HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationmEE APP[iMBEE Mij- Mira i of COMPEETEu FOR mPPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED i a_ „F � -- -- .F L O.. R -t b A. - Permit ivumler: Building Permit Application donning and Development Services nuildiny and Code Regularion Division zzv �iryinia Avenue, Tort Tierce F[ 3Y982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial Residential PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropbox, click arrow at <he end of line PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: 113q 4Aa%X!kS \l ie.kl T 1 rce.1l7csaripti-R: kNawys view oa casr_rVC. LDS- 14 Property iax ID R: 360Q. I,al'D- Cha • CIC5u - X Cor Igo. 1 �=l -ike Pian (game: Project (game: +LC3 , Carlea�ve. setbacks Front Back: Right Side: Ceft Side: 13MICED DESt,RIP 11019 UF wuRR: Riiplace AC, eAact change gut with q ton, /U SEER, 10 KW AC unit Block Igo. C.uIQJ I Ruc.1 lino II4FuAl Iul9: Addidonal work to nGasTank orme un er t is permit -c ec a appy: Ul1VAC ❑Gas Piping _ Shutters ❑ vvindows/Doors ❑ Eleltric 0 Plumbing ❑Sprinklers ❑ Generator ❑ Roof Roof WIfch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: SFt. of First Floor: Cost of Construction: $ (JCJL�� utilities:�zpewer ❑zoeptic Building FleigRr OWNER/LESSEE: CONTRACTOR: Name t.khc e;i``LU~, 12Hci-)C Name: Dennist-aceR Address: 0139 Eict,wkS View -Tr f Company: ARs American Residential services City: - �or w— -jtaxe:V-- L, A013ress: -h-600-) ?SN" fXs--0Jc Zip Code: SMgTCo Fax: ��� City: Vero Beach State: Fl- LPhone PhoneNo. VS-4914 Zip Code: azy'o'u Fax: f fz fyz;-vf33 E-Mlail:� )� Dr- Phone no. 194-U-15 Fill In Tee slmpie i Isle Roller on next page 4 It iilTTerent E-Mai1: �1 h1 � s - C„QC from the Owner listed above) State or County License: CMC1249753 If value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of commencement is required. 5UPPEEMEI9-I ISE CUM I RUC:I IUN CIEM LAW INI-URMA 11Ula: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: x Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: x Not Appllcable Name: Name: Addy g,5: Addre3s• City: State: City: State: Zip: Phone Zip: Phone: FEE 31MIPLE i I i [E Piti[DER: NOL Applicable BONDING COMPANY: _Not Applicable Name: ivame: AOOress: ,.%aoress: Ciry: zity: tip: Phone: Lip: Phone: I certify .ha. no work or ins,ailation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. at. [ucie CountY mages no representation tRat is granting a permit will authorize the ermlt holder to build the subject s.ructure which is in contlic. wi.h anx ap pliable Home Owners Association rules, brlows o, and co.�nonts tnat ma, rcgtrict or p.-MiSit ,00 Strada c. Ple...e ceri.,.:lt Jt ,oar Fla.—..c 0-: erg ASsoclatlon ana review your bees Tor any restrictions wnrcR may apply. In consideration ortRe granting or Ols requeste'b permit, I t10 nerevy agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accoraancc 1m tMe appirv-,;0 pl.ri„ tRz florid.. 00MI Ig Code., ono X. Caei. tvErrt, Armeridments. The followins building, permit applications are exempt trom anae.15Qin6 o Sail conte.. crit, rcvivw: worn oija:tien,, ..crc�sery structures, swimming pools, Tences, walls, signs, screen rooms ana accessory uses to anotRer non-residential use WAKICIIQG 10 OvOgEtt: T.z;r ra:larc to Recora a lQotice of Commencement may result In your paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and pu3tEd On the jobsite before the first inspection. If ycm intend to obtain financing, consult witn lenuer or an aRorney oefore commencing work or recording yuur,votice of Commencement. -w+ '. 4 ? s bilin-tnrc of f3 zrl I.e.,Sce/Agerit Signature ot-Cont, a& r/L;cea � ; Rvldcr a i ft r E 0P P[i,Rla&L` STATE OF FLORIDA �� \ COUNTY OF" COUNTY OF i `��C ��zwex- .he forgoing ins.rumen. was acknowledged b fore me she forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me tni, � ao, aT LiJ D� tni. J� ?I-, or 0 E& my �vnnis cnwn Dem J eek {ATie of person c Howl ng j (N e o per�o�� ae ■Yleagi gnature or Pun rc- Mate or Fioritla 1 Ng n rure of I46[Ny,4 ub ic- Per3Oriull, Kriv-ri x OR Proaac�a laentiricatiori Personally Rnown x CR Produced Identification ype of Mentification Produced I i yP. or lacritiflcation P.crawcce Commission loo. L��l � ��� {�ea�) Revised 07/15/2014 I `- lRr Cururlf♦IlssltaR S Guv. i��� EAFIRe5 P11 mmy Un, zvz r Commission No. &L SU y nOMMISSFUN r, Gi1an ErPIr%ES FSR 00' zo REVIEWS FRONT 1:750M r Erg PLANS REvlcvv vEGETA00N REvlcvv SEH i13RiCE REvIEvv RIA175ROvE REVIEW ZONING REvlcvv SUPERVISOR REvIEvv DATE COmPCETE INITIALS This comGination qualiTles TQC a Federal Energy Efficiency tax Cretin when places in zo,,Le between Feb 17,2009 and Dec a I, A 113. Certificate of Product Ratinas AHRI Certified ReTepeneo Numb.,; 9180202 Date: 05-07-2018 Madel Stags: Act '—.. AHRI i ype : RCu-A-CB Series: PERFORMAIQCE 16 AC iutdoer Unit Brand 1q.,—: CARRIER Outdoor Unit Model NumC�. (C...d,n:or er Single P--R.go) : 24ACC643R'030' Indoor unit Model Number (t -aper -ter andfor Al. H.Rdle,) : FV4CNBC06L Region: Southeast ana Nerth (AL, AR, DC, DE, FC, GA, HI, KY, LA, r, G, MS, NC, OK, SC, l IN, TX, VA, AK, CO, CT, ID, IC, IA, IN, K5, AIA, ME, MI, IVIN, MO, MT, ND, mI!, NH, fa,, NY, 0m, OR, PA, RI, SD, 01, VT, wA, wV, WI, WY, U.S. Turritv":eS) Region Note: Central air oond:tienors mar,a(actared prwr .. Jorcary 1, 2015 are eliyitlle to be installed In all nsgienv antil Jena 30, 2016. Boginniny July 1, 2'u r6 central air conditioners can e;;I, be installed in rwgi.n(s) for which they meet the regional eMciency requirement. The maxi lacturer or this CARKIER pr�ect is re3pon3lblo for the rating o, u,Is system comEinauun. mated as TOWN In avaerd..nea with the Wow oditlon of ANSIIAHRI z 1&240 wim Addenda 1 and z, Pufferm-leve Rati,ro of Unitary AI,Cendtt�OR:ng & Air -Source Heat Pump =quipment and subject to rating -more-, bT ARRI-sperla..red, independent, IAIrd party testing: Caeling Cap"ty (A2) - Single o, High Stage (obpj, btull : 460M SEER: 16.00 EER (Az) - Singlo or High Stago (95F) : 13.00 T"Acti-e" Madel Stetea ane :hose ,--al -n ,,,,IRI Certification Program Participant is wrr■rvtl, pmdadng AND lolling.r offonng rv, solo, sirs new models that are being marketed but are not yet bving lamdesed."Prvdeetien Slopped" Modal mzws -.r. inose that an AHRI Certirwation Pmgmm Partieip.nl is no long., producing SET is st selling or.,�enng i.r sal.. Rating -1— t are a:orr.^aris:., h _ —3 Indlcale an ­vnluntas re -rate. TNS- nnw publisrad rating is shown a'cn€K:"h !hr, nruvous da. WAS) rc6r,_r,. el3vtWIMER AHRI de.v Re: andorm th. provocgs; lis... on this Certificate and makes no pepp■■■nt-tl■na-.rmen:I.a or ge.ren:a.s -s w, on. assumes no responsibility for, the product(s) list■d .e thiz Certifi■at.. AHRI expressly dlsel.lms all R.1lhity r.r uamages of any kind arsing-et ■f th■ 8= -r j; ferma.,.a of :h. pro.uctf sr, or t,.a OR-etR-nzeo-a.rail.n of data listed on this Certificate. C■rtiflvd RON" ,.. -re :alld only for moo -6 -no conngorations listed In the dltcl■p7 at T.-= ... hridlr.et.ry.erg TERMS AND evRDITIvRa This Ce a ,l. and its ■urpn-tosls .r. contents f t..or.r „IRI. -„ie certificate shall only be used u l d wide i ; di s er nd co..,n,.,,6oi reverence purposes. The contents -f thi= C.rtifi.-te re..y n.;, in Rttoly or in pots, E. rep,woced; copied; dlssaminated; ont-ed Int... oempmar d.tlib.sc; or v;omrwise utilized. In any form or mann w b; -m nr..no ...o.pt fur :h. u -r. inolvioo.I, personal and confld_rrtl-I p■fe..n■e. AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATI."e, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION d REFRIGERATION INSTIItITE The Information for the model cited 7n thl: ■ertifivet. sen be ;.rifled -: WNW-Rria,ro.-tury.orE. click on 'Verify Certifl■-ti IInt1 „a,,,_I a i,4 E�:;try ..nd vn:.r :h. „IRI venin.. Rctarcn.e Number and the date on wh6h th■=■rt,floate --(seed, which is Iletud .b- .nd the C.rtificate N.., -Rlcr. Is lWou -e Naomi ngrtt. s "vrcu 1amira:on0liloning, Raving, W,.d R.tdgeration InSLIaU&e CERTIFICATE NO.: 131701677497263676