HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevisions OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: PERMIT# REVISION FEE: rl RECEIPT# PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING&CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE,FL 34982-5652 (772)462-1553 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: pI� 5708 SPRUCE DRQ DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJFCT REVISIONS: + ^1 ADDING PRODUCT APPROVAL FL16851.5 _ L�.\�,�6�J\ �g �p�� \ .\ 2 Use ` -k-'-s CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: CRC1330822 ST. LUCIE CO CERT. #: 29491 BUSINESS NAME: NEWSOUTH WINDOW SOLUTIONS QUALIFIERS NAME: SAM OCHSTEIN ADDRESS: 2511 WESTGATE AVE CITY: WPB STATE: FL ZIP: 33407 PHONE(DAYTIME): 561-712-9000 FAX: 561-478-4100 j OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE(DAYTIME: FAX: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE(DAYTIME): FAX: SLCCC: 9/23/09 Revised 06/30/17REVISION I 4/25/2018 Florida Building Code Online ne 5S ® o brofe BCIS Home Log In User Reglstration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publications FBC Staff SCIS S'Ite Map Unks'+ Search { Florida �1 1'Product Approval & USER:Public User Etio :�1��'riz Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail t " FL# f1_16851-136 - Application type Revision' Code Version 2017 Application Status Y Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer i.NewSouth Window Solutions , Address/Phone/Email `4901'oak fair blvd tampa,.FL 33610 i (513)284-0129 danochstein@newsouthwindow.com Authorized Signature Vivian Wright rickw@rwbldgconsultants.com j Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Wirdows...,: Subcategory a Single Hung Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer U Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Lyndon F.Schmidt the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-43409 Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation and Management Institute Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2018 Validated By Ryan J. King,P.E. i Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL16851 R6 COI (c)Certificate of Indeoendence.udf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year AAMA/WDMA/CSA101/I.S.2/A440 2011 AAMA/WDMA/CSA101/I.S.2/A440 2008 ASTM E1886 2005 ASTM E1996 2006 ASTM E1996 2009 TAS 201,202,203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By' Sections from the Code httpsJ/floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app dtl.aspk?param=wGEVXQwtDgtmmTSTNdVPsacfoLiCDIJOLdCTtJwrCl%2faHWx7bLvlw%3d%3d 1/5 4/25/2018 Florida Building Code Online i Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 02/08/2018 Date Validated 02/08/2018 Date Pending FBC Approval 02/14/2018 Date Approved 04/10/2018 Summary of Products Go to Page !-___-_ ® 0 Page 1/2 FL# Model,Number or Name Description 16851.1 a.9400 Single Hung Window Extruded Vinyl"Non-Impact"Single Hung Tilt Window New Construction with Nall Fin(O/X-conflguration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16851 R6 II (b)Inst 16851.1.(Zdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By Lyndon F.:Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Iridependent Third Party:Yes Design'Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 16851.1 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL16851 R6 AE (b)Eval 16851.1.pdf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 16851.2 b.9400 Single Hung Window Extruded Vinyl"Non-Impact"Single Hung Tilt Window with Flange(O/X-configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:No 171_16851 R6 II (b)Inst 16851.2.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports j Other:See'INST 16851.2 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL16851 R6 AE (b) Eval 16851.2.pdf additional use limitations,Installation instructions and product Created.by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 16851.3 c.9450 Single Hung Window Extruded Vinyl"Impact"Single Hung Tilt Window New Construction with Nail Fin(O/X-conflguration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16851 R6 II `b)hist 16851.3.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 16851.3 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL16651 R6 AE (b)Eval 16851.3.pdf additional use limitations;installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 16851.4 d.9450 Single Hung Window Extruded Vinyl"Impact"Single Hung Tilt Window with Flange (O/X-configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16851 R6 II (b)Inst 16851.4.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt, RE—43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure.:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 16851.4 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL16851 R6 AE (b) Eval 16851.4.pdf additional-use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 16851.5 e.9450 Single Hung Window Impact Extruded Vinyl"Impact"'Single Hung Tilt Window New Rated-HVHZ Construction with Nall Fin(O/X-configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL168SI R6 II (b)Inst 16851.5.pdf 'Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verifled By: Lyndon F Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 16851.5 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL16851 R6 AE (b) Eval 16851.5.pdf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes I particulars. 16851.6 f.9450 Single Hung Window Impact Extruded Vinyl"Impact"Single Hung Tilt Window with Flange Rated-HVHZ (O/X-configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions hftps:/Ifloridabuilding.org/pr/pr app otl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtmmTSTNdVPsacfoLICDIJOLdCTtJwrCl%2fiaHWx7bLvlw%3d%o3d 2/5 4/25/2018 Florida Building Code Online Approved for use In HVHZ:Yes FL16851 R6 II (_)Inst 16851.6.pdf ! Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 16851.6 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL16851 R6 AE (b) Eval 16851.6.pdf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 16851.7 g.4400 Single Hung Window Extruded Vinyl"Non-Impact"Single Hung Window New Construction.with Nail Fin(O/X-configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL16851 R6 II (_)Inst 16851.7.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 16851.7 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL16851 R6 AE (_)Eval66851.7.pdf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 16851.8 h.4400 Single Hung Window Extruded Vinyl"Non-Impact"Single Hung Window with Flange (O/X-configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No F66851 R6 II (d)Inst 16851.8.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Lyndon F Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 16851.8 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL16851 R6 AE (d)Eval 16851.8.pdf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes i particulars. 16851.9 1.4450 Single Hung Window Extruded Vinyl"Impact"Single Hung Window New Construction with Nail Fin(O/X-configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16851 R6 II (d)Inst 16851.9.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 16851.9 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL16851 R6 AE (d) Eval 16851.9.pdf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 16851.10 J.4450 Single Hung Window Extruded Vinyl"Impact"Single Hung Window with Flange(0/X -configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16851 R6 II (b)Inst 16851.10.pd Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 16851.10 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL16851 R6 AE (d)Eval.16851.10.pdf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 16851.11 k.4450 Single Hung Window Impact Extruded Vinyl"Impact"Single Hung Window New Rated-HVHZ Construction with Nail Fin(0/X-configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16851 R6 II (b)Inst 16851.1l.. df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 16851.11 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL16851 R6 AE (b)Eval 16851,11.pdf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 16851.12 I.4450 Single Hung Window Impact Extruded Vinyl"Impact"Single Hung Window with Flange(O/X Rated-HVHZ -configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16851 R6 II (b)Inst 16851.12.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 16851.12 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL16851 R6 AE (b) Eval 16851.12.pdf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes i particulars. 16851.13 m.4000 Twin Single Hung Window Extruded Vinyl"Non-Impact"Twin Integral Mulled Common Jamb Single Hung Window New Construction.with Nail Fin(O/X I O/X-configuration) https:/Ifioddabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtmmTSTNdVPsacfoLiCDIJOLdCTtJwrC1%2fiaHWx7bLvlw%3d%3d 3/5 4/25/2018 Florida Building Code Online I Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16851 R6 1I (b)Inst 16851.13.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant, No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 16851.13 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL16851 R6 AE (bJ Eval 16851.13.pdf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 16851.14 n.4000 Twin Single Hung Window Extruded Vinyl"Non-Impact"Twin Integral Mulled Common Jamb Single Hung Window with Flange(O/X I O/X- configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16851 R6 II (b)Inst 16851.14.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 16851.14 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL16851 R6 AE .(b)Eval 16851.14.Ddf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 16851.15 o.4000 Triple Single Hung Window Extruded Vinyl"Non-Impact"Triple Integral Mulled Common Jamb Single Hung Window New Construction with Nail Fin(O/X I O/X I O/X-configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16851 116_11 (bJ Inst 16851.15.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 16851.15 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL16851 R6..AE (b)Eval 16851.15.Ddf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 16851.16 p.4600 Twin Mulled Single Hung/ Extruded Vinyl"Non-Impact"Twin Integral Mulled Common Picture Window Jamb Single Hung/Picture Window New Construction with Nail Fin(O/X 10-configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16851,R6 II (b)Inst 16851.16.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes i Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 16851.16 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL16851 R6 AE (bJ Eval 16851.16.pdf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. i 16851.17 q.4600 Twin Mulled Single Hung/ Extruded Vinyl"Non-Impact"Twin Integral Mulled Common Picture Window Jamb Single Hung/Picture Window with Flange(O/X 10- i configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16851 R6 II ()Inst 16851.17.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports i Other,See INST 16851.17 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL16851 R6 AE (b) Eval 16851.17.odf additional use limitations,Installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 16851.18 r.4800 SH/SH/SH-Triple Single Extruded Vinyl Integrally Mulled Triple Single Hung Windows Hung with Flange; (O/X I O/X I 0/X configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16851 R6 II (b)Inst 16851.18.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 16851.18 for Design Pressure Ratings,any F.L16851 R6 AE (b)Eval 16851.18.pdf i additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. i 16851.19 s.4900 SH/SH-Twin Single Hung Extruded Vinyl Integrally Mulled Twin Single Hung Windows with Flange; (O/X I O/X configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:No rL16851 R6 II (d)Inst 16851.19.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 16851.19 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL16651: R6 AE (d) Eval 16851.19.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes hfpsJ/floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtmmTSTNdVPsacfoLiCDIJOLdCTtJwrC1%2fiaHWx7bLvlw°/"3d%3d 4/5 T � Z 4/25/2018 Florida Building Code Online additional use limitations,installation instructions and product particulars. 16851.20 t.4900 SH/SH/SH-Triple Single Extruded Vinyl Integrally Mulled Triple Single Hung Windows Hung with Flange; (O/X I O/X I O/X configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FI-16851 R6 II (d)Inst 1685i.20.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Repoits Other:See INST 16851.20 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FI-1685i R6 AE (dJ Eval 16851,20, df additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. Go to Page (� Page 1/2 Brix Ne�� Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer.Cyr1ght 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement:;Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.'Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address If they have one.The emaiis provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S., please click here. Product Approval Accepts: Cedt,Card ~Safe I i I i I I i https://floridabuilding.orq/pr/pr_app dtl.aspx?param=wGEVkQwtDgtmmTSTNdVPsacfoLiCDIJOLdCTtJwrCI%2fiaHWx7bLvlw%3d%3d 515 R w R W Building, Consultants, Inc. B Consulting and Engineering Services for the Building Industry C P.O.Box 230 Valtico,FL 13595 Phone 813.639.9197 Florida Board of Rofes0ongl Engineers Certificate of Authorization No.9813 Cerfif,�tate of Independence RW Building Consultants and Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.do not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named in the accompanying Florida-Product Approval. Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. FLNo.43409 February 1,2018 Sheet 1 of 1 11111 1/// 9'.. 67°RANG OVERALL FIN WIDTH 54°MAX.OVERALL FRAME ""'t * � _z CD t�,`••�_i ' ' " WINDOW.-SOLUTONs WIDTH 1Y .. rfp�``� CD t09 ........ �\� J�,� Zama 4901 O`a Falr Jvd„Tampa,FL'3361.0 :Z O 1Z m e ,50H 9450:Single Hung: Window 9Z O IMPACT RATED - HVHZ so J w/Nailing Fin Z F = Q C7 m ` =H O GENERAL NOTES X &I a 9 1. This product has been evaluated and is to compliance with the 6th Edition (2017)Florida Building Code(FBC),including the"High Velocity Hurricane Zona"(HVHZ). / m 2. Product anchors shall be as ilsted and spaced as shown on details;Anchor ^' embedment tabase material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. N N z 3. When used In the"HVHr.this product compiles with Section 1626 of the Florida Building Code and does not require an impact resistant covering. 4. Site conditions that deviate from the details of this drawing require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. e .0 ..:............... ...:::.�::::..;...;; .....::v:::::.:.: p ... .::::::: .... TABLE OF CONTENTS IMk)G TSVERAtI iNA7f QVEItAlL DESIGN PRESSURE :: narunE IYAXIIfE crass SHEEP$ DESCWPf10N »% f11J ERdINE DRNENSfON AUAEHS[ON N'z fyPE (PSS o 1 Typical elevations,.design.pressures 8 general notes ::DIMENSigN . DIMENSiQN CAFr RABL17....,.... .<FiX€D). 2/17/14 : pps ° a 2 Vertical'&horizontal cross sections SCALE: N.F.S. Vertical&horizontal cross sections 670"X 79.0° 642,X 762' 47.26"x 34.36' 49.75'x 34.6' G1 JK m' 3 4 Buck&frame anchoring. 3Z Erf. LFS ¢ 5 Components Note:This product is not approved for use above 30 feet in the NVHr. a 6 Bill of materials and lawn details na�FL so.: 9 glazing F1-16851.5 c SHM 1 'OF B O d - ti. r P-%Clents\New South Windows PERMANENT\N-Flodda Product Apprpvals\F1.48519ngle Hung\C-Drawings\FL-16851(2017)1FL-1685LS.dwg,2-1 Z CD O ��m A �p CL m �• ° 3 e •e �, m� mn a� 3 N� i n W W W g90 Sa N A Z 77 N N O p z I0 W I0 W N i rn I I I ' rn A 0 m m v as ni 3 • �m O Z � ov O ZW °° ,d .. v p oo la 0 MIA-MN. EMB.(Tyr.) EMB.(fYP.) G r- �```` v•No,43109•.r///�' October 12,201 i. 2 $ ' £ PRODUCT: oowm.na Prpand 6Y•i� •• r'1 i 0 SINGLE HUNG WINDOW Lyndon F. Schmidt �� r• ��� _. . IN .ai;$ �.Z a. _..... - P.E. No. - T ` y v 2�f0 08 17 UPDATE TO.6TH FD. 2017�.FHC JK PART OR ASSEMBLY: /1K] BUILDING CONSULTANTS,=INC., 41 I 8 28 15 UPDATE TO 5TH m. 2014 FBC i.FS - - I 1i P.O. Box 230,Valrleo, FL 33595 h N BY" VERTICAL& HORIZONTAL Pfiooe'Noe"873:659.9197 REVISIONS CROSS SECTIONS FBPE C.A No. 9813 X2074 R.W.GUILa1Na CaNeULTANiE INC. f � ' R10ientANewSouthWindowsPERMANENRA-FloridaProductApprovals\FL-16851SingleHutlg\C-Drawings\FL-16851R017AFL-1685LSdwa3-1 p1_ O fjm O C �a O CDO 7 m x aa � Q. a� O N N � �s o - D 3 m w A O IA 0 Z la w w �Z , all ell n V. GIL H QD m IT sto 0 N .y .Y.O 0 N� A w m A 0 N y a G1 x j x .o w N �i 47 CL bn1 r N � a �o o ,O H TH Z O V z Z O p w ao a Z O0 n O O ``1lpunrrq�4 No.4309 October 12,2017 s PRODUCT: Bom.wm� Pret>ar•a tiy: � I 3 tv SINGLE HUNG WINDOW nd No F. 08 wt L01 n y v 2 T070-8/1-7 UPDATE 70 6TH ED. 2017 F8C JKPART OR ASSEMBLY: /m��P BUILDING CONSULTANTS,INC. 1A 1' 612611-5 UPDATE TO STH ED. 2014 FBC LFS - r)v .O: Box 230, Volricq FL 33593 NO"DATE •,' - "" eY VERTICAL k HORIZONTAL Phono No.:-813.859.9197 REVISIONS CROSS SECTIONS FBPE C.A. No. 9813 Q 2014 R.W.BllILl OoNal Il 2X/STEEL STUD FRAMING TO BE DESIGNED ```````tttt* ,►s�fr''' ' BY THE ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT ��� '••• ��. m OF RECORD BASED ON WIND LOADS ��• AND THE CLADDING BEING USED. g C!t 3 EQ.SPACES g MAX O.C. 2" B MAX O.C. o rim 10 I— y ��I� ►�►►►n•Int tt omZ �.. o m= c and LV> v N yf •mLL0 -- SASH F G H wooD I '` �d gg o= TYP. K STEEL 8 co 2X SUB BUCK FRAME—,,,., NP' 3 � o 0 2X SUB w BUCK O F MASONRY D MASONRY oEE n OPENING 6 OPENING X dwipl Eo = -- SASH W � o 0 .3 zl &• a gL BUCKANCHORING FRAMEANCHORING FMWANCHORING ^`* 2X Buck Mason Conshuofonry Shed Cotutruction - m z k RP CONCRETE ANCHORNOI'ES: •1.Conaefe'anchor locations at The comers may be adjusted to maintain The min. �� • . edge distance fo.mortar joints. 2 Concrete anchor locations noted as MAX ON CENJER'must be adjusted to ^o z maintain the m1n:edge dlstonce to mortar joints,addlRonal concrete anchors may be requlred to ensure the MAX.ON CEMER"dimension ore not exceeded. 3.•Concrete anchor table: !o p MItJ CJ£ARANCH 1411N CfEARANCE m >I�NG#fG{1 ANCHOk 7411M O o :: TO MASONRY TO AOIACEfII s r'z u ,:.,.SI ...::. MBbA1Ni,:.::;..:,;;.:;; atE 211.7114 i ::.-. IiYV ® EL1/ -ALE 1.1/c T 4' N.T.S.' T CON DM BY. JK m ULTRACON ELCO 1/,° 1-1/q". 1' 4 CM Br. LFS ; - -WOOD SCREW INSTALLARON NOTES: DROM NO.: a z 1.Maintain a mfnfmum 5/8"edge distance,I"end dbtance,&Ir'o.c.spadng of FL-16851.5 a - wood screws to prevenf:lhe spltlfing of wood, n sHm 4+�or 6. • R.1CRents\New South Windows PERMANENRA-Florida Product AppmMAFL•168515Ingle Hung\C-Drawings\FL-16851(1017)\FL-3685 AIA 5-1 229' 329" PILJn 0.0627" IY oN D N 0 O� 3.74' m i 0 4 � to N Z N � � O to ham--1J8' —124° w N V � a �I O.W �C � I O o 0 —TAT—] A O Q U y � m O � A so 0.045' o gI PRODUCT. Dooumm+bPrepared W 1, •}. C. r'I R SINGLE HUNG WINDOW Lyndon F. Schmidt .41• �•''�� I q `3• o P.E No. 43408 •••• -����� II" o Z �NALttF.tp -2-70 08.1'7 UPDATE-TO-M-ED._2017"MC_-'.rJK•'PART.'OR_'ASSEMBLY."... .' .. _: -BUILDMO:CONSl1LT/WT^:.._•_,._ - I� N 1n 1 6 26 15 UPDATE TO 5TH ED. 2074 FBC Ifs P.O. Box 230,Valrioo, FL 33595 . NO DATE . . BY _ Phony No.: 873.639.9197 REVISIONS- - COMPONENTS P73PE"C o.No:'9613" -' 0 2014 R.W.BUDDING CONSUL—ii'M INC. DIMOFMATERIALS ````�������*.; i4ttt4 lIFM f DESCRIRWN MAiEpA[ :.�•••........... ,'.7�, .m B 2X BUCK(SG>=.0.55) WOOD t C 1/4 MAX SHIMSPACE fZi •D l/4 X2 /4 PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL MASONRY---3,000 PSI MIN:CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ACI i�Y t . omro E 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMINGTO'ASTM C90 CONCRETE ��i� �,,, • �� 5o 2 m F #IQX•TPPH'SMS(1-3/4.'MIN.EMBEDMENT) STEEL t �� �� w'> m G-' ,2X STUD SG[>=0.55), WOOD 'ttU �� z H #10:X 21/7'PRH SMS(1-3/49 MIN.EMBEDMENT) STEEL S c�•;i J :STEEL STUD MIn.,Thk.0W! (ASTM A653-GRADE33 Py=33 Idmin.,'Tv=45 W min.) STEEL �i' L m 9 m g W K . #10 PPH SELF-DRILLING SMS STEEL \� m �,a S°• T EXTRUDED VINYL-FRAME(45S)! RIGID PVC \f 4 la-0:a 2 EXTRUDED VINYL GLAZING BEAD'(736A)! RIGID PVC V `oZ 3. -;EXTRUDED VINYLGLAZING BEAD,(425A)' RIGID PVC v 4 :SILL 459) RIGID PVC 5 •' STILE.(438)! RIGID PVC 6' '`MEETINGrRAIL(477)• RIGID PVC 7 LOCK RAIL(476)® RIGID PVC 6 BOTTOM.RAIL(485B)' RIGID PVC 3 o 9 `,MEEnNG,RAILREINFORCEMENT 6063-TS ALUM. 10: _ :LOCK RAIL REINFORCEMENT 6063-TS ALUM mz 11 SASH LOCK _ o� 12 ;:KEEPER, ` 13 BOTTOKARAILREINFORCEMENT 6063.T5ALUM ply o miE G '14',;HEAD ADAPTER,073)' RIGID PVC g 18 STILE REINFORCEMENT 6063-TS ALUM a 20q WEATHERSTRIP. x , 21 _'BALANCE COVER(468) RIGID PVC GLASS BITE 7/B'OA GLASS THK. _ 22EXTRUDED;VINYL'.GLAZINGBEAD W/DRIP EDGE(467)• RIGID PVC tf 24 'BULB GASKET(AMESBURY) GLAZING SEALANT O (SIKAFLEX-552) n •THE AP.PROVEDWHITE'RIGID;PVC'EXTERIOR:EXTRUSIONS'FORWINDOWS'ARE TO BE PRODUCED BY 1/8'ANNEALEDGLASS ^o^o ffi EXTRUDERS,LICENSEES IN"AAMA CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS FOR RIGID PVC,EXTRUSIONS". N N 0.WSaBexe PVB INTERLAYER o ygg 6� in $,. 1/8°ANNEALEDGLASS o� AIR SPACE 0 I/B"ANNEALED GLASS a e METAL REINFORCED BUTYL �� p sqC c N� j G1 GAZING DETAIL N"z o° a 2/17/14 14 N.T.S. o } NOTE:GLAZING>36 WIDE REQUIRES TWO(2)SETTING MG. 'JK m BLOCKS CONFORMING TO FBC SECTION 2411.3.3.1 CW.e' LFS 6 oaawixa ao_ a FL-16851.5' c SMEh7 6 OF 6 0 d Q= I r R R W Building Consultants, Inc. W B Consulting and Engineering Services for the Building Industry C P.O.Box 230 Valrico,FL 33595 Phone 813.659.9197 Florida Board of Professional Engineers Certificate of Authorization No.9813 Report / 0 October / .t euct Categor Sub.Category Manufacturer Product Name NeWSouth Window Solutions 9450 Single Hung.Window Windows Single Hung 49.01 Oak Fair.Blvd Impact Rated-HAM TampaJI.33610 w/Nailing Fin 813 626.6000 Scope: Product Evaluation report issued by R W,Building Consultants,Inc.&Lyndon F.Schmidt,RE.(System ID#1998)for NewSouth Window Solutions,based on Rule Chapter No.61620-3,Method 11)of the State of Florida Product Approval, Dept of Business&Professional Regulation. RW Building Consultants and Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.do not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein. Limitations: 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 6th Edition(2017)Florida Building Code(FBC)including the"High Velocity Hurricane Zone"(HVHZ). 2; Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details.Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall.dressing or stucco. 3. When used in the"HVHV,this product complies with Section 1626 of the FBC and does not require an impact resistant covering. 4. Site conditions that deviate from the details of drawing_ FL-16851.5 require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. 5. See drawing FLA 6851.5 for size and design pressure limitations. Supporting Documents: 1. Test Report No. Test Standard Testing Laboratorx Signed by ATI C9937A3,401-18 TAS 201,202,203-94 Architectural Testing,Inc. Shawn G.Collins,P.E. 2. .111116mt Dade,NOA Materials.Testing 17-0712.05 Saflexm PVB Interlayer(Eastman Chemical Co.) 3. Drawing No. Prepared by Signed&Sealed by No.FL-16851.5 RW Building Consultants,Inc.(CA#9813) Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. 4. Calculations Prepared bV Signed&Sealed by Anchoring RW Building Consultants,Inc.(CA#9813) Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. ASTM E1300 Glass Load Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. 5. Quality Assurance Certificate of Participation issued by National Accreditation and ManagementInstitute,I ,11®beneooa>>e products withcertin n'a quality assurance ng the t NewSouthlrogr m that complies with ndow Solutions is manufacturing � ��0�F: Ce*oi� 17020 and Guide 53. �� •��G E NS :•� wt No 43409 .n- . � P1120990% Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. FL PE No.43409 10!12/2017 Sheet 1 of 1 I