HomeMy WebLinkAboutMikuletzky Permit Application 4.9All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: _ Permit Number:--------- Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce Fl 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Fence PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Commercial ---- Residential ---- Property Tax ID #:()\:\fj - 51 Q- QCf]V ·- QlD-3 Site Plan Name: mcaivin m iVJJ \£:1::Uj J"tc \ , t:f Project Name: _ Lot No. J2, Block No. \ L. Setbacks Front _ Back: Right Side: Left Side: _ I DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: DElectric Total Sq. Ft of Construction: _ Cost of Construction: S -'�� ' -��2-�---- D Windows/Doors DRoof Building Height: _ OWNER/LESSEE: Phone No. _ E-Mail: _ Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) CONTRACTOR: Name: Todd Paroline Company: Superior Fence and Rail Address: 2778 N Harbor City Blvd #102 City: Melbourne Zip Code: _ 3 _ 2 9_3_ 5 Fax: 321-638-0086 Phone No. 321-636-2829 E-Ma ii: spacecoast@superiorfenceandrail.com State or County License: _2_9_ 5 8_9 _ State:� If value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Name: ------------------- Address: ·------------------ City: ------------- State: Zip: Phone:------------ FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicable Name: ------------------- Address: _ City:------,-------------- Zip: Phone:----------- MORTGAGE COMPANY: Name: Address: ------------------ City: State: Zip: Phone:----------- BONDING COMPANY: Name: _ Address:------------------ City: _ Zip: Phone:------------ _ Not Applicable _ Not Applicable _Not Applicable I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St .. Lucie .County. makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which rs in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be rec rded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consu wit ender or a ttorney before commend w ecordin our Notice of Commenceme _ Signature 'of Owner I Lessee/ Agent STATE OF FLORIDA� \ COUNTY OF \..._ MC>.f) The ff,\going instrurfii,was1acknowledge\81efore me this� day of ( , 20 �by Personally Known \(" OR Produced Identification __ Type of ldentificat�uced _ STATE OF FLORIDA & \ ) COUNTY OF _MA ,\ f Personally Known OR Produced Identification _ Type of ldentifil! . ����Se��!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!�--- JI /�� � .\', SlEPHANIE BROOJ.(S Commission N �·i ;*i MYCOMMISSIONtF���' �;t· .. :t/ EXPIRES: April 5, 2019 ,,9f.,r.1 • Bonded Th111,.,1af¥ Public lkldeMite11 REVIEWS DATE COMPLETE INITIALS FRONT COUNTER ZONING REVIEW SUPERVISOR PLANS REVIEW REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE# 4387389 OR BOOK 4083 PAGE 1527, Recorded 01/04/2018 04:33:12 PM NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ST AT£ Of Florida couvrv OF i;a:agl _Sf. Luc\C THE lJNDEH�l�NED hereby giws nm ice 1hac improvcmcm will be made 10 ccnuin real prupcrty , and in �,cordancc with Chapter 713. Florida Statutes. the followmg rnl<1rm:1110111$ provided in chis Notice ofCouuucuccmcut. General description of uupruvemcnt: !n,'Sto.,.\ \ 2.'3 B' of (p' w ooc\ fence Luctb 2 go,.-1ts Owner intormnti,.m: Oesc1ip1ion or property: \legal dcscrlption or propeuy, and street address if nvaitable) R,ve,r\hr)(·\A:',"it2.- 8\t:;.12. L_ot3'133o Sho,.d� '-DJ ro. tS:\:.Lvc:t�. fl *'iS-2.. J. I. 2. a. Name and nddrcss: b. Phone numtier: c. Nome and address of'fcc simple ti!lcholcJcr (ifmhcr than owner): c. Phone number· .Jnw/�--------------- 4. Contrnctcr: a. Name and address: Superior Fence and Rall of Brevard County, tnc. 2778 N Harbor City Blvd, Ste 102, Melbourne, FL 32935 b. Phone number: 321-636·2829 ·--------- 5. S11rc1y: a. Name and address: -'-n"'" / a . --·----·------------------·------ b. Amoun: ofbond Sn.la__. _ 11. Lender: a. N,mc ,m1 address: ....oJ.a_ b. Phone 1>t1111hcr: .nra; . 7. Pc,-,.ons with che Scare of Florida Jcsii;na1ed by Owner upon \Uh0111 notices or other docu.ocnrs may be served as provided by Section 71 l.1 J( 1 l(a)7. Flo.-i,la Statures: a. Nome nod address: b. Phone number: nla ----------·· ···----· .. -··---------- 8. In addi1ion 10 him,elf, Owner designates lhe following pcrsonts) 10 receive a copy of the Lienor 's Noti•·c as provided in Seer ion 7 IJ.1 J( I )(b), fol<\fid.1 S1al\llc,: a. Nanic and address: n/a ·---··---------------------- b, Phone number: .,.n,,.t,.a _ 9. Expiration date of notice of connnencement (the expiration date is one CI) year (rum dre date or recording unless a Ji\li:n:m dale is six-cif,c<l) _ Pcrs<1n�II, Known_£___ OR Produced ldcutiticaticn ···-·--··- Type Midcn1i!ic:11inn produced ··---···-. ··---·-··---·-·--···- CHilLENI M. t'OIUMD ��·221 Notary Pulllc • State efNew Jency My Co11111illloe EJfNN' &WT/2819 WAHNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MAI)!: av THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPtRATION 01' THE NOTICt: 01' COMMENC\:MENT ARE CONSIOEKf.D IMPROPER 1',\YMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713. PART I. SECTION 713.13. l'LORll)A ST,\Tt!Tt:S. ,\ND CAN Rl�UL T IN YOUR l'AYIN(i TWICE l'OR IMPKOV!:MENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE Of COMMENCEMENT MUST Rt'. RECOl{l)l:.D ANI) rosu.o ON TIIE JOl:I SITE BffORE THE rrRST ::rrtON. IF YOU INTEND TO OBT.-\fN FINAN<:tNG, CONSULT WITI! YOUR l.F.NDr.1( OR AN,\ noRNEY BEl'ORE COMM EN G VO K OR REC() ING YOUR NO{ICE OF 'O 1ENCEMENT. . -� . . ('Bc��J------·- or Owner's lluthonzcd O{ficcr/Orrc 1or!Pun11cr,'Mnna�cr Signarory·s Ti1k/ [Iicc __ ...,..{J_w __ n�e-r::�--------------- ·n'f l°ur<g<1illl,!J'f1''1'Y'C"l ':'I� l\C��l)\\'ICd!.tCd before me •hi�__& day o( _.bceeM !,er '�or1 _ by ... &l�n.Cll\_Jt'._ .IJ\.k{ .�.:1::f�--.\noincofpc n);is________ __ ·---. l1)'()Cufau1h1vit)· .... c.g. offk,:r. tnii/,•c. attorney in !;\Cl) for -· � . . . rJf�e O p O �Ill 10�11\.llllClll W;\,I CXCCUICJ). turc ,,f No1ary Public-·� o loridn Print, rypc. or stump commissioned name of Noc:iry Public Umlcr pe,1:1hics of p<iju,y. I declare 1h�1 I have read tlw NVPD (966) 23 42 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... - - -· 27 26 38 HW:£ .1 BAS (155 ) 17 16 ·/) __ . ( 40) r!J»'-''