HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval 01/09/2018 P v' IPSheet TSWind efereindds Referencesk2017_b FBC WIND CHART.dwg ..--1 6th FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2017ASCE ;=1oWIND VELOCITY= 170 MPH MRH 60' l. 'ASD' DESIGN PRESSURES FOR COMPONENTS AND CLADDING EXPOSURE 'C' BASED ON Kd=0.85 •- MRH=MEAN ROOF HEIGHT INTERIOR ZONE4 PRESSURES D EXTERIOR ZONES PRESSURES 0 ENCLOSED STRUCTURE,FLAT TERRAIN (SEE BELOW) INSTRUCTIONS FOR TABLE USE: 2 Mean DESIGN PRESSURES(PSF)-ZONE 4 ' Mean DESIGN PRESSURES(PSF)-ZO E 5 4 �..�IDENTIFY THE ZONE OF THE OPENING�AS 1 RIOR-(ZONE 4)OR EXTERIOR(ZONE 5)PER THE pr's�' FIGURE BELOW LEFT OR INFORM"M ON PROVIDEDLT QU,BY-OTHERS. Roof Tributary Area(Sq Ft Roof Tributary Area(Sq Ft)�3 Hel ht ~ 1.1. ANY QUESTIONABL OPEf�IN�TO'BECONSIDERE'D THE MORE CRTICAL(EXTERIOR)ZONE Height 10 20 30 40 150 L' eight 10 20 30 40 50 5. I ..` E}� '/ �I 2.IDENTIFY THE BUILDING M A VERAG 26 F �I HT FROM THE LOWEST GROUND ELEVATION.IF -41.0 39.3 -38.3 37 �7"-0� ,�" l -50.6 -47.2 -45.2 -43.8 -42.7 MEAN ROOF HEIGHT CANNOT3EE N1(FIED US T_HEi PEAK(HIGHEST)ROOF HEIGHT. 0-15 t +37.8 +36.1 +35.1 +34 1,� +f 3"$II '''' • 15 ft +37.8 +36.1 +35.1 +34.4 +33.8 2.1. ALWAYS ROUND UP IRQ F�IEIG 7 T0 NE TT BLE VALUE. �(l, � 2. VALID FOR ALL ROO S b��ES.FORiSLOPES3�QwSEE AN ENGINEER FOR REDUCTIONS. -40.8 -39.8 -39.1 X38� % �� -52.6 -49.0 -47.0 -45.5 -44.4 \s•/CALCULATE THE TRIBUTAR'AREATOFT�HE,OPEj(fNG IN QUESTION AS THE GREATER OF(HEIGHT 18 ft +39.3 +37.5 +36.5 +35.7 +35.2 J 18 ft TH+39.3 +37.5 +36.5 +35.7 +35.2 OR THE USE HPAN LENGTHE AREA BETWEEN STRUCiURRA�L O ENINGS ONLY-THIS Ec:TIVE WIDTH OF 1/3 THE HEIGHT INCLUDES AREAS BETWEEHEIGHT 2/ N 3.1.TRUCTURAL MULLS,COLUMNS,ETC. -43.6 -41.7 -40.7 -39.9 -39.4 -53.8 -50.1 -48.0 -46.5 -45.4 3.2. IF THE TRIBUTARY AREA OF AN OPENING CANNOT BE IDENTIFIED,HE SMALLEST 20 ft +40.2 +38.3 +37.3 +36.5 +36.0 20 ft +40.2 +38.3 +37.3 +36.5 +36.0 (10 SQUARE FEET)SHALL BE USED. 3.3. ALWAYS ROUND TRIBUTARY AREA DOWN TO THE SMALLER TABLE VALUE.FOR LARGER -45.7 -43.8 -42.6 -41.9 -41.3 -56.4 -52.6 -50.3 -48.8 -47.5 TRIBUTARY AREAS THAN PUBLISHED,USE THE LARGEST PUBLISHED VALUE. 25 ft 25 ft ./READ OFF POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE PRESSURES FOR USE AS REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL MUNICIPALTY +42.1 +40.2 +39.1 +38.3 +37.7 +42.1 +40.2 +39.1 +38.3 +37.7 IN ACCORDANCE WITH CODE. -47.4 -45.5 -44.3 -43.5 -42.9 -58.6 -54.6 -52.3 -50.7 -49.4_ 5. FOR SITUATIONS THAT REQUIRE Kd=1.0,TABLE VALUES ARE UNDER-DESIGNED BY A FACTOR OF 1.18.VERIFY Kd REQUIREMENTS WITH LOCAL MUNICIPALTY PRIOR TO TABLE USE. 30 ft +43.7 +41.8 +40.6 +39.8 +39.2 30 ft +43.7 +41.8 +40.6 8- +39.2,1 GENERAL NOTES: -49.0 -47.0 -45.8 -44.9 -44.3 -60.5 -56.4 -54.052 2`51:a 1/ CRITERIATABLES ARE TO BE USED IN CONFORMANCE WITH"ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN METHODOLOGY"PER ASCE 7-10 35 ft 35 ft S CTION 2.4.1 AND CHAPTER 30 PART 1 OR 3,USING THE AS OUTLINED HEREIN. +45.2 +43.1 +42.0 +41.1 +40.5 +45.2 +43.1 +42.0 5 . 2.DESIGN IS BASED ON THE 3 SECOND GUST(WIND VELOCITY)FOR THE WIND VELOCITY&EXPOSURE SPECIFIED. 40 ft -50.4 -48.3 -47.1 -46.2 -45.5 40 ft -62.2 -58.0 55 6 =5 8 2A5 . 0 'WORST CASE'CRITICAL CONDITIONS SHALL BE ASSUMED FOR SAFE PRESSURE RATINGS. 2.1 ASCE 7-10 RISK CATEGORY IS INDEPENDENT OF THIS RATING.FIND CATEGORY TO MATCH OR BE LESS +46.5 +44.4 +43.1 +42.3 +41.6 +46.5 +44.4 +43.1 42 6 $ 'THAN THE RATED LIMITING WIND VELOCITY ABOVE. _ .TOPOGRAPHIC FACTOR Kzt=1.0 FOR FLAT TERRAIN USE ONLY.NO HILLS SHALL BE NEARBY AREA. -51.7 -49.5 -48.3 -47.4 -46.7 -63.8 -59.5 -57.0 -55.2 -53:,0- 4.INTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENT(GCp1=+/-0.18)FOR USE WIH AN ENCLOSED STRUCTURE ONLY. 45 ft +47.6 +45.5 +44.2 +43.3 +42.6 45 ft +47.6 +45.5 +44.2 +43.3 +42.6 5. VERIFY HVHZ USE OF Kd HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE FACTOR)ONWITH LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT. 6.TABLES ARE FOR WALLS AND VERTICAL SURFACES ONLY. -52.8 -50.6 -49.3 -48.4 -47.7 -65.2 -60.8 -58.3 -56.4 -55.0 7.THIS DOCUMENT IS A MASTER PLAN SHEET,NOT A STE-SPECIFIC DOCUMENT. 50 ft +48.7 +46.5 +45.2 +44.3 +43.6 50 ft +48.7 +46.5 +45.2 +44.3 +43.6 8. THIS DOCUMENT IS ONLY VALID WITH AN ORIGINAL SIGNATURE&RAISED SEALED OR DIGTALLY SEALED WITH CORRESPONDING LIMITATIONS. -53.9 -51.7 -50.3 -49.4 -48.7 -66.5 -62.1 -59.4 -57.6 -56.1 9.THIS DOCUMENT ILLUSTRATES ALLOWABLE DESIGN WIND PRESSURES(ASD)AS LISTED.APPLICATION OF THESE 55 ft TABLES NCORRESPONDING +49.7 +47.4 +46.1 +45.2 +44.5 55 ft +49.7 +47.4 +46.1 +45.2 +44.5 DICTATED ANDVE IFEED BY THE GOVERNING BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND PERMIT HO DER.NO WARRANTY FOR -54.9 -52.6 -51.3 50.3--49 6 -� -67.8 -63.2 -60.5 -58.6 -57.2 APPLICABILITY OF THE USE OF THESE TABLES IS OF.F, ED HEREIN. 60 ft µ a" , --- 10. THIS SPECIFICATION DOES NOTI,OEER ANY.PROD PROVED CERTIFICATION. REFER TO ANY SEPARATELY +50.6 +48.3 +47.0 +46A„> t4 «' +50.6 +48.3 +47.0 +46.0 +45.3 SUBMITTED TEST CRITERIA AND OTHErR N,PPRO\ LS FOR DESIGN_&�yINSTALLATION INFORMATION AND APPLICABILITY .� OF THESE TABLE VALUES WHICH IS TO BE�TERIFIED!!61rriTvERS'IN;ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNING CODES. �'I / 11. ADHERE TO ALL LOCAL IMPACT PRO ECTI5R)SyYSTE ORD1`NANCES. ( 12. NO CERTIFICATION IS OFFEREDIE012.,RRErINI€GRTYM''QF THE HOST STRUCTURE. I 4 ,, 1' m' \ 13. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDEDAIEREIN,'N. DDITIONA'CERTIFICATIONS OR AFFIRMATIONS ARE INTENDED. INTERIOR ZONES EXTERIOR ON 55i�'©OF`H'ErGHT EXPLAINED LEAST HORIZONTAL C to m to Z y 00 m =1 II1 on `` - r rnrnzx0� O'"xx.+ �"'"� DIMENSION m>n m G) z m'-'m G]0 0` a= 10%OF LEAST HORIZONTAL DIMENSION OR 40%OFN N ROOF PEAK ROOF r Z r�r O Z C g �n v Z w C�Z HEIGHT,WHICHEVER IS SMALLER,BUT NOT LESS THAN 4%OF LEAST HEIGHT © © =m 0 G)O m.__.,1-,m rT1 X HORIZONTAL DIMENSION OR 3FT.USE ZONE 5 IF AT ALL IN QUESTION. \ N z O>D Z m iE m>CZ H ul 0 CONSULT AN ENGINEER FOR A MORE SPECIFIC INTERPRETATION IF MEAN © O N N m r Z i r >m D r v O ROOF 4 xOzMO>Zm,v 2-1 Di --1 3 REQUIRED. MEAN EAVE HEIGHT rmn O0 z m m.i 3 D p,23 m 0'. n -+ D D ya__) a ROOF ROOF 1'2nDDZp�oyZHN ..7:_ ,._., J...... 1- t- I HEIGHT HEIGHT N D O C m O n Z G)r 4,.92 (7 W 1--i zi-z700 -10z .'" rI1 0 QO 5O Opt O$ O-Do nnOrn-i-zrr..--'-, O C Z (1) © ® © ® ® ‘'a PLAN VIEW\ ® aDa�=��'�aicl� C Orn R1 1 a O5 ocz��o��G)"a rmn m o D OO COMPLEX m m ^rn m-1 z=n'r Z U) T Z I- ELEVATION ISOMETRIC CORNERS © O p P o y o -n o O (n 8 REMARKS DRWN CHKD DATE ` St-N p INIT ISSUE GSS TSB 03/05/12 6TH EDITION FLORIDA BUILDING CODE ENGINEERING o§Nm o m� m 3 i REV-ADJUSTED HEIGHTS GSS TSB 04/09/12 2017 EXPRESS® {oW00 \ a D rn REV 2014 FBC DGM TSB 06/10/15 r UPDATES,2017 FBC FLB FLB 12/17- - - ASCE 7 10, CHAPTER 30 CORPORATE OFFICE: Oz w . m ( z m 160 SW 12th AVENUE, SUITE 106 5" > p -I z DESIGN LOADS FOR COMPONENTS &CLADDING A 9 - I n DEERFIELD BEACH, FL 33442 m" I 0 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF ENGINEERING EXPRESS, MASTER PLAN SHEET P:(954)354-0660 F:(954)354-0443 z my _ O -pAND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR PART WITHOUT 0 0 O 9 CERT OF AUTH#9885 m- 8 _ WRITTEN CONSENT OF ENGINEERING E%PRESS.ALTERATIONS, ~ m F,y ADDITIONS,OR OTHER MARKINGS TO THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT 1 E:HELLO@ENGINEERINGEXPRESS.COM z Z 9 ASCE 7- .L o r^ W o PERMITTED AND INVAUDATEOURCFRTIFICAnoN. ENGINEERINGEXPRESS.COM P 000000N- 00000 /0000000 00000t00000000 /0000000 N N O o0 00 N 4 N N O O 00 00 cci c0 cd cd (p Cp N r r NI- NI--- - -- - - - - Z Qvvo vcocococo0ococoo0cococo W � NNCONNcr) c0 W V 'd- t7d 'ctNN > W CO 0 0 Z W >CXXXXXXXXXXXXX >C >CXXX O co N- r•-: N N co co co V co CO (NI N .4- .4- o0 ofl C/) N N N- f- N Nt V' V I"- CO CO N- ti N N N N N N CO CO D M O co o J `n < 0OWW0 — zoa0av) U co w 0 o N � O o QcO f� Wz o V Z J Q WW W CO ( OWI- W Eo-lx 0 W W OO Z O W OOu W ~ 0 IN Fo O O Q W M W 0003H W LU U) Z J CL C j W Q < < 0 " U » F- w U coC0 �1Q- . Florida Building Code Online 1 1 1 a io t �` tett,.`...-e '.. ¢I V. � �` Its .- .t .. _, , ,.. ._ .. , I4 I P BCIS Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics , Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts , Publications j FBC Staff BCIS Site Map Links , Search b ll Product Approval r 'ate'USER:Public User Product An,royal Menu>Product or AooUcation Snarch>Aoolication I ist>Application Detail FL# FL12769-R9 jApplication Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved , *Approved by DBPR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. , q , Comments ' Archived 0 .s . Product Manufacturer JELD-WEN I Address/Phone/Email 3737 Lakeport Blvd Klamath Falls, OR 97601 (800) 535-3936 fbcl@jeld-wen.com Authorized Signature Jason Kantola fbcl@jeld-wen.com Technical Representative JELD-WEN Corporate Customer Service Address/Phone/Email 3737 Lakeport Blvd. E • Klamath Falls, OR 97601 (800) 535-3936 , customerserviceagents@jeld-wen.com Quality Assurance Representative ('' °.r .. Address/Phone/Email , Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing : • • Certification Agency National Accreditation&Management Institute .'j Validated By National Accreditation&Management Institute Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ASTM E330 2002 • ASTM E331 2000 TAS 202 1994 4 I I Equivalence of Product Standards ;- u - q , Certified By Engineer or Architect Florida Licensed Professional FL12769 R9 Eauiv ASTM E84 Equivalency Letter SS 2017-08-31.ndf http:Pwww.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?paramwGEVXQwtDgsmFBc0Dh9Xl2Qz2QIizl37RUeW8cgEsteIhjnToeX%212A%3d%3d[4/17/2018 11:38:05 AM] Florida Building Code Online Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A 7 9 .t Date Submitted 10/02/2017 ( Date Validated 10/30/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 11/08/2017 Summary of Products ",, FL# •• Model, Number or Name Description 12769.1 Contours Steel, Wood Edge Full Lite,Inswing Door w/or w/out Sidelites, 12'-0" x 6'-8" Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL12769 R9 C CAC NI009887-R4 Certificate.pdf } Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 03/31/2020 Design Pressure: +55/-55 Installation Instructions j Other: FL12769 R9 II A008730 SS 2013-09-08.odf } Verified By: Hermes F. Norero Florida PE No. 73778 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL12769 R9 AE PER3791.1 SS 2017-10-25.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 12769.2 Contours Steel, Wood Edge Full Lite, Inswing Door, w/or w/out Sidelites, 12'-0"x 6'-8" Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL 2769 R• C CAC NI009887-R4 Certificate,odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date • Impact Resistant: No 03/31/2020 Design Pressure: +66/-66 Installation Instructions Other: FL12769 R9 II A008730 SS 2013-09-08.odf Verified By: Hermes F. Norero Florida PE No. 73778 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 1 Evaluation Reports FL12769 R9 AE PER3791.1 SS 2017-10-25.pdf, Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 12769.3 Contours Steel, Wood Edge Full Lite, Outswing Door,w/or w/out Sidelites, 12'-0"x 6'-8" Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL12769 R9 C CAC NI009887-R4 Certificate.pdf ! Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date , Impact Resistant: No 03/31/2020 Design Pressure: +55/-55 Installation Instructions Other: FL12769 R9 II A008731 SS 2015-10-03.odf Verified By: Hermes F. Norero Florida PE No. 73778 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL12769 R9 AE PER3792.1 SS 2017-10-25.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 12769.4 Contours Steel, Wood Edge Full Lite, Outswing Door, w/or w/out Sidelites, 12'-0"x 6'-8" Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL12769 R• C CAC NL009887-R4 Certificate.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date M Impact Resistant: No 03/31/2020 Design Pressure: +66/-66 Installation Instructions Other: FL12769 R9 It A008731 2015-10-03.pdf Verified By: Hermes F. Norero Florida PE No. 73778 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL12769 R9 AE PER3792.1 SS 2017-10-25.pdf! Created by Independent Third Party: Yes ! 12769.5 Contours Steel, Wood Edge Half Vent Lite Outswing Door, 3'-0"x 6'-8" • Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL12769 R9 C CAC NI011489-R1 Certificat-pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date j Impact Resistant: No 01/31/2020 http:,'/www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.asps?paramwGEVXQwtDgsmFBc0Dh9Xl2Qz2QI izI37RUeW8cgEstelhjnToeX%2fZA%3d%3d[4/17/2018 11:38:05 AM] Florida Building Code Online Design Pressure: +55/-55 Installation Instructions Other: FL12769 R9 II A009078 SS 2013-02-28.Ddf I Verified By: Hermes F. Norero Florida PE No. 73778 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL12769 R9 AE PER3793.1 SS 2017-10-25.Ddf Created by TndenPndPntThird Partv• Yec 12769.6 Contours Steel, Wood Edge Full Lite, Outswing Door,w/or w/out Sidelites,9'-0"x 6'-8" Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes _ •• _ k el _-; -ti - I e Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +50/-50 Installation Instructions Other: FL12769 R9 II A008496FL.Ddf Verified By: Hermes F. Norero, P.E. 73778 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL12769 R9 AE PER3833.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road.Tallahassee Fl.32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EE0 employer. .. •. 117- e1 . - .f • .. ::Privacy Ste en-nt::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to Section ( 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S., please click here. Product Approval Accepts: } Credit Card Safe securitytMETRles* http:'/ww .floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.asps?paramwGEVXQwtDgsmFBc0Dh9XI2Qz2QI iz137RUeW8cgEstelhinToeX%2fZA%3d%3d[4/17/2018 11:38:05 AM] 1 BUILDING DROPS 398 E. Dania Beach. Blvd Suite 338 A Perfect Solution in Every Drop! Dania Beach,FL 33004 Certificate of Authorization:29578 954.399.8478 PH _ 954.744.4738 FX contact@buildingdrops.com August 24, 2017 TO: Whom It May Concern FROM: Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Registered Florida Professional Engineer#73778 MANUFACTURER: Jeld-Wen 3737 Lakeport Blvd. Klamath Falls, OR 97601 This document shall serve to state that Jeld-Wen products tested in accordance with ASTM E84-05 as per the 5th Edition Florida Building Code shall be qualified for the requirements of the 6th Edition Florida Building Code. The testing on the products complies with the requirements specified within the ASTM E84-13 standard, as required by the 6th Edition Florida Building Code.This standard is listed under Chapter 35 of the current Florida Building Code and titled "Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials". ASTM E84-13 has been reviewed and determined to be technically equivalent to ASTM E84-05.All test results meet or exceed requirements of the 6' Edition Florida Building Code. Respectfully submitted, ``ow illll/i/// ``• 0 - F. p iii,. ,,<ZI- .•'''' "...!fc.`„ 1.; E. �1r�'No. 7§(.._ ST�T • a- =Q�/ O�% . o_ P'�. 4QO � ','0 ' ANAL�� ‘�`Digitally signed by Hermes F.Norero,P.E. //iii;111 1000 Reason:I am approving this document Date:2017.08.31 09:51:27-04'00' Hermes Norero, P.E. Florida Registered Professional Engineer#73778 Certification of Independence: Please note that I do not have nor will I acquire a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing the product(s)for which this report is being issued.Also,I do not have nor will I acquire a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the listed product(s). Page 1 of 1 NOTICE OF PRODUCT CERTIFICATION 1 CERTIFjc 4 ACC$ oQttia ° early d•4. CERTIFICATION NO: NI011352-R1 ti) DATE: 12/10/2012 ° _,' IIMNil ' CERTIFICATION PROGRAM: Structural , if ,���' COMPANY: JELD-WEN '�F+re�. l� CODE: 822-1 � ��o REVISION DATE: 09/17/2015 To verify that the"Notice of Product Certification"is valid,please visit www.NAMICertification.com to assure that the product is active and currently listed.This certification represents product conformity to the applicable specification and that certification criteria has been satisfied. A NAMI approved certification label must be applied to the product to claim certification status. Please review and advise NAMI if any corrections are required to this document. COMPANY NAME AND ADDRESS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION JELD-WEN "Contours" Premium Steel Wood Edge 3737 Lakeport Boulevard Full Lite Non-Impact Out-Swing Door Klamath Falls, OR 97601 w/Endura Aluminum Bump Threshold & Ultimate Hurricane Astragal Configuration:0)0(0 Glazing:Insulating Glass-(Tempered)or Monolithic-(Tempered) Frame: W-2718mm(107.00") H-2064mm(81.25") Panel: W-915mm(36.00") H-2032mm(80.00") SPECIFICATION PRODUCT RATING TAS 202-94 Design Pressure: +50/-50 psf w/o Surface Bolts Design Pressure: +60/-60 psf w/Surface Bolts Qualifies Configurations:O/X/OX/XO/OXO/XX/OXX/XXO/OXXO Product Tested By: Certified Testing Laboratories, Inc. Report No: CTLA-697W/NCTL-210-3195-11W-1535 Expiration Date: December 31,2020 die Administrator's Signature: . NATIONAL ACCREDITATION AND MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE, INC. 4794 George Washington Memorial Highway Hayes, VA 23072 Tel: (804) 684-5124/Fax: (804) 684-5122 JELD-WEN DOOR TABLE 1 INSTALLATION DETAILS DESIGN PRESSURE RATING SIZE QUALIFIES PRODUCT MEETS THE WATER REQUIREMENTS FOR'HVHZ"ZONESE> CONTOURS PREMIUM STEEL WOOD EDGE — — —' — -- MAX PANEL WIDTH=36'1 6-8 TALL SYSTEMS, FULL LITE NON-IMPACT :',";!'/•: ;',;%%%::";%;.%/,';';'-' (XX)(xxo)(oxxo)(x)(ox)(xo)(oxo) UP TO 9'-O"X 6'-8" WITH SURFACE BOLTS: WITH-OUT SURFACE BOLTS: OUTSWING GENERAL NOTES SINGLEA E OR W/O SIDELITES - _ (x, X,xo,OW) __. +60 -60 +50 50 1,THIS PRODUCT IS DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH THE CURRENT FLORIDA BUILDING CODE(FBC)BASE ON THE SIGNED AND SEALED - - --- ---- -.- ... DATE;INCLUDING HVHZ AND HAS BEEN EVALUATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING:TAS 202-94. DOUBL 1 OR W/O SIDELITES N/A (XX,oxx,xxo,oxxo)• +sD _sD 2.1X AND 2X WOOD BUCKS BY OTHERS AND MUST BE ANCHORED PROPERLY TO TRANSFER LOADS TO THE STRUCTURE. BUCK MATERIAL MUST HAVE A SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF 0.55 OR GREATER. COMPONENT LIST j 3.PRODUCT ANCHOR TYPES AND SPACING ARE SHOWN ON SHEET 6. DIMENSIONS SHOWN FOR ANCHOR SPACING ARE ALWAYS ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL QTY; FROM EDGE OF UNIT FRAME.ANCHOR EMBEDMENT TO BASE MATERIAL SHALL BE BEYOND WALL DRESSING OR STUCCO, _ .1 NON-COMPRESSION SHIM(025"MAX. t THK.) WOOD IAS REQ-.1 4.THIS DOCUMENT SUPERCEDES OTHER ANCHOR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR NON-IMPACT RATED DOORS. FOR OTHER 2 2x WOOD SUB BUCK(S.G.MUST BE 0.55 OR GREATER) WOOD AS REQ. IMPORTANT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS,REFER TO JELD-WEN DOCUMENT#JII106(INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR -_...._3 .1xWOOD SUB BUCK(S.G.MUST BE 0,55 OR GREATER) WOOD AS REQ, PRE-HUNG ENTRY DOORS)FOUND ON THE JELD-WEN WEBSITE:JELD-WEN.COM/LEARN/RESOURCES/INSTALLATION 8 FINISHING/ 4 #10 WOOD INSTALLATION SCREW W/1 1/2"MIN.EMBEDMENT STEEL AS REQ, 5 3/16"ITW TAPCON ANCHOR W/1 1/4"MIN.EMBEDMENT STEEL AS REQ. FLORIDA APPROVED SHUTTERS ARE NEEDED WHEN IMPACT PROTECTION IS REQUIRED. 6 #9 X 2 1/2"PHILLIPS FLATHEAD WOOD SCREW STEEL 2 OR 4 107"MAX.FRAME ---.._...---._.....---...-_...----.._..---................._.......-........................................................................__...—'-'-'------..........-------- 6.FOR DESIGN PRESSURE RATINGS,SEE TABLE 1,SHEET 1. 15 1/2"MAX. _ - 7 #8 X 2 1!2"PHILLIPS FLATHEAD WOOD SCREW STEEL AS REQ. SIDELITE FRAME TYP. fy4"MULL BAR TYP. 8 I/O X 3/4"PHILLIPS FLATHEAD WOOD SCREW STEEL 22 OR 44 7.THIS PRODUCT MEETS THE WATER REQUIREMENTS 9 1"O.A,IG NON-IMPACT FRAME GLAZED BY ODL Polypropylene 1-4FOR HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE(HVHZ).SEE DESIGN D.L.O. X74 112"MAX FRAME ..._.._.._. PRESSURE CHART BELOW. SHT.#2� _ 1 10 KWIKSET LOCKSERIES 400 OR EQUIVALENT STEEL 1 I —11 KWIKSET DEADBOLT SERIES 700 OR EQUIVALENT STEEL 8.SIDELITES ARE AN OPTION AND CAN BE USED IN SINGLE OR 'i 12 SINGLE GLAZE NON-IMPACT FRAME GLAZED BY ODL Polypropylene 1 4 DOUBLE CONFIGURATION. = O 1 s ° / ' > 9. FULL LITE APPROVAL COVERS USE OF FRACTIONAL GLAZING, g w INCLUDING OVALS.SUNBURST AND ROUND-TOPS.ALSO INCLUDED ,n w O / 1 a ARE INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL GRID,BLINDS BETWEEN GLASS, ,.2 LL I ! C ' , ,. o EXTERNAL WROUGHT IRON AND DECO.ALSO,SIDELITES ARE AN Z ' ,, e m rn "� N OPTION AND CAN BE USED IN A SINGLE OR DOUBLE CONFIGURATION. a 0 / A t' 8 o ma = I / di 10.ALL FASTENERS IN WOOD SHALL 1-O rn ! m a BE COUNTERSUNK 3/16'DEEP. EXAMPLE: 3/16"---1-- O W " /,,. ♦ I p - I ` ACTIVE /INACTIVE v I A I' N I ���,FIXED \/ FIXED z n E F A 9-0 X 6-8 ELEVATION_ S F' ''2 a " TYP.NON-IMPACT DOUBLE DOOR W/FULL 1-2 SIDELITES(O,XX,O) LITE SEE SHT.#2 37 3/4"MAX,O,A. —70 1/4"MAX.FRAME k LO FRAME TYP. 37 3/4'MAX.FRAME1 � - x Z � I� 3/4"MULL 74 1/2"MAX,FRAME-- . 0 BAR TYP. o1 , -IA— _ N /\ I }W} N§ o m= � G �m Z2 ,./ rP. / e /1 \ e /' . ¢ wz 3 {lo� e e Z a ¢ 7 / / `\ / o. 0 Z a ark, Op Z / A / / f A / F w - J a ¢ ACTIVE FIXED FIXED � ACTIVE FIXED ACTIVE .\I/ INACTIVE : ```111UII111/17T O 0 w I FULL LITE FULL LITE 5-4 X 6-8 ELEVATION 6-0 X 6-8 ELEVATION ♦?��`SFS F n �' ,, U ? o 3-0 X 6-8 T• •T TRIPLE(O,X,O) DOUBLE(XX) ♦ :'\ :� SINGLE(X)&(0) ,:•,••, �' \•••-• 7�/:'� �' Dore:11/18/2012 _* . F ; * = uA.:NONE SHEET INDEX Oi T Ti . ` ovX O:G,LUBBECKE SHEET# DESCRIPTIONv'+Vr+FFF�6600 1 GENERAL NOTES,B.O.M.&ELEVATIONS 2 OUTSWINGBOXMULDNGDErA]LS Digitally signed byHermes F Norero,P.E. '.C. •x : WKer:S.SAFFELL 3 OUTSWING VERTICAL AND HORI20NTAL SECTIONS IN WOOD 9 Y 9 �,l> Q'P.E: �B -4- OUTSWING VERT AND HORIZ SECTIONS 1N MASONRY/CONCRETE ♦ DRAWING i Reason:I am approving this document 398 DAINI PAU(' �o.s04 338 - _ _ 5 SURFACE BOLT SECTIONS IN WOOD AND MASONRY/CONCRETE. A008496FL Date:2012.12.03 13:52:47-05'00' DANI/I.OF AUTH. F 33ooa 6 OUTSWING ANCHORING DETgILs FBPE CERT.OF AUNO.29578 ..., 1 OF 6 609Z-0S8(TVs):xe3 TSb£288(Ws):auoyd SNOIldO JNIZ 1E)0NV Siiv130 ONI1lf1W N w J J V] 109L6 110'spej 1peweal A19W355V 210 1NVd o m LL _.1 ;6- TAM�odaNe-i L£L£ m W 3 a `D S31I130I8„Z-,i HUM 13VdWI-NON 31I111f1A -. z - 4__ a V Y_ MO QNIA f .Z. O m m app N 'l,�lT*rr17L���iJCl��1!r�1T1 8-9 X 0-6'3'M 13315 Wf1IW3Nd S21l01NO3 - Z - __ o oa 11110021do s b Q ,f, m m I F3 0 is LO I- mI. Z 0 w • `III y hl111II,,, N o N • • • ' W -\` ��� LL r •4,11 ....r. Sr O a x dao 0 N � ' . A '''y. ,P� `QIP0oa .• 0] 1 I f -1 �Wo Q ® ///1111111111 g3 ImL I! ( F In 2 w "'� f � O z a �N I Q 0 J `° W� ° cc a - zcn - a Icor; w< I . W m CO Dwc� i`m2 0 X x X I- 0 CO a m• 63 I- J_ 0 o X Q a ~ XN Z 2 Z I `'. %. + W Q 0 p w Fr_fj p',0. OO U _) 4--_-- - _ O O -W Q :.-s__r. .�.1 Z J ci 0 • \'__- __-__---_— Z a.-I '' Y Q xx P. o_W ,...,---?.:=> ` \\ p Q m W ! X O � o>m 0 r a 2 LU wam <2IX arra mo ¢ ¢O r • O Ca < Z t\N„-- -- jI (3------- ;j Q 0 ¢ J Q0 j 2 =w 1 Wi I • W W �O "thki"9 j m -'NIW,.L(1 'dAl 1111 < 'd1.1..9--j Q w I=-. NQ} 1-.00.,819 EL tL m „ I- 0 X W Z 0 IYO _,- / Q , W „ `aQ / Ii\\ \ gt // / / /1 1 •x w, j/ g 4:, W co x O em m sjWi W / IV X= gO 1 m 1 1 1"MIN.I- ----- 1"MIN. - - 041 1"MIN. - 1"MIN. ----} O� f --- T. f' 2 ` �.. _ 2 � M 112"MIN. $-� "'- / 1 1/2"MIN. I �O O EMB. �� - -_ EMB. ,\ INTERIOR EXTERIOR .� 1 - _._} ��1 1 I I 4 �C' :� (� SEENOTE#10 L......._ I ) �� - O ONS T 1 �� m 'i } .11 l�l 1 1/2"MIN. c 1/4' I 1/4" i ��" EMBED. -- J-' .. it.. MAX. 1/8" MAX. SHIM SHIM J I _. "' ............ �m© ........... / EXTERIOREXTERIOR n-- 1"MIN / SEE NOTE#10..I INTERIOR SEE NOTE#10 / INTERIOR - -"'- _ i" EXTERIOR ....._...__..... ... 1„MIN ON SHEET 1 ON SHEET 1 - INTERIOR / i OUTSWING OPERATING UNIT ; '� .�/ - VERTICAL CROSS SECTION // "-' OUTSWING OPERATING UNIT OUTSWING FIXED UNIT 1 1/2"MIN. r ENDURA FOB4566A SILL VERTICAL CROSS SECTION VERTICAL CROSS SECTION -" -" ~__ • EMBED. -_ '---_ HEAD JAMB HEAD JAMB '_--__ Q ---I` MIN Q� 1”MIN 1 1/2"MIN. _ _1/e MAX. / HINGE DETAIL THOUGH MULL: O OUTSWING FIXED UNIT EMBED. SHIM VERTICAL CROSS SECTION /..SEE NOTE#10 HINGE DETAIL THOUGH BUCK: TOP HINGE=6 SCREWS(ITEM#8),2 SCREWS(ITEM#6) SILICONE AT SILL TI / ON SHEET 1 TOP=6 SCREWS(ITEM#8),2 SCREWS(ITEM#6) CENTER HINGE=8 SCREWS(ITEM#8) 1"MIN CENTER=8 SCREWS(ITEM#8) BOTTOM HINGE=8 SCREWS(ITEM#8) l?1 „,II 1 BOTTOM=8 SCREWS(ITEM#8) O /2X O© p v rn O 1 0.`0 E.9�' O ? n M INTERIOR 7----O---- O aX } '2X q o 2X ■ oOmiA 1"MIN. ) //i \\/2X A ax �\ /� :, : ML2 z2ZZ2Z22;� .SSXRSt:S`cx Y .. FIXED UNIT EXTERIOR i i• HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION INz m IA p OUTSWING SHOWN I ,,� SEE NOTE#10 X 5 6 ON SHEET 1 Olio VJ'ie • o w ..;•'T 3/4 0 N 7 0\R - 1 2 NOTES: 0O ZX • EXTERIOR FOR PLACEMENT OF ITW TAPCON ANCHORS IN 2X BUCK OR PN O 1X BUCK CONCRETE/MASONRY OPENINGS,SEE SHEET 4 Ew G O Q \\„/,.;;,„,4 \\ ��1 I I) } OPTIONALLY,ANCHOR CAN BE PLACED IN NARROW SECTION Z ' p O i / I �`, OF HEAD OR JAMB AS LONG AS MINIMUM EMBEDMENT AND Z m,...II Q -I Z ,,,,,,�)IIMi111M EDGE DISTANCE ARE ACHIEVED. 0 2p1"MIN. `\ I•- II•r O 1"MINA ITEM#6,(#9 X 2 1/2')TWO SCREWS TO BE INSTALLED IN TOPDa O I.,.: /Q HINGE AT JOB SITE,CLOSEST TO WEATHERSTRIP. cc IA z > w INTERIOR m > / / / 4 AT SILL,PLACE ANCHOR IN SILL BAF��,nrBRyy FOR 0 Z ,,,,,,,.., ,... '\' MAXIMUM SUPPORT. S F• '4S 1"MIN. 1 \ - / / � 1..r..:` �� .. . � ,'i 8 O LL -�_ E` 1"MIN. ; ...� •.�.'p'1• = p O N. SEE NOTE#10' Z /" Dare:11/16/2012 } Oa ON SHEET 1 } $, ,._1/4"MAX. 1/4"MAX. _* . , % ; * E swe:NONE SHIM SHIM — T T F X ...er:G.LUBBECKE 1 1/2"MIN.__________I 1 1/2"MIN. % ?J ' ... X : EMBED. EMBED. : _ '94C111104: 0,,.BY.S.SAFFELL spa P.,:1a_i76 --_ __ - - -- -OUTSWING LATCH JAMB AT FRAME - - _ OUTSWING HINGE JAMB AT FRAME _ _- 398 DAM)) H .``1i��STE.338 A008496FL HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION DANIA/SBAOPI�8L 33004 FBPE CERT.OF AUTH.NO.29578 SX)ET 3 eF 6 • . . . . ... . . . .... . • CO CRETE/ - 1"MIN.- 1"MIN. - 1"MIN. 1"MIN. I/ MA.ONRY i SEE 1,0TE#10 ', . 1 1/4" 1"MIN.—1 1'MIN.— ,.' BY )THERS TYP. ON SHEET 1...\ INTERIOR 1 1/4" C] 11/4" , --- MIN. 1"MIN.— I"MIN. I. MIN. ----- ,./ 0 INTERIOR EXTERIOR EXTERIOR i • • EMBED 1 cl 1 ,,,1_,.• 1 1 /4 MIN ,m _ c:- ?, . ..................._...................... ,...... .................. ........ . MBED / ,•----_____,a 0 .- ,.. ... I • ' 0 ' '-- ''' 4 ,,._,... -... , ,1 4--. !C OMNACS ROENTREY)- ...r mmi ................ ,_ . ,„ ,......... CONCRETE/-, • ......---'...._ :-: -,::: ... 1 1/4'MI . ' „ri ,.., .4 BY OTHERS .., MItill 0 MASONRY I ---I.- --.... ,/ ...J EMBED 1/4" = •,;.,, BY OTHERS 1- I MAX. i.. - TYPICAL I / INTERIOR SHIM 1/4" ll1/4" atikW . EXTERIOR MAX. . -.; ' ,' - EXTERIOR MAX. fOUTSWING OPERATING UNIT OUTSWING FIXED UNIT . SHIM '1,_. SHIM EXTERIOR VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 'ERTICAL CROSS SECTION / SEE NOTE#10...i ENDURA F0B4566A SILL SILICONE AT SILL SEE NOTE#10 ON SHEET 1"J OUTSWING OPERATING UNIT SEE NOTE#10 j INTERIOR ON SHEET 1 I.N.T_EKT • VERTICAL CROSS SECTION OPTIONAL IX BUCK -I` ON SHEET 1 OUTSWING OPERATING UNIT OUTS WING FIXED UNIT 1 1/4"MIN. VERTICAL CROSS SECTION VERTICAL CROSS SECTION EMBED. HEAD JAMB HEAD JAMB , 1/4"MAX. SHIM EXTERIOR .1 .. HINGE DETAIL: ........._ 1... 9<, \ / ' 1 1"MIN. TOP HINGE=6 SCREWS(ITEM#8),2 SCREWS(ITEM#6) CENTER HINGE=8 SCREWS(ITEM#8) BY OTHERS BOTTOM HINGE=8 SCREWS(ITEM#8) - CONCRETE/MASONRY 1" C 1 MIN -\ \ 7---‘ 0 a \ X INTERIOR " /4X 0, / 01 ,\ , 1 1"MIN. 0\ \I --.1 I / • I VA _ g 5-3t raC4 2.0 '.2 \ 1°MIN. 2X --", i I / I . . 1'MING' ( A .... ; .1' lia `3" •-. 1 ) / \ • SEEINOTE#10 0 I Ai I / 1 •OnMal ;MUM- / • \ / , r FIXED UNIT ON SHEET 1 limitielP !.. \ I /HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION I I ._._...-- VaatZMIR IlilaMv• / •‘ - it ri -31 E.OUTSWING SHOWN An. .... E,1102X I 1 I I / 1"MIN. . 4 Iii \SEE ITEM#10 0 q z V ,..../ 1 ../... --- '11.::. 2X 1"MIN. t 1/4"MAX.ON SHEET 1 co ,r) in z 0 \ - - SHIM 7 - -'az --..,, / 1 1/4"MIN. 9 c, tn MIN.EMBED CM ,..7.; 1 \ / \ 7 , il pp 1 I \ i m II-• PLZ <2 / 1. EMBED — OUTSWING OPERATING UNIT HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION "Li f-s, 1°MIN. 4 / 'aiial if 4 0 pp OPTIONAL IX BUCK ..71, • p.„c, -- 1"MIN. 111 Z Z Z 0 0 1"MIN. ,,,.. 1"MIN. u Di 1 i r /-1 /\ 1 ' INTERIOR /1111- i .4 . 1"MIN. L \ < , 1"MIN. / //4 / . E b z ce a z t ---I ' ,,,/ 1--miki• . ....-- I v 1 1*MIN. ) ''' / \ 1`, ---• , ( rrIN. 1.LIN. I (\ '. y .:,,,, 7.---SoENEsNNOETEET#110 ''''.., ---SEE NOTE#10----- 0.-- EMI "i ON SHEET 1 ( 0%WI lllll // 1/4'MAX. . , 1°MIN. i ! b --- ---- SHIM I ,,,,•No..s..y... 0 , o C.) LL z I 1/4"MAX. NEM 1 1/4"MIN. 1"MIN. r ., 4,.q.-....ll . .. :‘,.•...p-.... E ._ . 1 1/4"MIN. -1 - SHIM — EMBED. :.° 'Z'e.\,\' 1". 0 :". .... EMBED. — 7/. ,... ._11/18/2012 pyrstigNG ONGE.JAMB AT FrtAmg OUTSWING Larcti JiAmpAr FRAffl.g \ 4 ''' _ 1/4"MAX. z.* , SHIM '7 i * sr...NONE HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION , NOTES: r 7.::...'33... T T/ 910 .::turr z.::: om.tn,G.LUBBECKE , OPTIONALLY,ANCHOR CAN BE PLACED IN NARROW SECTION OF HEAD OR JAMB AS LONG AS MINIMUM CONCRETE/MASONRY.....," 11/2"MIN. 1..0, l',cAacifyitcriv4i*$. 01,ern S.SAFFELL ..... '-'EMBEDMENT AND EDGE DISTANCE ARE ACHIEVED. BY OTHERS EMBED - ). 0.7.t... 02\73:h8 OPTIONAL MASONRY/CONCRETE/NSTALL DRAWING No.: - ITEM#6,(#9 X 2 1/21 TWO SCREWS TO BE INSTALLED IN TOP HINGE AT JOB SITE,CLOSEST TO WEATHERSTRIP. -398 DK gb BEA&B0(e.STE-338-- 6FL --- - - CROSS SECTION OF HEAD JAMB OR SIDE JAMB A00849 AT SILL.PLACE ANCHOR IN SILL BASE MATERIAL FOR MAXIMUM SUPPORT. DANDNE1AOPIL 33004. FBPE CERT.OF AUTH.NO.29578 sr 4 of 6 • 609?-0S9(TBS):xe.i OOO TSb£Z9B(Tb5)'auoyd A NOSOW/313210N00'8 M w NI SNOLO3S 1109 3.3vAa 15 w _, ir. 109L6 210'sped rpewaN n, w w A19w35SV ill)RPM o CO LL 'PM9 laoda)12-I LEL£ ^ w 3 Q 1O a� ��rtry S31I130IS:,Z-,T H1IM IOHdWI-NON 3111 1111d N z `A' YIIO O1<�LJ.�rii. O g m a W u1 8-9 X 0-6'3'M 1331S WflIW9 d S2iflOINOJ ^r z o s o nnaoaa o s b g Q m m c, N ```` 0,min,, of g N ` • �`/�o• *�� ,i M Z W W `ti • F ds0< 3 • (IL, j f mm wcc m i,�''ti':ricePR```.�•rnpw 9 IILL LL H LL W 0000 CC 7Q 73 na 7g z° mn 0 I- \ ` Mw t_- FyQN 1 ,.11 �j . rf� 0 1 FyWy ......m. rn U LLQ ZZ•.i X --��d Q smilruniFamo CyceA zz �� \\ l ::r : f ',II� m Ill o rn ILI �� r\ HI - 111111!iI , ( pIC Cc K� z...(laz /7-` \ \\ \\ 1 �\ / e zcaig �I74° 2 rI \ \ \ 1 3�� o \ \ \ '—' i6 LU w ;� Orn \ yZpw wz 1 1 \ \ ,I 1 o 0 • �w � `\.,co > > r,0 > eZ W azoi g ( } �"� y .-mow �m FccCC< m m 3� m F� m W Z w U ce UfOn f=-} W cc 0 O x 0 O x W 0 0 m m a co w0 YOrNU Urn w W U L F- 0 K NQ NQ O WI- I- I-in m 7 .-.w 7 w m I--m O j O CO w N w U p W M Q Q m Um K K 0m \ \ 0 Zzo ` / o t-W zoo 0 0 m `\ ,, `� w \ - O O F J W \ 1 / �» x 'w Zp ZZ\ `\ 1 i% ;;i ���/ �� '\, / PbuiO in I- � tli• A. 111 riw o r.� 111-111 •1 • j a��3 0(.)3Z H `i/Ui"�' .. w r i� , :vse 1 Ojyz z_ag- �I%li/�` \. ^ r i' \i• za 00 �W Q 1 1 r \ \ + /. (LJY/ 8 z, . j W cc rwn z ¢ 2 ' �� ~Oy \ -6 / , •_ 2 LI- o_W Q ,- 22—;lV - Z Z \' ``1 > I I I ' Z CC m W Q K W O m N U' m W n, m - Z w Q � N > �� > a;0 > � 07 2 <1-f m >-J W } J } w U2 COw moi. Z U EL'. N E2- Q �' ce 0_ m 0 m0 CO m Omx Q m�W N x X Z O w W Z 'lb- Q Z o z w w O• oW w la co < o 1- cc< 0 LL LL NQ U U- NQ O OQw 7 a'2 LL 7 •�2 CO =m< Oa rn W K CO W W Z2 W QO r� < < Z (wj a cc i7 Qpm a2 LU 65 i 0 W Oww =1 0a2aOp -< zOOw <Z 0 0 1 NOTE: 01 00 CX) SHIM FOR SUPPORT AT OR NEAR 37 3/4"MAX. �-6"y EACH ANCHOR IS REQUIRED O.A.FRAME a a `61 . r / .._,.i _, n. 3"TYP.— f F ›- s i' 3„ 107"MAX.O.A.FRAME 1 8 9/16' m U .... .. ..........� 1.. ... —3,TYP. D6_ D6 3"TYP.�I to 1_ — _1 O _, r I�.. _ . .._ I I~TYP Y..:....-:,... - —, —1— + —� —I--r,-�— I—I � C (FIXED) ..�i X(ACTIVE) z 2 3 z � �_ � I I " I I I , 1- 7 c, - A6 B6 A6 0 � 3„ a° I I W �. III _ § ~-a W --6' 6,., G I I SLAB 1 SLAB 1 a I I �` f DETAIL A6 10 X X 0 ---7— g X n: (10)ANCHOR LOCATIONS AT MULL - n _ g',_.....-----g.--..- I " 3' E6 E6 — C 1 —1 3„ '1 �c I III l._L... 1.........._ .l ia_I__..1_......_Ili- 1'i F 4 5;. } _ I 9-0 X 6-8 OUTSWING 320 X 6-8 OUTSWING 4' �- (52)ANCHOR LOCATIONS ' io (20)ANCHOR LOCATIONS (FROM EDGE OF FRAME) (FROM EDGE OF FRAME) . w - 70 1/4"MAX FRAME X . X o '' rn Th 14 9116" 14 9/16" -74 1/2"MAX FRAME I�9 :�9 yl 4 a o 8833 PI N 3"TYP. 3"T P. ¢d ° a s 9 t -Y, g 6 TYFj. r- =TYP. �...:. ► C z M LL .. + + .I. I11A __.......... 1 3 1-.._ 1 4 i 5 M c7 o _ D: D6 Ci 3,. Z Z ( I 7 —i f6•yf6"� I I �I I I __ m ~ i; A6 A6 + - 1 DETAIL B6 x k 0 4 0 _I B6 (12)ANCHOR LOCATIONS 9 o a t. AT ASTRAGAL w N PANEL CENTER - ¢ SLAB I i SLAB aX. 0 X O' 1 X I X w o 2 1.`' LI) 4 4 ISI- — � < 1 I I I + t I 1 °° `° ? E6I �6 ai z ~ —` --t j1-1-t-t—I_I_r____r__-_y-_I j 5 ui 54X68OUTSWING l •a q 5 ,``NNNnFu,,,���� 1- o (39)ANCHOR LOCATIONS 6-0 X 6-8 OUTSWING `%,45'-'...‘ s O �'���' 33 8 (FROM EDGE OF FRAME) (32)ANCHOR LOCATIONS -2- . \,.- - N.� PO ' 2-#8 X 3"PFH 2 #8 X 3"PFH (FROM EDGE OF FRAME) 7 DnTE:11/18/2012 SCREW SCREW F.* * = sn :NONE 1-BOTTOM ASTRAGAL T Ti a = rnva BY:G.LUBBECKE �"i - STRIKE PLATE S?� •• 1L ffff 1-TOP STRIKE PLATEAL- NIETIV E ES7. aK.o 398 DA�E*C.:14 3 T .338 AOv.S.SAFFELL _ DRAL`tI�YG Nn: DETAIL D6-D6 DETAIL E6-E6 DANI AE3tAOW,�1L33004 08496FL FBPE CERT.OF AUTH.NO.29578 SNEE0 6 0" 6 • 398 East Dania Beach Blvd. BUILDING DROPS Suite 338 Dania Beach, FL 33004 " A Perfect Solution in Every Drop 954.399.8478 PH Certificate of Authorization:29578 954.744.4738 FX contact@buildingdrops.com Product Evaluation Report of • JELD-WEN, inc. Contours Steel, Wood Edge Full Lite Non-Impact Up to 9-0 x 6-8 0/S for Florida Product Approval • Report No. 3833 Current Florida Building Code Method: 1 —A (Certificate Method) Category: Exterior Doors Sub — Category: Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Product: Contours Steel, Wood Edge Full Lite Non- Impact Up to 9-0 x 6-8 0/S Material: Wood with 24 Ga. Steel Skin Product Dimensions: 107"X 81.25"(Maximum) Prepared For: .EL -- V !'fig inc. 3737 Lakeport Blvd. Klamath Falls, OR. 97601. Prepared by: ��' c.S F. p i .Hermes F. Norero, P.F. �•` c� . .. .• Florida Professional Engineer#73778 �`��'•\,\••• , :�O Date: 06/29/15 • Contents: Evaluation Report Pages 1 —4 :: T'T • tr • Digitally signed by Hermes F Norero,P.E. '', S/0NAt_ ‘N‘-`` Reason:I am approving this document Date:2015.06.30 15:19:23-04'00' Hermes 11. P'MMro, P.E. Florida No.73778 BUILDING DROPS Date: 06/29/15 A Perfect Solution in Every Drop Report No: 3833 Certificate of Authorization:29578 Manufacturer: JELD-WEN,inc. Product Category: Exterior Doors Product Sub-Category: Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method: State Product Approval Method (1)(a) Product Name: Contours Steel,Wood Edge Full Lite Non-Impact Up to 9-0 x 6-8 0/S 107"X-81.25" (Maximum) Scope: This is a Product Evaluation Report issued by Hermes F. Norero, P.E. (FL#73778)for JELD-WEN inc. based on Method la of the State of Florida Product Approval, Department of Business and Professional Regulation- Florida Building Commission. Hermes F. Norero, P.E.does not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein. This product has been evaluated for use in locations adhering to the current Florida Building Code. See Installation Instructions A008496FL,signed and sealed by Hermes F. Norero, P.E. (FL#73778)for specific use parameters. Limits of Use: 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the current Florida Building Code, including the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone" (HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details. Anchor embedment into substrate material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used in areas requiring wind borne debris protection this product complies with Chapter 16 of the current Florida Building Code and does require an impact resistant covering. 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of drawing A008496FL require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. 6. See Installation Instructions A008496FL for size and design pressure limitations. Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida No.73778 Page 2 of 4 BUILDING DROPS Date: 06/29/15 A Perfect Solution in Every Drop Report No: 3833 --` Certificate of Authorization:29578 Quality Assurance: The manufacturer has demonstrated compliance of door products in Accordance with the Florida Building Code and State Ruling for manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality assurance entity through National Accreditation Management Institute. (FBC Organization#QUA1789) Performance Standards: The product described herein has been tested per: • TAS 202-94 Referenced Data: 1. Product Testing performed by Certified Testing Laboratories (FBC Organization# TST1577) Report#: CTLA697W, Report Date: 11/11/01 Report#: CTLA-961W, Report Date: 10/23/02 2. Product Testing performed by National Certified Testing Laboratory, Inc. (FBC Organization# TST1589) Report#: NCTL 210-3195-1 Report Date:09/28/05 3. Certification Agency National Accreditation Management Institute (FBC Organization#: CER1773) 4. Component Material Certification Miami-Dade PERA (FBC Organization#:CER1592) ODL, Inc. "HP Polypropylene"Series High Performance Door Lite Material NOA 10-1209.01 5. Component Material Testing of Dylite Expandable Polystyrene by Intertek Testing Services NA,Inc. ASTM E84-08 Report#:3113726SAT-001 R1 Report Date:03/13/2009 Equivalence of Test Standards: ASTM E84-08 has been evaluated for differences in test methodology, if any, between the edition referenced in the current Florida Building Code,ASTM E84-09.After review of the referenced standard and editions, it has been found that no significant technical changes have been made to the test standards that would affect the results.All referenced standards have been found to be equivalent.All materials test results meet minimum requirements of the current FBC including HVHZ provisions. Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida No.73778 Page 3 of 4 .,, 1 o /\ BUILDING DROPS Date. 06/29/15 A Perfect Solution in Every Drop Report No: 3833 Certificate of Authorization:29578 Installation: 1. Approved anchor types and substrates are as follows: A. For two by(2X)wood buck substrate, use#10 Wood Screw type installation anchors of. sufficient length to achieve a minimum embedment of 1.50"into the wood substrate. B. For concrete or masonry substrate where one by(1X), non-structural,wood bucking is employed, use 3/16"diameter ITW Tapcon type concrete screw anchors of sufficient length to achieve minimum embedment of 1.25" into concrete or masonry. C. For concrete or masonry substrate where wood bucking is NOT employed, use 3/16" diameter ITW Tapcon type concrete screw anchors of sufficient length to achieve minimum embedment of 1.25" into concrete or masonry. Refer to Installation Instructions(A008496FL)for anchor spacing and more details of the installation requirements. Design Pressure: Design Pressure With Surface Bolts Without Surface Bolts Single Active w/or w/out sidelites +/-60 PSF 5 +/-50 PSF X,XO,OXO) Double w/or w/out sidelites N/A +/-50 PSF (XX,OXX,XXO, OXXO) Installation Method: For installation details, anchor spacing, and additional installation requirements, please refer to sheet 6 of the installation instructions,A008496FL. Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida No. 73778 Page 4 of 4 it