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2445 NW Lakeridge Dr
ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COWEETED FUR HPPLICA, IUM 65 BE mCCl!P r Et! 1%T.: 'ir4oLoosklglad A Permrit IQarmser: Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division z300 viryinia Avenue, Fort rierce rr ayzrrsz Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 COWn-ErCiail RE.-Mential � 1z PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropbox, click arrow at the end of line PROP05ED IMPROVEMENT 10CATION: Er -g -i Description: rroperry iax lo;;: %AU120 • ' Or), • OWL1_OQQ - U „ Lot No. site Plan Mame: _ 5'A 6Ior:R Igo. Project rvame: 1 setbacks Front 6acR: RigRi zi0e: Eert -jitle: DEIAl[ED DESCRIPTION UF wuRK: REplace AC, exart char rge vat with 3 Z ton, _-,-,SEER, 10 KW AC unit WN5 I RUC.l IOI"q IIaFuRIVIA I IuIa: CC) 191 KAU OR: Name Dame: I31uRR.z ca` R Add idonal work toe e orme under OPlvr►% Gas ispermit - check ❑Gas a appy: Autters Q rank riping cip Cotle: ,sLeBu Fa,.: //�e r94-9783 E-Plail: winiao--swam �EleLfric LJ Plumbing ❑aprinitlers from the Owner listed above) Generator I�Roor- �J ROOT PRO oral aq. Ft of Construction: ,)q. Fi. or rirst Floor: l~o�i Cv��uaation: 580D 0Septic pr Utiliti(s: Sewer Building Heigh.: uvvRER/1E55EFE: CC) 191 KAU OR: Name Dame: I31uRR.z ca` R NtIGress: CoTpa,-,r; ARS American Residential Services cit': � 1 ate: Ej_ Address: 7800 US Hwy 1 Zip Code: Fax: City: sero lSeacR ,tate; FE Phone Ido.. g0j) Q5��o' 1 12!AI o O cip Cotle: ,sLeBu Fa,.: //�e r94-9783 E-Plail: Phone N, 772 794-7215 Fiil In Teo Ampre title Holder on next page t if different E -Mail: from the Owner listed above) Mate or County Eicense: C+1GIC ILZi:7/�3 If value of constru«ion is $za'u'u or more, a WonaEu rvodce of Lommencemenz is requires. auPPEEIOIEN iRL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: vEaiGMER/EMGIIQEER: x Not Applicaole ITIORTGAUE COMPANY: x Not Applicable {dame• Dame: Address: Hddiew,: City: Stale: City: State: Jp: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: x Not Ap,,licable BONDING COMPANY: x Not Applicable Name: Name: Addres3: Address; City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: PhunZ: I cen:ify that no worn or Installadon Ras commencetl prior to tRe issuance or a permit. St. Lucie Coant m.Rc. no rcpvc3�ntation tRat is gran[ins a,,cFmit will �atnori�.c tRe =rmit noiDer to 6eila the .uD;rat .z. e[Ler� wnicR is in confllit witR any app,icaEle nome Owners association rules, Qylaws or anTcovenants that may restriLT or prohibit such structure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of tFiis reyaestea pci- mit, I ao Rcrc6y agree tRat I will, in all n=pccta, Pc!Tvrrm tRe warn in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. i Re Following Suilaing permlt applications are exempt From unQeroing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory stru4tures, swimminr, Fools, fences, nails, signs, screen rooma�,i ar rc�3o� r a3c� to anotRer ,-,on-icaidcntiol aye WARNING TO OWNER, Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your payin6 twice for improvements to your property. A Molrice of Commencemenr must be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the firyr iilspet.tion. If you intend to obtain finaF icing, con3ult with lender or an attorney before cummEncimg w;-,i:k or recording your Nvti;:Z cf COI mzri,;emCnt. t s _ 3ignature of 0 er/ Lessee/Agent Signature or Contra r/[Icense nolQer STATE OF FLORIDA %OUN i y 0P SFt„a. i he fgrgoing Instrument was acRnowleQgecLuerore me LhiscMday of i I by biATE Ot. FLORIDA COUNTYOF situae IR rgoirl6 inrt�eR.cRL :-- aeRno :leagea Before me this day o 7 Jab, Dennie Zawk I Dennis Zacak (M..rric or per.an a.Rno-lctlgins) (19ame or person acRnow euging j ature of Notem yy Personally Known X 1 yp- of Iacntirieotion Commission No. FF220930 Aevised 0/i1.wL014 State of Flouiaa OR Produced Identification 55�9 'HAm RBY M�L�IIIGIIS310N 0 FFzz EXPIResAnni tc _ (algnature of Notary Pua,ic- P�r�on�lly Rno rn x UR Type of IOendficadon Producei mission no, FF220930 i Floritla I emiricad.ri ac rtt A DErcDY p; '.9RMMII5S1'vR p FFz20 EAPIRCS April 10. 201V RcvlEvva FROM i 47UMIM6 30PERv13OR PIMMa vEGETATIOiv SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REvlEw nEviEvv DATE COMPLETE IMI I IAES MiaFale Franklin. CFA -- Saint Curie Coanty Property Appraiser -- All rights reservea. Site AUar.= P..mal ID: account: M.i, 10: Use type: City/County: Ownership John C Bombara 2445 NW Lukcrid •e DR Pai- CEty, FL 34y�0-4865 Legal Qescriprion LAKERIDGE SID LOT 2 ZOR 3756-57:4074-2771) Current Val.; -s JOsuiviarKet Voice: 3z G,-00 A.sessed Value: 5272.200 exemptions: 30 1..7abla V,.1ac: ,272.200 s axes for this parcel: )LC T.: Cwll_.ter'c Oinez G Uv :;.loss I KIM to.- tn:., pa7Ccl: Downlvwa PDF l© Property IdentiFcadon 2445 LAKERIDGt iux 4425-702-0019-000-0 119292 44,2:)s 0100 AR -1 Saint Lucie County 1 oral Areas rinisnecuuntlerair(5r): L_88y Gross A.c.. (Se): 3,847 ,.and Size nacres): 1.17 Lang 5:ze (5F): 50,965.: This information is believed to be correct at this time but it is suoject to cnange ane is not warrantee. 67 Copyright 2;j a Saint iucie County rroperty appraiser. all runts