HomeMy WebLinkAboutbuilding permit rtCC r►PPEIMICE INPU musi BE CUIOIPCETzEI FUR nPPEIM i IUw s O 6e HCCEP i ED Dots: 1&qla Permit Number: - n a Building Permit Applica-cion rlannin-y and aevelopmenr Services auilding and Code neyulotion uivision z-,1519 Virginia Hvenue, Tort Tierce rc aysaz Phone: (772);;62-2 553 Fax: (772)z+62-.L578 CUMM-CrCial Realaential u PERMIT APPEICAi ION FOR: To Select from dropbox, click arrow at thl and Uf line PROPC35ED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: aUQS Alfm�hCtDi- ___—Ft P,PA'Ct,,,,,.FL 3498� [egol Description: P.OpeRy I..;;lD F#: C,19 2r • t"Os'. 60.39—Om-. V LOL No. _ site Plan avame: Block No. Project Dame: C�on 'r ►s L��►� _ -wtOacRs Front 6acR: tiigni.-Ana: DE I AILED DESLKIN I IUN OF wURK: Replace AC, exalt chaiige vat with 6 cun. /Y _SEER. /O KW AC unit Re?_z15e_ LUM5 I RuL I IU19 INFUKIVIA I IUIQ: Additional work to orme under t s pe.-mii�- cz o apply: 13Rv,yC flas i anR ❑U_,P;ping SRette. Q Windows/Doors 0 Electric 0 PlumBing Lj�prinitlers U Gcnaratvr Roof Raot pith i otal aq. Ft of Construction; a Ft.or First Floor: Cost or Construction:$ _ &Pgae Utilities:'n5ewer D Septic ouilding neighs: uvAER/LMEE: LUN I RALI UR: Rame erg / r, I9ame: Dennis Zacek ,vOClress:.,? 8 Alei 44 Dr Company: AIRS American Residential Services City: _Ff- Neer"Gt_ State: Address: ca00 U5 Plwy I Zip Code: LfY W Fax: City: vero SeacM Mote;FL Phone No. 122 o l• q-7 q 9 _ cip Cede: 32960 Fax: 772 794-9783 E-Mail: Phone No. 772 794-721a Fill In fee simple Title Holder on next page I if different E-Mail: from the Owner IlSted above) Mate or County Eicen,c: CMC1249753 if value of construzdon Is$&AU or more,a mECUnDED Notice or LwMfflCnocme.-.t i,rcyeiree. t-. a.' r 5UI'P1tmEMIALCUNSI110-MuN DER Q[w MFuRIMAI1uly: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: - Not Applicable I0011 I GAGE ICDIMVAlar: =Mor Applicable Name: Name: Addrz5s: Address: City: State: City: btare: Zip: Phone: Lip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: =Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: =Not Applicable Dame: Dame: AddrEsb: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: I c-r-lily tftt no-vFK v. IF13taliativn no.eoRlrrim.eca pe;or to the i.AlFr1ce or a pcTRllt. zt.Eucie wun►y makes no representation that is rrandng a permit will au�horize the-p ermiL holder to build the subject structure Yhieh a in evi.fli[U-ItR a5r a phcz5le Rornc a-nc..,Asaoclativ..rale� n,6,1a..or rid ca:eon m t.tM.t a,.e.tr4 or proMibit�mcn structure.Please consult witrl"your mome owners A,socladon anM review your Meets for any restrictlons wRicR may apply. In consideratlon of the granting of this requested permit,I do hereby agree that I will,In all respects, perform the work :n tiecartlance-iEM the approves plans,the rloriMa SuilMing Coses anti:1t.Lucie County Amensments. I Fie follow inr,6alll3ing pzrmit zpphcotivn3 ire=..cmpt r..m ansc.6oln6.,rwll ean.arrcnc, P.:icw:raom atiaitlom, accessory structures,swimming pools,fences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use VVIAMRIING 10 UVVIIER: your iailure to Record a MoLice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements to your property.A Nutic;=of C'armMencernCrit mu7t be rizcurdcd and posted on the;obsite before the first inspection. IT you intend to oGtain financing, consult wild lun0er or an attorney Vefore commencing work or recordinR vour NUtiCe of Commel(cement. _Agnature or 0 er/Eessee/agent Sibnatarc of Contra r/CiceFl3c R.18cr STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF -Im. COUNTY OF stLd. The forroinr,Instrument was acknowledged before me The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me tlli;� Ila,or 13AI". I zu (.Lo, tflisdli May or Bp 'I zu f By Em,n R Dennle Zaeek (Name,p4erson acknowledging) (19omc of perzan oeRna;leagirls) 2Lt 9 (3ignature of mo—Lary rub' -3tate of Florida} (Signature of Rotas,P li State of flo.;ea) Personaliy Known OR Protluces Isentirlcation Personally Rnown X OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced I,p.or Iacntir.cativrl Praft ad BETH A DERD r ll Commisslon Mo. FFuv� :•' :: 3e� TH A u1!F% +r C mmission No. FF220930 ���a'1� ( M45S3AMISSIvN#FF2zo� MY COMMISSION 0 FF2zUS 0 EXpI'nC5 April 15. 2vI9 . ,. ... Revised 07/15/2014 REviEwb I-RCINI LUNIRG bDPERvISuR PCAIga vEGETAIIOR 5EA IORICE MARGRUVE CoulvIEn Revlevv Revievv Revlevv REvli=vv nevlew REvIEW DATE I.DIVIPC[E E INITIALS MiLFiella Franklin, CFA-- Saint Cude County Prtperty Appraiser--All ights rserved. Property identification Site Aaabss: 2508 NEWPORi vK P:ccl[D: 14,z1-60:1-0039-000-8 account ff: 29140 Use Type: 0100 Ge.-..:-.s: RS4 City/County: Sr:.-.;Lucio Coe.,rF Owmership John P Conti 2508 N�port DR Fen P:eree,rL s21982 [egal uescriprion ORANGE BLOSSOM EST-SECOND ADDN BLK 6 LOT 4 k �t 0,29 AC 'OR �y46-ISs6) Wrrelit values Just/Market Value: $113,900 Azz�:nea W311a: 3109.Z301 Exemptions: z.109,301 IaxaDle value: 30 I.ncs for this parcel: SLC Tax Collcctoes Office© 1 oral hreas uownioatl I nirvi for this parcel: Ds-1=od i-uF O 1,830 FtnishcdlUnder„ir Z3r)e u. A. (sr): 3A30 Land Size(acres): 0.29 Lana size(aF); 17,631.4 This information is believed to be correct at this time but it is subject to change and is not warranted, ! Copyright 2ul8 Saint Lucie County,-roperly appraiser Ful rignts reserveu.