HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application 772-232-1118 p Apr 2518, 072ba Honest Air, Inc. ALL7. 7 4— y. 5-7 7� f_1 ')IGP SAM"w 2ur'ding and Codc RequIct'lor;Ofuls!O11 7300 igirgillia Avenue,R),-L Pierce RL?.407 -a-is er C_ ,11cl,2j Oyt, t cl c, line di*cp, 7n u i=.647.ws: x Liu K4 3, Q Jt. AA B-lock Wo. 5-fte?tarn Mamie, lzr ed Mlarknvs: Fmnt M5171"' _Z:L S1GC: 1c 'P�G A F illi a Law L CI'4-� 17 la-7 �4'L�Idonal warmtO mad lar-Ce; acit Z11 moi.typil, LIN X v r".C 'Cans 7,anig hutL%ers 7—! G en arator Total Sq..RZ-f Qmstmuctcn-_ PL ore F-11vt Floor- Cas: CcrSt rucI ant: Seot1c Suma' i-;a*'t "CNIT =R' Mzmna Name; -0 11-k-ra%: C mparq.... 81-' 671� rm: 7.' Phase K c-._ M Code: 71,vIr, C- Phone No. 2- .t. 4-w= 'Z -'s;MSU L C!,_mzraz C:1"-C"14zCM k.c6 e­--sm -r J. 7, V 772-232-1118 p.2 Apr 25 18, 07-.28a Honest Air, Inc. LE'Mi-61- 1 'F-PA; —IN LA IMA 'ON l- MORM —Mo-z.Appicable AZE -'111-NIPPARM N, A o L vlppk�-'NC tarns' dress.- 71;,: phbile: 7 . :.' ,-- Mcr plical "Ntjt Applk�-ble M 7"' n0 IDT.W2 MOVIP-ITZ11% L Ap ble Nnnle: z!m e: C;ress, Addy s: 7jr Zip: I mrWy!As',no work Cr fnsisalfe%lon has cornm6ncad prior ir,"he issuance of a pernilt. SZ.Luck ropkes no represei ization,hat is granting a pe..: will authorize dip permit holder to build the subject structurech in 1 L- CoM dict With 2w,012olicable,Hame Owners Association rules bylaws or and covenants%hat mal+restrict or prohlbit sur-In structure.Naw4e consuh:with;,ourvlome Own or--Assorialtion and rexnelv your deed 7or any restrictions u4hicli mia;t apply, in ccn:iderulon oll'uhegn)ndng of t1ds rA-ques-rd permit I do iiereby agree that I 1xiii,in all respect's,perform the work in amiardain--avvith'the ano proved plans,-dhe Florida Building Codes and St.Lucia County Amendments. ping a full coricurrn=y rcmew:room additions, Z The following building permit applications are�=cafript from Lndei�f, accessory struckures,swims-ning pooU,fern-asvjzl1%,signs,xrran rooms and Pceessmy uses to,another non-residential use :nit r'Q*SML;t fcj;;4,-jai"Ins"Wim fbT zn! -iust be recorded and posted on thejo�-, !rilprovanlent:to%row op r.A NoVce of Cornmence.Mem:ri site L L before tha Ti-M- 'r'- 1! u in"enc!t-,:)obtaininnancing. consul-ZArith iender or an attoTnoi bsfonia I i!nc commin.c.;vvor,:C);.. mli; NCUT ilk:01L 1 C,� 'Co i1nM e_-I-1--C-ril an'Z. Z7 it Signature CorilawfcorlUcerse Halde�- Si,,gripture OC Ownarl Le=eel,'Arsatly. gVing inst"umerill wac acknovele6ged berore me -I-be 1'ar "or n poind M-15trumeak. 1c admovidedge-d bar sa r c --he Tqr tftSZday of :�.i i va Lib, -'1b day oc by ±4 (Noma of person acknaliviledging (Mane or,person acknotuledgin.-I (51Zannum Notan"Public-stwwo1'Florida M'6atura of Notary c-SLOG o f F I ori d c c' 1 Per.-OnFilly Knomen OR Proauw..ej lCien-itilcalpon Kric),01711 .0 OR01 duced ldeirffiicauon ri I i 1,tpa of Ide.itii9ca,,io-,i''.3,vdLic4aeo Twin of Identification Produced ti's i,;o. Commission No. ; #FF 90 F TO!V`� pMS pug.ajam. y ..... IZ211,9 ZONING ROM7 1EGME.E.-IT101 71— c- 17.1 0 IEV 0 I'llrZIEViEVIii I awnvE-V,.* V f EVI!- i 1 0AM C0J%jj!2LE-,a l"NIT1 iPLU