HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application ALLAPPUCABEE INFO MUST BE COA EEM EOR APPEICATHM TO BE ACCEPTED j Dane: PermR Numbeh. ��Q S"0`t�_ Building Permit Application P/annhig and Devdopmentserv7M Bu kft and Code ftubtkiiDhWan 23ttD i�rxttn&►Avenue,FartFienae R 34982 Phone:(nz)4s2� �(772)462 s -Commercial Residential PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Selma from droplmx,dick arrow at the end of line PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION:- 'Address �t3 ST, la CeIr lesal Desuiptian: Property Tax ID#: -- Lot ft. Site Platt Name- BlockNo. Project Name: p Setbacks Front Bads Rtght.Side-' LeftSide: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF.WORK: CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION - Addalonal work to tindlerthis permit- a . ap . . HVAC GasTank Piping _ _Shutters C]VVh%dovwqW= 0Electric 0 Ptumbins nSpr"rs o Generator ORoof . y f Total Sq.Ft of Construction: Sq.Pt.of First Poor: 0 Cost of Construction:$ c7� S C� utiftm Usewellseptic Building Heq$ht OWNER/LESSEE.- CONTRACTOR: Name Cj Name: ... k Address Company: c ,, k Ctly: " Address: j ► :...3 Fax: 1� '�M r:_�f (C.�i Stabe+_IG Phone Na �S?o /'~ r'c'�1'r� �f �. �-= MP Code: " - -Fm 27,2-- W&W E-Mail; Phone No. 3 b FM in fee simple Halder an next page(ff dlfferetYt E-Mail: from the Owner lha d above) State or "Dense: Ifvahre of construction b$2300or mar%a RECORDED Haft of1,w1111ptisr . t fr O ENGINEER: Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: _Not Applcable Name: Name: Addr+E Address: GAY: State: 0W.— State: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER:- ' Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicable Name.• Address: - Addr+ess: City. - Zip: Phone: Zip: 1 cartifythat noivwk or ikon hascwnmwwWpdortothehsuanm of a permit. St Lucie makes no on that is=AsmC=i ,w.ii�ll a the ho to build the subject structure Whkh WithHome ilMfir�� M aft qts tnSy reSb O {� tltStiClistructure. t3osrodt tyour Home tton and re+row your lead r airy whkh may apply fam"ationafthewaaftafthisrequestedpenuk I do hereby. gree that i will in all f perform the work Ir!aaordance with the approved plain the Aorhla Building Codes acid St:Lude County Amendments. Thepew aFF areexennptfrom undergpirrgaful!concurrency re+dew:room adftor4 aooessory s swimming poor facet waw sdgre;screer,.room�asd ammsoryuses to anottw use WAlWU1DGi TO OWNER:Your faRrre to Re Dost a Noche ofGatt�nt may result in yours tate for imppr'�iavementsto your prQperty.A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posWd on the jobsite. befoie the first Inspection.If you intend to obtain�M*en%gft'ent,-,-) consult with lender or an a#tonuey before oaminenci work or recordin Notice of Co t -2� Signature of Owner/Agent/Lessee Sk ature of CoMrracdoT Hoiden- STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF ROMA COIIMYOF ` �. ,� 1 COUN1YOF_ The fOrph Instrument was admawiedged before-me Im fore ft instrument was ac mowledged before me thlsl6_day of JDQIL _r 20$Dry tlris day of 'n by 1 (ftine ofF�aur�n9j ofad +► j Y - of Notary pift--State of Florida) {S ry of Notary Public-s Ftofide 3 Personally Known OR Produced motion P it Krown_ OR ProdtwW IdaWkaWn Type of identification produced Type of Iddon Produced Conunbsion No. (SmQ Commission Nrr.1 , Rivised.07115/2014 REVIEWS FROM' ZONING SUPERVISOR PUM VEGETATION SEATURTI.E MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIMS 1 010 W IlillWiltlil ■■M■■■/■■■■ ■EMME■■■■■■ ■■/�■■■�■�■ ■■MEM■MEME■ •E■ME■■■EE■ ■NS■EEMIUMM■ ■■MEME/MEME . ■WNEEMEMEE■ ■EMOMEEUMMIN WOMMM■MMEM■ ►MIMMMM■EM■■ = w■/■►■�■■■■■ ----T ■UME■MMME■■ M.aE\■EEE■■ ■axomw1M■1■ = � MEMO■■/■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■/■■■■►■■�■ MEMENSMINEMIN TT MEN ���=IMMLIMUIN - �•MM■■■■■■■ , •MME-..\�■■■■ .I ■■E•.�M■�■■■ . .•MEM■■►�i � , • '- - SEM■\\MESE■ ■/EMEE/.'■■ EIE■■M■E�E�■ ■■/■MO■■■M' ■EM/�E■\■■■ ■EEM■■\.M�\■ :- ■■M,/r'�Zmms ■E/■EE■Rr■M■ &ME■NE■■\M■ = „MEMEM.EM■ ■E■/\■■M■\\■ = ■E■EMM■■MM■ ' ■\,■E,E■w ■\,EE■MMMOM ■■EEEOEE■EM ■■■■■■■■EE■ ■■MOE■\\Esq\�■ ■E■�MEZ9�;;wu I ■EMEMOMMOMM ■EM■ME■E■"m - ■EMEM.EWMEN ■EMESEM ■MMEMERAMM■ ■EMEE■■MMMM ; ■EMEME\ ■EMEMERMEMM ' ■MMM■MME\\■■ ' ■■■E■■E■■Mi - ■EMMEEMEUE■ E■MEM■MMEMa ■EMMMMMEWMM MMMEMMEMM■■ ■■■MME■1\E\�■ MEMEMUNAME■ ■EMMUMEMMIM ■MMEMM■MEM■ �� ----SEM\1E\r■ --�-"fM ■ ■■E/LI9 ■ r •' r i 1 , i' • . r _ r f �