HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application ALL APlfl lMLE INFO MUST sE COWLUM FOR APPUCATION TO BE ACCEPM Date: [• Permit Number: Building Permit Application MAR I.6 1018 Planning egad DeMopment5eadces Building and Code Regufadon Dadslon / 230 VErginfa Avenue,Fort Pierce FL 34981 V/ Phone-(2)462 62 1553 Fax:(7n)4 -1578 Comme c€a1 Residential PERMIT APPUCAMON FOR: To Select from dropaox, �t�c arrow at the end df IBne PROPOSED NPROVEMEN T LOCATION: Address..I q —��. t r a n h e n Port St.Lude 34952 Legal Desctiptiow part of 3414-501-1701-DOt9-Spanish LakeS One L Property Tax:ID#i: j� �] Q (� I fes. Site Plan Name: Bock Into. Project Mame: Setbacks Front Sac1C Right Side:-- left Side: DETAILED DESCRIPTION.OF, 0,12 : { YDemolition of n'tobiie home lt__O_i5TRUCTION INFORMA#ICiel: ttiona v�stortc to a Dea orme un er t is permit—c ecKell t apply: (j HVAC 1 Gas Tank []Gas Piping _Shutters 0 Windows/Doors OElectric U Plumbing Sprinklers .Generator Roof Total Sq.Ft of Construction: Scl.Ft.of First Floor: Cost of Construction:$ Utilities. []Septic#,]Septic Building Height: 0Yi N__ER-1 LiSSi«i: CONTRACTOR: NanaeWynm Qtfild"Corporation Name: Matthew We WYnne Address.-SOW South US 1,Burls 402 Company: ne Development Corporation City: Fort SL Lucia State:FL Address:=0 South tl.S 1.Suite 4132 Zip Code:34952 F 772-87'8)224 may. Port St.Lucie s Ft- Phone X10.772-878 13 Zip Code: 34M F=772-878-=4 E-Maitsuegyrivirmbc- Phone No. 772-878.5513 Fill in fee shnple'rd le Hander on next page(If dim E-Mail:=e@Wgnnebc_c*m loin the Owner Lsbxl above) State or County license. CGCO35999 if value of construction is$2500 or more,a RECOMED Notice of Comme ncemeM is required. i 3 p ;<;iE T L COI"S 1 RU ION LIEN LAW lNFORMIA l IO f Edi NER,/ENGI+#EER: Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: Mame: Address: Address: City: State: City: State: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _trot:Applicable BONDING COMPANY: —Not Applicable 's Name• 1 ' Dame: Address: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: 3 certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit St Lucie county makes no representatlan that is granting a,permit sarin authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which is in.conflict with any applicable Horne turners Association rules,bylaws or and roveriants that may restrict or prohibit such structure..Please consult vtrtfit your Horne Owners Association and review your deed for any resttictiom%4h may apply_ In consideration of the granting of this requesters permit,I do hereby agree that I will,in all respecm,pecfco the work in accordance with the approved plans,the Florida Building Cods and St Lucie County Amendments. 'The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review ro ditions, accessory smictures,swimming pools,f walls,sign-%screen rooms and wry uses to anathtr on-residential use WARNING Tai►OWNER:Ydgaar�' �trs R a Nati a of�C in twice for improvements to your grope .A Notice of Commencement must be recordedan posted on the jobsite before the first in peo:tion. I au intend to obtain financing,consult with le r o n attorney before commencing wr re co iia our Notice of Commencement. S _:Signature of Owner/Lessee/Agent Sgnatvre of ContractorlUcense Holder- STATE OF FLORIDA. STATE OF FLORIDA COUMY OF COUNTY OF st LLKie i Theforgoing Instrument buss acknowledged re me The1a 'ng instrument acknowledged before orae chi of N\,C k,, 20 LS� this l dsf 243 by Mammew Lys by47n� i4fetiTr Lyse V*psme (Name of person acknowledging) (Dame of persgn acknowledging-1 ignature of.Notary Public-State of tla} ognature of Notary Public-State o rida} Personally Known x all P aced ldent tl1cation Personally Known x OR Produced ld�sentitkation Type of Identifidati -- - D�!. Type of Identification Produced '�i SUSAN MA t ommissidsn Tddx_ s*Q MY CC�PIMISS}@t Cerrarrnssicin � •rr o?"t !'IFiES:Fe�in`ia qg r Bonded Thru Notary Pu '=4 �': „ t' +2010 Revised 07115121014 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIALS