HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Florida Bu'ldig Code Page 1 of 2 Online r BCIS?H'ome ' Log In User Registration Hot Topics k Submit Surcharge I Stats&Facts Publications FBC Staff l,BCIS Site Map { Links Search I, Y f,l°° Product Approval j 1: u: USER:Public User ;. Product Apnroval,Menu>Product or Application Search>Aoollcation Lis C>Application Detail Y' FL-# FL18355-114 Application Type Revision Code-Versloh 2017 Application Status Approved �. Comments it � Archived i:�� i Product Manufacturer TAMKO Building Products,Inc. i ! Address/Phone/Emall PO.Box 1404 f _ Joplin,MO 64802 (417).624-6644 Ext 2305 ! kerri_eden@tamko,com i 4 Authorized'signature Kerri Eden ! I kerri_eden@tamko.com Technical Representative Kerri Eden Address/Phone/Email PO Box 1404 Joplin,MO 64802 si ! I (417)624-6644 Ext 2305 6 kerri_eden@tamko.com j { Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email i Category Roofing 4 F ' I r Subcategory Asphalt Shingles t Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer 0. T...! Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received i Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Zachary R. Priest the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-74021 Il Quality AssuranCe.Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance,Contract Expiration Date 01/07/2019 Validated By Locke Bowden ,rm Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received 11 C2rtificate_,.of Independence FL18355 R4 COI TBP15001�.4.2017 FBC Eval iR66rt Shinales final.odf Referenced and-Year of Standard ' ( ) Standard ;'? ;I Year ASTM D 3161 , 2016 ASTM D 3462 I 14 2010 ASTMD D 7158 ,' 2011 TAS 100 } 1995 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified B r y Approved Testing Lab 1, FU8355 R4 E_gw1v_)L letter for starif Ards fOr'IFBC 2017.pdf i Y I Sections from the Code http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr__app dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXOwtDauvo'srHaz�GXO... 1/11/201S I I Florida Building>Code Online Page 2 of 2 J d Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D I Date Submitted 09/25/2017 I ' i Date Validated. 09/27/2017 ¢ Date Pending FBCI Approval 10/08/2017 ; Date Approved 12/12/2017 Summary,of Products FL# Model;Numberor Name' Description I �, j 18355.1 Gla9s-Seal,Elite.Glass-Seal, ASTM D 3462 asph'ait shingles and hip and ridge shingles j Heritage,Heritage Premium, "Heritage Woodgate,Heritage P I - Vintage,.Hip and Ridge,and �I '- Vintage Hip and;.Ridge,Shingles j u l - u Limilts of Use Installation Instructions+4 I" Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL18355 R4 iI TBP15001;4 2017 OBC Eval Report Shingles {f Approved for-use outside^HVRZrYes enal.Ddf �' 7 Impact'Resistaet.:N%A Verifled By: Zachary R. Priest PE-74021 4 Design Pressure N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes k Other:See.evaluaton report for limits of.use. Evaluation Reports i,¢ jl FLI R4 AE TBP15001.4 201, FBC Eval ReDork Shingles final.Ddf I F, t Created-by Independent Third Party:Yes Back rNl.t Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-18'4 The State of Florida is ani °j AA/EEO`employer.Coovriaht 2007-2013 State of Florida,;;Privacy Statement;:Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement i Under Florida-law,email,addresses.are public records.If ydu do not want your e-mail address-released in response,to a public records request,do not send electronicmall to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by,traditional mail.if you•have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395,-Pursuant to j Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes;effective-October 1,2012,licenseeslicensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address If they have one.The emalis provided maybe used for official communicationwith the llcensee.-However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with•an eniail'addrss'whlch can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under j Chapter 455,F.S.;please click here. { Producti,ApprovaI Accepts: ii Credit Card i MKI WIN: a. i � I I i , II • I r h i Ij I; I l i. I'I http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app dtl.aspx?paraln=wGEVXOwtDGuvosrHa7GrX0 . 1/11001 R I 1' ' 1 - ill li Certificate of Authorization No.29824 CREEK ' ;� 17520 Edinburgh Dr � Tampa, FL 33647 TacHIVICAL SERVICES, LLC I � '(813)480-3421 EVALUATION,REPORT FLORIDA BUILDING C00E,6T"EDITION(2017) Manufacturer: TAMKQ BUILDING•PRODUCTS Issued September 25,2017 220 West 40 Street + Joplin, MO 64801 I , (417)624-6644 f ' Manufacturing Plants: Joplin, MO Phillipsburg, KS Frederick, MD Dallas.,TX - Tuscaloosa,AL r , 4iiality_Assurance: UL LLC(QUA9625) SCOPE Category: Roofing "l Subcategory: Asphalt Shingles j Code Sections: .1504.1-:1', 1507.2.5, t507.2.7.1, 1523.6.5.1 Properties: Physical properties,Wind Resistance,Wind Driven Raini } ii I REFERENCES i Entity;' Report No. Standard Year PRF'Construction Materials-Technologies(TST5878) TAP-043-02-01 TAS 1'00 ,p 1995 I PR-Co... I ..twn`Matenals Technologies(TST5878) TAP-051-02-01 TAS 1!00 1995 PRI Construction Matenals_Technologies(TST5878)' TAP-054-02-01 TAS 100 „ 1995 PRI'Con-stnuction Matenals Technologies(TST5878) TAP=114-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI'Construction Materials Technologies'(TST5878) TAP-117-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI.Construction:Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-130-02-01 TAS 1100 # 1995 PRI ConstructionMaterials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-131-02-01. TAS 100 1995 PRI:.onstruction`.Materials Technologies(T8T5878) TAP-165-02-01 TAS 100 ,, 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-280-02=01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-303-02-01 TAS 100 r 4 1995 PRLConstruction Materials Technolog'ies,-(TST5878) TAP-307-02-01 TAS 1,00 1995 PRI.Construction Materials Technologies_(TST587.8) TAP-314-02-01 Rev 2 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Matenals Technologies(TST5878) TAP-315-02-01 ASTM D 6381 2008(2013)e1 PRI;Gonstructioh Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-317-02-01 TAS 100 1995 UL,LLC(TST9,628) 02NK9507 ASTM D 3161 ;f 2616 UL.LLC(TST9628) 04NK94366 ASTM D 3462,:: 2610A UL LLC(TST9628) 05NK28606 UL ASTM D 6381 2008(2013)e1 ASTM D 7158 2011 UL LLC(TS19628) 06NK03898 ASTM D 3161 ,' 2016 I ASTM D 34621 2010A UL LLC(TST9628) 08CA59132 ASTM D 3161 2016 UL LLC(TST9628) 09NK07896 ASTM D 3161 2016 ASTM D 3462 2010A UL LLC(TST9628) I OCA50498 ASTM D 3462:; 2610A UL LLC(TST9628) 1 OCA64882 ASTM D 3161 2616 j UL LLC(TST9628) 11 NK14014 ASTM D 3161 2616 i ASTM D 3462 'I 2010A UL LLC(TST9628). 12CA24551 ASTM D 3161'4 2016 UL LLC-(TST9628) 4786110543 ASTM D 6381 2608(2013)e1 UL LLC(TST.9828) 4787043752 ASTM D 3161: 2016 UL.LLC(TST9628) 4787148748 ASTM D 7158;; 2011 ASTM D 3161!: 2016 ASTM D 3462 i'� 2010A CREEK Technical Services LLC(ANE11669) TBP15001.3 Calculations 2017 1 TBP15001.4 FL18355-R4Page 1 of 11 i This'evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer'shall notify CREEK TechmcatServices,.LLC of any product changes-or-quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which'this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor implymarranty,installation, recommended use, or other product attlributes that are not specifically addressed'herein. i G I ' + ,l • 'R D; Y TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS K !Asphalt Shingles il�.TEC.AN1cAL'SERvtCES,LLC i PRODUCT DESCRIPTION S' ;Elite.Glass-Seal@ 124/4".x36", ASTM D-3161, Class F and ASTM D 71158, Class H self-sealing, 3-tab (Frederick,Joplin& asphalt shingle with fiberglass mat coated on both side's with asphalt and surfaced with I Tuscaloosa) ceramic granules complying with ASTM D 3462. GlassSeal 12-1/4" x 36", ASTM D 3161, Class F and ASTM D 7,158, Class H self-sealing, 3-tab j (Frederick,& asphalt shingle with fiberglass mat coated.on both sides with asphalt and surfaced with Tuscaloosa)" ceramic granules complying with ASTM D 3462. Glass.-Seal 12-1/4'x 36", ASTM D 7158,Class H self-sealing, 3-tab asphalt shingle with.fiberglass " _(Joplin) mat coated on both sides with asphalt and surfaced with ceramic granules complying I with.ASTM D 3462. Shingles shall be used in the non-HVHZ only. !, 1 Heritage@ 13-1/4" x 39-3/8", ASTM D 3161, Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class H fiberglass j ,(Dallas,Frederick, reinforced, laminated architectural asphalt shingle surfaced,'iwith mineral granules Jopli'ri,Phillipsburg& complying with ASTM D 3462. l 1. Tuscaloosa) i I•� I i Heritage@ Premium 13-1/4" x 39-3/8", ASTM D 3161; Class. F and ASTM D 71158, Class H fiberglass (Dalla's,Frederick, reinforced, laminated-architectural asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral granules 'Phihiipsburg& complying with ASTM D 3462. Tuscaloosa) Heritage@"Premium 12" x 36", ASTM D 3161, Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class'lk fiberglass reinforced, j (Frederick) laminated architectural asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral'dtanules complying with ASTM D 3462. p Her e0 Vintage@ 17-1/2"x 40",ASTM D 3161, Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class H fibe(glass reinforced, I . (Phillipsburg) laminated architectural asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral granules complying with ASTM D'3462. Heritage&Woodgate 13-1/4" x 39-3/8", ASTM D 3161, Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class H fiberglass (Dallas&Frederick),' reinforced, laminated architectural, asphalt shingle surfaced 'with mineral granules complying with ASTM D 3462. _ I Heri#ge@Woodgate 12" x 36-3/8", ASTM D 3161, Class F fiberglass reinforced,�'laminated architectural (Frederick) asphalt shingle surfaced with;mineral granules complying with ASTM D 3462. Shingles shall be used in the non-HVHZ only. Hi an p: _,d"Ridge Shingles 12-1/4" x 12", ASTM 'D 3161,'Class F fiberglass reinforcedhip and ridge asphalt (Frederick&Joplin): shingle surfaced with mineral granules complying with+STM D'3462. 1/intage@:1-lip and Ridge 12" x 12 ASTM D 3161, Class F fiberglass reinforced, hip and ridge asphalt shingle (Phillipsburg) surfaced with mineral granules complying with ASTM DI 3462. „x I . } I TBP15001.4 FL18355-R4 i Page 2 of 11 Thisrevaluation report-is provided for State of lorida product'approval'utider Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer"shall notify CREEK Technical Services,LLC of•any,product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration 4 which;this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply:warcanty,jristallation,recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addre'ssed'herein. o; r • I 11II I � I Ii TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS CREEK Asphalt Shingles .,TECHMICAL,SERVICES,LLC 13 ` 9 INSTALLATIONL Elite Glass•-Seal® Basic Wind.Speed(Vit): Max. 194 mph (Frederick;Joplin& 'Basic Wind'Speed(Vud): Max. 150 mph Tuscaloosa) Deck(HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; i Solidly sheathed min. 19/32 in. plywood or wood plank for `.Olaiis4eal new construction; Min. 115/32 !.yin. plywood existing rederick,Joplin(Non- construction. i j HVHZ)&Tuscaloosa)• Deck(Non-HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min: 15/32 in. plywood or wood plank for i new construction; Min.7/16 in.OSBilexisting construction. ' Underlayment: In accordance with.FBC requirements. I Min.slope: 2:12 and in accordance with FBCirequirements. Refer to the manufacturer's application instructions when installing shingles at slopes7greater than 21:12. Installation(HVHZ): Installed with 5-1/8 inch-exposure in accordance with RAS f115'.and manufacturer's ptiblishedi"installation instructions. Shingles.shall be attached using-!'6 Nail Pattern" detailed below. Installation Installation (Non-HVHZ): Installed with 5-1/8-inch exposure in accordance with FBC requirements and manufacturer'sj, published installation instructions. Shingles.shall be attached using,either"4 Nail j Pattern"or"6 Nail'•Pattern"detailed below. 1 It i NAILS i 14, NWIiing, - G 718 Area , - 5-118" Butt f Edg� Figure I. Elite Glass-Seal.&Glass-Seal j 4-Nail-Pattern (Non-HVHZ drily) r p l • i ;� NAILS. Nailing -... . - _... .........- Ares _......__.....- --.__.......-- ....--•---- - ,,� 5-118" Ditt Ease Figure 2. Elite,Glass-Seal&Glass-Seal t 6 Nail Pattern TBP15001 4 FL18355-R4- Page 3 of 11 Th!"valUation report is provided for State of•Florida product approval under Rule,61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Tec tinicaP$ervtces;.LLC of any'product changes or quality assurance changes.throughout the!duration ifor which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation,recommended use,or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed°herein. y i 4 •_ 1� I f� Y TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS �CR�" E'I'1 i, AsphaltShingles TECHNICAL SERVICES,LLC • i ,5 Heritage® Basic Wind Speed(Vu;t): Max. 194 mph (Dallas, Frederick,Joplin, Basic Wind'Speed'(Va.d): Max. 150 mph ! ji Phillipsburg&Tuscaloosa). Deck{HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 19/32 in. plywood or,wood plank for H6?ita6e®_Premium new construction; Min. 15/32 'in. plywood existing (Dallas, Frederick construction. OhilliosLi_u�g&Tuscaloosa) Deck.(Non-HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 15/32 in. plywood or wood plank for •Heritage®W.o'odggW new construction; Min.7/1 fi in.OSB�existing construction. (Dallas'&°Frdderick). Underlayment; In,accordance with FBC requirements. Min.slope: 2:12 and in accordance with FBC irequirements. Refer to the manufacturer's application instCUctions' when installing shingles-at slopes greater than 21:12. Installation(HVHZ): Installed with 5-5/8 in. exposure in accordance with RAS 115 and manufacturers published`instalUtion instructions. j Shingles shall be attached using "6 Nail Pattern" detailed ! below. r'A ` Installation'(Non-HVHZ): Installed'with 5-5/8 in. exposure in,accordance with FBC I requirerrients and manufacturer's;published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using either"4 Nail Pattern"or"6 Nail Pattern"'idetailedielow. I i ' it NAILZONF. FASTENERS IPOMMON I;BOND !. 671/$" EXPOSURE 6-6/8" -•12-318 - - 12-112' L-1" I ' � I` Figure.3. Heritage®, Heritage®;Premium,and Heritage®Woodgate,(Dallas) 4 Nall Pattern(non-HVHZ only) ''i FASTENERS NAIL ZONE GOMMO,N BOND 'f 6-iL8" EXPOSURE 7-172"'-►�- 7-3&_jiF 7-1/�"-►h-7-1/2'� �--1 Figure 4. Heritage®$ Heritage®Premium I 6 Nail Pattern TB015001.4 FL18355-R4 Page 4 of 11 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product,approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK TechnicalSeivices,LLC,of•any product changes,or quality assurance changes throughout the lduration for whicI4 this report is valid. This evaluation report does notexpress nor imply warranty, installation,recommended-use,or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein..' 9 I u it TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS :Asphalt Shingles 1EEK TECHNltAL'SERVICES,LLC I NAIL ZONE/...j Ct71iJI;IVION 84b A5TENERS' a ; f — S,UR.E1SW1 t t Y , ` 1" ='i�2"!�7 ti2' -316' �if2W►�i�7�112.• , Figure 5., Heritage.@ Woodgate 6 Nail'Pattern r. _ -r�i�'1°�-!---12:'!!2"--- _ ��•_---i2-712, i 1,I�n�,�..,�1 ! I common-Bond ! i FASTENERS I f , r>. c`N g, 1� 3g-W8" F3 &Herita e@4 Wood .ate i Figure 6. Heritage@;Her Premium, g Alternate 6:Nair Pattern i DANT M --.., `NAILZON;F'. 'E , D?GE CSF.. :EXPOSURE, 'R AC:C•ERT�BLE::. fi FASTENER'LQDATION I aQNOT FASTEN' ,$ ALC7 4 EDGEx.4F _ D'4NCNlAN BOND' , i PfiEFER-'E•D FAS T, -R` 1, LOCATItN I' I I i Figure 7. Heritage®(Tuscaloosa) ! Expanded Nail'Zone I 'Nag patterns'froin.Figures 3,4,arid`6 may be placed in the nail zone as described above - TBP15001.4 FL18355-R4 t' Page 5 of 11 This evaluation'report is provided,for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer'shall notify CREEK Technical.Seruices;LL-C.of any product-changes or quality assurance-changes throughout the duration for whictkbis report is valid. -Ths evaluation report does not express nor.imply warranty,installation,recommended use, or,other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. 4, GREE' j TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS K I i Asphalt Shingles TECHNICAL SERVICES,LLC Heritage®Premium Basic Wind Speed(Vine): Max. 194'mph (Frederick) Basic Wind.'Speed(Vwd): Max. 150 mph } Deck(HVHZ)-. In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 19/32 in. plywood o�wood plank for new construction; Min. ; 15/32 `in. plywood existing construction. Deck(Non-HVHZ): In accordance with.FBC requirements; ' Solidly sheathed rein. 15/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new,construction Min.7/16 in.OSBgexisting construction. Underlayment: In accordance with FBC requirements. Min:slope: 2:12 and in accordance with FBCi requirements. Refer to the•manufacturer's application insiruction6 when installing t shingles at slopes greater than 21:12. . Installation(HVHZ); Installed with 5 in.•exposure in accordance with RAS 115 and manufacturers published ir%stallation 'instructions. Shingles shall be attached using T Nail Pattern" detailed below. I i Installation (Non-HVHZ): Installed with 5 in. exposure in [accordance with FBC requirements and manufacturer's[ published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using either"4 Nail + Pattern"or"6 Nail'Pattern"detailed below.i �� II NAIL ZONE/ FASTENERS /COMMCIN BOND i 5112" DCPOSUREi 5' 1"—►� �-- 11'.e_ .L 12" �► -1.1 �, �,t-1�� I' j Figure•8. Heritage®Premium (Frederick) I 4 Nail'Pattern(non-HVHZ only) I NAIL ZONE/ • FASTENERS VCOMM16N BOND T1 u EXPOSURE V r - Figure 9. Heritage@ Premium (Frederick) I r j 6 Nail Pattern I , • 113P1.5001.4 FL18355-R4 ! Page 6 of 11 j This evaluatlon.report.is;provided forState of Florida product approyal..under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,LLC of any pi-oduct-changes or quality'assurance changes throughout the!duration for whicli this report is valid. This evaluation report does not`express nor imply'warranty,installation,recommended use,or other product attributes that are not specificallyz addressed'herein: { I �'4 i i G.R�EK TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS Asphalt Shingles TEChINICAL,SERVICES,LLC !?' Heritage®Woodgate; Basic Wind Speed(V,nc): Max. 194 mph (Frederick) Basic Wind Speed(Vasa): Max. 150 mph Deck(Non-HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 15/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction;'Min.7/16 in.OSB;existin"g construction. Underlayment: In accordance withFBC requirements. Min.slope: 2:12 and in accordance with FBC''requirements. Refer to the manufacturer's application instructions when installing shingles at slopes greater than 21:112. Installation (Non-HVHZ): Installed with 5 in. exposure in accordance with FBC requirements and manufacturers published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attaohed using either"4 Nail j Pattern"or"6 Nail Pattern"detailedjbelow.; I NAIL ZONE/ COMMON BOND FASTENERS ? 5.112 EXPOSURE 5" i' � i I ' 1.'—''1 , '�— 1.1" .-�---T2-3/S"-�-- 11" -.►I �1" ��� d Figure 10'. Heritage®Woodgate(Frederick)' l 4'Nail Pattern (non-HVHZ only), i NAILZONE/ FASTENERS' COMf'�ON BONIy IT EOSURE., I 1"—►I �- g-112"4j*3' 9�18" 3'1►}4� Figure 11. Heritage®Woodgate (Frederick)' 6 Nail'Pattern TBP15001.4 FL18355 R4 ; Page 7 of 11 This:evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,LLC;of any product changes or quality assurance;changes throughout the duration for which(this report is valid. This evaluation report does not,express nor imply warranty,installation, recommended use,ori other protluct attributes that are not specifically addressed-herein. ;I, I i , I , CREEK' � TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS 'Asphalt Shingles 7EC1 NICALSERVICES,LLC .Heritage®Vintage® ' Basic Wind Speed(Vwt): Max. 194 mph '`(Pfiillip'.sburg)` Basic Wind Speed(Vasa): Max. 150 mph Deck(HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 19/32 in. plywood or`wood plank for new construction; Min. ; 15/32 ;`iin. plywood existing construction. •„ I i Deck(Non-HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; ;1 r Solidly sheathed min. 15/32 in. plywood o�wood plank for new construction; Min.7/16 in.OSBsexisting construction. Underlayment: In accordance with FBC requirements. j Min.slope:' 2:12 and in accordance with FBC brequirements. Refer to the manufacturers application instructions when installing - shingles at slopes greater than 21:12. ,i Installation(HVHZ): Installed with 5 in. exposure in accordance with RAS 115 and manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using 1'6 Nail Pattern" detailed below. Installation (Non-HVHZ): Installed with 5 in. exposure in, accordance with FBC requirements .and manufacturer's, published installation ' instructions. Shingles shall be attached using either"5 Nail Patternor"6•Nail.Pattern"!detailed below.'' i r 5 llgmmt Et PosU" it fT � nems z I Notch' I T Fasmnas Nail 9 I ore 0 _- - ' I 1 �I 5" V'y Expxure Figure 1.2. Heritage®Vintage® 5 Nail Pattern (non-HVHZ only) 'r I 40' nij ora,R • y• fiistmers Nel;�' � 17-11r LiBq>oiuno I +�s•�rr—+� �--aero' '�-1E1K'-►� �--16114• I I .. Figure 13. Heritage®Vintage° 6 Nail Pattern K TBP1`5001.4 FL18355-R4 " Page 8 of 11 This.eyaluation-report is provided for State of Florida.product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical-Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the'duration forwhich this report,is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,installation,recommended use,or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. .I I I 'I TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS RLy K Asphalt Shingles TECHNICAL'SERVICES,LLC Hip&Ridge, Basic Wind Speed(V,it): Max. 194 mph H (Frederick&Joplin) Basic Wind Speed.(%m): Max. 1'50 mph I' Deck(HVHZ): In accordance withFBC requirements ; r Solidly sheathed min. 19/32 in. plywood or wood plank for I new construction; Min. 15/32 ,'m. plywood existing - construction. j Deck(Non-HVHZ): In accordance with FSC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 15/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min.7/16 in.OSB1existing construction. Underlayment: in accordance with FBC requirements. I Min.-slope: 2:12 and in accordance with FBC requirements. Installation: Installed with 6-1/8 inch exposure;Nn accordance with the FBC and manufa6turer's published'installation instructions. The direction.of the,exposed end;,shall be away from the prevailing wind. ' Direction.of::prevailing_wind Start 54/8" exposure here here 3 Figure 1 5=1/8„I exposreu h Alt .I ill' I r ”"astener Fastener i - I SID i Figure,2 Figure 3 I' + 1/4" +, Figure 14. Hip&-Ridge(Frederick&Joplin) TBP15001.4 FL1;8355-R4 Page,9 of 11 Thieevalptioft report is.pro4ided ior.:State of Florida product approiial under Rule 61620-3. The manufacturer'shall notify CREEK Technical Services,.LLC'of-any-product changes or<quality.assurance changes throughout the jduration�6r which this report is valid. This evaluatiori.report does not express'-nor imply warranty;installation,recommended use,o�other product attributes that are not speoifically addressed herein. H d I i TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS : CREAK Asphalt Shingles TFcH.NICAL SERVICES,-LLC U•intage@ HipA-Ridge Basic Wind Speed'(V,ni): Max. 194 mph (Phillipsburg') Basic Wind Speed(Vasa): Max. 150 mph ,: Deck(HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly-sheathed min. 19/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min. 15/32': in. plywood existing construction. Oeck(Non-HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed rein. 15/32 in. plyw00d dr wood plank for new construction; Min.7/16 in.OSB'existing construction. Underlayment: In accordance with FBC requirements. Min.slope: 2:12 and in accordance with FBC requirements. Installation: Installed with 5 inch exposure in accordance with the FBC i and':manufacturer.s published instailation instructions. The direction of the exposed! end shall be�away from the prevailing wind. i Direction-of-prevailing wind i .S .tart 5" exposure r ! ere ,Start I f here 15" exposure Figure 1 'Fastener ,�I FaAaner X5-1/2" �� Figure 2 1!4 1Figur e'3 Figure 15. Vintage®Hip 8k.Ridge(Phillipsburg) I ' 'I I TBP15001.4 FL18355-R4 j �, Page 10 of 11 This evaluation;report is provided.'for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manu'facturer•'shall notify CREEK Technical-Seryices,LLC of any product:changes orquality'assurance changes throughout the'duration;for which this report is valid. Th'is;evaluation report.does not'express nor Imply warranty,installation, recommended'use,or other product attributes that are not specifcally.addressed^herein. ; ' li, 1 u TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS E. EK Asphalt Shingles TECHNICAL SERVICES,LLC `LIMITATIONS, 11 1) Fire Classification is not within the scope of this evaluation. 2) The roof deck,.and-the-roof deck attachment shall"be designed by,others to;meet the,minimum design loads established:for.components and cladding and in accordance with FBC requirements: 3) The,mean roof heig' h.t.shall be restricted to a maximum,33 ft in the HVHZ. I 4) Classification to ASTM D 7158 applies to exposure B&C with a building mean roof;height of 60-ft or less. j 5) Deck substrates shall be clean, dry, and free from any irregularities and debris. All fasteners in the deck .shall be-checked.for protrusion and corrected.prior to unde'rlayment application. 6) Shingles':shall be installed,-starting.at the eade in horizontal.layers such t iat the laps shed water from the deck. 7) 'Installation of the evaluated products shall comply with.this report, the FBC, 'and the manufacturers I :published application instructions. Where discrepancies exist between these sources, the more restrictive and code, "compliant detail shall prevail. g 8) All products'listed-in this report•shall be manufactured.under a quality assurance program in Compliance with Rule'61 G20-3: I .I i COMPL'IANCE,STATEMENT The products evaluated herein,by Zachary R. Priest, P.E. have demonstrated complianoeiwith the Florida Building Code,6 Edition(2017)as evidenced',in the referenced documents submitted.by the namedmanufacturer. i E A4' 20.17:09.25 .. - I ? No 74021 2.G 11'31:41 STATE OF ZU _0400' --'N4 p P r��-,• Zachary R. Priest, P.E. -��� ,,, Florida Organization No.IA on E11669? CERTIFICATION-,OF-INDEPENDENCE CREEK Technical Services, LLC does not have,nor will it acquire,a financial interest in anycompany manufacturing or tlistributing products undeMbis evaluation. ; I CREEK Technical Services,LLC is not owned,operated,or controlled by any company manufacturing or.distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R. Priest, P.E.does not have, nor will acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products a under'this,evaluation. i 1 ii 'I Zachary R.Priest,P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the 4 protluct. I �r • I END OF REPORT # TBP15001.4 FL18355-R4 '';' Page 11 of 11 This evaluation report is provided for State.of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Servlges,.LLC of any product changes orquality assurance changes throughout the tluration for which',this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,Installation, recommended use, or!,other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. I ' • i ;I Florida�Buil n Code'Online j Page 1 of 2 FiV. 1�g it°aa..r. §' BCIS•Home ( Log In ( User Registration ( Hot Topics ( Submit Surcharge 1 Stats&Facts ( Publications ( FBC Staff i SCIS Site Map ( Links ( Search i Florida; Product Approval USER:Public User : �rrr x:xs,•rc� Prgduct Agproval Menu>Product or Application,e=h>Application List>Application.Detail I' 4 FL# - FL2569-R13 t Application Type Revision Code;Verslon 2017 ;4 Application Status Approved l - Comments ! I t "Archived ED I .I �t Product Manufacturer_ Soprema,Inc. (Canada) { ! Address/Phone/Email 1640 rue Haggarty Drummondville,NON-US 00000 { (819)478-2400 I i+ memathieu@soprema.ca Iyy, Authorized Signature Marc-Etienne Mathieu { memathieu@soprema.ca �¢ Technical.Representative Marc-Etienne Mathieu i q Address/Phone/Email 1688 Jean-Berchmans-Michaud y Drummondville,NON-US 00000 !' (819)478-2400 Ext 3327 1 memathieu@soprema.ca I Quality Assurance Representative Jean-Francois Cote, Ph.D. i ;j• Address/Phone/Email 1640 rue Haggarty I Drummondville k (888),811-3145 jfcote@soprema.ca Category Roofing i Subcategory Underlayments ! ;i i Compliance Method, Evaluation Report,from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida•Professional Engineer 01 Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Robert J.M.Nieminen i the Evaluation Report !Si I _ !- Florida License PE-59166 I !i ( Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC- r ! Quality.Assurance Co ntract'Expi ration Date 07/18/2020 , Validated By John W:Knezevich,PE Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received i; certificate I ofIndependence FL2569 R13 COI 2017 01 'COI Nieminen Ddf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standardi.'i Year ASTM D1970 !� 2015 ASTM D6163 j Ij 2008 f FM 4474 i 2011 i FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12) 2012 TAS 110 i 2000 UL 1897 1 2012 I , I � p . I I h I ikri hq://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXOwtDgsKOFEn6'kB 10... 1/11/2018 Florida Building Code Online l Page 2 of 2 Equival'ence!of Product Standards Certified By' Sections from the Code � q fI. I t Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D I Date'Submitted 10/09/2017 Date Validated 10/11/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/15/2017 Date Approved 12/12/2017 p Surnmary.of Products, k, FL#' Model;Number,or Description i :I , Name i' 1 1 2569:1 Soprema Roof Self adhering roof underlayments Underlayinents j 1 Cifnits•.of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No .FL2569'R13 II 2017 10 FINAL ER SOPREMA CA UNDERLAYMENTS FL2569- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes R13;odf Impact Resistant N%A Verified By: Robert Nieminen,P.E. PE 159166 iii I Design;Pressure.�+N%A/-150 Created by'Iridependent Third Party:Yes , Other: 1)Refeir'to ER Section 5 for Evaluation Reports I Litnil:S.of Use.2.)The design pressure FI2569 R13 AF'2017 10 FINAL ER ISOPRF..MA CA UNDERLAYMENTS FL2569- noted herein;pertains to underlayment R13.Ddf systems used beneath`adhesive-set#ile Created by Independent Third Party:Yes q. systems.Refer to ER.Section 5.6.4 for p, I :details. r - '• " Back Next i ;I, Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone!850-487-1824 i The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Coovrioht-2007-2013'State 5 Florida.:;Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement;;Refund Statement i Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want'your e-mail address releasedlln responselto a public-records request,do not send - electronic mail to.thisentlty..Instead,contact,th'e`offce byvphone or by traditional mail.If you have any,questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to 'Section 455.275(1),F.loNda Statutes,:effective•October..1,2012;dIcensemlicensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with•an,email address If they have one.The+emalls.provided;reay be used'¢or official communicatlon.with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply'a personal:address,please•provide the Department than emall%6ddress which cambe`made available to the putilic.To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,-please click h6re. i Product-Approval Accepts: Credit Cardr , ;S_ de_ H .I I 1 , li f i I,' I la http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDasKOFEnckB 10... 1/11/201 R I r i i' EXTERIOR RESEARCH&DESIGN,LLC. I certificate of Authorization#19503 353 CHRISTIAN STREET,UNIT#13 U. T.- ERDRINITY I OXFORD,CT 06478 (203)262-9245 EVALUATION REPORT Soprem"a'lnc. Evaluation Report 518010.06.09-R11 1640.rue HaggertyFL2569-1113 Drummondville;Quebec J2C 5P8 Canada Date of Issuance:06/15/2009 (819)-478-,2400 j I, Revision 11:10/06/2017 I SCOPE: I This Evaluation Report-is issued under-Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida.The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, i P.E..for use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Ccl,Residential Volume. The products;described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 6" Edition (2017). Florida Building Code sections noted.;herein. DESCRIPTION: Soprema,Roof Underlayments i it LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. j CONTINUED,COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes,the referenced QualityAssurance,documentation changes,-or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report. by the named,client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P.E. if the product j changes;or the refereced Quality Assurance documentation changes.Trinitvl ERD requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative'to:updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: The,Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "Trinity I ERD Evaluated"1 may be displayed in advertising literature.-If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed,then it shall be done in,its entirety. INSPECEION: Upon.'request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided!to the user bylthe manufacturer or its distributors and shall.be available.for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 8. j Prepared by: ,tA�lailrp,+n,`� • iThe Robert ':+JcM.:Nieminen.P.E. •,,o:.�..: • r:'- �Cr�FS�'`x'G^ �`,, Nieminen,P.E.oni10/06/2 17.This tdoes nozed tserve as an I y Robert Florida Registration No.59166,Florida DCA ANE1983 :�, �oy,,�. .: � ,� / / q-, electronically sign ed document. CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: 1. Trinity;JERD does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest in'-any company manufacturing or I distributing products it•evaluates. 2. Trinityl ERD isnot owned,operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieminen,P.E.does not have nor will acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for I which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Nieminen;P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved in the,approval process of the product. j 5. This is:a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity ERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way;j�the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically-for that purpose. i 'i I I d'i tl TTR INITYERD E ROOFING COMPONENT EVALUATION: • � Lj. ,I 1. SCOPE: i f , Product Category., Roofing i Sub=Category: Underlayment ' Compliance Statement: Roof Underlayments,as produced by Soprema, have demonistrated compliance with the j following sections of the 6u' Edition (2617)'Florida Building Code,through testing in accordance with the following I Standards. Compliance is subject to.the Installation Requirements and Limitations % Conditions of Use set forth herein. 2. STANDARDS: Section Property Standard - Year 1'504.3.1 Wind Resistance FM 44741 2011 1504.3.1 Wind Uplift UL 1897 2012 1507:1.1,T1507.1.1,1507.2.9.2 Physical Properties ASTM D1970 2015 1507.3:3 Physical Properties FRSA/TRIIApril_2012 II 2012 FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12) Physical Properties ASTM D6163 i 2008 TAS 110 Accelerated Weathering TAS 110 ? 2000 iF 3, REFERENCES: I i I Lj Entity Examination Reference I; Date ERD(TST6049) ASTM D1970./TAS 110 2968.05.04-2 05/14/2004 ERD.(TST6049) Physical Properties 2757.02.05 i 02/03/2005 ERD(TST6049) ASTM D1970/TAS 110 2974.03.05-2 ;• 'a 05/17/2005 ERD:(TST:6049) Wind Resistance 2778.07.05 l; 07/15/2005 ERD(TST6049) Wind Resistance 2779.11.05-Ri ! ! 04/18/2007 f ERD(TST6049) TAS 103/TAS 110 57120.11.07-2 ! 11/02/2007 ERD(TST6049) ASTM D1970/TAS 110. 513190.02.09-R1;, 04/01/2010 ERD.(TST6049) ASTM D1970/TAS 110 531370.03.10-1-R1l !I' 04/07/2010 ERD:(TST6049) Physical Properties/Tensile Adhesion S11150.05.10-R1 09/09/2010 ERD'(TST6049) Physical Properties/Tensile Adhesion 511150.05.09-R2 'I 10/05/2010 ERD(TST6049) ASTM D1970 537210.11.11 ' 11/09/2011 ERD(TST6049) ASTM D1970 540540.02.13-1 ;v 02/19/2013 ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties/Tensile Adhesion S43530.02.14-1 4 02/21/2014 ER D-(TST6049) Physical Properties/Tensile Adhesion SOPC-SC7645.02.15 02/13/2015 E:RD(TST6049) Accelerated Weathering SOPC-SC8520.14 i1 1 04/17/2015 ERD,(TSl 6049) Wind'Resistance SOPC-SC14045.05'.17- R1 06/07/2017 M-'D(CER1592) HVHZ Corripliance 15-0508.04 F i 09/24/2015 ICC-ES(EVL2396) 2015 IBC,Comoliance ESR-1524 ;'j 03/01/2017 j 'PRI'(TST5878)- Physical Properties SOP-064-02-01 I" 12/03/2013 Soprema,Inc.(PDM3511) Equivalency Declaration SA SMOOTH PLY 40' 06/29/2015 UL,LLC'(QUA9625) Quality Control Service Confirmation Exp.07/18/2020 4. .PRODUCT;DESCRIPTION: J 4.1 'Lastobond TU"HT is a self-adhering,,non-.woven polyester fabric surfaced};SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment; meets ASTM D1970 and FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12). { 4.2 Lastobond Shield is_a self-adhering, woven polyethylene surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment available in two widths;36 and 45 inch;meets ASTM D'1970. 4.3 RESISTO SA SMOOTH PLY 40 is a self-adhering,woven polyethylene'surfaced,SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment;available in 3.3 ft x 65 ft rolls;meets ASTM D1970. 1 4.4 Lastobond Shield HT is a self-adhering, woven polyethylene surfaced, higl temperature, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment;meets ASTM D1970. t i ' Exterior Research and Design,I.I.C.g Evaluation'Report S38010.06.09-R11 Certficate ofAuthoRrodon#9503 ' 6'"EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL2569-1113 Soprema,Inc. Revision 11:10/06/2017 3 Page 2 of 8 i .r I 1�i If I TKINI ERD 4.5 Lastobond Pro HT-N is a self-adhering, woven polyethylene surfaced, :SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment available in two widths;,36and 45 inch;meets ASTM D1970. 4.6 Lastobond'Pro HT-S is a self-adhering,'woven polyethylene surfaced, high,temperature, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment;rneets•ASTM'D1970. 4.7 Lastobond 195 is a self-adhering, glass-mat reinforced, sand-suifaced, ISBS modified bitumen roof underlayment; meets ASTM D1970. 4.8 Lastobond Eaves Protection Sheet is a self-adhering, glass-mat reinforced, 'sand-surfaced, SBS modified " bitumen roof underlayment;-meets ASTM D1970. ; I' 4.9 Lastobond Eco is a -self-adhering, glass-mat reinforced, sand-surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof j underlayment;meets ASTM':D1970. '4.10 Lastobond Smooth Seal HT is a self-adhering, glass-mat reinforced, film-surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment;meets ASTIVI D1970, 4.11 RESISTO LB1236 is a self-adhering, glass-mat reinforced, sand-surfaced,;SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment,with a 36-inch sheet width;meets ASTM D1970. C; 4.12 PrImeS6urc.e Grip-Rite.Eaver&Valley Protector is a self-adhering,glass-mat reinforced,sand-surfaced,SBS 4 modified bitumen roof underlayment,with a'36-inch sheet width;meets ASTM D1970. 4:13 RESISTO LB1244, is a self-adhering, glass-mat reinforced, sand-surfaced,:ISBS modified bitumen roof underlayment,with a 44-inch skeet-width;meets ASTM D1970. 4.14 Colphene.FR GR is a self-adhering, fiberglass reinforced, granule-surfaced,!SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment;meets ASTM D1970 and FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12). I , S. LIMITATIONS: V : J 5.1 This isa building,code evaluation. Neither Trinity]ERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E! are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation.Report) or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or•design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. I , 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in FBC HVHZ jurisdictions. 5.3 "Fire Classification is not part of this report; refer to current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings ''0f L 5:4. Soprema Roof:Underlayments may be used with any prepared roof cover where the product is specifically referenced within FBC approval documents. If not listed, a request may be made to the Authority Having I Jurisdiction for approval based on this evaluation combined with supporting data for the prepared roof covering... d' 55 Allowable Roof Covers: iII I TA r t k t o 5 s i - Asphalt Nail=On Foam-On i; Wood Shakes& !- Underlayment i Met a': I Shingles Tile Tile I ; Shingles Lastobond-TU HT Se'e,5 51` tair' x Lastobond,Shield/Pro HT-N/RESISTO SA s = Yes r; No °No'a � Na Yes Yes` SIVl00TH'PLY'40 �. `u,w1 „ 4. I�Y " s<s Lastobond'Shield HT/Pro'HT-S es Lastobond Eaves-Protection Sheet/ A. <, # YesNd Noa�' No f Yes a Y. Lastobond 1-95 IN , z � i t Lastobond ECO./RESISTO L61236;Grip- va i tK; w Rite..Eave"&Valley Protector/RESISTO Qmg Yes Yes L81244a�((#� ....G .....::.'e�..15%.'.�'t'S'!x..,.. �::. J, Exterior Research and Design,.I.I.C. Evaluatioti Report 518010.06.09-1111 Certiflicate.ofAuthorization#9S03 6T"EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL2569-1113 Soprema,Inc. i� Revision 11:10/06/2017 I Page 3 of 8 I p I II 1 � 4 S I I TPJNITY ERD t o acs z ft r TABLE 1 PROOF COVER OPTIONS S+ `, y N Asphalt Nail-On Foam=On Woad Shakes& Underlayment Metal Slate Shingles Tile Tile Shingles Lastobond Smooth Seal HT F � .,x;Np r H Yes .- y v Yes Yes i Col Nene FR GR Yeses ` 'Yes Yes ' j No I Yes 4- Yes p J 5.5.1 "Foam-On Tile"is limited to use of following Approved tile adhesives y underlaymentycombinations. , r :„ S+� c U� ,���: �` r � TABLE 1'A ALLOWABLE.�TILE'ADIiE51VEr�'UNDERLAYMENT COMBINATIONS) s; ` ' Adhesive Florida Product Approval Underlaym'ents Dow,TileBondi"" FL22525 Lastobond TUIHT ICP Adhesives Polyset°AH-160 FL6332 Lastobond TU;HT or Colphene FR GR 5.6 Allowable Substrates: 5:6.1 Direct-Bond to.Deck: Lastobond Shield,,Lastobond Pro HT-;N, RESISTO SA SMOOTH PLY 140, Lastobond(Shield HT, Lastobond _ Pro HT-S, Lastobond TU HT,Lastobond Eaves Protection Sheet,Lastobond 1G95,Lastobond ECO,RESISTO 01236,,Grip-Rite Eave&Valley Protector,RESISTO LB1244 or Lastobond Smooth Seal HT applied to: ➢ Plywood;ASTM D41 primed plywood; OSB;ASTM D41 primed OSB;Southern Yellow Pine;ASTM D41 primed Southern Yellow Pine;ASTM D41 primed structural concrete. i Colphene FR GR applied to: 'I ➢ Plywood;ASTM-D41 primed plywood;ASTM D41.primed structural concrete. Note: While not required over plywood, OSB or Southern Yellow Pine substrates, Soprema recommends priming with Elastocol Stick or Elastocol 600c if the final roof cover is notslatedfor installation within 24 hours. Soprema requires tongue-and-groove board decking be covered with plywood or OSB prior to installation of the self-adhering underlayment. 5.6.2 Bond-to-insulation: Lastobond Shield, Lastobond Pro HT-;N, RESISTO SA SMOOTH PLY40, Lastobond Shield HT, Lastobond Pro HT-Sjastobond TULastobond.Eaves.Protection Sheet, Lastobond 1195,Lastobond.ECO,RESISTO LB1236, Grip-Rite Eave &Valley Protector,AE51STO LB1244, Lastobond Smooth Seal HT or Colphene FR GR applied to: ➢ Dens Deck Prime;SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board. For installation under mechanically attached prepared roof coverings, insuJlation shall be attached per minimum requirements of the prepared roof covering manufacturer's Product Approval. For installations ! under foam-on tile systems(Lastobond TU HT only),insulation attachment shall be designed by a qualified design professional and installed based on testing of the insulation%underlayment'system in accordance with FM 4474,Appendix D,Testing Application Standard TAS 114,Appendix J or UL1807. 1 Refer to Tile Manufacturers or Adhesive Manufacturer's Florida Product Approval for Overturning Moment Resistance Performance. Exterior Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation,Report S18010.06.09-R11 Certb7cate ofAuttiiorizatlon#9503 6T"EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVH2 EVALUATION FL2569-R13 Soprema,Inc. Revision 11:10/06/2017 Page 4 of 8 ' a , I I I TRINITY ERD 5.6:3 -Bondto Mechanically Attach ed.Base:Laver: Lastobond Shield, Lastobond Pro HT-N, RESISTO SA SMOOTH'PLY 40, Lastobond Shield HT, Lastobond Pro _ HT-S, Lastobond TU HT, Lastobond Eaves Protection Sheet, Lastobond 19,5, Lastobond ECO, RESISTO LB1236,Grip=Rite Eave&Valley Protector, RESISTO LB1244,Lastobond Smooth Seal IHT or Colphene FR GR applied to: ! p. j ➢ ASTM D226,Type I or 11 felt;Sopra-G;Modified Sopra-G. o For.installations under"mechanically attached prepared roof,coveri I gs, base layer shall be attached per minimum codified requirements. For installations under foam-on vile systems (Lastobond TU HT only), base layer shall be attached in accordance witli FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12).,r 5.6.4 Wind-:Resistance for Underlayment Systems in Foam-On Tile Applications: 'FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) i does not address wind uplift resistance of all un`derlayment systems beneatf ifoam-on tile systems,.where " the underlaymentforms part of the load-path. The following wind uplift limitations apply to underlayment systems that are.not addressed in',FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) and lare used lin foam-on tile applications. Maximum Design-Pressure is the result of testing for wind'load resistance based on;allowable wind loads, and reflects the ultimate passing pressure divided by 2 (the 2 to 1 margin'of safety per FBC 1504.9 has already,been applied). Refer to FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12)or FBC 1609 for;determination of design wind pressures. t; I #1 Maximum Design P..ressure=--45.0 Psf: . I ry Deck:. Min. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements�to satisfaction of Authority Having-Jurisdiction. I 'Primer: (Optional) Elastocol Stick, Elastocol 600c or RESISTO EXTERIOR PRIMER i Underlayment: Lastobond TU,HT or Colphene FR GR,self-adhered� p 1 � I ;i i #2 Maximum Design_ Pressure=-67.5 asf: Deck: Structural concrete to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. j Primer: :Elastocol.600c ! r Qnderlaymentr Lastobond TU HT-or Colphene FR GR,self-adhered. #3 Maximum Design Pressure=-150.0:asfr Deck: Min. 15/324hch APA-rated BCX plywood (may be installed C-side up) to meet project i i requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jdrisdiction. I Deck-Preparation: Plywood shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove dust land debris that may inhibit adhesion.. All sheathing fasteners shall be driven flush]with the surface. All sharp splinters and wood projections shall be removed/sanded. i'. Primer:" (Optional)•RESISTO EXTERIOR PRIMER w Underlayment: Lastobond TU HT, self-adhered, shall be thoroughly roll using hand roller and/or I weighted,roller to ensure there are no voids, and ensure there are no voids/bridging at " side and end-laps. , L #4 Maximum Design Pressure=-60 0 psf: i -Deik: -Min. 19/327inch plywood to meet project requirernents; to osatisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. + i Base Sheet: Sopra-G'or-Modified Sopra-G mechanically attached with.-nails (FBC 1517.5.1) and tin I caps (FBC 1517.5.2) spaced 6-inch oa.c. at the 4-inch laps and 6�lnch o.c. in three (3), equally spaced rows in the center of the sheet. !°y I Underlayment:" Lastobond TU,HT or Colphene FR GR,self-adhered All other"direct-deck, adhered Soprerna underlayment systems beneath foam-on' tile systems carry a Maximum Design.Pressure of-45 psf. i t i � H i Exterior Research and Design,I.I.C. Evaluation.Report 518010.06.09-R31 CertF/lcate ofAuthorizarlon#9503 6T"EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVH2 EVALUATION ii FL2569-R13 Soprema,1nc. j i Revision 11:10/06/2017 fi Page 5 of 8 .s 'I Io- ' 14 II 'S QT R1NI ry ERD ". For mechanicall.y:.attached Base Sheet,the,maximum design pressure'for thelselected assembly shall meet or,exceed that required•under FRSA/TRFApril 2012.(04-12),Appendix A,Table 1A. Alternatively, the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shallG meet or exceed the Zone 1 design pressure determined in:accordance with FBC 1609. In this case, Zones 2 and 3 shall employ an attachment density designed by a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria. 1" C Commonly used methods-are.ANSI/SPRl WDi, FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29 and Roofing Application Standard RAS 117.• Assemblies marked with an asterisk* carry the limitations set forth in Section,2:2.10..1,offM�Loss Prevention Data Sheet-1-29(January 2016)for Zone 2/3!enhancements. 5.7 Exposure Limitations: "k Lastobo'nd,!Eaves Protection Sheet, Lastobond195,Lastobond Eco, Lastobond Smooth Seal HT, RESISTO LB1236,Grip-Rite Eaye'&Valley Protector or RESISTO L'B1244 shall not be left;exposed for longer than 30- days after.-installation. Lastobond Shield,Lastobond Pro HT-N,;RESISTO SA SMOOTH PLY 40,Lastobond Shield HT or Lastobond j Pro HT S shall not be left exposed for longer than-90-clays after installation. I' ' j Lastobond;TU`HT or Colphene FR GR shall not be left exposed for longer thaii'180-days after installation. ! 5.8 Tile Slippage Limitations(TAS 103 per.FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12)): ! When loading,roof tiles on the underlayment in direct-deck tile assemblies,the maximum roof slope shall ? be as follows. These-slope limitations can only be exceeded by using battens during loading of the roof j tiles. A' . w� a x _ TABLE 2 STILE SLIPPAGE LIMITATIONS FOR DIRECT DECKTILE INSTALLATIONS z ? Underlayment Tile Profile Staging Method II Maximum Slope t - Flat Mai.10-tile;stack 6:12 Lugged Mak.10-tile';stack 5:12 Max.10-tile stack(botfom 2-tile stack shall be inverted,followed by 8 tiles high 6:12 on,slope,as shown below) Lastobond TU HT I) Legged , lr rC, hene.FR GR Flat Mak.10-tile stack 5:12 Lugged Max.10-tilestack " 6:12 ; I II Exterior Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report 518010.06.09-Rll Certificate of Authorization#9503: 6T"EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL2569-R13 Soprema,Inc. I' Revision 11:10/06/2017 Page 6 of 8, ;I ! ;r is TRINITY ERD 6. INSTALLATION: 6.1Soprema Roof'Underlayments shall be installed in accordance with Soy�rema 'published installation requirements subject to the Limitations set forth in Section 5 herein and the specifics noted below. 6.2 Re-fasten any loose decking panels, and check for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application,and prime the substrate°with Elastocol Stick, Elastocol 600c oe�RESISTO EXTERIOR PRIMER(if applicable). `a 6t3 n �Lastot and TU Hl ttLastobondShleld'lastobon`d Pro WT N RESISTOSASIVIOOTH PLY40;'Lastobond-Shi6ldz � HT,�Lastoliofit iM 'HT S, Lastobond EavesnProtection Sheet;Lastobond 195, Lastobond'Eco, Lastobond s � Smo'th{Seal HT,RESI$TO LB'1236,Grip Rlte`Eav_e&ValleyProtectar RESISTO L61244 or Colphene FR GR _ .r"ti.2,. .,...c�. _.. ,.?.>.b.W_.,ra.._-c: _r...�,a »-sem... .t<.. ..x•.. .. g.aG 6.3.1 Shall be'-installed in compliance with the requirements for,ASTM D1970'underl`ayment in FBC Tabless 1507:1.1 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed. r 6.3.2 Non-Tile Applications: ; While priming is optional, Soprema recommends priming with Elastocol Stick, Elastocol 600c or RESISTO EXTERIOR-PRIMER if the fina,l.roof cover is not slated for installation within 24 hours.- Apply sheet parallel to the roof edge. Roll out approximately 10 ft of memo f.ane and peel back the first 3 ft of release film. Adhere the exposed.part to the substrate and unroll the remaining membrane'as far;as possible. Once the entire length of membrane is in place, peel-off the release film diagonally while holding the membrane tight. Firmly roll the membrane into place to achieve a bond. Horizontal seams should be minimum 3-inches, configured to shed water.; Vertical seams should be 6- inches and staggered•not less than 2-ft from vertical seams in the course below. Allover-granule end-laps shall be-sealed using either heat-welding or hot air welding techniques. When installing at slopes above 8:12,Soprema recommends.back-nailing in the overlap area at the top of the sheet at 12-inch o.c. For Valleys and,Ridges: Cut underlayment into 4 to 6 foot lengths. Peel the release paper and center sheet over valley or ridge. Drape and:press sheet into place, working from the center of'the valley or ridge in each-direction'. For valleys,apply the sheet starting at the lowest point and work upward. 6.3.3 Tile Applications('Lastobond-TU HT or Colphene FR GR only): } 1 Reference is made to FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) Installation Manual an°d Table 1 herein, using the i -instructions noted above as-a guideline, i ; For foam-on tile'applications,reference is made to Section 5:6.4 herein for wind resistance limitations that fall outside the scope of-FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12). Tile shall be loaded and staged in a manner that prevents tile slippage and/or damage to the 1 underlayment. See Table 2 herein,and Soprema published requirements for'tile staging. 7. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: As required by the-Building Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction in order to properly evaluate the installation of this product. i i • Vii, ! Exterior Research and Design,I.I.C. Evaluation!Report S18010.06.09-1111 Certificate of Authorization#9503 6T"EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL2569-1313 Soprema,Inc. Revision 11:10/06/2017 Page 7 of 8 I ) I �r I I r PTR�"- TRJN1-TY1 ERD I 8, MANUFACTURING-PLANTS: Contact the noted QA agency for information on product locations covered for F.A.C. 61G20-3 QA requirements. The following plants have qualified'products under their respective physical properties,specifications. KP)anL;,i `pry' �$GeGIfICaL1011:'_ ..;2_,t,,,Da Lastobond Shield,RESISTO SA'ISMOOT,H PLY 40ilLastobond Shield HT, Lastobond Pro HT-N,Lastobond Pro'HT-S,Lastobond 195,Lastobond Drummondville, f I ASTM D1970 Eaves Protection Sheet,Lastobond Eco,kastob6'nd Smooth Seal HT, QC(Canada) RESISTO L131236,PrimeSource Grip-Rite Eave&Valley Protector, RESISTO LB1244 9 ASTMe D1970&FRSA/TRI 04712 Colphene FR GR i(„ Wadsworth,OH Lastobond 495,Lastobond Eaves Proteetion'Sheet,Lastobond Eco, ASTM D1970 Lastobond Smooth Seal HT,RESISTO LB1-236,PrimeSource Grip-Rite Eave&Valley Protector,RESISTO LB1244 I' ASTM D1970&FRSA/TRI 04=12 Lastobond TU HT;Colphene FR GR Gulfport,MS Lastobond 195,Lastobond Eaves ProtectionSheet,Lastobond Eco, ASTM D1970 Lastobond Smooth Seal HT,RESISTO L61236,PrimeSource Grip-Rite Eave&Valley Protector,'RESISTO LB1244 9., QUALITY ASSURANCE ENTITY: !' UL,LLC-QUA9625;(314)578-3406;k.chancellor@us.ul.com -END OF EVALUATION REPORT- I ;s I I r I i r l; 'i I II Exterior Research.and Design,I.I.C. Evaluation Report 518010.06.09-1111 .Certyfcate of Authorization#9503 6T"EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL2569-R33 5oprerna,;lnc. I' ,I Revision 11:10/06/2017 Page 8 of 8 I 4 I !4 I Fldrida$Qding Code Online Page 1 of 4 4 ., 4 PRI15777,,, -go- IN ve�eryry - - 1.1110 BCIS"Home Log In'I User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge l Stats&Facts j Publications •FBCigtaK f BCIS Site Map Links I•Search i I ", 01103, I a 2-4 Product Approval USER:Public User ' Product Approval Searc l M§!.nu>Product or Aoolkation h>Anoll0jign List>Application Detail I" 'i FL# FL13488-R5 Applicatloh.Type Affirmation ! , j . Code Version 2017 Application%Status Approved Comments Archived _0 !., I Product Manufacturer Sun-Tek Mfg i, Addreis/,Phone/Email 10303 General Dr Orlando,FL 32824 (407)859-2117 I jfeudner@sun-tek.com Authorized Signature James Feudner I� ,- engineering@sun-tek.com ! Technical Representative. James Feudner 4; i Address/Phone/Ercall 10303 General Dr 11 �a 4 Orlando,FL 32824 , engineering@sun-tek.com ? "Quality Assurance Representative James Feudner •I i Address/P.hone/Emall. 10303 General Dr I , Orlando,FL 32824 l (407)8 59.72117 Ext III tt ' I ., engineering@sun-tek.com Category Sky Lights i ' Subcategory Skylight P Compilance'Method Certification Mark or Listing l Certification Agency -National Accreditation&Management',Institute ! Validated By National Accreditation&Management Institute I o Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard �� ii YM AAMA/WDMA 101/IlS.2/NAFS'-02 2002 i AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2%A440-05 2005 AAMA/WDMA/CSA/I.S.2/A4401,08 li 2008 Equivalence,of.'Product Standards Certified'By1 ;i I ^ I affirm that there are no changes in the new Florida } Building Code which;affect my produc(s)and my product(s) are in compliance with the new Florida Building Code. Documehtation from approved Evaluation or Validation,lEntity q Yes C)No ()N/A q + l http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXOwtDauOVxvdMPwX.._ 1/11/201 R I'r I a Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 4 I. I !� - g FL13488 R5 COG FPA 13488.3.6.9.odf Ll 4 8 R5 COC FPA 13488.Rdf Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A ri j Date Submitted 10/09/2017 I Date Validated 10/09/2017 4 Date.Pending FBC Approval 'u Date,Ap,oved 10/15/2017 !N Summa. �of.Products y _ ,I FL# Model;Number or Name Description 13488:1 CM 2230 CM'curb mounted polycarbonate dome.050(largest size model 2230) Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL13488115 C CAC cm 050 NI010112-R3(2).Ddf Approved for use,outside,HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration'Date Impact Resistarit:.No 10/31/2019 Design:Pressute:+50/-50 Installation Instructions, Other: FLi9, RS II CM Z2 QlnstaI Inst.ndf Verified-By:James D.Wells,Jr. P.E.53616 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation:Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 13488.2 `CM 3046 CM curb mounted 1.060 polycarbonate dome(largest size model 46) 1 { Limits of,,'Use- � Certification'Agency Certificate i, Aporcived•for-use in•'HVHZ:No F1 88 R5 C ,CAC cm 060 NI010112A-R3 Ddf Approved for-use outside HVHZ:Yes Qu�lity>Assurani a Contrct Expilra#ion Date Impact Resistant.No 10/31/2019 Design-Pressure:+60/-60 Installation Instructions,i ' Other: FL13488 RS lI CM 3046 instal inst Ddf Verified;By:James D.Wells,Jr.RE. 53616 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation.Reports :; Created.by Independent Third Party: I , i 13488.3 CM 4646 Curb mounted .07,0 polycar6bnate dome(largest size model 4646) ' ! Limits ofLUse Certification Agency Certificate ;Approved,for use in HVHZ:No FL13488 'R5 C CAC cm OZO NI006198-RS Ddf Approved'for use outside;HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contra Expiration Date ImpactrResistant:No 10/31/2039 Design'Pressure:+60/-60 Installation Instructions.i Other: FL13488 R5 II CM 4646 instal inst Ddf Verified By James D.Wells,Jr.P.E.53616 Created.by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports lglr i; Created bylndependentThlFd Party: 13488.4 CMA 2230 CMA curb mounted aluminum ring .050 polycarbonate dome (largest size model 2230) Limits of.Use Certification Agency Certificate j Approved.foruse use-in; No FL13488 RS C CAC cma 050 N1010113-R2.pd � Aporov • edfor use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact,Resistant:.No 10/31/2019 C� ;I Design:Pressure:+50/-50 Installation Instructioni,;, 'Other: FL13488 RS II CMA 2230instal Inst Ddf Verified By:James D.Wells;Jr. P.E 53616 Created.by Independent Third Party,:Yes ! Evaluation Reports I. Created by Independent Third Party,: 13488.5 CMA 3046 CMA curb mounted aluminum ring .060 polycarbonate (largest size model 3046) Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate "Approved for use-in HVHZ:No FL1g488 RS C CA(- cma 060 NI01011, A=R2�df llpprovecJ for'use;outside-FIVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:No 10/31/2019 u Installation Instructions;`, http://vAvw.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXOwtll)an(-)Vxvdmplhx 1/i i/gni Q Florida Building Code Online Page 3 of 4 Design'Pressure:+60/-60 FL13488 RS 11 CMA 30461(nstal inst,odf Other: Verified By:James D.Wells;Jr. P.E.-53616 Created.by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation, is f!, Created. Independent Third Party: i 13488.6 CMA 4646 CMA curb mounted aluminum ring.070 polycarbonate dome (largest size model 4646) w° } Limits of•Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in,HVHZ:No FL13488 R5 C CAC cma 070 NI006226-R5.odf Approved"for,use:ouiside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 10/31/2019 `Design'Pressuiw+60/-60 Installation Instructions', Other:• = FL13488 R5 II CMA 4646 instal inst.odf Verified By:James.D.Wells;'Jr. P.E4 53616 Created by Independent Third Party,:Yes Evaluation Reports :N ! Created by Independent Third Party,: 13488.7 SF 2230 Self flashing.050 polycarbonate dome(largest size model 2230) + i m Limit§,of,Use Certification Agency Certificate Appkoved,for use in HVHZ:No FL134��i RS C CAC sf 050'NL010111-R3.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiiation Date Impact.Resistant:No 10/31/2019 Design-Pressure:+50/-50 Installation Instructions':i: Other: F1_13488 RS II SF 2230 instal inst.odf Verified By:Jame's D.Wells;Jr. P.E: 53616 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes I Evaluation Reports 4 i Created by Independent Third Party: 13488:8 SF 3046 Self flashing .060 polycarbonate dome(largest size model 3046) ,Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use.in HVHZ:-No FL13488 R5 C CAC sf3046N10701i11A-R4 odf Approved for'use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact:Resistant.No 10/31/2019 Destgn Pressure:+.60/-60 Installation Instructions I' Other: &04$t R5 11 SF 3046 in's in ''& Verified By:James D.Wells;'Jr.P.E',53616 Created by Independent Thi rd Party;Yes rt i Evaluation Repos ; Created by Independent Third Party: 13488.9 SF 4646 Self flashing .080 polycarbonate dome(largest size model 4646) ! Limits„of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved:for.use in HVHZ:No, FL13488.R5 C CAC sf 0130'N1009450-R4 odf APPr~cved.for•use outside,HVH2:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiation Date Impacestt Resistant:No 10/31/ 2019 Dgn Pressure:+60/-60 Installation Inst)uctionsl •.Other: FL13488.-115 II SF 4646 instal Inst odf Verified By:James D.Wellsl,'Jr. P.E'i 53616 Created by Independent Th rd Party:Yes Evaluation Reports I ' Created by Independent Third Party: 13488.10 STT Sun-Tek Tube(self,flashing)N10", 144,21" Limits of-Use. Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL1, 88 'RS C. CAC sttN i0115-RS.odf ! -Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date i Irrpaci,Resistant:No10/31/2019” 1 r Desig -Pressure:-+80/-80 Installation InstructionsJ- Other:not rated for impact. FL1.3488 R5 II 2.22.10 STT Final Instructions.pdf Verified By:James D.Wells;,Jr. P.E:53616 Created by Independent Third Pary:Yes Evaluation Reports ° Created by Independent Third Party: � Back Next I Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road.Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone 850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EE0 employer.Cooyrioht 2007-2013-Stat of Florida.::Privacy Statemen ;;Accessibility Statement;;Refund Statement Under-Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want youre- all address released In response;to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by'phone or 6y m traditional mall.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487,1395.-Pursuant to http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVAOwtyauOVxvdMPwX-.- 1/11/?.()1 R I ;! Florida Building,Code Online Page 4 of 4 Section 455:275(1),Florida Statutes,.effective October 1,_2012,licensees-licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emalls provided may belused for official cpmmuniatlon with the-licensees However emall addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please'provide'the Department with,an email address which an-be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,RS.'please click haL. j C' ProductApprovalAccepts: Safe • I :i I !I I I � , V 1 Ir Ij ' I r •a ,I r I 11ttp://Www ; . .flondabuildmg.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.asp7x.param--wGEVXQwtDquQVxydMPwX... 1/11/2018 sun.-Tek'Manufacturing,Inc. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. Engineer of Record: (fS4�tts 10303 General Drive POLYDOME SERIES n. Orlando,FL 32824 MQDE� SF James D.WcI1s,.Jr., 407/$59-2117 c,.. whin um 3:1.2'pitch required' P.E. 'www.Sun Tek:corn CustomerSLrvice@Sun-Tek.com SIZES 1414,1.422 14361 1919,2222,:2230 Florida Professional �� The Skylight Ekpeds {521' `� Engineer No.53616 7 cx. �„ • • feslenerschzodutc, �' ' J&L Wells Finished Fastenerr - - Openlng Fluon Per -- -- - - -- �, Corisnlfing LLC'- s1:e Roof (Drywall Center Tope Fastener 1345 Unity Court Code O enin Dfinenllon) Spacing Bottom Pet Side Casselberry,FL 1414 14K•x14K' .13K x13'h• IV 4 4 "32707 - - (407}446-5489 1422 14Kax22K• 13K"x21K• 16.0124' a 6 Certificate of Authorization No.27162 1430_ _141Vx30K_ _l3s5•k29K" -__IW a a You will need:- •hammer •sealant/mastic 1919 19K•x19Ka IBVINIS " x4" S 5' •keyhole saw •tape measure 'skill saw •clialkline.orstraight edge •nails •trowelorcaulkgun 2222 22sYx22Ka 21%-.21W 24^ 6 6 drill •utility knife •2x4•s For Liohtrunnel: RECOMMENDEDISEALANTS; 2236 221A"40W 211Ma9W 24' 6 8 -8 or to penny nails •Non-hardeningroofcement CLEANING YOUR SKYLIGHT. •plywoodordiywall •Butylmbbersealantimulk Use a mild glass cleaner(such as Glass Plus)and a'clean sponge or soft cloth.Fresh paint splashes,glazingcompound,etc.may be removed before - •STS 1000(Sun-Tek exclusive) drying by rubbing lightly with a soft cloth or cotton ball soaked in isopropyl alcohol. Notr.Sif.Nmu contalnin9xyleneToluene oNlretone siwuld not be used. D0 NOT use abrasive or highly alkaline deaners;ammonia,benzene;gasoline,acetone;or carbon tetrachlo ride.Do not clean skylight in bright sun or high temperatures.Periodic waxing with a high quality,non-abrasive wax-such as Mirror-Glaze will help maintain the good looks df your skylight. LIGHTTUNNEUNSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS For homes with an attic,it is riecessary to build a tunnel beiwiien skylights and ceiii6g;The tunnel walls may be straight or flared for extra light and FAILURE tP.FOLLOW RECOMMENbEDINsTALLATION PROCEDURES MAY VOIIJ WAR architectural appeal.It's very easy tolhorease the tunnel size along the length of the telling Joists.As long as no roof•supporting members are cut nospecial framing Is needed.While itis possible so Rare the tunnel'n all directions,if support members arecut special fiamfngvdill be requ(red forstructuralPlease lead Instructions com)iletelybefoce beginning. suppoit In this caseyou must coosulta qualified building professlonalto Insure proper and safe-results., Deck and roofing'Nks,hould alreadybe installed I After roof and ceiling cpenings have been framed;measure distance(at each corner of root opening).betweenrafter/truss and ceiling)oist: - InspeRskylghtfor datnagebefore installing.Peel back - "2 Using thesefoUr meawrements,cut2Y4.lumber.for vertical support members(two per corner). protectivepldsticto:fnspectdame:lf skylight is damaged,do \\ 3 in each corner,nail vertical support members into place at right anglesto each other. not lnsiall.Pleasecontactyour silpplledfor informalion pn a. 4 Measure,cutiand nail tunnelwwalls into place.Suggestions fotliningtunrfel: replacement. -use drywall,tape comers,and palntsvhite using regular or texture paint.(Texture paint alone _ wlllhldeandfilluntaped)oints,butIntirne;ctacks mayappeartncomers.) 2' To properly position skylight betweentrusseslraft&r,locate the ruse prefinished paneling with molding in mmers. roof openingfrcnmtheunderslcleof the decking..Prill holes or -lineihetunnel withcedar,;pine,ora woodtocoordinatewith-your decor-' drive natls.to'markcorriers.((fthis.area'Isnot'accessfbW,locate -forspecial effectsjity painitingthe tunnel a striking aEcent color,,6r Use mirrors or-wallpaper on theceilingjoistsfromfnsidethehouse,markandcuiopeningin tunnel walls: ceiling,th'ep'mark roof openin"g.)' , :S Laulkileslight gap beoveenthe tunnelwalls and skylight base. ' 6Finlsh'offtunnelatcelling with mold Ing;orblendedgesinto ceiling with texture paint. 3' Removesliinglei6-V out fromroof opening. ' 7.Besure rewrap,the exterlorof thetunnelwithinsulaffon for energy.savings. Before cutting roof opening,check measurements against size. POLYDOME SKYLIGHT dMITED.WAk9ANTY chart.Snap a chalkllne from coriierto comer;or.8raw line Witha 3'-yaV 91 Etbi,ugI.-ts.r*l I0ad3Gmentai,p()'W4nala)112+,(t0)I rfP11 Y' Ma N-Sry4Vh Ilu 60-Airy fihng 3,d p'nd one n.W0nnry4 #V;TN'v+n+nryappintngwbne aJgnar la.aha,er+idh,+t t+P•r sMhutnabbrs'uT.kaW,n fro d tiTww, r n n 1 e nbr p dedamve151mtlw+undalsFa�dlw;ngye-anutao,nG, senAbweegarar,bmle stralghterlge;thenreut ioofopeniri9. tAe SYlppMtlpudu,N thedkthi lYPahtbde[reM th fi,t<d - c,hkAavn hon onaler. bMRtmnW t ' IW d blk krlal indf b n ilia id Si 1 J alt da v,M m e Pn- 1 bllal 't u ut i dansa C.W'mnblpp 1R w IY,IPP+ J/ blkht PPY Y d n+9eN OY, Dt S+• P.ADtt bio Alv°Pn ro NP n9 9e - IdeiiLlN, tydxiiotimt Y..+nedttAtetnbaYyaalJ;saam39E iw.rxnald padnq,h+ilerdnMdah.dl aa1 ... rpry +� ' 4 FraMeroofo enin using 2x4's:asheaders.- uttwo2',Ic.4'stofit Up'". ti 0.W b,'aaab 3 Tti0uNglAQtq typ 14SY raYwClpimtdaM1eeMaharga P 9- 9 c egdraleat 'itylghtldt npD nitliereell In (wMmbtdllfwehn+rLlaiwa lunuWd.SNppiny Dab oriuthnpb nwM,., t1b ,P,'rDdi r(y ISu Yaxf TYvidlnv b d,p+nalb4 rtlaanY tmt(ar ' - la, bUa+lmpEVatid U nandutdTodW p t t d,dd a tx.lA p4 du 'it:(a0nbtariJ,EjeFb 4 eaa 3unTek( N Mrm dnq,VAlghl• del.ltiay6tonmisaal 'the'actual distance betvieen-trusses(rafters.andnail into place,' bdalriip tW Na,dd "Mr mEwlh'Sw,Thl MVnq r'�ry ti1m,M1nW PP1J 1+Nneedereiil d oned,PlSanTd, W i6aRidt9entl -IeiiNrintEe,lYplAt A+IaunswteltY+iw(a<ganwka'e. h:deH,tnaa,aMythawir S>:arJn1F)<,gdamp,dtFie,nnPti paalal Dv�ie•F ImglladVhrta',�n.PTIIUSWApeAn{IE31HNIn1,Y4eilrlNrnWfF➢rO WII�tYNNANMSOixlp011WrABIIRTAbOFISNnf _-: _ -._. -iixSAlAenPII.U11p1Pe3ES1U11,n0TnflFtlneEWMlNE0VM110POFTNEnRpESfWAM1PANIIESPAO.91(DS¢PFW3eiepNeSd,oSJtornvUinld tiexbnp_anlvplmd a'rbPa.to,MabaveMimOenmry; at)Ifa ficahle,euteellfn ci enin .and build tunnelfrainfn . M o6rppyi iawa.lnrleenur+u'apuen,talbiwp:clue-rnUlwi[roTerDMLFroPAM'PKIa[Muencotn[OVENnALeMNCESMWrsn[V0.tttttWlxceurnbTuboltotat'o3SornnEoaekv[NDEoA[IYFE F?p. ,. iii P r 9 AEfUtTrIGTOWWaPAG#arYOYdrWRkYDddtif nndnrot OD the di,dan S tWMal6nWe,vd is Ilaldemapea. k'ab MaaVipdub ynvt+pplyta rbv-P.Fa-JuJveWin+ntji a O UL{IOnS See Ilati iclnstr naSw+I1NJSST1f FielUlNEAt101NnFtlbr Al1011(ANAIINImef;Tlu 79�Y•�N apedl'fepldPlnl1T nu]b NwalplYaxNtbniraa la,1 I y Alllmtattatl nInformation h supplhdln Food filth,butwlOUtt�o tr colnmendatod to is ule:NO guarantee ofthe reiiris ofanyuseo(tlfls 'If31tO •.4. _ :IrlloanatlontstolidfMplted;sinceurdkLgq.ofui0ar beyond;ourcontrol.ptrase consoh lua1611gdingcuHes folmmpnance before Mst511ing._(1284 s1-11(eo. 53.25 In conditions.where excessive condensoflon Is a cohcern,painting or 50 staining is recommended forinredor wood liner. Shingle up roof to bottom of roof opening. I 1II 3.450-0 6 Apply ah"wide.beadofcaulking,.set back l"from the roof opening around th,eentire opening.Seca second h" — wide bead'aroundthe entire.opening,set 11"back from the first bead.Sealantapplledtooclose tothe opening Ca tl it _,_may,"ooze"into the opening.Can also use 3".wfde:k Y" thick butyl tape,if compatible,set Y back from opening. v _ - - 7 Set skylight over opening.Nail into place through the. drilled holes in theflange with,1 shanked roofing nails provided(See Fastener Schedule). 1 Cover the head of each nail with sealant. I I spoeing not be exceeded --- - -- ---- -- -- ---------- --- --- ------ --- -- --- -- --- ---N-- --------- II-I- IMPORMUr. Bottomflangeofskylight Must go ontop.ofshingles. Oa- 8 d , to F- 8 Now shingleup sides and across'top.Piace'shingles,as far v in as possible,but be careful not to nailUtrough skylight \ I "flange. 9 Bottom flange will Still beexposed:werecommend leavtng. It IFFI it this way.lfyou decide to pata"falseshingle'overit,.be - - - ,careful not'to nail through skylight flange. P srAs wr/ursnO Sn�ROLES POLYCARBONATE OUTER 00HE —1/4'LONG cALla1RE0 " ,'+.{•d4 n.adgs rdRC-SNANx RA'LS POLYCARSOMAX.INNER . ar. , PFUMER ANO SILIOOY.E AMR SPACE AIR SPACE. _ s RS"h -..-. RoOr muss J.&LWW1%.'.Cbnsultiug;LLC 9 F 2:t 1345'Unity Court a Engtnrt r of Records. Pitch) Cusselb-Oij,;BLU707 . = orscRPR�suR6RAtmo 407 496 5489 lames 1) WIi 1S Jr,P E. '3soPsr. o Florida 1'rofessiooal Engineer No,41biG o NON TUPACr'T7ATE0 herlificntofputhorization No:27tbZ - - - Fltiric�a Bi_41_ Codie online Page 1 0£2 , J "T I ,fi i 1 f3CI5 Home^ Lag In•i User.ae9istmpan Hot Tool' Submit Surcharge, I Stats&Facts i Publigti s FBC Staff ; BCIS SIta,Map Links ! Search �F1 N h Honda - :. I Product,AP.Proval USER;Public User. q { 'i , ad Produet Aooroval:Menu>Product or Aoelica�n Search>Aeolleatlon L(st>Application Detail FL#. FL10758-R7 ' Application Type: Revision -;Code Version 2017' i _Application,Status Approved j C' Comments i+ a Archived i Product.Manufacturer _ 0ehs�Corning, Address/Phone%Email One Owens.Coening Parkway Toledo;;OH 43659 ; (74.,0)404-7829 u gceg.keeler@bwenscorn!ng.ciJm .i - - - iI —,4t n Authonzedi SlgnatUre -.Greg.Keeler greg.keeler@owenscorning:com Technical`Ltepresentative Greg Keeler y i Address/Phone/Ernail 2790 Columbus Road i! Granville,,QH.43023 I, ' (740),321=6345' greg keeier@owenscorning.com I` j Quality Assurance:.Representative- 4 ` Address/Phone/Emailr i Category RooFlng, 1, Subcategory, . Roofing=Accessories,that are an Integral Part of the Roofing System - Compliance Method;; Evaluation Report-from.a"Florida Registered Architect or'a.Licensed � � �. _ -" Florldai Professibnal'Engineer i 'I�` !� l-1"Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received { Florida Engineer ,orArchitect Name:who developed Zechary•R.Priest i - i the'Evaluation Report -- ' i � �, i Florida License PE-74021 uali Assurance"•Enti" UL"LLC r Q_ ty tY Quality Assurance:ContraEt Expiration Date 04/13%2018 f vaildatedrBy Locke Bowden I R"Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL10758 R7 COI OCR14003:3 2017 FBC Evaluation Report Owens Cormno VentsMhai.bdf �1, Referenced:Standaid'and year(of"Standard) ;l �qurvalence of.Product Standards, ; Cer itled By:. _ _ is :iT •. ', V. Sections from the"Code '1708.2 I �I i1tFn•//11n:nv flnrir�o}+nilairrr.�rrr/r�r/rr nr�r A+l v7..n.nw—..,rT'�7V(1..FT...1 7 '..T� 11 711 1 11 1 Inr%i 0 I r • i I FloridaBu bft Code:'Online Page 2 of 2 ,Product.AplJroval°Method Method.2 Option B Date-Submitted 09/30/2017 : - ,.Date'Validated. 10/04/2017 I Datd'Pending,FBC:Approval 10/08/2017 Date:APproved 12/12/2017 ' - ;;Summa; :aof+P_roiiucts - i t dFL;# Nfodel,.Number Name' :Description 10758:1_ `.VentSure:4-178ot_Strip Heat and' Copolymer plastic low proflle attic ridge vents for installation Mdisfure:Ridge•V6btSr .in.shingle roof-systems 'I LimitsofUse.;., Installation Instructions Approved for use m HVHZ No FL10758 R7 II OCR1400373_2017 FBC Evaluation Report Approved for use outside HifkZ,.Yes Owens.Cornina Vents final dtif ImpactsResrstailt N/A,'•" -Verlfied By, Zachary R. Priest 74021 DesignYPressure N/A Created by IndependentThlyd Party,':Yes Other Refertol'evaluation report ;Evaluatioh'Repoits F.L10758�JU AE bCR14003.3 20171 FBC Evaluation RenorE Ouveris Cgrnina Vents final.'nrJf w Greated'<by`]:ndependent Third Party:Yes 10758 2"Z... VentSure Low Profile•Slant'Back • ' <Galvanized metal roof vent Roof Verit_1Nith;Ezteri6r-Lou' ' Lrmrts of Use> -Installation InstructionsCt Approved for use m HVHZ,No FL10758 0 71 ddR_14003'.3 2017 FBC Evaluation PeDort Approved for useroutside HVHZ:-Yes Owens Cornino'Vents final.odf _im act%Resrstatit N/A Verified By: Zachary R.Priest 74021 P - DesrgnPresslihe N/A; Created by Independent Third Party:Yes ;Other rRefento evaluation report. Evaluation Reports ' FL10758'R7 AE OCR14003 3 2017 FBC Evaluation Report Owens,Cornin6:Vents final.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes ;10758 3 /" VentSure Rigid'RolllRidge Vent Ridge Ventilation System Lrrrirts of.Use InstailatiOn'Instructions;' •-Approved for use m HV,HZ No. FL10758fi"RZ-II OCR14PQ 2017 FBC Evaluation Report A'pprov'ed for use,outsrde HVHZ:Yes', :Owens Comina Vents Finat.Ddf :. Impact;Resfstant Verified By Zachary R. Priest 74021 }De ign Pressure,�N/A Greated.by Independent Third Party:Yes =Other 'Refer to'evaluatiomreport. Evaluation Reports I' ' :FL'-10758 R7 AE OCR14003 3 2017 FBC Evaluation Reoort {. Owens-Corning Vents final.Ddf --F Created by Independent Third Party,;Yes .,FR! Nezt _ .Contact Us::260kSlalirStone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone;850-467-1824 The State of'Floridi.is an AA/EEd employer'CoovrIahLZ007-2013.Stat•of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement i. ..UnderrFlorididaw Lemill,addresses are public-records Ifyou do not,wantyour a-mail address released in response to,a public-records request,do not send ` electronirmali to thi5;entity Instead contaR;the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have.any_questions,please contact 850:487:1395.*Pursuant to - '•Section k55:275(i)FIo'rida,Statutes-eHeRive'Octobec 1 2012,'llcenseeslkensed_under.Chapter 455,F.5!must provide;the Department within email address if theyhave ohe The:emails provided:maybe•used forifflai conimunl6,tlon;with the iicensee:However emall addresses;are public record.If you do not wish to I •--supply a:p,ersonal.address;.plea'se'provIdd the'Deparbientwith an email.address,whiecamtie made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter"455;Fi5;pldase dick.liere, -Prod, proval'Accepts: �C2Cfiti.CBCCf I , i htti)://www-floridabiiilciincr nra/nr/nr nnn Ate ., I A A.T+—n. 1 1 11 1 /-11 Al 0 } t f µ certificate of Authorization No.29824 17520.Ediriburgh Dr Milo F y t a Tampa,FL-3,3647 r i ;I (813)480-3421 TECHNICAL::S'ERVICEs LLC E�/AL t' 1:10WREPORT" ; FLORID4: UILDINGCODE,6TH!!EDITION(2017) Manufacturer OVENS CORNING ROOFING AND.--ASPHALT LLC ,i issued Sepember30,2097 1 Oweris CorningrParkway i Toledo,OH 43657 j )438-7465 }w4ywOW4i enSCOCnIncoin I ,, l Quality Assurance.> UL LLC(QU.A9625) Category Roofing • 13, ! Subcategory Roofing Accessories that are•an.Integral:Part,of the`Roofing System Code Sections 1{708 2r Properties Roof Ventilation . ry REFERENCE$ 'a Entlty� ReportiNo Standard Year Arc itectural Testing,InG(T,ST1558) 01 38660 04 TAS 100(A) s"�; 1995 Areitectural Testing Inc N, 01 01 38660 05: TAS 100(A) rp 1995 Archdectural Testlrig lnc(TST1558) C1774:'01-1'09=18 TAS 100(A) J, 1995 ASTMID 635 2010, i ASTM'�D 1929 2012 ASTM D 2843 2010 ' PRI4Construc6onaMatenals Techriologles.;(,.ST5878).., AVIG-005-02701 ASTM,'D 635 I'll 2010 ! ASTMD 1929 I' 2012 ASTM D 2843 r 2010 PRI Construction Materials Techriologies'(1'ST5878).. AVIGr006 02=01 ASTMIG 155 2005a i PRI C.onstructioniMaterials T,e6 OCF-11:1 02=01 ASTM D 635 2090 ASTM D 1929 ; + 2012 A&M 1)2843 2010 t P,RI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) OCF 112-02 01. . ASTM G 155 2005a I PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) OCF 116.02 01 TAS 100(A) 1995 t a. n , .r PRI�Construction=Materials Teehriologies(TST5878) OCF 223 02 01' TAS 100(A) 1995 PRIrConstrucbon Matenats Technologies.;(TST5878) 0H1 007=0201; TAS 100(A) 1995 i � i' it � • � �i'a 1, r O,CR1'400.3.3 FL10758cR7. �. Page 1.of 5 This`e,�aluaUon�report�s provided for State of Florida product approval under'Rule 61;G203: The manufacturer shall notifyCREEK Tiechnr�cal39eruices LLC of any product changes ortquaH assurance changes=throughout'the duration for which;this-report is valid. This evaluatfon,repopvdoes not ezpre'ss'nor im`ply,v✓arrantysinstallation rec6rrimend'ed use,or other protluct attributes that are not herein-:' I ' �i' i ~b r, OWENS.CORNING ROOFING.RND ASPHALT LLC *��{ �' K ' V0'n1' ure6 Roof Ventilation TECHNICAL SERYIGEs,LLC ! „ P,RODUCTD.,ESCRIPTION AA&A PRLICATIQ.N " l WntSurdo Foot 3trlp 1-1/4",,x 14 7%8n x 48°`•,low profile attic:ridge-vent consisting of a two-layer nylon- Heatand Moisture Ridge polyester composite Availat i' with',or without a polyester fabne moisture barrier for g y :: dents installation mshin le•roof s sterns. I' 48". i °, 4 Deck Type Roof. deck shall be; constructed of closely, fitted sheathingM�for new 'or existing construction :Roof,deck shall::°be designed°and installed in accordance with'FBC _ regwrenients. � i , it Roof slope ,Minimum 3 12 to maximum 1.6/12 I y Installation Height 'Maximum 60 ft " Attachment Mthod ;Cut a 2-►nch opening (1=inch onaeach side of the ridge) center{d in the deck-:at-the the iie - tk n iidgezfo�ventilation The slot shall terminateagprozimately 6Eynches from the:'rake doesApply a %4 inch wide bead of AS D 4'586 roofing cement along the;entire r length of the outside edges ofrthe veno#o seal the vel t to the;feld sfiirigles,.taking :care tq=not coni,pletely_cover the weep,slots'in the:vent. Center-the vent;overthe I ,openinC_l I I fasten to the deck using the 11 ga N inch galvanized ring-shank nails (shall comply with FBC Section 1Y506 5);;provided with'the vent°+Fasteners are to be installed`on both'sidesrof the.vent 1 12;24,36'and 47 inches iiom the start of each ventsDied,e I Prepareathe�ad�acent vent section-ibyapplying-the'roofing cement-along-the-edges, snap togetherwitti�fixed vent and fastento the=deck in�the same manner as,the first 1 section Fasten the'ndge shinglesIbVe�the vent,'to theldeck on,the marked "shingle nail line° with two (2)f minimum 11 ga 2'/z inch galvanized nng shank roofing nails i '(shall comply with FBC,Seotion 1'506 5)'-proyided'with the ventlor'as d4rected-"by,the shingle;manufacturers,,instahation instructions. I AllowableLRoof Coverings: Asphalt shingles � -OCR1'4003.3.`.. . - FL1:0758 R7... I kr f� Page 2 of 5 I z This evaluat�on'report is:provided;for State�of Florida product approyaI,;Ur der Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Te finical Ser ices LL`C-of a�ylproduct ctiemges orquality duration foe,,which this"report;is'valid, This evatuaUon report does not`express�'nor�mply:warranty'sinstallaton �ecorrminended use,'or"jother product att butes that are not speGfically addressed herein I . ,....._--..�-.-....:y.=�.�...-.-....-...�.e.-.a....."..a....-�-........-...v-"...a.r�-,..-..��..+z+.n..�.9�....�-.:...:ve._..r...vs s a ,-..—.. �c__r.rs-rI'- Y F _ - _• - .I CT �, �"iI . OWENS CORNING ROOFING AND ASPHALT LLC 7r %!�):Y IML Ventsure0 'RoofVentilation TECHNIC ,L,SERVIC'E LLC 1/6J48ureF Low Profile W x 247.x 2-3/16°(32"x-23"flange,base);static off-ridge vent composed of ASTM Slant k BacRoofiVent A653 galvanized s#eel(available witti`painted=finish). Material shall conform with with Exterior Louver FBCSection 1`507 43. a f I :A 7777-777 Deck Type Roof;deck shall be constructed of closely•fitted sheathingF for new or existing { construction *Roof deck shall"'be designed and°installed m accordance with FBC requirements RoofgsIope Mlnlmum 3:12'. Insta[(ation Height Maximum 33=ft' l Attaohment Method. Cut an'11 x 11-inch.hole through wood'sheathing only approxi ately 18-inches from ' ;the edge }Apply 1/4 Inch thickby 3 meh wide bed of ASTM D,';4586 roofing.cement aroun ,Inner, Jouter'flange.,'Place d and :vent directly,over the hole, ensuring the-.Vent sltsflagon the roof and 1 Fasten vent4 orches o c inch from outside edge of:fiari9e F v+nth minimum :12 ga ging shank roofing""nails (shall comply with FBC Section ensuring '/inch penetration-through: .wood deck (Minimum 18 nails per . ., ( I,, ;Install_baffle n; %inch bed,.of ASTM:D- 4586 roofing cem@nt" and-secure with minimum 12 ga' ring _shank roofing nails (shall coinpiy with FBC 'Section 1506:5) spaced+8 Inches o c (total of"a(3) nails) while ensuring''/inch'penetr'ation through I wood deck Seal all nails and vent flange with'ASTM D 4586 roofng. cement. Allowable Roof Coverings Asphalt`shingles r OCR1400&3 FL10758 R7 I I j h Page 3 of 5 ThlsevaluaGon<report is provided for State of Flonda product approval under Rule-61 G20=3. Th'e manufacturer shall notify:CREEK '. Techntca'IrSennces LLC.ofXanyfproduct`changes or'pualityrassurance changes ttiroughout.the duration for�,which this report C valid. This'evaluation,report does not`T'express nor mply warrant'a installation ;recommended use,or ither product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein i � I !l E! _ OWENS CORNING ROOFING� FING AND ASPHALT LLC i s VentS.ured' Roof-Ventilation V,15 SERVICE$;_LLC I' t Ve�ntSure®Riglld Roll '5/8"x T1 1/4°'x-20 attic ndge vent'composed:of high density polypropylene with a RidgeTUent spun f bad�polypeopylene fa6rib: I . i 3 i 97 M wr, i i DeckType.: . .'Roof deck shall be constructed of closely fitted.sheathing ;for new or. existing Y constnactwn. Roof deck.'f ll-be designed-and,`instilled in accordance withTBC { requirements. f 11 Roofslo e ` ' Mldim=2 12%to maximum 20:12 p 1Installation Height:. Maximum 60-ft j I Attachment Method: Cut a 2-mchopenirlg,=(1-Inchon each'side of the ridge) centered in th e deck at the ;;+ridge,fog ventilation The slot shall terminate!approximately 12•inches from- h 'rake edges 'Apply aiconiinuous bead of polyurethane adhesive-sealant along the entire length of the outsides edges of the vent,to seal=the veni to the field shir glen,,.Center the vent over'the opening and,fastenahe vent.24-inches o.6.-' to the:deck-using, minimum 12 gac nng shank roofing nails (shall.:eomply with FBC Section 1506.5), ensuring'/rri penetration through wood deck. i d r Fasten the edge shingles over the vent to the deck on''the marked "shingle nail line" I with two(2)minimum 1=2 ga nng shank roofing nails(shall cc Mply with$FBC;Section 1506 5) or as directed by the shingle manufacturer's installation instructions, :;ensuring'/e inchwpenetratlon4through'wood:deck. Outside edgesofthe shingles shall •.tie sealed with�flashing°cement; j i,. � Allowable Roof Coverings: -Asphalt shingles LIMITATIONS , Y _ 1)i Fire Classifcation lis outslde`_the scope ofthis evaluation. 2) This,reportis not for,use in the HVHZ1 i;, 3) 'Se roof deck and deck attachment shall be'designed by others in accordance with the FBC: I 4) „All produ6ts1i6tetl m'this report shall,be mariwfactured under"a quality-assurance program in lcompliance with i. �� 5) Owens Coming) vents shall be installed in strict coriipliance with this evaluation report and the mahufactu�er's published'anstallation instructions `In the event of'conflict,'Ithe more restrictive installation shall'ibeenforced i �! 6Deck substrates shall be clean, dry, and free from an irre ulanties and debris All fasteners•in the deck shall be checketl for protrusion prior to instali'ation. y 9' f 7) Installation of the roof assembly is outside the scope•of this evaluation. I i� 8)� 69ens Corning vents are'int@rided to,provide passive ven#ilation for an enclosed attic in residential constructionxapplications.• V } OCR14003 3� _F..Lt 758=R7• j h' Page 4 of 5 This efvaluaUon,reportis prowded'for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61'G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Seivices'LLC of any product changes or?quality'assurapgefq ariges`,throughout:the duration for;which this repoit'is valid. Thi%`evaluation report does riot:express=nor.imply warranty,`_installation recomm%ended use, orother product attributes that are not specifically adtlressed`herein. ,�� i w. i OWENS:CORNING ROOFING AND ASPHALT LLC VentSure® Roof Ventilation TECHNICAL SERv1cF_s.LLC COMPCIANCE;S,T,ATEMENT ! i l' I The products evaluated herein by Zachary R Priest, P.E. have demonstrated compliance with #he�Florida Building Code,6�'`Edition(2017).as`evidenced in the referenced d'ocumentssubmittedby.the named anufacturer. '- 2017:09.30 No .740"21 n 151:161.17 I 1 STATE OF04, Zachary R. Priest, P'E. ; ,,, Organzation No.Flodda-RegikratiANE9641 4041 CERTIFICATION PE OF INDENDENCE t CREEK Technical Senrices L- . does not have,nor will'-it acquire,a financial interest in.any company ma nufacturing or distributing { ,products untler this'evaluation: M j CREE,�rK- ekhnical Services LLC is not:owned,operate"d;"or-controlled,by any company manufacturing oii, ;tributing products under this a aluatton: Zachary R Priest,P E'does"not:have;nor will acquire,a:financiai,interest in any company manufactur,'ing or distributing products 'u R&e rahis evaluation,:. Zachary R Priest P E.odes not have,,nor will.acquire,a,financial.interest In any other entity involved in the approval process of the END,OF REPORT i OCR14003:3_ FL70758-R7 E Page 5 of 5 This�evaluation report.is-provided for State of Florida product approval urider.Rule:6'G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify'CREEK Tectinlcaf Services LL-C'of any•product changes or.quality assurance'changes;throughoat>the duration for.which'this report is valid. This evaluaUonlreport does^not•'express'nor imply warranty 'installa't1on recommended'use, or other uct attributes that are not speGfically addressed"herein. :. H 9 i 9