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7916 Saddlebrook Dr
ACE APPEICAHEE INFO ITIOb i BE COmP[E i rD FUR APPElC—Ai 1019 10 BE ACCEP i ED Da.e: qlzt 100 Permi►Number: jlg-1% I_t=_ Building Permit Hpplicai ion rjann.ng and veveiopmenr.)erv.ces rs—.ra.ng 0_U Cnav negeiot.on 25M V..g....Q A:e..d'c, rorr Pro.vv FL JmJae PRone: {iizlg6z-i»,3 Fax: iriz)g5z-ibis Commercial RebiaenLidI V/ PERMIT APrCICATION FOR: To Select Trz m drupbux, dick arrow at the end of iirle PRuPuSED IIDIPRuvEIVIEIv I Cuc.H I!ulQ: A00ress•'}ql_ta_..&dd kbrbok/_ nc- Legal Descrip►ion:�S2h aJ r -.P,r E,n Sz 11 L.&+ qa Property Tax ID#: -,a50a • Oa4[ •006 -5, EOL Mo.-- Site Plan Name: Block No. Project Name: Lryi mt:, n-1t irr ay Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: Left Side: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Replace AC, exact change out with _,.)__ton, &SEER,� KW AC an;t CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: AcIditional work to bg—vertormed under this permit—check a apply: OHVAC Gas Tank 0Gas Piping _Shu«ers Q Windows/Doors 11 Electric 0 Plumbing Sprinklers I Generator L Roof Roof pitch Total Sq, Ft of Construction: S . Ft.of Firs.Floor: COSL of ConSLruCdon:S Ctilities:�aewer llaepric 6uiloing Fleig.Mv 0WI9ER/LE55EE: CONTRACTOR: 19.—C I evil l-c m l luli'ay Name: 19ennls z;aceR Address: 9'71(a _ , � cj jj6roaK !fir Company: hRa mmerican ResiOential services City: �3rate:1--L Haaress: z300 00 Fl—, 1 cip Lose: .V4`f8la Fax: [:i,: Vero Beach State:FL PRone 170. Cv ' Zip Code: 32960 Fax: r rc Iaz;-araz E-Mail: Phone No. r r c raw-�c i d Fill in fee simple Tide nolder on nem page{if amerent c-Mlail: horn Ae Uwner listed oov:cj State or County License: CMC1249753 Ir.alec er e.n,t.-6ETivn I,$z500 or more,;-.RECCIxoeo N.tic.of Commencement is required. 5UPPEEMEI9 1 AL CUMS I RUc I ling lIEIq Mw ilgFuKMA I lul9: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: =Nut Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: -Not Applicable Name: Name: AddrE33: Addr c3.1: City: -- _ State: City: State: Zip: Phu «: Zip: rRone: rRE aIMPLE I ITEE MULDER: Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicable ldame: 19ame: Address: Aearess: C y: City' yip: rhoni�: zip: rhone: I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to tfie hsean«of.permit. at.Eucie County manes no representation t11at is granting a permit will authorize the-permit ermit holder to build the subjeta structure which is in conflict with any a plicable Home Owners Assorlation rel.,6,1a.3 or and co-'criant5 tRat may rc,tria o. prwMi6.t�eeR .trect+ar�.Plea a Genselt any. name Owners Assoclation and review your Deed ror any restrictions wnicn may apply. In consltleratlon of t11e granting or this requestee permit,I eo nereoy agree that I will,In all respects,perform the work in acc.ra•.ne..itR 0C app.0%0 plan,-tRc Nor&Sailain6 Ceres...A at.[ecie County Amenaments. The following building-permit applications are=To...pt tram en8wr5oing o tull co,-,tie..-rcn-, r.ac-:roam oaaition„ accessory structures,swimming pools,rences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessary uses to another non-residential use WARMING 10 UvvRErt: your railure to Record a Notice or Commencement may result In your paying twice for imp,ovemEnt3 to your property.A NaticE of C—Vmmencement must be recorded and posted un the;obsite before the fist In3pzction. If you intend to obtain financing, consuir witR lender or an attorney Qefore commencing work or recording our,vudce of Commencement. s bisnata.a Or O or/Lessee/Agent signaterc of Contra r/i-i.an3e Flvlaer sIATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF — COUNTY OF s:t--w The forgoing Instrument was acknowledeed before me i he forgoing Instrument was acknowledged before me tM13"&aa,of &Dt-, tRis ay aa,or j3p . 1 A IL By Y— Mnis w Dennis Zrmk {Name of person acknawledglns} {I9a a of person orRm.-le7gin( Dk9 {signature of otary lic-state of Norilla} (Signature of Notarp Publ;ckst6te of Florio.} Pcr,on..11, Rno-n x OR Proaucea ldentification Personally Rnown X vr%Produced Identification �ypeof identification Produced I,pcot IBumtirl—CaR Proaecea '• Commission too. en- Fm FF22M��A DERBY Commission No. Q 'jt . B K !'A DERBY MY COMMISSION#FF2z0930 'c MY CZMM13SION#FF2209;50 F..PIRE n, � ,+CT;397�'S3 Flor;ari4..;^ r.OT) 4-0•S3 RwWrk-, -5.^...e a.. Revised 07/15/201 REVIEWS FRONT Z0I9II9G .JUPERVISOR P17% vEGETAii019 SEA iU iEE MA19GROVE COON IOR R=vlcvv REvievv FNEvlEvv REvlcvv RcvlEvv REVIEW DATE [OrMPLETE INITIALS Pr—upeay Card rage 1 of I Michelle Franklin, CFA--Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser--All rights ra*Erved. Pruperty Identification Site Algress: 1916 sAur)Lr-RKv-Cn utt Pa--eel Iv:.ls2l-502-0041-000-:) Nee/I a vRK....sc:281365139E Account#:o3,ai Map w:o.3rzary use I ype:0100 Lo.-.ins:AK-1 Jurisdiction:Saint Lucie County Ownership Murray Levine 7916 Suddlc6sook D. Hert Nt L--Oce,r L 349S6 Legal Description SABAL C►cttK-P11ANG 11-CUI Yz(1.16 AC)(UK 846-1601) Current Values JusuMarKet value: :518,3,.)00 A3scsscd Value: "48,4" exemptions: 1150,000 1—r.Dlc V..1"c: Total Areas Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collectors Unite G ve-nte=0 I KIM Ior Eni,rw.-eel'.IJownlo»d PDF© Finiahcd7undcr Air(St). 4,!109 Cross urea tar): 8,9j:) 06 Land Size(SF1: 76,666 1 R2:;:..r.MFt:en i:;Delie-ea to D�ee;eet»t tall..tl a 65t.t 305 cet to en-be mid i3 not Rai-,mtca, Copfaht 2018 paint Lacic Cou.-it, Prol,crt., Apl,rai3or.All r'.&Hts reserved hltp://www.paslc.org/RECard/ 4/24/2018