HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT ILUCIE ,COUNTY ' FILE # 4410915 OR BOOK 4107 PAGE 490 , Recorded 03/;12/2018 09:54 :03 AM NOTXX OF I I To be camplebd wtm eorttcnettoo valor a:eeeds S2,3 M 'I i I Ii PERMTTI� TAX FOLIO# 1425-70 -01044M6 ': f STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF: ST LUCI$ The rm aWped bmby gives notice that tmprormM will be made to eatatn nal p WaW,and in aormsdaw with Uispoer 713,Fl A&StMess the foliawing iadbtmalon is provided in this Notice of Commenoement j I I � L&GAL DESCRIPTIONr S:M=Club--Plat QW-B1k 4-Lot I I TOR 1547-2169:2748-IOIM ' GFIM"DESCRWnON OF IWRO'V>ZMZNT: REROOF OWN=INFORMATION OR LESSEE WMRMATION IF,THE LES=CONTRACTED FOR THE IMPROVEM N'f: Naune p Phnne:. 772.626-230 Adage: 8174 Baddhom Q&Pott St Luck FL 34952 _ hurcdIumpa Now and ad of�ikWa titlalwMa ref dirt Rom Owner luted abover CONTMCrORIS NAM&CAMM&L ROOFING&SIDING CO.INC Phone No: I I'I SuRRTY CO?"ANY(if epplieaNa.a co"of the payment bond is attached): I I m i7 m= Noma and addteasK i 1 i z a v'9 o Pbooe No.: Sand Amotmt ! I I z y m-n LEND><A'S NAME: Pbone Na.:. II n n o Address 11o rn z x x-4-4�m — I Per'soas withtnthe State of Florida desl:aated by Owner apoa whom aotica or ober doenraeats may,be waved as provided by Sed 713.13(1)(a)7,Florida&Wotat~ 1 Now I'" Phone No.: I 1 I o � rAddtess: I I ; x in additlan m hiroseuarhetselt;ovvaor of to receive a can of the 1,3awes Notice as provided in Section 713.13(I)ft nadda Statues m Fhow twmbw dprion or entity domed by Owner: EspUatloe to of Notice of CoaomeaeeaeaB (the upirsdon dab my sot ba before ria compW=of aatraefta aced that paymaat to tele eoatracbor,bat*111 be I year h om the rrreordlag aubw a dffwmt dab 4 spedEedk I ; WARNIN0 TO QWWNffit-ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER 7ON OF TFIB rIOTIGS OF COMMMC�ti�^' AU CM_IDM IMPROPER PAYMBN75 IN=CHAPTER 713 PART t Sg=7 Q- �A UWU IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPRQMEMI=TO YOUR PROP)BTY_A NOTICE OFMungg EN7'MUS'BE UMM A P09M ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE TBE FItL-R't'IIVSPFL t'IOPL IF YOU R 171 M Q OBTAIN FII4A1JQXQf CONSULT WE YOUR>&m1n:OR AN ATrORNRY BEM QQbQ+IENCING WORK OR RECORnINt'+Ypt`IR NOTICE OF Un o I have read the t rgdmE Aad that die faets stated are brae to da but of my lel owWp and bead Slgaatory'i i7Ne6plIIoe I; I,• i . The ftwo ft mswment wo adosowdedged before mo this i2aP dry of_3/-7i q h r —201 a By: /m^#ha xab f g as M)npl for Name of potwn Type ofmrtha ty(as.ofcy Inure) Party on bebalf of wham insthan was awm tod �I ��i I Personalty Known or p�oduced,idestti$o�lon Notary s S*mmc Type of ida mcation Produced_2>�U5- --b-b-Z -U (Print,Types err Stamp Commiaioned Name afNotary) T-.M9X W&_'PW=Wm Ap$1caW=Ta=Wof=0fCb==r4=&1Do= ser S+t+Wollt�PaBrWiDeRp6 v+o ]tev.9/IS/II L7AZ'il 4aq'I:Mdn 9LELL0:>`J 1 NOISSI}MNtYJ 1,MI AVMId13s m � I i