HomeMy WebLinkAboutbuilding permitMUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Permit Number: Building Permit Application Planning ond Development Services Building ond Code Regulation Division 2300Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce F134982 Phone: (772) 462-L553 Fax: (7721 462-1578 Commercial Residential K Address: Legal DescriPtion: Site Plan Name: Project Name: Setbacks Front- Back: - Right Side:Left Side: n( J',a '-- \D Y"^,\J rrLe {orffiffii-E-i-lea-i , '-l Additlonal wo El.ruu. Ir,"o,.,. \[(-LV*LD this permit - ct l-In., Piping l-lsprintters appry: tr*,noo*s/Doors tr Gas Tank Plumbing tr Shutters Generator tr Roof Roof pitch Building Height: PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropbox, click arrow at the end of line Property Tax lD #: is required' ff value of constructton ls )z'uu er rrrvrL' Zip code: ?-+lP PhoneNo. I l4- State or CountY License: phone uo.1-lZ- E-Mail; Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next paCe ( if different from the Owner listed above) OWNER/ CONTRA(IOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certifo that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie Countv makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the perrnit holder to build the subject structure ;.',iitiii; ii".cihiiiii"'iliii';;v ir;Jti;;i;i'd'Hijlii;b*fibliliBoifiiio; iuid;;Eii;wioa;nd iovenants that mav restricl 6r prghibit such iiiiri{riid. ptE'jie Ccins-utt wit-h-\iouaHome owners Association and review'your deed for any restrictions which may apply' In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the ipprovEd plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use Rev.8l2lt7 Signature actor/License Holder Type of Identification Commission 1ST FLORIDA Iff ffi [iri" ;t'ffis [a' a'k'"*rTosff efore me Name of Petsqn making statement Personally Known' X On Produced ldentification as Agent for Owner [rLment-was acknowledgg!.before metlCn\ . zolP bv ,P;\' 0lrirrcrlB (Signature of SEA TURTLE REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW ffimffi&ff&mm&m m$ ffirm#wm& ffim*&re AHRI Certified Reference Number :7614674 AHRI TYPe: SP-A SETiES : NORDYNE PTRE SERIES Outdoor Unit Brand Name : NORDYNE Outdoor Unit Model Number (Condenser or Single Package) : PTRE-042K Region:All(AK,AL,AR'M'CA'CO'CT'DC'DE'FL'GA'Hl'lD'lL'lA'lN'KS'KY'LA'MA'MD'ME'Ml'MN'Mo'MS' MT,NC,ND,NE,NH,NJ,NM'NV,NY,OH,OK'OR'PA'RI'SC'SD'TN'TX'UT'VA'VT'WA'WV'WI'WY'U'S' Territories) RegionNote:CentralairconditionersmanufacturedpriortoJanuaryl,2ol5areeligibletobeinstalledinallregions untilJune30,20l6.BeginningJulyl,20l6centralairconditionerscanonlybeinstalledinregion(s)for which they meet the regional efficiency requirement' The manufacturer of this NORDYNE product is responsible for the rating of this syst'ern cpmbination' ::tr,:'iit,.]r',Lr r rr: t: .: Rated as fo*ows in accordance with the rrt"st "aiuon of ANSUAHRT zlorz4owrtn noaeial *o ,' ,"*''"nce R"tlng of Unitary n. co*ri,io#ai,-soiiie Heai'ump ,rrr,"*, ill;# tiii 1,ffi;;;;;* ::*.*" tn rJ partv testing: t.Active,, Moder status are those that an AHRr certific-ation program participant is currenay producing AND selling or offering for.sale: oR new models that are being marketed but are not yet be,"g p;Jii."?i.',,;,r.iion stopp"o.l,,:iLi ili,]!;;;ih*" *"i; o""*lttili"li'"'ii'","1*:*T:::: '#.:Hj'"r'"'"' "ul '- - DISGLAIMER ..,d,c\ ri.ra.r dn rhis certificate and makes no representatio-ns, w3lli"ll,"^t-t:::l:?]i*:,::;;;;;;;;ie ot tne p;oduct(s), or the AHRIdoesnotendorsetheproduct(s)listedonthiscertificateandmakesnorepresentations,warrantiesorguaranteesasto'a the oroduct(s) tisted on tnis certifiJ;i'". ffii;ilr;rv ai""ruirr lli'riliiiitvi"ii"tigut ot anv kind ailsins out of the use or p( unauthorized arteration "t or,, ri'll;i "i'iiri" ii.Iiir*rt". c*nto"'o?ii"s'r'r"-r"riJ oniv tor rnoiets ana conirgurarions risted in the dr H ffiM H directory at rs&,w"ahtldirectory'srg' TERMS AND CONDITIONS Thiscerti{icateanditscontentsareproprietaryploductsofAHRl.Thiscertlficateshallonly.beusedforindivldual,personaland confidentiat refer"n." orroor"".iii;;;i;;iilb certittcatem'aviit"in *rtoi" ot in pirt' be'ieoroduced; copied; disseminated; entered into a computer database; or otherwise utirized, in *v tljili iiilirii"i"r uy *v means,-&cept torthe user's individual' AlR"SSFlDlTloillt{€, ttEATIHa' & FEFRtqrEArtoH lttsTll$Te vn: rnake lifb betrter* personal and confidential refefence' CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION Theinformationtorthemodelcitedonthiscertifical:.can.l:Yifiedatwww.lthrldireetofy.srg,clickon"vsfi,yceftiflcate"linkandentertheAHRlcertified'9i:?:"#I[T'.:,l:Fj{{*"":l*lIl,1}i.|"n'o."..*asissued'ffiand enter tne AHHI uertrrrcu ^"',t"iilii,"#'lri" *nrcrt i" li"tud at bottom right' which is listed above' and the Cr @20lSAir.Conditionin$,Heating,andRefrigerationlnstitute