HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc Letters To: St Lucie County Page 1 of 1 2018-05-01 18:32:55 (GMT) 18888330167 From: Rachel ODonnell w PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT SER VICM ECE IV E D BUILDING &ZONING DIVISION ;COUNTY2300 VIRGINIA AVE MAY 0 2 2018 FORT FIERCE,.FL 34982 (772)462-1553 FAX 462 ST. Lucie County, Permitting 157 CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR,SUBCONTRACTOR OR CANCELLATION OF PERIMT PLEAse,$F-i:CCTQN-of THE.OLLOW. CHANGE OF.CONTRACTOR—Change of.Contractor is to:be signedattd notartzedby the.propertyowner, ansl.the. " w.contractor:of record for thty current'pe.nitit. A new permit application:rnust.also.be completed with ne-w contractor-information and signature—A. new Notice of Commencement must.be riled in the.new contractor's name for .job values greater':than :$3,300 ($7;5.00 if A/C Change-out). A recorded copy must be submitted prior'to. commencing.any work.There is a.SS0:01.fog for the 4pbtsnge of Cantrac#or. CHANGE.Of SUBCON'T`RACTOR—Siibctintractor changes.are to be completed by.the general,contractor. The new subcontractor ttlust l.i.out a Subcontractor.Agreetr►ent Form.There:is a$50:00 fee for.the Change.of Sub. Contractor. x= CANCELLATIOiti OF PERMIT. The:cancellation of a permit is acceptablee only if no work.has been done. Cancellation of'permit.is to be signed and notarized.by Toth the owner and..quatifior of record. There is no fee for cancellatipu of tbe:permit. #e:.. 4125118Permit:Number: ��az-atlas Site.Address;. .X 469 SE Narenia Ave oloonnell:lmpaot Windows&Storm Protection State_License CRC1331.273 SLC License Ori giaal.GC,.subcontrector or owner/bu.ilder State l,,icense SI;C.License New C.C,subcontractor Reason for Cancellation work:not performed,contract cancelled The undersigned&eshereby agree to indemnify:and hold harmless St Lucie County;its officers,agents and employees from all costs.fees ordamages.arising from any and all claims of action for any reason,which may arise as a result.of this:change of contractor/subcontractor or cancellation of-pertnit..A permit cannot kir a celled 11f work pas been performed. q SIGNATURE of ow NER(or ownerlbuilder) � S _ ATUlt2'GENERAL CONTRACTOR(or nQW CiC,as applicabto) PRINT N4E PRJNTNAMT Michael©Qonnell State pfmorida,Countyof51._:l.uce.Co-ty Statcpfflorkdv,Qowty.ofSt,LucieCounty The.following instrument www we novde*d iiefore:me this The following i ent wes aclotostledgty�before ne this day of ,.U.___•by _ i+tro is Mionaile known to me }11 ? t wfto i�'ersonaily sown io or,Mho has produced _----AN Ib. Ur has.produ. as Ira. 4125/18 4/2511$ Sivature of Notary �^ Aatr Sigru►tar n pnte ".., •., AMY LVaiHraER Put>I!c State dl.Floride Gommiss+en#FF 9.62.$44 ? �a Myr c.pgnm.Exrei{C3 mdf tt.:2D20 i+nuN �t%?(SPd th vvgr•c3fiCffS dyhssa . Deanna Givens From: Beatriz Goycochea Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2018 3:42 PM To: Danielle Williams; Deanna Givens; Monica Barrios Subject: RE: Cancellation of permit The permit is okay to void out. No new windows appear to be installed. From: Danielle Williams Sent:Wednesday, May 02, 2018 1:21 PM To: Deanna Givens<givensd@stlucieco.org>; Monica Barrios<barriosm@stlucieco.org> Cc: Beatriz Goycochea <goycocheab@stlucieco.org> Subject: RE: Cancellation of permit Bea will inspect and get back with findings. From: Deanna Givens Sent:Wednesday, May 02, 2018 10:03 AM To: Danielle Williams<williamsda@stlucieco.orl?>; Monica Barrios<barriosm@stlucieco.org> Cc: Deanna Givens<givensd@stlucieco.org> Subject:Cancellation of permit I received a cancellation for windows at 469 SE Naranja Ave permit#1702-0087. Can you do a drive by to see if the windows where installed. Please let me know so I can cancel out the permit. Thank you beanna r'ivens St. Lucie County Permitting Department Permitting Techician 772-462-ISS3 p aces to work How are we doing? Submit your feedback to Debra Zampetti,Supervisor, at zampettid@stlucieco.orp Please Note:Florida has very broad public records laws.Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records 1