HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationACC APrEIMBEE II9FU 141 Db i BE CUI41P[c 1 ED FOR ArPCICR I ION 10 For ACCEP i ED Date: Permit Number: s Building Permit Applicadon manning ana ueveiopment cervices ouiraing ana rove Regu,ation uivision z_DD Virginia Avenue, Fort vierce rs yz;YS[ lt+ PRone: (i rc' 40L-1»� Fax: (i ic) 4oc-13ia LDMmErdal RE.,iaE lal e/ Property Ta; ID ;;:y6tw, Lot No. bitc Pl.n M .rne: MIL) C.G1 D Block No. rrojeci Name: (4 'a .. z,eiDacRs Front BacR: RigFli,ine: CITE Jima: QETAICEQ QESCRIPTION OF WORK: Replace AC, exact change out with ,?ton, _LSEER, K KW HC unit LUNS I RUJL 1019 II9FURMA I ION: Additional work toe e Orme under is permit -checka app r: URVAC flas ianR E]Gas Piping JRatter, owinnow..7Dav- 11EleCTric 0 Plumaing [IJprinRlers Generator Roei �J Reorpiton iotal aq. i=t or Construction: . Ft. or First Fjoor: Cost of Construction: T v4v Utilities: Sewer E]Septic Building Heigh.: QW 9ER/EE55EE: C U191 RAC OR: Name urelT+�i rriSC._ Name: 13cnni-Z—aR Aaaress:' cumi Rd Company: ARS American Residential Services City: F+ Ret'« State: Address: Zip Code: _h Ljq b Fax: City: vera OeacR state: FC Phone Ido. - 'I V yip Uoae: U960 Fay: r72 t94-9783 E-M6il: Phone No. 772 794-7215 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page (if different E -Mail: j) Ur t 0S G0/17 from the Owner lis►ed above) � _ Male or%ounty License: CiCIC i«arS3 If value of construraon Is $z300 or more, a RiTiRtU R) Notice or Commencement Is requlree. SU PPLEMENTAI WNSTRUCTION LIED EAW INF0RMAIION: DEaI13R1R/E,v13jREEK: x Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: x Not ApplicablE Name: Name: Addrebb: Address: City: State: City: Stat: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE bIMIPEE IIiEr. M13EDER: x Mot /Applicable nORIDhv'u C0MIrmlar: =Not Applicable Nam- Norrie: Address: Aooress: City: City: cip: rRone: cip: Phone: I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. 5t. [eaieCounty mazes no representation Oat is granting a permit will autRorize the permit Roltler to Qui,a tRe sua3ect structure which is in confll7L with any. a plicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consalt T.-itnpyow Flonle DWM"-r. A53C[latlon ung rc�lc- you.- a.0 Tar any re.t. ictr0rM5 ..Mien Tar apply. In eon.iDe.-.d... „t tRe 6rarltins of this regeestea permit, I Co nereay agree tRat I will, In all respects, perform Tile worn in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Bailding Code. and 5t, Cuai� Cent, Arnenament�. r he following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, aCce.,.o y .tractar.3' s .irnrnins Povl., f.nee.., -all.-, signs, screen rooms anU accessory uses to anotner non-resitlentlal use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Rec.rd o Notice or Corrlrne.-..E0T4:.t —.p, rGselt in your paying twice for improvements to your prupelTy. A Notice of Commencement moot be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the fir3t inspection. If you irltEnd tz-, ubtoin financing, con3Wlt ,with lender ur an attorney before commencing worn or recording vour Notice of Commencement.. _ Sisn.tur. at Okeerl Lcssee/Ase..--it Signature of-Contra/License Holder a i H I E OF PEORWA a I A III a FEURlDta COUNTY OF sremn COUNTY OF U; r. Re forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me - Re Forgoing Instrument was acknowledged before me this ;7 --day of 171 20 'Lpr tnii. J2L da, or Lo 18 0, Dennis Xawk ellnni, art tMame or person acRnow641) ledging) (Name of person acknowled �& '�� (5ismatere or Notary Ilc- t -tate or Flori0a) (Signature of Notarp Publi - tate of Florida ) Personally Known x Ox P.oaeeed laerltitiratien Personally Known -� vR rrotiuced Identification type of l0enti�Ication rroGucea Type of Identification Produced Caffi Mi.:ior1 Igo. FF22093 .� Commission Ro. FF220930 ; j '4 ;;; r A DERBY iEl A DERBY Mr COMMISSION W FF220930 MY COMMISSION 0 FF2.ZW3u �l• .r• I •. xOF CV�I�CC ��I •r ��n 1'i9r , a,r�•r�' Revised 07/15/201 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEATURTLE MANGROvE LOONIER REviEvv REvIEvv nevlEvv RevlEvv REVIEvv REVIEvv DRTE COMPLETE Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser -- Ril rigRts reserved. rropeny Idendficadon Site Address: ra.-ael I U: Account # (Clap lu. use t yNe: coning: cit,'c:oerl'. Ownership A:. -S» 1 W«l.ci Nacwia 7605 B..yard RD Fors Pierce, FL 34951 Legal DescripLl7wn 1.AKEWOOD PARK ADDI 1 ION ND I • I51 -K61 D 1 2 [ii -R3328 -2610j Current values Just/Market Value: 377,600 A.,Z�.,.,ea V -15e: 347,509 Exemptions 525,000 laxaMic value: S77,5o9 '1 u.v3 for this puicul: SLC Tax Colluum's Ol1i,c 12 uownloa'u 1 Ium for tuts parcel: DaWn:w.0 PDF 0 7605 BAYARD RL) 1302-810-0029-000-6 3890 1307S 0100 RS -4 Saint Lucie ;7ouarr Total Areas 888 Gross Area (SF): 1,754 Lo1Ia 5:::e (ae-es): O.z4 Lund S1Zc (SF): 10,349 in. :-re.—ai:� : I, DW O. Wzl to on Ow.—t rt tl:: tulle pal '.l L »q�eet to eri..-. ;.7-'d 1� -.at =' C;oppsla ?ll 18 5..i. -.t Lela Cvu»h 1'bparl� Al pi—N:�cl, All a:gllt� lC3cl4ea.