HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationmEE nPPLIMDEE INFU MW i BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED E).t,: J„s/za,ts Permit (Cumber: Cvu Ia, l,l-." BuiWing Permit f licatior Planning and De7elopment Serv,ces Bu,1d,'..g a..d Code Regurat,`o.. 2300 W, y,'...a ave -e, Fort Pie. ce FL 349Nz Phone: (772)452-1553 Fax:t7/z}461-15/a Commercial Resiaerltial x I PERIOII I APPCIC:A I ION FOR: Other .M 1 I PRUP05EI7 ImPROvitIVIEM I WC—AI Iu14: wI Aaarea�: 890/ ti I191IIA19 RIvER I7rtIvE FURL PIERCE, FE 64u5z Legal Description: Re�,6°OFOR °'wgu`n RMCCM o1-0!Eaes sN rrcr m-.-- P.,.,, Mraav Bev ne caR ser, e...,.M01 0 MOP 110M MMMMMVC7— T cR7 Ewemn rrvrlRT Or EC- en Or a 17 Or 110'.—CvT1 ..,w. -w esv Eff 70 BE eeR or a.e PT Or CUT ..-RE7—wff5Or ems:. --w OF Poo BE= FROM RIA(ER to" ::•:.:::1TF—: Property Tax ID #: 3519-503-0001-000-3 Site Plan Name: Project Name: WI.INNER, VALERIE betSzcRs Rom B;.eR: Rlgllt .-jiee: Eert zjiae: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: AC CHANGEOUT WITH 3.5 TOIL, 14 SEER: 5 KW AC UNIT {.:01451KULIIFJR IMFORIVIAIIUN: Addidonalworkioneoerrormea un er this permit - check all appy: 13111vNC Utas yank D'uasPiping 111let7ric 0 Plumbing 11aprinklers Eot IQo. 1 & 2 SIOUR no. _ F-lahULLers ❑ Windows/Doors E] Generator 11 Roof Roof pitch i oral aq. Ft of Construction: 5q. F►. of First Floor: Coat yr Con�traetiaFl: $ /,0aa.ua Utilities. LnJ hewer E leptic 6uil0ing Height: uvvRER/LE55EE: CONTRACTOR: Name—Effikil! -UUNIA R Name: 13IT11115 zPZsR mddress: aff 5 T-101mC RlvER DRIvE Company: mRIffRItmIC RESIDENTIAL SERVICES City: FURi PIERCE -nate: RE rtddress: z500 Cs RvvT cip Coo.: 34982Fz,-: City; vER0 5EACFI ,tate; Fr- [Phone PhoneNo. 561-715-8269 Zip Code: 32960 Foy: E-Mlail: Phone No. 772-794-7221 Fill In iee simple i Ide Molder an next page ( If different E -Ma& vz I RIR1!R%-VMF7D.C7JI l Trom file Owner ilstea alovel -itate or County Eicense: C1711; «4ar53 IT .alae air ean.trzctia.-. Is $zAa or more, a RECORDeD Movee or Commencement Is requires. auPPLEMEN 1RL CONSTRUE 11019 LIEN LAW INFORMATION: 0Ea113MER/Ewl3hgEtR: ' x iwi ApplicaBle l lvn t URGE COMIrf+ MT: , = Mot Applicable Iaame: Dame: Address: Address: City: Mate: City: Mate: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: x Nut Applicable BONDING COMPANY: x Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: I certify tliat no worn or installation Ras commenceB prior Eo the issuance or a permit. 5t. I.auc cutin[ maKc� Mo reprc3eri[atiori [hat G grantin6 a r.crrmit �.ili atitmorizu the a mit haklci to Saila the .05icct �trfta c wnicn is in conflict with any applicable Rome Owners Association rules, Bylaws or and covenants Mai may restrict or profliDit sucfl structure. Please consult wish your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consiaerotion of the srontins of thi3 reyocst.a permit, I ao Fit , c5y arrce that I will, in ali respects, ,rerfforrn the worR in accordance with the approved plans, Che Florida Building Codes and 3t. Eucie County Rmendments. i Me Following Builbing permit applications are exempt from unuergoing a wil concurrency review: room a8aitions, accessom y stuctures, swimming pools, fences, Wall, ignz, 3Cr«n r-om3 aria accc.som yy eses to another• „on -residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure Lo Record a Notice of Commencement may resuk in your paying .vice for improvements to your property. before the first inspection. If you commzncing work or recurdi.-g A ICotice of Commencement must be recoraen ana postee an the jansite intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before vur Notice of Commencem'nt. �" _ Signature of 0 , er/ Lessee/Agent STA i E Ot- FEORIDA COUNTY OF SIL -me i Me Forgoing instrument was acRnowlebgetl Derore me rhis 7 day of &4-!e& � zu ,40y Dennis Zacek {Dame or pers acRnowle i c at lQatam y Ponllo- St.te of FloriBa j Personally Known i , pe or laent:rical CpmmissianIGG0I51ir lamrnl�slan IQs. r F 14Cammtpr26,2021 . ._�.....r`'' /OndrCilNOWhN+tla^dNotiryAssn. Revised e7/15/ze14 zignature or Contra r/Eicense Roller ,IAF E 103F FEOr[IDA COUNTY OF S1 Woe I Re torbai..s in,Lrernent -,.a aeRnv-lebge8 befare Rte ,his - &day of �I� g9j:f , 20 fE icy Dennis Zacek (Dame of perso cRnow le ng 1 I'aig azure or Notary PuBlic- state or Flori'aa 1 Perso-Jl, R o entific ion Hype of Iden fic-oducec�lcHa rida nvw� r ----- # GG 075137 CommiSs9on Commission e: m.fxplreaApr2l} •'••.;►or ,.�' londdthrou9hN�lion+lTr�w7 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE Cuul9 i ER KEvlEvv KtvlEvv REvlEvv REvltvv RtV1Evv REvIEvv QH 11 COMPLETE II41 i IACS Or r 9 • Pl=mbi CUSTOMER .,eeReas mOMEPHONEOTYP7E SIZ EFFIi;IE l 141 71z33 -y' Ze Iirs�llaGuit Work Order Est. St"rt Date N° E ss,. Comp`atia .Vats (772) 5 r-3 1 vu L orporate Customer 2800 US H.ghw y vera So -ch, FL 32960 1, , Rela,lon3 Am■mmResld ntWSenieesollFlvid;hr- lxeee: CMC:4,9753.epeC 56' rte!. Etz.; t8vet l9o._,...e879 T. $ -1��� SUBTOTAL $_ MONTHLYE5T' S, CUSTOMER INITIAA E7= sell- of sj ZTYP ^r' SIZE�a,�rTYPE gdg& � EFFI ENCY %��r_1., I EFFIvIENCY /_!E 5 2 $ 5 !�f'— �L /s—a $ SUBTOTAL $ 3UBiumit MONTHLY EST.' $ MONTH LT EST. $ %USTOMER INITIAw CUSTOMER INITIALS Warranty: �-- Paans /Warranty: Warranty: � Parts _ _ior Warranty: � P-rtc ...__-...._ GTv. -t�mp.e.-er A—Ho-t Ezohanger �C.."Pre.,sor Hwa; Exchange I�Compressor -/ZP-Heat ExeRanger Refrigerant rwco9ered anu uispvsed or as required by law. Complete clean up including use of floor sa-e- t■ p-teet your hems .d removal of existing equipment. All work completed is done in accordance with existing cod=s ...d pamwita, w te;eired SPECIFICS OF •UR INSTALLATION SELECTED OPTION_ [3. ❑ 3 Weatherproof Disconnect 961vtimv Equip-cril Slab YrSo.,nd Isolation Pads JffLigeid Tit= O.■.,d■it ❑ titart Kir 91 Refrigerant LL Dryer_ J6%fKgor-Rt P.po Xary-r ❑ Recvnnv,.t Refrigerant Pipe Cover r�pp -"r Vl T-.Iat-TypelAik I(Connect to lRisting Electrical ❑ New Plywood Deck O'Reconnect Drain Line 0 U.1mg do e.- Kit (P.... & Ml t) Main Drain Safe, Switch Seal C;6mveetien- 13 Support A,uc Equipment ;rSuppty PI um 0 New R■wo��■e.t ❑ Return Ptene... ❑ Nevr ❑ Rocon.'eL-t In Electronic Air Cleanup u Meda Fo.t ❑ PCD ❑ OV Light ❑ Humidifier ❑ Dehumidifier IJ 7juteoor unit Pad 0 Mow Vemti;;g LJ Dertwerk Commvet:arry ❑ Fee P:p:ng 7HEl Wiring Home Service Plan - 1 Term {364 days) SUBTOTAL $�cS%� 00 TOTAL r• Or # 4 d0c. 0 ❑ CASH ❑ CHECK# 13 CREDIT CARD 1LA5T 4#sr EXP 11 APPROVAL_.., Comfort Guarantee ej fI�ING' 97 ifrs d2 � !'dome Prote■ti■n Ge -rectae _ � )624 -Hour Ser :lav Gearenlee )O 10 a D„condi; anal Nlc .vyBacfc �7'oa,w lite •P t o ane aYvai 6. labra vnih RPM Credit �.L • ANY CLAIMS FOR CONSTRUCTION 19EFECTS ARE SUSJE! Iv THE NOTICE AND C;U 1;Z S0N3 OF CRAPTER 558. FLORID., ST..TUTES. • BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL: This Is a home solicitation sale, and if you do not want the goods or services, you may cancel this agreement by providing written notice to the seller In person, by telegram, or by mail. This notice uni=t Indlunte that you do not want ine goons or services and must be delivered or postmarked before midnight of th= third bazl tee■ day after yes sign tnl5 agreemenL If you cancel this agreement, ute seller -ay .-.■t keep all al- p -rt or -my eeun down paymomL Sao the reverse _id■ h■ta■f f..- _-. ■wpl-matfas ■f this rlghL • I aekna-ledgv I ramal my right to cental h- been v..pl..ined to me v.ully and in ;riling, and r.ithvai waiving my right iv cenual, I authorize tRe portvnna,-a of tfiie work, subject to all tanner and cond:Zion flet fvnh on the mr—me side hereof, plus any taxes upon completion. Notice To weer- D■ net t igFithin home imp ��ment aemtleat in bla.,k. Y e -m entitled to a ver of tho cu .tract at the lima you sign. ■p it t■ p out ■r legal rights. Thin hams imprrul wplt eentmat � y aomt-im ., wrtgr v o.. wo ata.. Iia.. en your property that e�std b cued an if yae da .,el pay Be e.a y e endue Wit, d aU pie:izivno of a ae::nsct before a oig... COMMER SIGITRI CAE COMPANY REPR caawleen 3.csmn RE OKI-. $ 02017 Am&. RasidwlW S■riees LLC. All 40hts reser& ARSIM c5081', site "al CERTIFIED Certificate of Product Ratin ARRI CeMfied Rerommou Nembe, :2011118416 Datv C3-14.2018 Model Status ; Active Old ARRI R.ference Humber : 74%224 AHRI i ype : RCU-A-CB series Outdoor Unit Brant] Name : RRi:EM Ouluuoor Unit Mope] Numour (C.rid.rlser or Single Package, : RR1442Aa1 Indoor Unit Brand Name : Inds Unit Model Number (Evaporator gmdl.. Atr Handler) : RH1P-t221 S r AN Ferrrooe Model Num5er : Region . seetneast _nil North (AL, AR, DC, uE, FE, GA, Rl, KY, ER, 100, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, r n, VA. AR. 17U. CT, 10, IC, [A. IN K5, MA, ME. IRI, MR, MO, MT, NEI, NE, MR, NJ, NY, UFl, OR, PA, RI, SI], OT. VT, WA. VV V, WI, VV T, U.S. Temiteriau) Region Note . Centel air eenditionerz manufacture, prior to January 1, 2015 -Fa alit Bits to be °nstalled in all regions until June 30, 2016. B.yinning Joly 1, 201a central air conEitioners eam amly 6e installed in regionZs) for which tney meet the ragiorl.l .M.I.n.y rEquiremenl. The manaracturer at tnia RREEM product is f esponsrOFa ror me ra"amg of mi, sy-lem oomBination. Rated ao Tolle.- in _..aoraance will! Me latest eaition or ANS11KHRI 2101240 with Addenda r aM 2, PeRorrnance R3tlmg at Unita y AIr�Conditioning & Air-Suaree Heat Pump Equipment and subject to retint _ ca.r y by ARRr-sponsored, In'aepenaamt, 171trd p_rty testing. Cooling 1 -opacity (A2) - Singla P. High 5ta-ye ZaSP j, Utul1 : 41500 SEER - tg.00 1!1!R jr¢, - Single or Rigg 5taga (OF) : 11.50 IEER : T"Activ." Modal S s -re W'v . that an AHRI CertificatI.rl pmgmm Participant la—rm,dty producing AND selling or.lferl.,g I'd. o -to; OR nee moocls mat are being marketed but are w_t ;-■t being prede.ed'Pnonaction atoppM' Model Status am these that am AHRI Ceniliae;ion Program Participant -s no I■me=p pmderng BUT Is still -elli.,g or o uonng .or sale. R 911ri s chat re canm ,n ln--d b''VYAS Indicate ars -nTrA, May re- ple Ti v naw pahlis led ra lincl is shown Mono with the nrev moa 'rP V4„5 Latin. .,lac!RIMER AHRI d.., no; endorse tllo productisl listed on this C.rtiff—to ...d m..k.- no ropr.-ont.bons warranties or gu_r-mt■— w t., wed asserrras no r—ponsiblitfy for, the product(s) listed on this C.mlfi._;.. _Fled w.pressly disclaims all Ilabilit; far d_M...— of any k;no ansing out of the use or perform_m.e of the p �de�.ta}, or the oeaaiffl-Loa a7raration of data listed .m thl= Ceniffeeta. Cartisaa m.ings.,re valid only for mod.]= _md ■.effdsr,ode,.s lift- men. dtmct■rr _t :—._hrldlre_ory. rp. TERMS -NO woNVITIONS This C.rtlfle_t■ _nd Its wn:.nm are praprl.u.ry products of AHRI. This C■rllfi■ot..hall only _a own for Individual, anal al wnnoantlsl reference purposes, Th..emtemts of ;his eercrnaror ,,,ay not, in whole or In p.rt, be r.prodeoad; copies; orsse.,.irreted; saLied into a compatcr aarallase; or otherwise utill-ed, In a..; farm or m.nn.r or wy any means, except for the s =�= indlade..l, personal and comfid.ntl_I ref.mri.o. AIR CGNafTioNING, HEATING, AM - CERTIFICATE VERIFIa,..1wN a R -CO :DMANIN INSTITUTE The Information for the m■del.lt.d on ;his cerrla.oto can be verified at www._hrldlr■et_.;..rg, dl.k an'�erlry e.rtffiaate' link and anter .11. , RRI ...rtifled Reference Nemtber aad file d_to on Wilice illi .artillcate was Issued, m-ke lir ben.. - which is listed .bo-: , -rid ;h. eertincat. Ito., which rs listed at bett_m right t - — —. _ . _ TUcU 15Ai-�;onaldenIng, Heatlne, and Rerr%eratron Instlt:ur� CERTIFICATE NO.: 3.=;==5400205192 Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie County Pri party Apprai5e, -- All rights reserved. Property I0endficarion Site AZINV= F.rcel ID: r+ccount rf: Map JU: Use ,ype: Levi,, -.s: City/County: O..r.Zrship Stanley B Wunner V to.:e C bryan-Wii,-,n..r 8907 5 1..3i»n Riv— DR rort Pierce, PL 34982 Legal Vescriprion RCVISED PLAT OF SAEGER PLAC" E= LOTS I -ND 7 -LESS 3 z0 FT OF LOT z-Av4D THAI PART MruAF: BEG NG COR L61 TH E ALG N LI TO WAIBR'S EDGE OF INDIAN RIV, TR MEANDErutNG SLY ALU WATER'S GuGE TG A PT OF iN I OF ELY hm- OF S LI OF N 40 FT OF LOT 2, TH W ALG ErY EXT i i, SL' COR Or tv 40 FT Or LOT 2. Th r4 LY ALG E Ll OF LVT5 1 ANll 21-0 POB- LESS INDIAN RIV "n- ZOR 1431- 2471;39z0-321 Curren Values J-a.M l..rkct Value. $298,700 Rssessetl value: s298,00 $0 Taxable Value: 3z98,700 iaxo„ Ier th p.."1: SLC T..,. Call«ion's Office 12 Download TRIM for this parcel: uow .Iw-d Pur G 8907 S INDIAN RIVER pr: 3519 -COs -0001-000-s 115880 35-19N 0100 RE -2 5vazt L=vie County Total Areas Finished/Under Air jSr): 2,816 cross area (5r): 3,9 t s L....d Sizes (acres): 1.38 Lani! Size T5r): 60,11s This information is oetievetl to on Eorftct ..t Ilia ti MI. i; is subject to change and is not warranted. COPY Ent t'uI13 5«:-1 LEci. l.Uaty Property Appraiser rdl rights reserveu.