HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Information Joe 1 / 1 RECEIVED APR 3 0 2018 ST. Lucie county, P&MIttin9 T'radewinds Condominium Association, Inc. Board Meeting Minutes March 27, 2018 i:;all to The meeting was called to order at 4:30 PM. Establish Duor=: Present in person were Tom Agulia and Tracey Curivan. Virginia Bell was present via phone. A quorum was established. Lisa Kuscn represented management. Proof of Noti�;c. The notice was posted on the property and Board members were notified as required. A Mr waw Tom Agulia made a motion 2nd by Tracey Curivan to approve the 3-13-18 meeting minutes. All in Favor. Motion Passed. D BuiWing Root'µSelection ol'Con:=tor: Tom Agulia made a motion 2nd by Virginia Bell to accept the proposal from SFR Services. LLC and hire them as the roofer. All in Favor. Motion Passed. The existing the is no longer made. the new tile will be as close in color as possible. A permit will be pulled. They are licensed and insured. 7 vcar warranty from contractor and 20 year from manufacturer. '1"urncr's Fence R2guct: Tom Agulia made a motion 2nd by Tracey Curivan to approve Turners fence request as per the drawing attached. All in Favor. Motion Passed. Dock--Select Engineer: Tom Agulia made a motion 2nd by Tracey Curivan to hire DSL Environmental Services. Inc. to work with us to bring the dock into compliance with.thc Submerged Land Lease. All in Favor. Motion Passed. Lwidscarsin�t_ Table until future meeting. Poe-, smiew: We received two quotes, Superior Pool for$330 a month and Brian Felter Pool for$400 per month. Since we dont have the money in the budget at this time we will address it again at Budget time. Mjournn=t: Tom Agulia made a motion 2nd by Tracey Curivan to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 5:02 PM. OR BOOK 3466 PAGE 734 RECEIVED forth in Section 6 that are exterior to a Unit and are expressly required to be maintained by less than all of the Unit Owners. APR 3 0 2018 c) Boat Lifts. Any boat lift installed on the Dock shall be a Permitting Limited Common Element for the exclusive use of the Unit ST. Lucie County, Owner to whom the applicable Boat Slip has been assigned. ui�luill ' Fir Spri ler System. All rt ns of a fi s I ler s to within Buil ing D all e a ' it co m ement as t th Ce ertain Law Ar as d)acento- Jit 1 s s own in E ibi is a I mit d common element as to nit A-1 an a fo the usi of the Unit r o t A- The lawn area adjacent to Unit D-3 as shown in Exhibit 4 is a limited common element as to Unit D-3 and shall be for the exclusive use of the Unit Owner of Unit D-3. f) Building D Pest Control System. All components of the inter- wall pest control system within Building D shall be limited common elements for the Units within Building D with all costs, including operational, maintenance,repair, and replacement thereof shared equally among the Building D Unit 0 3 SS Cl. ION M RSHIP M tubers ' in he so 'atio an o ng ghts. CD, EASEME S. The followin n nexcl sive easeme s are create by and granted fr veloper t ea c Unit w er; o the Association a their e oy es, gen an ire contr or tility cornpani • o Own fami sin reside e, Gu sts, and invi es;and to governmenta n emergency se s, as applicab e. 1) EASEMENT FOR AIR SPACE. An exclusive easement for use of the air space occupied by the Unit as it exists at any particular time and as the Unit may be lawfully altered or reconstructed from time to time.The easement will be terminated automatically in any air space that is vacated from time to time. 2) INGRESS AND EGRESS. Easements over the Common Elements for ingress and egress to Units and public ways. 3) AIN ANCE, AIR, ND REPLACE NT Easem is rough Pa a 11 of 2 D JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 3802322 OR BOOK 3486 PAGE 714, Recorded 02/18/2013 at 12:23 PM RECORD\RETURN TO: Ross Eaile&Bonn,P.A. - Post Office Box 2401,Stuart,Florida 34995 A NDED AND RESTATED DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM E"CE FOR TRADEWINDS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. PR 3 O ZO,j/k/a KING NEPTUNE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. ST. L ie County, Permittin 2ED.EE TT Dec io Condo j Table of Contents: pages i-v Declaration of Condominium Text and execution pages: pages 1-41 Addendums: 1 - 7 r D c0c: y EXHIBIT 1 TO CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO AND RESTATEMENT OF THE DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM OF KING NEPTUNE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM n/k/a TRADEWINDS,A CONDOMINIUM `1 F:\E\ C\ INDS C MI \12-02 E I . D c_=