HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2)CFrEEK TEcIqNtcAL SERYICES' LLC EVALUATToN REPORT Fuoruo*Burr-ur're Cose' GmEDmoN (2017) MID-STATES ASPHALT AND CANT STRIP' INC. t637 51" street Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 (800) 48S-2391 www.msaroof.com Issued Ocfober 11,2017 Manufacturerl ManufaeturingLscationl Tuscakrosa,AL Quality Assurance: SCOPE uL LLC (0uA9625) Certi$cate of Authanzation No' 29824 17520 Edinburgh Drive TamPa, FL 33647 (813) 480-3421 Category: Subcategory: Code Eections: Properties: Roofing Underlayrnents 1504.3"1, 1597.1.1 Physical properties PRODUCT DE$CRIPTION AHO LIUITS OF USE QUIK€tick lce & lltlater Granular QUlK.Stick lce & Water Sand QUIK€IiGKHT (High TemPerature) MsA17001 QUtK-Stick lce & water Granular is an ASTM D 1970 self'adhesive uno,ertaryelt "on"trr"tuo from sBS modifred aephaft, a fiberglass mat rBinforcemenl and Surlacecl *1f. gi.nul"=. fne proauJ is suppUea tn Z-sq- rc*ts with nominat dimensions of S-ft x 66.&fi and has a nominal thicl$ess of 50 mils' GUIK-Stick lee & water Granular is permittd to be used as prescribed in FBO QeAiol tiaz.t.t for mechanically athched roonng coyerings. Exposgre on the roof dbek shall be limited to a maximum 30 daYs- QUIK-Stiok lee & Water Sand is an ASTM D 1970 self-adhesive underlayment cn*r*ot*o fro{n sBs modified a€phdt with a fibergtass rnat reinhrcerner*and surfaced witfrsanA. The product is supplied in 2*sq. rolls with norninal dimensione of 3-ft x 66'&ft and has a nominal thickness of 50 mils' QUIK-Stick loe & Water Sand is pennitted to be used as prescribod in FBC Section ibOz.f .f for mechanically attached roofing coverings. Erposure on the mof deck shall be limited to a maximum 30 da)rs' eUlK-Stick HT is an ASTId D 1970 edf-adheslve trnderlayment constructed fram $B$ *oOm"O asphalt with a fiberylass rnat reinforcement and poly-fabric surface' The product is srjpdied in Z-sq. rotli with nominal dimensions cf 3-ft x 66.8-ft or 3-ft $in x 61- ft and has a nominal thickness of 60 mils' QUIK-Stick HT is to be used as prescribed in FBC Section 1507.1'1. QUIK€tick HT is p"*itt"O to be used with adhered clay or concrete tile roofing using either ICP- iotresives polyset AH-100 (lCP Adhesives and Sealants, lnc.)' Exposure on the roof deck shall be limited to a maximum 90 days- The maximum mof slcpe shall be 6:12 vdren used with olay or concretetile installations without battens. Tilg sha[ be stored on battens for roof slopeS greater than 6:12' Tiles shall not be stacked greater 10 tiles per stack. 17401-R4 manufacturer shall notry CREEK r. --.:^- t^r ..siah ,hi- . ^^4 ia rr.li.l+:T#l#3::;iI::liEli;ffi,J;;iH,;#;;;;w-;;J;,*ct*niestt"ouglo'llh'--dYf1i::g*iltll:::*i:.:'11;iliJ'*fi.Ii#;i;}o!: #-;;;:; ffiv G;6. insranarion. reiommenaeo use, or other $oduct aftributes lhat aro nol $pecifi caly addressed herein. fficnEEK it trc*NrcAu sERvrcEs. LLC QUIK-$tick HT Pro {High Temperaturc} QUIK€ticK FS (Film Surfaee) Pnoouct ApPucAnolr MI},STATES ASPI.IALTAND CANT STRIP, INC $elf.Adhering Underlayments QUIK-Stick HT Pro is an ASTM D 1S70 self-adhesive underlayment constructed from $BS modified asphalt with a fiberglas$ mat reinforcement and poly-fabric surface. The product is supplied in Z-sq. rdls with nominal dimensiohs of 3-ft x 66.8-ft and has a nominal thickness of 60 mils. QUIK-Stick HT Pro is pennitted to be used as prescribed in FBC Section 1507.1.1 for mechanically atkched roofing coverings. Erposure on the roof deek stpll be limited to a maximum 30 days. QUIK-Sticft FS is an ASTM D 1970 self-adhesive underlayment constructed fmm SBS modifted asphalt with a fiberylass mat reinforcement and textured film surface. The plduct is supplied in 2-sq. rolls with nominal dimensions of 3.fi x 66.&ft and has a nominal thickness of 45 mils. QUIK€tick FS is permitted to be used as prescribed in FBC Section 15A7i.1 far mechaaically attached roofing coverings. Exposure on the roof deck shall be limited to a maximum 30 days. Min. Roof Slope: Applicaiion: 2:12orin accordance in with the FBC All underlayments shall be installed in accpirdancg with tlre FAc. Deck subsfmfes shall be clean, dry, and free from any inegularitbs and debis. All fasfenars in the deck shall be cheoked for pratrusion and mrrec:td priar to undertapent application. Prtor b beginning installation, the undedayment shall be unrolled and allowed ta relax for a fiinimum of 3-5 minutes. The underlayrnent sfiall be installed with lhs rclease backerrernotred and pressed finnly into place to ensure complete contact with the deck. The underlayrnent shall be installed with the roll length parallel to the eave, starting at the eave, and with minimum 3" side laps and minimum 6" end laps staggere.d min. &ft.from preceding course' It is pennissible ts baok nail the underlayment l2inches on-center as needed (nails shall be installed perpendicular to dec* with the nail heads flush to the top surface of the underlayment). AA"F; Cnntact the manufacturer when in$atling at tempentures fulaw the minimum application te mpe ratu re. Min. Applieation Temperature: wlND RESI9TAT.ICE The Maximum DesrSr Pressurcs shown below were calculated using a 2:1 margin of safety per FBC Section 1504.9. Ur.rderlavment Svstem No,1 - QUIK-Stick,HT onlv Roof Deckr Min. 15132-inch CDX plywood aftactred to wood supports spaced a maximum 24' o.c. Undedayment: Maximum Design Pressure: QUIK€tick HT shall be fully adhered to the ofiionally primed plywood deck. -52.5 psf MSA17001 FL174.I)1-R4 iqg. z qt 4 Technical Service, f-f-C of "ny-proOuci "ltrnges or quetity assurance changes thrcughout the duration for \iutlic*t this report is Yalid, This evaluation report doee rtJt "rpress nor'fupry wananty, installation, recommenc* use. or other product attributes that are not s pecifi cally addressed herein. ffiEnH=5,",,,,," MI}STA'TES ASP}IALT AND CANT STRIP, INC Self -Mhering UnderlaYnente GENERAL LIiI|TANoNS 1) This evaluation report is not use in tte HVHZ. 2\ Fire Classification is not within the scope of this evaluation. Si lnstallation of the evaluated product shall comply with this report, the FBC, and the manufacturels published application instructions. Where discrepancies exist between these sources, lhe rnore restrictive and FBC compliant installation detail shall ptevail. 4) The roof deck shall be constructed of dosety fited ptyrerood sheathing for new or existing construction- 5i The space under the deck area shall be properly ventilated in accordance with the FBC requirements. 6) All side lap seams shall be instailed to shed water from the deck. 7) The underlayment may be used as described in other cunent FBC product approval documents.gi Design wlnd toaO press.ure$ shall be determined for components ard daddinq in accordance t /ith FBC 1609.g) The roof deck shall be designed by others in accordance with FBC reguirements to resist the design wind load pressures for components and cladding. 10) Maximum Design Pressures for a given undertayment shall meet or exceed the design wind loads determined for the roof assembly. 11) Atl products listed in this report shall be manufactured under a quality assurance program in compliance with Rule 61G2G3. REFEREHGES ". - - ., Entitv PRI Construction Materials Tecfndogies [f$T5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologies OST5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologies C[ST5878) PRI Construclion Materials Technologies CIST5878) PRI Construction Materials Technolog'les [IST5878) PRI Construcdon Materials Techndqies fiST5B78) PRI Gonstruction Materiale Techndoiies tf$'60a9) PRI Construction Materials Technologies C|-STB0ll9) Reoort No. BWR-514-02{1 BWR-522-02-01 BWR-53302-01 BWR-534-02-01 BYVR-54Hy2-O1 wRMt{11-02-01 MSA@7{24f MsA4ffi2-01 Standald ASTM D 1970 ASTM D 1S7O TAS 103 ASTtvt D 1s70 ASTM D4798 ASTM D 1970 ASTM D 1970 UL 1Bg7 ASTM D 1g7O Year 2il15a 2015a 1995 201tu 2011(2016) 2015a 2015a 2612 241tu MSA17001 FL17401-R4 Page 3 of4 Technical Sen ica;, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout ths duration for which this report is valid' This evaluation repod doee not "rpress nor impty winan!7, instattation. recsnmended use, or other prcduct atributes that are not specifically addressed herein. MCRHEKffi r=cr.NrcAL seRvrcEs, LLC MID-STATES ASPHALT AND CANT STRIP, INC $elf-Adhering Underlayrnents CoMPLIANCE STAreMsNr The products evaluated herein by Zachary R. Priest, P.E. have demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code, 6n Edition (2017) as eyidenced in the referenced documents submitted by the named manufacturer. ..ttil#i-f,..&, .o r7 n ?gr7.10.11i ji No 74021 1 '-= 45/11tj_- 11:41 :31 :- *: l* = (J "#*"*"*,i-r * j..i 04'00''-9i- srATE oF i.(ui?rftii ." B.\e.I','o$s fil?i,?-t;[i,3ilri,=;,00,, ",,,:;p,jy[k,?]o" orsanization No. ANEeMI GERTFTcATIoN or lHor,peNDENcE CREEK Technical Services, LLC does not have, nor will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. CREEK Technical Services, LLC i$ not owned, operated, or contrdled by any company manufacturing or dishibuting products undef this evaluation. Zachary R. Priest, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in eny company manufacfuring or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R- Priest, P,E. does+rot have, nor will acquire, a finansial iflterest in any gther entity invotved inihs approral process of lhe product, MSA17001 Emoor REponr FL17401-R4 proval under Rute 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notifu CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not erpr""s nor iinply wananty, installation, recornmended use, or other produet attributes that are not spocifically addre$sed herein.