HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationDESIGNER/9NIG INISSR: Not Applicablei N OIiTG AIC 8 COMPANIV: _ of Applicable Narrle: 9iplrial L NEI of O\n ner/ tosse Caritra.cl ar a A@erii or OwniEin Namle. . _ .... . Addresis: s11A118.CIF RLORI LEi,6 Addresls: City: State: City: State: Zip: Phone I e(z .SD C,(s Zip: Phone: (NamEi of pEuis acknaw lec ing J REE SIN PLE 11ITLE HOLDER: _ N of Applicable BONDING COMPANY: _N of Alppliciat le NaFTI El: T o ail tP lceiniiiilicationi ,V?k VPI �' ; . • �� � � fJACVIEIp �Flq� Wire: Adc renis: Hr acucec �i lls690I fIT17 Ac c rEiss: City: REIVIEIW9 City: Zip: PI -one: !I.URERVI9CR Zirl: Rhone: OWNER) CC NIRACiORfARFIDVIT: Anni'licalTaniisHsrElt madatoattairiapermit ladotHEiwork arid iristallatianasiricicateic. I Certify that nio wank au iris tallal iani has commeriaeu pnicm to the issL anicEl all a pEmenit. !It. lc ciEi (launilyy make is ria nepuEiseriialiari that is 'grariting a pemmil, Ai I I acthonizEi 1hel�FF ermit hole Em to be ilc iF ei subjEici stnuctc 116wh icH is iri aaniflict witH ank api icat Is F ame.O�n rims Assacialiari re IE by la\n !i c I andlcovenariis that may restrict or ppiOhibit se ch stun al urel. RlEiasEi corisu It witfl Nat r Hon i OwniEirs Assaciatiori anu rEMEiw ycw n dEieid fan ariy rEisi nial ianis Mich may apIP1IY• Ini canisidEmai ion of tH a'guanii irig oll i h is nequ ested pEmmii, I c a hEoisbV a@InEiEI that l will, iri all rESPEIC1 s; pEuifanrn 11-e wank iri accorc aricEi w ith tli Ei appinov ec pllans, l hEi Florida 9u ilc ing Cad es and 91. It cie Cau nitV Amenic rr1Einits. THe fallow irig be ilc irig pEmmit appllicaiianis auEi eNempl ilrcrm unit er@lainill a fell cancuruEincy ue%iElw: room acditians, accee9ar)l s1 nucte nes, w imminpl plaOls, lences, tialls, sigris, screen roams and aacessany uses to aniotHer nari-rEisicerilial use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Ncrtice of Comimenceimient miay result lei you r paying twice fon im prove rrients to your prorlEirty. Al N otiae of Comlmenaemlent mit st be neclarded and posted on the jobsite bEifore tl' a first inspection. If yon intend to obtain financing, cionA It with IendEir or an attorney It Elfore commenciing work or reiaordine VOL r Notice of CorrinriEiricerrient. KUV..//LV14 9iplrial L NEI of O\n ner/ tosse Caritra.cl ar a A@erii or OwniEin Si@Iniai u a1 Cortnaci an/License HOIc en STAIT9 OR RLORID n _ n ( s11A118.CIF RLORI LEi,6 COUNTY OR 4it r {�eU.t/► ' COUNTYL OF lit THEiior oini@linstr� crit sackriawlEicg dbEilarErme this c ay ail3d% 6y '' ` THefon Oim@iristr mEinitwasackriawlEicgEidbEilorEime this , c ay of r 30_L)- by 02 I e(z .SD C,(s (Name cd PI an a noon IEid ' g (NamEi of pEuis acknaw lec ing J (9i8n c rEi of Notary a ic- 91ate of Flanida) (ig c ne of Notary Rublic- 91a1El of Flaric a ) Fleseanally K now ni 'OR Prad ucEic IC Einitificationi PER iallV Kriawn ji' OR Pnadc Ced Ic einil iilicatiori T o ail tP lceiniiiilicationi ,V?k VPI �' ; . • �� � � fJACVIEIp �Flq� TV pe of Ideritifiaatiori � i °;`rOkWU SEfIAFM10 Rrocucec h YMMIiIS$IOrI&FF 1770 Hr acucec �i lls690I fIT17 1 Ia EXpIAES: Dwjmber 14,20-111 Clommissiciri IN a. T,-03,,30, I"130 tNotryse el 9 E7 PIf IE,1: Decdmba l4, 2D18 Commissiarn Na. 0 Ff g ( g { rySenkel REIVIEIW9 FRC NT ZCNING !I.URERVI9CR PLANS VEICE111A11ICN `>9BIATURIILEI MANGROVE COUNTER_ REVI.EIW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW - REVIEW DATE REICIEIIV ED PATE CC IVIRLETEID KUV..//LV14 A111 AIF FILICAIBLE INFO ML cR BEI CON PLETED FOR AIPPLICATION TO EIIEI AICCEPTUD DatEl: .PElrmii NL mter: RECEIVED 8 ui°Idiingl Plermit A p p licaitic n APR 2 6 HIE H lore n it g ori c Llelu a lop rrleiri t Sleirviceis - rrincl rj HluiJdincl crd Ceidel fiElgclteiion Diuisier _IT. Lucie Gci� n[y^ tll 2_-'00 Virgiri icl � v cr ue 1, Fort Flieirclel FIL 3145 82 Phcirk: 117721.46J-11'953 Fa): 117721462-11978 Ccmmercia) REISIiC Elntiz i X .. - n .0 Properi y Tax ID #: flitEI Plan NamEl: Rrojeut NamEI: So t acks Rrorli Back: Right Side: Left Sic EI: Lot Ncl. Bloak No. F1110"TIlLt'.1mumm" Ed S. Haaitiarlal wonK to oa KleltormEla c rlaen i nis klellmit- aneaK ail mat apply: _IV eah anicaI _ C as Tarlk _ Gas Ripirlg _ ShuttElrs _ Wirlc ows/ Doors s _ Sled I is _ Rlumbing _ Sprinklers _ Generatcir V Roof a ' �� Ritah Total 9q. F1 cif Constnuai iorl: 9q. Ft. cif Fiiist Rloor: �I Cllasi ofl Constr cation: ; Utilities: SewElr _ 9EIrItia Builc ing HeiFlf t: If,w alu a a1 canstru ction is 2966 on more, a REICC REI BID Notice of (lorrimencement is necl u ired. NamE i N \44k6w� Norrie L.%S" i ]&\liE1� t5 Address -.,,�P�ni 1� � Con zirly:_/� 1==.4r7'`��p ywmyl City: Zip Cllcic Er Ph onEl Ncl. �} � • l ew `� StatEl: _ "MaRax:Cil i t e0 /ftllpi�i� `4 A c c res s: l O T5 5W NN�LTON J�1�/� AVE y: �J-. WOE Zip Cllcic e: "t �G FaA: Rhode No q 4 15U 049 StatEl: FL EI -Mail: Fill in feel simple) Titles Holc en on next'plage (A different from the Ow nen IistElc above] S -N/ ail St.ai Er or County L,iaelrlsEl If,w alu a a1 canstru ction is 2966 on more, a REICC REI BID Notice of (lorrimencement is necl u ired.