HomeMy WebLinkAbout16' - EXP C 160 MPH 1 STORYGARAGE DOOR DESIGN PRESSURES TABLE 1609.3.1 WIND SPEED CONVEBSIONS4 r 1 100 110 120 130 1 140 1 150 V 160 1 170 1 190 190 200 V, 78 85 93 101 108 116 121 132 139 147 155 For SL I znUn,erbvua=0.44m/s. a Llnevivterpvletl0v it pex®1¢d. =uvmivale&4pwid aped eppticablemmethods ape Ii A, 60913, ons1dvough5 of Secdov 1609.1.1. e. V,p=NNVNedeUgo wind speeds demmivd from Rgutu 16091, 1609B, m 36030. TABLE 16091(1) NOMINAL (ASD) GARAGE DOOR AND ROLLING DOOR WIND LOADS FOR A BUILDING WITH A MEAN ROOF HEIGHT OF 30 FEET LOCATED IN EXPOSURE B (PSF) a•a 44a ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED (VJ DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1609.8 (MPH -3 SECOND GUST) WIOd)0h EXPOSURE 100MPH HUMPH In MPH Immm 140NPH Im MPH 160MPH Imam 1m MPH Imam 2O0MPH Roof A1NM 0-10 ftnme 8 8 8.7-9.9 103-119 123-14.2 14.7-16A 17.1-193 191-222 1 323-251 25.1-283 28.2-31.9 11.4-353 s44 -19A 10 10 SA -9.4 101 -IIA 12.1-13.6 14.2-161 163-183 189-Z11 215-212 243-Y13 T/3-30.6 301-34.1 361-311 14 14 8.0-89 9.7-10.8 113-128 135-151 15.7-17A 18.0-20.0 205-23.8 13.1-0.7 259-28.8 289-321 320-35.6 RP91 Angle >10 de2heca 9 7 9.6-109 11.4-129 139-153 ICI -182 183-209 213-24.1 24.3-273 I Va-312 30.6-30.6 34.2-38A 381-431 16 7 92-ID3 10.9-122 13.1-14.6 ISS -172 17J-19.7 WA -22 U.3-26.0 26A -29A 293-326 327-363 36.4-408 78MPH 15WH 93M711 1 101HPH Ira MPH 06sIPH 1241011 13281P!! 139 MPH 147 MPH ISSMPH Fm SI: l trot=309.8 can, l rufepc Jana. Ib091®/8, l Pat= 47.88 N7ms. Nosmndp za wind Spend(Vasd)cmwvtd Som Uldmve Dh PWind Spend pe Send -16093.1 1. For nff c ve v ss or wild spade between dme®veo above an, load an, be imepdnkQ oNvvise m the load modatd with tln Iowa eflYedve aln. 2. Table velum shall le olimo fer heigIn end exmnua by mvldplyhtg by thead)m0mot metrldentle Titan 1609.7(2) _ ag•\� 3. Plm mdmiros ai®hss(BVUY PteMthten advBtowNd eat away from the Mdldm8 sutfevm. a� � � 1 •a\- 4. Ncgdvcpessv.mua®edomhn42 tuxafwld3 ro bdldiv8's mdzow. S. TeNe valves ivclvde the Q67mdheducdov fatter, �iOa � y- 1 eX\ � �\ •�� TABLE 1609.7(2) ADJUSTMENT FACTOR FOR BUILDING HEIGHT AND EXPOSURE, a) MEaN HOOF HDGHT (beO e EXPOSURE D 15 - 1.00 111 IA7 20 1,00 1.29 c#5 25 1.00 1.35 f 1.61 30 1.00 1.10 1.66 35 .1.05 1.45 1.70 40 1.09 1.49 a 1.74 45 1.12 1.53. 1.78 50 1.16 1.56 1.81 55 1.19 1.59 1.84 60 122 1.62 1.87 R61 -2A.1 Garage door labeling. Garage doors shall be labeled with a permanent label provided by the garage door manufacturer. The label Shall identify the garage door manufacturer, the garage door model/series number, the positive and negative design pressure rating, indicate impact rated if applicable, the installation instruction drawing reference number, the Florida Product Approval or Miami -Made Product Approval number if applicable, and the applicable test standards. The required garage door components for an approved garage door assembly may, be indicated using a checklist form on the label. If a checklist format is used on the label, the door installer or the garage door manufacturer shall mark the selected components on the checklist that are required to assemble an approved garage door system The installation instructions shah be provided and available an the job site. - BUILDING, 6th EDTION (2014)