........... --------*"*--,-,,-",-,--*,,-",--,,--,-,---,***-------- 14"O.C.WX RU OX WX MIN,DISTANCE MASONRY INSTALLATION THJAMB FROM Post EwEt Z I/r ad', MAsoNRv BLOCK 41 11431 O.C. EMBEDMENT i -MAX.TM 3114'MIN, EMBEDMENT I 1/a°MAX SHW.VACE 1/4"MAX SHIM SPACE MIN.DISTANCE FOR EDGE;21/2° 3— GLA$ SITE 13.rtlm MASONRY BLOCK JAMB SECTION(TYP) GLAZING DETAIL HORIZONTAL SECTION FRAME SECTION VERTICAL MAX M SPACE 4 ............................................ . .......... ............. FROM ! 4.r MAX IN. ii OCORNERSMENT PREMIUM ATLANTIC VINYL SH WINDOW 4 Max Frame I DP RATING IMPACT '--BLOCK 521/8 x 75 1 +50/-60 1 YES I—WINDOW VADTH(52 Ile MAX. MIN.COISTA14CE TYPICAL ELEVATION WITH FASTENER SPACING Fop E"E:2 Ile LARGE MISSILE IMPACT .............. ........... ..................'..................... .................... ........................ ............ General Notes: Installation Notes: 1. Seal flange/frame to substrate. 1. The product shown herein is designed,tested and manufactured to comply with the wind load criteria 2. Use 3/160 ITW Tapcon or equivalent fasteners through frame with sufficient length to penetrate a of the adopted International Building Code(IBC),the International Residential Code(IRC),the Florida minimum of 1114"into concrete or masonry at each location with a 2 VT min from edge distance.For Building Code(FBC)including HVHZ and the industry requirement for the stated conditions. concrete (min.fc=3000ps!)or masonry substrate(CMU shall adhere to ASTM C90). 2. All glazing shall conform to ASTM E1300. 3. Host structure(wood buck,masonry,steel)to be designed and anchored to properly transfer all loads 3. At minimum,glazing is 3mm annealed-11 mm airspace-3mm annealed-2mm PVB Interlayer by to the structure. The host structure is the responsibility of the architect or engineer of record for the DuPont-3mm annealed, project of installation. 4. Use structural or composite shims where required. This schedule addresses only the fasteners required to anchor the window to achieve the rated design pressure up to the size limitations noted. It is not intended as a guide to the installation process and does Ile## PROJECT ENGINEER: DATE; not address he sealing consideration that may arise in different wall 08!!/20143737 Lakeport Blvd % DRAMM BY- SCALE: Klamath Falls,OR.97601 conditions, For the complete installation procedure,see the instructions NTS ��TI)rWN D.Vezo Phone: (541)882-3451 packaged with the window or go to 7 CHECKED BY: TITLE: www.jeld-wen.com/resourcesfinstallafion, J. Kantola Er APPROVED BY: Premium Atlantic Vinyl Impact Single Hung Window DISCLAIMER: Z This drawing and its contents are confidential and are not to be reproduced or copied in whole or in part or used or disclosed to others 00 P66HUh P.E. except as authorized by JELD-WEN Inc. 398 E to 338 IDENTIFIER No. PLANT NAME AND LOCATION: CAD DING,No.: SHEET NCTL210-3874-1+BC 00 I i SCIS Home Log In User Registration Hot Topic Submit Surcharge i Stats&Facts t Publications FSC Staff ' aCIS Site Map I Unks Search •r r - Product Approval .USER:Public User _. Product Approval Menu>Product or Apolication Search>Application List>Application Detail FL# FL11870-R5 Application Type Code Version 2017 Application Status A rove Comments Archived Product Manufacturer JELD-WEN Address/Phone/Email 3737 Lakeport Blvd Klamath Falls,OR 97601 (800)535-3936 fbcl@jeid-wen.com Authorized Signature Jason Kantola fbcl@jeld-werncom Technical Representative JELD-WEN Corporate Customer Service li Address/Phone/Email 3737 Lakeport Blvd. Klamath Falls,OR 97601 (800)535-3936 customerserviceagents@jeld-wen.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Windows Subcategory Mullions Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer 0 Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Robert J.Amoruso,P.E. Evaluation Report Florida License PE-49752 Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation and Management Institute Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2018 Validated By Steven M.Urich,PE i Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL11570 R5 COI C of 1 2263 Rev0 413- 1003 JW StructuralMullionpdf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 1994 TAS 203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL11870 R5 Eguiv EER 2263 RevO 413- 1003 JW StructuraiMullion A.cdf Sections from the Code 1211 affirm that there are no changes in the new Florida Building Code which affect my product(s)and my product(s)are In compliance with the new Florida Building Code. Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity ;)Yes I.,No C/NIA Product Approval Method Method I Option D Date Submitted 07/10/2017 Date Validated 07/10/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 07/12/2017 Summary of Products FL Model,Number or Name Description 11870.1 1 Clipped Aluminum Tube Mullion 1x3 or 1x4 Tube Mullion T—IM-19 of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL11870 R5 11 IELD0108 RevO.pdf Approved for useautstde4QVVHZ:Yes Verified By: Robert J.Amoruso,P.E.49752 Impact Resistaricye" Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressur +75/-75 Evaluation Reports Other: FL11870 R5 AE PER 2263 RevO 413- 1003 JW StructuralMullion A.Dd Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Back Next Contact Us 2601 Blair Stone Road.Tallahassee Ft,32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007.2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement:;Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.if you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.-pursuant to Section 455.275 (1),Florida Statutes,efrective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emalls provided may be used for official communication With the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click hem Product Approval Accepts: C,fe. dift Card NOTE;MULLION DESIGNATIONS(MULLION"N',MULLION"B"AND MULLION"C")PROVIDED GEOMETR C IN DETAILS 111,211 AND 3tl ARE PROVIDED ONLY TO ILLUSTRATE THE DETERMINATION OF MULLION SPANS AND TRIBUTARY WIDTHS.ALL MULLIONS INCLUDED FENESTRATION SHOWN IN THE REFERENCED DETAILS MAY BE.ANY MULLION APPROVED HEREIN. SHAPESI--�, PRODUOTPER —7 SEPARATE APPROVAL w 1 2 '2 4 5 MULLION N §4 MULLION OR S UBSTRATE 5 12 0 4 5 FENESTRATION FENESTRATION PRODUCT PER PRODUCTIPER SEPARATE APPROVAL SE MULLION PARATE OR 12 w 1 APPROVAL SUBSTRATE MULLION—,, MULUON--,� 62�� MULLION--\ '4 5 'C" MULUON FENESTRATION FENESTRATION FENESTRATION FENESTRATION PRODUCTPER 0 L2 PRODUCTPER PRODUCTIPER PRODUCTPER W2 APPROVAL Ll SEPARATE SEPARATE SEPARATE SEPARATE ::ANESTRATIO PRODUCTIPER APPROVAL APPROVAL APPROVAL SEPARATE APPROVAL W2 4 5 w z .1 0 0 z cD 6 0 I-W3 W4 W5-1 Ll I-Wl W2-� 0 <- NOTES: NOTES: NOTES: 1, NUMBER OF FENESTRATION PRODUCTS UNDERNEATH TRANSOM MAY BE 1. UNLIMITED NUMBER OF FENESTRATION PRODUCTS MAY BE I UNLIMITED NUMBER OF FENESTRATION PRODUCTS MAY cl) UNL MITED PROVIDED THAT MULLION LMITATtONS NOTED HEREIN ARE NOT MULLED TOGETHER AS SHOWN PROVIDED THAT MULLION BE MULLED TOGETHER AS SHOWN PROVIDED THAT 16 EXCEEDED, UMITATIONS NOTED HEREIN ARE NOT EXCEEDED. MULLION LMITATIONS NOTED HEREIN ARE NOT EXCEEDED. OL 2. ANCHORAGE OF FENESTRATION PRODUCTS TO MULLIONS SHALL BE PER 2. ANCHORAGE OF FENESTRATION PRODUCTS TO MULLIONS SHALL SrPARATEAPPROVAL BE PER SEPARATE APPROVAL. 2. ANCHORAGE OF FENESTRATION PRODUCTS 70 Q MULLIONS SHALL BE PER SEPARATE APPROVAL, ON 3, ALLOWA13LE DESIGN PRESSURES SHALL BE DETERMINED FROM DESIGN 3. ALLOWABLE DESIGN PRESSURES SHALL BE DETERMINED FROM SCHEDULES, DESIGN SCHEDULE$. 1 ALLOWABLE DESIGN PRESSURES SHALL BE DETERMINED FROM DESIGN SCHEDULES. 4. MULLION SPANS AND TRIBUTARY WIDTHS SMALL BE DETERMINED AS FOLLOWS.' 4. MULLION SPANS AN D TRIBUTARY WIDTHS SHALL BE DETERMINED AS FOLLOWS. 4. MULLION SPANS AND TRIBUTARY WIDTHS SHALL BE 4.1. MULLION"K DETERMINED AS FOLLOWS: 4.1.1, MULLION SPAN=Ll 4.1. MULLION'A' 4.1.2. TRIBUTARY WIDTH-(Wi-W2)t2 4 MULU NSFIAN=Li 4.1. MUILLION'K 4Z MULLION'ff* 4:":'2.. TRIBUTARY WIDTH=(WI-WZ)r2 4.1.1. MULLION SPAN=Ll 42.1. MULLION SPAN=L2 4.1.2.--;R�ARY WIDTH=(Wl�W2)12 42.2, TRIBUTARY WIDTH=(W3-W4)/2 4�3. MULLION'C' 43.1. MULLION SPAN-L3 4 12. . TRIBUTARY WIDTH-(W4-WM FENESTRATION PRODUCTS F ESTRATION PRODUCTS MULLED VERTICALLY LLED HORIZONTALLY Rob�ll J.A—s.�P.E. MULLED FENESTRATION 3 FIMVS P.E.Na 49752 PRODUCTS WITH TRANSOM EXTERIOR ELEVATION SHOWN SHOWN EXTERIOR ELEVATION SHOWN 497se 47 T 'r F .*A 1 �0% T TE 0.125" Typ. 0326' T— 0.72r," 0.47C L- 0.125" ' 0II 0. " 125 1.000 2.110" 2. 0.125" 1 i , 01125" 110" a. 1.000" 1.375" 2.311-" i ---- 4 1 u 1 1 1 1 5.500" 0.312" F 0.375" .3,000"--1 1 0 " 0 0 3.000" 0.12511 i I —T 0 — 0 0.438'f FOR USE 0.438' FOR USE 07YPtCAL .75G" ANCHOR LOCATION, Nin - WITI-Ii"X4�' 'D MWITH V X MULLION MULLION �i :j, 4 VX3"MULLION GOAL-POST'CLIP �5063-Tfi�ALUM. ��606346�ALUM- ° ¢ 0 ILI 0 C! 1.000" 1.950" ANCHOR LOCATION, ANCHOR LOCATION, Z enwZ- 0.975" TYPICAL TYPICAL ANCHOR LOCATION, TYPICAL &500" 3.000" le U 8k 0.125" 1— 5 0.110" m R 4400' 0 0— —TT 01 'c' FOR USE iD 4.34 0.438 0,438" FOR USE Lu 70" C4 0 WITH 1"X 3" 0 C4 WITH 1"X 3" 0.9 C4 MULLION MULLION I Io 4 I— ANCHOR 1 X 4"MULLION ANCHOR LOCATION, LOCATION, TYPICAL TYPICAL 6063-T6'XALUM. f 1.655 .29" � "S' 'GOAL-PO TCLIP PLATE T- LIP '/�C-CLIP 6063-T6 ALUO. 5 6 -T6 ALUM. ��6063-T6�ALUM. Roberl J.Ammo.'". Florida P.E.No.49752 x 000, NO 49752 I fy I I"F . t%'i A, 0 R k Z— 'N'r'ONAL I"x 3"or I"x 4"MULLION I"x 3"or I"x 4"MULLION #10 SMS OR SIDS 0 #10 SMS OR SDS X/ WITH FULL THREAD �2 WITH FULL THREAD %//�j� PENETRATION INTO PENETRATION INTO MULLION MULLION 14" O 0- 0 1— 2': v #10 FLATHEAD 2" a 0 (4) CLIP #10 FLATHEAD I SOS, PER CLIP #10 FLATHEAD SDS,(4)PER CLIP SDS,(4)PER CLIP < 3" 4' -'p 1"x 3"or 1"x 0 4"MULLION Ztv X,3- x 4" MULLION MULLION TYPICAL ATTACHMENT AT 1"X 3"MULLION ATTACHMENT AT 1"X 4"MULLION ATTACHMENT AT 1 MULLION INTERSECTION W/C-CLIP /2 MULLION INTERSECTION WIC-CLIP r3 \MULLION INTERSECTION WIC-CLIP 'u W k, VERTICAL SECTION SIDE ELEVATION jj SIDE ELEVATION g M cl SUPPORTING SUBSTRATE(SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE) Lu=1 2ae 3"% EDGE EDG£ EDGE 3 ED 4 Is ANCHORS PER DIST. DIST. DIST. SCHEDULE,(4)PER CLIP EMBED.PM8-E D. EMSE EMBE, ANCHORS PER ANCHORS PER 2" SCHEDULE,(4) )w. SCHEDULE,(4) 0 0 0 PER CLIP PER CLIP �" 1 2" Robed J.A—m..PX #10 FLATHEAD #10 FLATHEAD #10 FLATHEAD Porld.P.E.No.497U SDS,(4)PER CLIP SOS.(4)PER CLIP SDS,(4)PER CLIP Na 49752 1"x 3"or I"x 4"MULLION z t/ 1 X,3 x4" MULLION MULLION T Tf E F T ICAL ATTACHMENT 3"MULLION V X 4"MULLION X 4 W H T-CLIP F5 '1 X 7ACHMENT WITH T-CLIP 1-6"\ATTACHMENT WITH T-CLIP ,l SIDE ELEVATION \,��RTICAL SECTION E ELEVATION \AIt SUPPORTING SUBSTRATE (SEE ANCHOR SCHEDULE) 1.95" ANCHORS PER SCHEDULE EXCEPT EDGE EDGEFOR ANCHORS TO DIST DIST. #10 FLATHEAD 1.375" CONCRETE BLOCK MBED. ANCHORS PER SDS,(4)PER CLIP (CMU)OR CONCRETE WO SCHEDULE EXCEPT FOR ANCHORS TO CONCRETE BLOCK (CMU)OR CONCRETE to 'on 14 INTERIOR 3/8" MIN. NOTE:'GOAL-POST'GLIP AND ClIq I \— "x Wor 3/8" MIN. CLIP PLATE SHALL NOT BE T' " USED WITH 3116"T)4FCxit RONS 20 FOR ANCHORAGE TO MULLION '20 CONCRETE OR HOLLOW < zoz CONCRETE BLOCK.MAY BE w z 0 EXTERIOR ix z USED ONLY FOR \.�5 30 =) #10 FLATHEAD ANCHORAGE TO WOOD, SDS,(4)PER CLIP ALUMINUM OR STEEL. 2 d wri 0- iE ZI zu 1"x 3"or I"x 4"MULLION 5 gF fih J0 TYPICAL ATTACHMENT WITH TYPICAL ATTACHMENT WITH �I 'GOAL-PCIST'CLIP r9'VG0AL-P0S1'CLIP (L \,5�/SIDE ELEVATION SECTION L) "weeemmillemeelmmeeearm Robert J.Amearso,P.E. Ronde P.E.No.49752 '& SPRE& Q* 0 49752 Z '52 TT, TE polls DESIGN SCHEDULE: 1"x3" MULLION WITH 'GOAL-POST' CLIP o MULLION TRIBUTARY WIDTH SPAN 18 21" 24" 27" 1 30" 33" 1 36" 39" 1 42" 46" 40" 83" 108" 27,6 23.6 20.6 1813 16.8 �1$_0 13.8 12.7 1t4 11.0 10.3 U 8 �100" 324 ,, 28.1 24,8 21.8 19.? 17.9 18,4 16.1 14.0 13.1 12,3 •11.1 98" 37,8 31.7 27.624.7 22,2 20.2 18.6 17.1 16.9 14.8__ 13.9 12,6 DESIGN SCHEDULE NOTES: a 90" 44.0 38.6 33,7 - 30.0 27.0 24,6 22.6 20.7 19.3 19A _ 18:9 1613 88" 1 44.1 38,8 34.3 30,9 2811 26.0 23.9 22.1 20.6 19,3 17.6 1. DESIGN SCHEDULES PROVIDE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE " ...."...... ....."- POSITIVE(+)AND NEGATIVE(-)DESIGN PRESSURES FOR 84 66.3 47.4 41.6 3$.$ 332 30.1 27,6 26.6 23.7 22.1 20+7 18.8 USE WITH MULLION SYSTEM IN POUNDS PER SQUARE 80" 64.0 04.8 48.0 42.7 38A 34.9 32.0 20.6 27.4 26,8 24,0 21.7 FOOT(P3F). 78" 88,0 88.8 dR6 44.0 39,8 38.0 3_3.0_ 30.6 28.3 20A 24.8 224 78" 87,8 68.1 50.$ 462 40,7 37.0_ 33,9 31.9 290 27.1 26 4 230 2, FOR DETERMINATION OF MULLION SPANS AND m $ n i TRIBUTARY WIDTHS,SEE ELEVATIONS ON SHEET 2, 3 72' 71.6 81,3 63.7 47.7 42.9 $9.0 36.8 33.0__ 30.7 28.6 28,8 24.3 tt c $ 8b" 76.8 $8 9 Q 3. FOR INSTALLATIONS UTILIZING MORE THAN ONE TYPE Qf 66,6 62 0 48.$ 42.fl 39.0 384 35 4 312 _ 29,3 28,6 OF CLIP PER MULLION,USE THE LESSER ALLOWABLE = 80-' 70.0 73.6 64.4 67.2 6116 48.8 42,0 39.6 38,8 34.3 32,2 282 ....-.._ ., DESIGN PRESSURE. N� 64"_ 76.0 7610 71.6 63.6 67.2 62.0 47.7 44.0 40,0 $0.2 1 35.9 32.4 608" 75.0 76.0 76.0 87.9 61.1 66.6 Stl.$ 47.0 418 40.7 39,2 34 6 4. 'GOAL-POST'CLIP MAY NOT BE USED FOR tt INSTALLATIONS TO CONCRETE OR CONCRETE BLOCK 'Q 48" 76.0 78.0 76.0 71,6 84,4 60,6 63.7 49.6 4BA d2,$ 40.2 30.4 (CMU). oc € 42 76.0 78,8 76,0 76.0 73.8 86.9 81.3 6&8 62.8 49,1 48A 41,8 ti����,� .•a o � ._.............._._..,. .-�-_,.-�• - 6p.3 46.6 S. ®DENOTES CONDITIONS NOT ACCEPTABLE 2 O 4 4 z 30.4" 76.0 76,0 75.0 76.0 76.0 73.2 67.1 81.9 .67.6_ 63.7 =0�2 Q ._-. ....� 36" 76.0 i6A TDA 78,0 78.8 76.0 71.6 88.0 81.3 87,2 63.7 48.6 FOR USE. k 30" T6A 76.0 76.0 76.0 764 76.0 76,0 76.0 73.6 68.7 844 08.3 LL -ui 2 24" T6.0 78.0 78,0 76.0 75,0 76.0 78.0 76.076.0 72,8 w y r= Z W DESIGN SCHEDULE: 1"x3" MULLION WITH 'T-CLIP' OR 'C-CLIP' d 1 � kill MULLION TRIBUTARY WIDTH U Mel SPAN 1$" 21" 1 24" 27" 30" 33" 36" 39" 42" 46" 46" 63" ' 5 106" 27.6 23.8 20,8 1&11 16.6 16.0 12.7 11.8 11.0 10.3 100" 32,8 28.1 24.8 21.0 19.7 1718 l8,4 1611 14.0 1311 12.3 11.1 96" 37.0 $1.7 27.0 24.722.2 20,2 1$16 17.1 1619 14,8 13.9 12.6 90" 44.9 30.6 33.7 30.0 27.0 24,6 - 22.6 __N.7 19.3 18.0 1819 16.3 88" 61.6 44.1 58.8 30 30.9 28.1 26.8_ _-, 23.,8..._ 22.1 20,8 19.3 176 84" 66,3 47,4 41.6 30.8 53.2 30.1 27.6 26,6 23.7 22,1 20.7 l8.8 _...___..._._..._.....w__... _..... _...__._..__ 80" 84.0 64.8 40.0. 42.7 384 34.9 32.0 28.6 27A 26.0 24,0 _ 21.7 78" 69.0 69.2 61.8 48.0 -41.4_ 37.7 $4.6 31.0 29.8 27.6 26$ 234 76" 74.6 84.0 68A 49.7 44.8 40.7 37.3 34.4 92.0 29.6 28.0 26.3 Rabart J.Mgnrso,P.E 72" 70.0 76.0 6610 68.6 62.7 V 47,0 43.8 40,6 37.6 36.1 32.9 29,8 Flcrtaa P.E.Na 40752 68" 76.0 780. 76.0 70.0 60.4 62.1 67.0 02.8 48.8 46.6 42.7 38.7 _........__.......__.__.- .__...._.__.__......... _..._..__....._....._......__ _..._.,_...._.._ _.......-._ _ ... 80" 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 70.0 86.0 80,7 66.9 81.6 �`1was1/1�nrc�a� _..__ 78.0 7$.0 75.0 75.0 76.0 7bA 76,0 76.0 T2,8 88.1 81.7 *.°��s p• S*� °°a _.. ._ _._._ •�L$`.•GEN' 60.8" 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76A 760 76A 76.0 72.7 86,8 ��4;;^'�� .- ...._.......�.... ,.2'x `,rip M 76.0 76,0 ' 76.0 76.0 T0.0 76,0 76.0 780 76.0 76,p 78.0 8$.4 w Na 48781 42" 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76A 76A 760 76.0 76,0 76.0 764 76.0 , - �" 41r 38.4" 76.0 760 75.0 780 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 78.0 J 38" 76.0 76.0 J. 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76,0 ' '764 78.Q M p'; T TI* F"` : 3p" Tb.O 76.0 76,0 76A 76J_.0 788 76.0 76.0 7BA 78.0 76,0 T80 1 p•P �`yw�.` 24° 76.0 76.0 76.0 76,0 780 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76 0 °°°r`+pNq ' Po 1.91 i ..__....._..._..._.._._._._......................_._.._....._..1111---._._._._._.__.._...__._.I_-............._...._._..........._..__.._....................................................._......._.._......................_..._... ..._...._...--........_................_.._......._..._.._..........__............._.........._...._........ ; DESIGN SCHEDULE: 1"x4" MULLION WITH 'GOAL-POST' CLIP g MULLION TRIBUTARY WIDTH c%> SPAN %, 21" 24" 27" 30" 99" 98" 30' 42" 46" 48" 1 53" a 108" 46.6 41.6 36.4 32.4 __28.2 20.6 24.3 22.4 2015 .-• 19A 18.2 18.6 100" 61.6 44.1 38.6 34.3 30.9 28.1 26.8 29.8 22,1 20.6 19.3 17,6 W 6 _. ._....... �._.__...___._... 98" 63.7_ 40.0 40.2 35.8 32.2 29.3 28.8 24.8 23.0 21.618.2 _1111.. 90" 67.2 49.1 42.9 38.2 34.3 31.2_ __28.6 26A 24.5 22.9 21.6 19:4 DESIGN SCHEDULE NOTES: a 88' 69.9 B1.3 44.8- 39.9 96.9 32:7 29.9 27.8 26.7 24.0 22,6 2013 •••--- """""'-"' - 1. DESIGN SCHEDULES PROVIDE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE 84" 01.3 62.9 48.9 40.9 39.8 23.4 $9.7 28.3 20.3 246 23.0 20•8 POSITIVE(+)AND NEGATIVE(-)DESIGN PRESSURES FOR 80" 64A 65.2 - 46.3 42.9 38.6 36.1 32.2 29.7 Y 27.6 26.8 24.1 21.9 USE WITH MULLION SYSTEM IN POUNDS PER SQUARE 78" 60.0 68.6 49.6 44.0 39.6 36.0 33.0 30.6 28.3 28A 24.8 22.4 FOOT(PSF). . __......._. _.._. ........ -_..__..._._..__..-._. --•-•----- 2. FOR DETERMINATION OF MULLION SPANS AND 72" 71.8 01.3 63.7 47,7 42.9 $9.0 35.8 33.0 30.7 28.8 26.8 24.3 ^ ._ ._.__.........._ TRIBUTARY WIDTHS,SEE ELEVATIONS ON SHEET 2. 08" 76.0 60.9 60.6 62,0 46.8 42.8 39.0 38:0 33A 91,2 29.9,,, ?8.6-„•,••, o _.._....w.__._ _........._ 00" 78.0 73.0 84.4 67.2 61.8 40.8 4Z.0 39.8 36.6 34.3 32.2 29.2 3. FOR INSTALLATIONS UTILIZING MORE THAN ONE TYPE w ^ OF CLIP PER MULLION,USE THE LESSER ALLOWABLE m .�..- 1111...-1111. 1111 - 54" 75.0 76.0 71.6 63.0 67.2 62.0 47.7 44.0 40.9 38.2 36.8 32A DESIGN PRESSURE. N m o 60.6" 76.0 76.0 75.0_ 07.9 61.1 66.5 6D.9 47.043.8 40.7 38.2 34.6 ¢° _...... .. _._. 48" 76.0 76.0 76.0 71.5 64A. 58.6 63.7 49.6 48.0 __ 42.8 40.2 30:4 4. 'GOAL-POST'CLIP MAY NOT BE USED FOR ~ ------ - _.....------- INSTALLATIONS TO CONCRETE OR CONCRETE BLOCK '$Z 42" 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 73.8 88.9 61.3 66.6 _52.8-.,-,,.,••• 49.1 46.0 _ 41.6 (CMU). rn o o z __...� _ _.._.....__..._.._......._. 38.4" 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 75.0 73.2 67.1 81.8 67.6 63.7 60.3 46.0 z p_1 3 g z ------- ""'-'-"' 5. ®DENOTES CONDITIONS NOT ACCEPTABLE 38" 76.0 76.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 76.0 71.6 68.0 61.3 67.2-_ 6917 48.6 Z m m MQ _. ..........-1111. FOR USE. w O e 90" 7610 76,0 76.0 76.0 76.0 78.0 76.0 76.0 73.8 88.7 84.4 68.3 al 24" 75.0 76,0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0- .75.0 78.0 76.0 76.0 72.8 a a j E8 W _ DESIGN SCHEDULE: 1"x4" MULLION WITH 'T-CLIP' OR 'C-CLIP' Y M @ J MULLION TRIBUTARYWIDTH9� SPAN 10" 21" 24" 2T' 30" 33" 30" 38" 42" 46" 48" 63" 4 � 106" 69.0 60.6 _44.2 39.3 36.4 322 28.6 27.2 _26.3 23.0 22:1 20.0 100"_ 70.2 6D.2 627 46.8 42.1 38.3_ 35.1 32.4 30.1 28.1 26.3 23.9 90" 78.0 8$10 59.6 62.9 47.6 43.3 w $9,738.0 34.0 31.8 2018 27.0 90" 76.0 76.0 72.3 04.2 67.8 62.6. 48. _ 44.6- _41.3 38.6 36.1 32.7 88" 76.0 76.0 76.0 W 73.8 66.3 00.2 66.2 6110 47.3 44.2 41A 37.6 84" 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 77.1 64.6 694 54.7 47.4 44A 40.2 80" 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 74.8 68.6 83.3 68.8 64.9 61A 48.6 ....._.._ ___...._...... •--1011.___ --•'-_ 78" 7610 76.0 75.0 75.076.0 76.0 73.7 68.0 83.2 68.0 66.3 60.1 78" 76.0 76.0 75.0 75.0 - 75.0 76.0 76.0 71.9 60.7 62.3 68A 62.0 72" 76.0 76.0 76.076.0 76.0 75.0 76.0 76.0 74.6 69.8 66.2 69.1 Robert J.Am ww.VE .........__.._._. I Fledde P.E.No.49752 68" 76.0 76.0 7510 76.0 76.0 76.0_- 76,0 76.0 76,0 76.0 71.2 64.4_ _. ......_........- 1101.. ._.......__..._--I 80" 75.0 78.0 76,0 76,0 76,0 76.0 T6,0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 70.9 0000.r 64" 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 1 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 78.0 76.0 1111. ,tio�� .y'AMES;� Psose 60.6" 78.0 75.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76,0 76.0 76.0 76.0 MAgwoQ��:��GENs pp�„� __. , 48" 76.0 76.0 76.0 75.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76476.0 76.0 76.0 75.0 4 Q,1 No 49762 ._ 42" 76.0 76.0 75.0 76.0 76.0 75,0 75.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 T5.0 75.0 "All�F ---.. y� 38A" 76.0 76.0 76,0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76A 76.0 76.0 75.0 75.0 76.0a:' 1111 _ --- -- X71•76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 75,0 76.0 76.0 76.0 75.0 76.0 tvr ..._-....._..._............... _-_..........._.....0100 "'off�' 30" 76.0 76,0 76.0 76.0_ 76A 76.0 76.0 76,0 78.0 760 76,0 76.0 O R ?4" 75.0 76.0 76.0 76,0 76.0 76.0 •76.0 76,0 76.0` 76.0 75.0 76.0 ss$+p� rrrmdri�