HomeMy WebLinkAbout611 Willows AveAL[ APPUCABLE INTO MOs i BE CUMPCETED FOR APPEICA 11019 TO BE ACCEPTED Date: Permit viumber: Ej;re tsOdhig Permit Appikation vTann.ng and ucrei-p... r 3cr ,'—s b-.'1a:ng O..fr eotie HUY-1.tl* .- U"7.' :o.. LJDQ V:.y:..:a At.,ac, Fort v,'c. c FL 14!odd PRone: ti//LJ zF6L-1S]3 rcn: l//L1 zF6L-1]/S Commercial Residential A011ress:. _.lo I l W11NC�S M -44P Legal Description: ' ggtf v CV.- 1 Property Tax ID #: 3L1V;510 " 01 Q3 - QC 50 [ot Mo. Site Plan Name: olock No. Project Name: Setbacks Front Back: Richt Side: Left Side: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Replace AC, exact change out w�tM _ tum, 1!SEER,10 KW AC snit rk'�►CXuGQ CON5TROCTION INFORMATION: jottionaiworxione,mr.tormeo unser .his permit- cl 0HVAC 0 Gas Tank ❑Gas Piping 0 Electric 0 Plumbing Sprinklers iota) 5.1. Ft of Construction: Cost of Construction: 5 r) UCOML Shutters ❑ Windows/47oors Generator Roof Roof pitch S. F�. of First Floor: _ 'utiiidest sewer D.)eptic Bullnimr, Ylcignt: OWNERJEE55EE: CONTRACTOR: Name: Dennis caceR Address: IA I i _til.�pv,e Company: NRs r.merican Resiaernial services City: _ mate: Andress: 2500 Ob FI. Y i 4ip Cone: Fax: C;tr: Vero Beach State: PL PRnn. lqe. Zip Code: 32-0U Fax: r I rvy-ara3 E -Mail: Phone 11o. rrc /eZF-/Z15 Fill in fee simple Tile molder on next. page ( IT airTerent E -Mail: from Me Owner listed aRov�_) State or County License: CMC1249753 IT,: -Is= at avMt.Mellvn b $1500 or morc, o RECORDED Notice of Commencemen, is required. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIED LAW INFORMATION: DEal�sI4ER/EIvGllast:R: x Mot Hppiicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: x Not Applicable Name: Name: Adress: Addre»: City: State: City: State: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLr- HOLDER: x Mot HpplicaMie SUMMM13 COIVIrART: x Mot HpplicaBle NamE: Name: Address: Address: City: City: �iY: PRone: Zip: Phone: I certify that no worn or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. 5t. Eacic Coerit m r.Rc� Flo rerre�eFliaiio- EM -1 1.. in-imiFl6 a erp�ii -ill aeillor:ze the permit noltier to Built) ine su0ject sxructere wnicM is In conAiLT witn any appdcable Home owners Rssoclatlon rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such stru,ture. Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review yoer decd for zs-y rc-trictlen, :h1cl-1 rrlay apply. In r.M3id.r.doFl of tR. grunting or tiii3 rege.3t.a perrnit, 113o Mr-rcRy ogre. IM.1 I -ill, 1Fl ail reapwut�, perrepR, [nc -opR in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. Me following Cuileing permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessom yy structure., 57 iRlmling pooh, feriec., -ally, 3igFlz, Crecm room3 oMaoVcc�3v. ,y w3c. to F .otmer Flog-p..,1a.M1i..I a..c WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements to your property. m Motiee of Commencement musL be recorded and posted on the job5ite before the fig �t inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, cunsult with lender or an attorney before cor-amizrlrin. w-wrk ur recordin. Your Notice of Commencement. _ Sl5nature of O% er/ Lessee/Agent 3lgnature of Contra r/Eicense Rolder STATE Or FEORMA CvUNTY OF 51Lude i Re ror oing instrument was acKnowle0gea Eerore me this Oti day of 20 f �br Ili Dennis Zwok wAI it OF rEUKIDH COUNTY OF at M. i Me rorgoing instrument was acgnowietlgeR Berore me this JLTday of 20 J_8 by Dennis Zacek (name or- person acRnowletiging) (Name of person acknowledging ) (S;gFlotare or not", y t"Blie- Stat t Fleria�) izlgnature of Rotary Puuiic- state of Flo J Personally Known x i ,pe er iRentmcadon ComIm113.iVR No. Revised'v7115/cQiZI OR Produced identification MY 9 tSSION # FFZZD EXPIRE5 April 15. Zu19 Pers-ig .il, Rno-n x Hype of identification mission No. r_r G9--t.� oR Proaucea laentirication BETH A DEKkiT MY C(99iWPSl0N # FF220930 EXPIRES April 15.201V REVIEWS FRONT i-ON1NG SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REvIEw REVIEW REvlrw REvltw REvIEw REvlEvv 1)NIE COMPLETE IMI MicFialle Franklin. CFA — Saint Code Loanty Pt oNerty Apprdizar -- All rights reserved. Properly Idendficad011 Sit. Ada. .ss: rarcel ,u: AccoZ;;-,t 9: iviap 119: Uwe I.,rv: Zoning: C:ty/Cezay: Ownership R-r—m-.3 McPell Doroury E Moreu 611 Willows Ave P..-. Si Larie, FL 34952 Legal Description RIVER PARK-uLAT 2- BLK 13 LOT 7 iMAP 34 2:N) rOR 1315-182-2) Carram Valaea Just/Market value: 394,400 nssesset7 value: 349,959 Jr.%c .�rtivlls: 3-5,500 iaxame value: 524,459 lwxc3 toy tni3 Nytol: SLC TrT OIL= 12 Download TRIm for this parcel: Download Pur 0 Out.: uoolTrage: oeeu: [stela:: Price: Date: tiv�ic/r.-se: Sale Code: ueeil: Grantor: Price: 611 Wll-LOWS AVt! 3419-510-0103-000-3 41846 34 22N 0100 RS -4 Saint Lucie ,ounty t.':- - Fp - i.Y4 TotaiArzz3 r:e;ene�Ll:a=: P►i.-(ar)- 1.40 Gross Area (SF): 2,172 1_an0 size (acres) e.19 Lana Slzc (SF); 8,2z)0 sale Risrory J el 1Y'.4000 1315 1822 AA00 WD 3m1tR.Pri9ciIla P 570,200 M... 27, 1996 1008 OzIf xx00 PR S54,0ne Building Informar_lon (1 of 1) rmisneu Area: I,z;GO SF i5ross total Area- z,1 rz 3F