HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application ALL APIA"SLE it"MW BE C0WLUW FOR APPUCA11`10%TO BE ACCEPTED Date- Permit Number: mECEDN"mVEW ;y tl .. ,. Wading Permait AoplkatiOn Planning and Deve ►ertt5ez�ces MAY o� 2018 Building and Code Regulation Division 'Permitting a"vrginoAvenue,Fort'Pie�Fc349V Department ljo- Phone.X772}4521553 Fax:(772)4621578 Commercial_____.__ IZ sid?�t � I ty, FL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropbox, dick arrow at the end of line PROPOSED I�.fIPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address:_ mac- L ��i-- Z-_ Port St.Line 34952 Legal D pbon: of 3414-Ml-1701-OW-.Spanish Lakes One Property Tax ID Lot N4'—�----- Site Plan Name: Block No. Project Nam: Setbacks Frosts Sack: Right-Side--_Left Side: [DET=AILED DESCRIPT ION Or WOR/K: Demolition of mobile how CON TRUI ION INFORMIATION: A ttiona wo c to a performed un er t is permit--c ockall t=appy: E3HVAC U Gas Tank '[:]Gas'piping _Shutters F]Windows/Doors EElectdc C]plumbing OSprinkfers 0 Generator O Roof Total..Sq..Ft of Construction: Sq.Ft.of First Floor: Cost of Construction:$ ��e Utilities [3Sewer[JSeptic Building Height O E LESSEE: CONTRACTOR: NameWynne#3ulddi q Corporation Name: Matthew Lyle Wynne Address:8000 South US 4,Suite 402 Company:ane Dejak4 merit Corporation City: Port St.Lucie State- - Address: 8000 South US 1,Suite 402 Ztp Code- 34962 x:772-878.0224 y!Port SL Wde FL Phone No_772-878-5513Ztp Code:349'52 Fax.772-878-0224 E-Mail:sueovqnixtc-°om Phone No. 772-878-5513 Fill,In tee sknple Tftle Holder an next page(if d'dt E-Mail:!!�- - c Eom from the Owner limed-above) State or County License: CGC O359M if value of construction is$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. F— SUPPLEMNIFENTAL CONSTRUCT ION LIEN LAMFINFORMATION; D ES1GIVERIENGINEER.' Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: loot Applicable Name: Mame: Address: Address: City: State: City: State* Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone FETE SIMPLE TITTLE HOLDE!t: J Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: ___Not Applicable Name: name: Address: Address: city: City: j Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: I certify haat no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St.Luse Courrte�yr snakes no representation�that.isgrantinga permRt will authorize the it holder to build the subject structure which is in.coriltict a�sith anti applaabte Hreme Owners,Association rules,bylaws or and cov Mnts that may resWct or prohibit such structure.Please consult wcth your Hosie Owners Association and review your steed for any restrictions Whichmay apply. in consideration of the granting ofrthis requested permit,I do hereby agree that I villi,in ail respects,perform the work in accordance with the approved plans,the Florida Suilding Codes and St.Lucie County Amendments. The followaing building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review-room ad ' ns, accessory structures,swirfcming pools,fences,walls,signs,screw rooms and accessory uses to anodes n esidential use WARNING TO OiNNEf h Your failure to Record a Notice of Cona�ment may result in paying twice for improvements to your property.A Notic, of Commencement must be recorded and ed on the jobsite before the first inspection. f you int fo obtain financing,consult with lender or a .attorney before commencing work or najWWing votWNotice of Commencement. .� s : Si ature.ofowner,I /Ag Scgrta bf rlUcenseHGWer A. STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNff OF sLuo-- COUNW OF ss uoe The fthis��day of instrumenting was a�acrvi� 1��ore rise tt�isaThe ng instrument was of��C aticntswl�gp�lsefore sne M2llh3w Ly6e by MOW—Lyle avy� {iVanae of person ekrsowledging} {}llama of pens: clrnowsledging cgnai6e of Notary Public--State of Fiord sgna ure of Notary Public- of=1dentilimfien Personally Known x OR Produced Idenditation Personally Known x OR Pra Type of Identifscadon Produced Type ofIdentlfication Produced commission ,Q>W; E SUSAN'MAGES Cone ra P+ia , � ~_ .; aI i_ IREtif�tSeION#FF PRO ! EXPIRES;February 23,2019 `.:.,:' 48"a' ;,,Y COMMISSION#FF 187647 8anoe N w a y u } j `' 7;": EXPIRES:February 23,2019 IR �� %;cr iti?:•`' ESonded Thru Notary P,b;ia Undonrd— FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEATURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW [EIN j