HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application ALL APIKKABLE INFO MUSE BE CA14fil'LETEQ FOR A!'pumnoN To BE ACCEPTED I �r- � Ae 1 Date: )�— Permit limber. M. � • • �r z Ra� ri Building Permit Application iv,,Ay c 4 2011 3 t� � �" ,#,k'�'�." •� �S is+:':'. �'�'��.`"n^3` . . Fkmmg and mwdopmentSet wes BuM ing and Code Regulu on division Pe rri-O Utt n U`, UE-,-),3 MPnt 2300 IFrgin&Avenue,Fort'Pierce FL 34987 C I t' county, "�`'f. $- Phone.('J72)4621553 Fax:(772)4621,578 Commercial �_. 4esi n � [PERMIT"APPUCATION FOR: To Select from dropbox, crick arrow,at the end of line PROPOSED IWIPROVEj4l EN T L OCATIOIN: Address: c" <� Port St.Cut;ie 34952 Legal Desciiptioa:part of 3414-501-1709-Df9-.Spanish UkeS CIM Property Tax ID#: Lot f4o' Site Plan Name: Block No. Project Name' r Setbacks Front Back: Right Side Left Side:. [--niwLEDIDESCRIPTION OF WORK: � Demofi ion of mobile home CONSTRUCTION INEORNI.AT)ON: Additionalwort to egem rforeci under this permit—check 51Vt appy: HVAC E—]Gas Tank Gas Piping _Shutters O Wlndows/Doors DElectric Plumbing OSprinkiers ID Generator 0 Roof Tota[:Sq..Ft of Construction: sq.Ft.of First Floor. Cost of Construction:$ z Utilities Sewer 1_!Septic Bulldmg Height: 0+NNER/1 E SSEE: CONTRACTOR: Names itig CorPo dame:Matthew We VVynne Address:8000 SOuth US 1,Suite 402 Company:ane Development Coqvrafton city. Por#St,Lucie State: Address.80U9 South US 1,Suite 402 Zip Code:$4952 Faw?'122-8 8-0?24 C1W Port St Lucie 5 ;FL Phone No.772 878-5513 Zip Code:8 Fes.772-87&U224 E-Mall:auxeI==n Phone No.772-878-,W13 Hilt in free simple T#tie Holder an next page(N di E-Mart: suet§ yrtnebe cwt from the:owner listed.above) State or County license: C CICW5999 if value of construction is$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. I 1 y .. [[EPPI MENTAL CONS TRUC7 DEESIG At CE RIENGIN EER: Not Appiicable MORTGAGE COMP, ^NotAppii+cabie Name: fume: Address: Address: City: State. City: State: Zip: Phone: Zip-, Phone: FEE SIMPLE Ti U HOLDE.R: _Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY.: Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: City:, Zip: Phone: Tip: Phone: I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St facie Cou�i makes no representation i hat.isgranting a permit will authorize the it holder to build the subject structure whirl:is in_cor>tlict with'any appfcabpe Horne owners Association rubs,bylaws or and lin%nts that may restrict or prohibit such structure,Please consult with your Home owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which,may apply Iry consideration of the granting of-this requested permit,I do hereby agree that i vdII,in ail respects,perform the vrork in accordance with-the approved plans,the Florida Building Codes and St+.Lucie County Amendments. The follov+ring building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrencyreiriew dditions, accessory structures,swimming pools,fences,smalls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to a m aemir-residential use WARNING TO 131A1Wh Your failure to Record a I afte o$Conurwricement may cess, your I ngltwke for improvements to your property.A Notice of Commencement must be recor&r3 a posted on the.jobsite before the first inspection. ou in d to obtain financing,consult with I der r an attorney before corrtrraeng work or . r r.Notice of Commencement. "",X-J/ s signature.of Surer,/teswWAgent Signa df C6pfrfictorlUcense Holder A STATEOF EFL,OWDA STATE OF R.OP DA COUNTYOF sLRcicia 'COUNWOF,StLm-'a The forgoing Instrument was admowledged before me The for oing-instrument was acknowledged before ore thiQV-Cayof��G' �_, �►Y #rr i` ay of ��. -ZO by MafttMWLyl-V*McAu lrtE.saLyleVVI— (Name of perso cknawtedg!n/g);-' {iltarrre ofpe clulowiedging) Signature of Notary Pubric State of Flo ' L4t re of Notary Public-State of Florid Personally Known x o Pr t n teatiosr Personally Known x �} OR Produced Identification Type.of Iden i5catran CI ie Ahi tkAP_CC Type ofIdentification Produced =,r1#`,'� MY COIdMISSION#FF 167647 F��'�� - commission No. =4•= .,:�<. EXP4RE� t{1ary 23,2419 Comm ,: s^i%� SUSAJI MAUEE �S t Bonded Thor Notary Public Underwriters t ',r_ PAY COMINAISSION#FF 167647 � EXPIRES:FeUntaT 23,2019 ':,RPt��` onae ,Ern olar;+ c !c n orrar.ars Revised 071151213.14 ' REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLA14S VEGETAITON SEA-ruRTLE MANGROVE COUNMR REVIEW REVIEW REVD REVIEW RMEW ROVIEW ©ATE COMPLETE liSirfiAtS