HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc Letters To: Page 5 of 16 2018-05-15 21:12:15(GMT) 17722647780 From: Maya Gifford Gary Gifford, Electrk,Contractor 350-SW.Linden St, Stuart, FL 34997 1 . This Contract.is.entered into-by and between.Gary J.Gifford,.'Inc.:and'Comcast Cable Communications, i I he specificterms of this Contract are as f€rilows: 105-PC North Rock K Fort Pierce ln�tall new Conncast pov�re.r supply cabinet - $700 Install ground rods $22 Removed damaged Comcast.povver supply $.��- n/a cabinet Total _ $722.00 Gary;..Gifford,inc, BY Maya fOrd Title: ?residen Comcast t' bl.e C6 tpi nicatiQns "..- r7 z e:. cEnroe T�. , yt Cvt `lab y r'art:+ $yOtA. "K K r' Faiplteu;iPi4cl:ti2R 4 ..� �. r` 4 772-286-0954 office 77.2--219,0146 fax 771-215-401 ncabite giffeiec@comcast.net r To: Page 8 of 16 2018-05-15 21:12:15(GMT) 17722647780 From: Maya Gifford .... :a. CCMCAST#250 i Fi'\ I�IIIf71V 23tif1�'i.ltC;:r\_ :1\r&,N'tiliJl;t2")Ft,t)(),1sh I.1?t� i L:E L,3aM&C'11.46?_1;07 i Submit V1.1 elnait at:ftt�ittii t44 t+t`ernilt��stlut i�cra:a� NA1,1Eoj:A1`RL1CAN'r=-ow_h^.�s1' _PHQNEI\i:i.sot-327-4t27 NIAILING ADUKESS_`4G9 ROA BLVD aTE 139UZ.BALM -_tJ t7EnS,FL 33410 EMA11ua is_f)a�etty cabs +RcasS,cern nmr-,or PROJECT(r..Ii1 eK ONE) oRE.SIDE;'ilTIAI. lIt'.t)1h't1i:FiCt:ll: m131'II.I7"k' r?fyEt`Et.43Pl�II:N1' 3[tl).f:li N3nie of Cjt,�NB responsible for Litilitt'after insfallafioii COtACg9T" -,Nw<� PHwtiE'�i(? 81.27-cit; �ltiliLwaer hagerty;r�lcsttec�m,t—co;n { UItirtmic 0-Y,%TR does not take possessiGri llndl acceptaltCe.of work. L Fr mT.'rm Rrnxlisr..NTATty&RUMNSTUT.X FOR NOTIF•v)NG ST.LUCTF.Ct7uNTv.24 nouns Pm(R-ro%voAttttiG:m,COUNTY-JUCliT.Qf-lVAY 1'H4.NF 1C'fJ. 7T2.2an.U954 , WE SUALL,CONIMNCE C'LtiyST1U+C"110NOt'T'titi YF:ai1l'1'f[':l)i\4T'ALf.A1'li').M1 O!v'��tQd9111�:';ivi)GUM9'Lk;!'}:'t477'.f.tlN DAI'S'T}iE[[LDI�. 4!5'18 CON IR A(""IY)R'S N-A)v `. GOty,J Gilford,tnc t ..................:..........._.._._.:. Jv(,111.tN.j.AllL)tZESS 35n 54N Linden St Stivart Fi_ 34997 PHONF1F1alA11.772-ztit U95M IYs(ecinTcctC'cast.net_- As the Applicant,we"request permission to.construct-road draimge.,or combination drainllk;eluliliLy,in.Rfjht<of Wayor easements deeded to or maintained by St.Lucie County,or dedicated to the public areas ofst.'Lucie County,(hereinafter mferred to as"County Rieht-of-Way"). "lee or work that is being. Performtn^' in --county Right-ot-b1'tty, and nano; of County Road: _ FPL service address: 1,05-'PC N Rock Rd;:Fort Pierce 34945 Install COMCast power SUPPly cabinat on the south aide of'FPL pole 6.5:6.76-40447-0-13 located 32 f#west of-N Rock Rd road edge, 384 fl;north of Orange Ave.road edge The following;THEIST be submitted with.811 original signed.copy of this 4pplicuii,9n(3•C:t)I`IE"; 1.). Dictai led biair•.tenance of traffic pfim f'roin.FDOT's`Design Standards.600 Series", if traffac.ennirol requires detours,and/or-rord closures,i Florida Reg iswrad ProfessivnO Engineer will be requfred to design,.sign,and.seul.sliidpluas. ?) Show on an attached set ofplans(1 P N1T'prefL red)the location and character ofthe.ivork,.and detail the aspect of the work that will disturb County ataintained irnprDutxients.(hereinafterrefe, -to as"IMPROVE'YIEiYTS"). i i This ertai 411(till itt'nttrtchnient_c nn>_u he hent uta the.work 5isie nod he m-161:1 file t:nott rgarsi nr nrnnonrnliv disnln�sct. ;lprlii �C)tF(ief WAP NAOCRTY •]ICIe t'ERN117GOORUNATOR " •."•`7iij"�Y�':tV3':�'fli'7"8y�::lir�""""�"^-- ' Wade A7 f" , 5 @aornGast.mrn 561-not-8.927 > 3:29113 „trade ha erty A ?c I _ :-,<� z• Date Einai r Ii it _ �} 1'P of - ti proceeditl( L it)`tistalia:torr-6Gmnrk cov=d by this pens 1,3..agrep to comply with the"G1,,NE kL AND SPFC'IAL CQl IVITIONS OF Tlff,<.RIGA'-OF—WAY PlAM i'C" OFFVT USE, -OF'-WAY 1J65C1 1PTIfJN: 6.C,fc- f O to:A :Vau to hn'dww `i '-6 -13:x .4W-\-1 f+Itil P c1 REVIEWED-BY ACQUIS17HONS"DivisfoN _ -L -- D.A7'L,_�"_i�3��Q�18. ..L C .L U I?`['Itt r11J&.13 Rif 1]i [: a The aforestated insUillation is hereby p.ortnitted ander ike fiollowhi£;provisions ...... . ... . .. BOrLESd).i�?i7 CU UN"I'1r'C 4RIYSICDNEI25>S'1'.I,CJS.:LIs C()tli�l Y','PI ORII�A. IIY_ _4. •..UA'iE '� ._ R/W PEI MIT NO-0!`! f C ngtnee)'-enrorcing official M _ Revised January 2017 g Pate 1 of 3k "y .6• I"i" '%a;- Lr1.1iL'{�t i.lj'!uj' e.WMf'�: RECEIVED. A. 'F-'1f 1h:.(�;!Mfr�'a.:%:i..,a:ji3;€ APR. - 3 2018. To: Page 9 of 16 2018-05-15 21:12:15(GMT) 17722647780 From: Maya Gifford Q?iYF'i Ste) >,NS QE IG11-r--0F'lcVAX1'r•.ltN11 The applicant declares that prior to filing this application,he/she has (1) ascertained the location of existing utilities that would be affected by the proposed installation, and k2) notified such affected utility owners in writing regarding same, and(3)correlated the proposed installation with owners of such utilities and detenuined that the proposed installation can be made without detriment to such existing utilities. If granted a permit for construction of proposed installation on County rights-of-way, the applicant agrees to the following: I. SaferyAll construction work shall comply with the safety provisions of all federal,state and local laws. 2. Traffic Control:.,Measures shall be provided during construction in accordance with the PDOT'Design Standards 600 Series. Traf[ic shall Ue maintained to the degree required by the County Engineer, 3. To Save Harmless the Board of County Commissioners and each and every member thereof from the payment of any compensation or damages resulting from the exercise of rights and privileges herein granted. 4. in the event that modification or repair of the improvements on aforestated County right-of-way becomes necessary, to promptly move/remove the installation permitted herein, as requested by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County,Florida,at no cost to the County. 5. Removal of Installation: In the case of noncompliance with the requirements stated herein, the installation permitted herein Wit be promptly,brought into compliance or removed from County right-of-way by applicant at no cost to the County. G. Rcirair of fmproycntelJts.o}L1grmitigg-,Applicant agrees to promptly repair any damage/injury to improvements on County right-of-way caused by reason of the exercise of rights and privileges herein granted, restoring same to a condition equal to that vvhich existed immediately prior to the infliction of such damage or injury in a manner satisfactory to the County. 7. Permit Life: If this permit is granted, it shall be valid for a period of 180 calendar days from date of approval subject to termination by the County in the event that improvements on aforestated County right-of-way are to be constructed/reconstructed,or in the event that such right-of-way shall be closed,abandoned,vacated or discontinued. 8. The auached sketchtsl covering details of the permitted installation shall be trade a part of this permit. Deviations from the approved work or maintenance of traffic plan shall require prior approval of the County Engineer. 9, i otificafion to County Eji inecr: The County Engineer's office shall he notified twenty-four(24)hours in advance of starting work on Count' rights-of-way. New construction that is discovered to have begun without notification will be subject to a stop work order until proper permits have been acquired. finless the work activity is accomplished in continuous work days (excluding weekends and holidays), re- notification shall be required upon any lapses. lo. 11%mri t on Job Site:All projects requiring a County tight-Of-Way or Driveway Permit will be required to have a copy of the permit on the job site and be able to produce said copy when requested.Failure to do so wilt be considered as operating without a valid permit and operations shall cease and desist. As in the past, field work that is classified as maintenance will not be subject to the above.The exception on maintenance would be in the event excavation adjacent to a roadway is to be left open overnight.We would want notification for the purpose of inspecting for adequate barricades,lights,etc. 11. ]tights olla Nrior Permittee:The construction and maintenance of aforestated installation shall not interfere with the property and rights of a prior permittee. 12. final i itsneption:The County Engineer's office shall be notified by the applicant upon completion of the installation permitted here in,so that a final inspection may be made. 13. CJlhor_.L ntiti_ -:-,This permit in no way waives the authority andlor jurisdiction of any other governmental entity, Applicant is solely responsible for ensuring that all other stakeholders affected by the work or that have ownership of the work site, or portions thereof,have been adequately notified and have given permission to perfortr.work. Revised January 3 2017 Page 2 of 3 To: Page 10 of 16 2018-05-15 21:12:15(GMT) 17722647780 From: Maya Gifford 5f>E UAL CONDITIONS c��_�IS�Yi'r- 1. Applicant agrees that in case of future damage (test of time)to the right-of-way or pavement due to subject installation,the applicant shall repair and restore same to condition acceptable to the County Engineer. 2. Applicant agrees that the expense for any modifications to subject utility installation required before,during or ager any future right-ot=-way, drainage or roadway improvements are implemented shall be borne solely by the applicant, including but not limited to:removal,relocation,manhole adjustments,etc. 3. All work done within right-of-way shall be done Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM,excluding Cuuaty observed holidays and County closures, unless otherwise approved by the County Engineer. ivoLk nerfnnnetl niter hnurc chap t i' v i r 4. Any road closures shall be requested in writing, along with an accompanying traffic detour plan for review, to the County Engineer twenty-one(21)days prior to requested closure.The County Engineer reserves the right to modify the maintenance of traffic(MOT)as needed based upon performance. 5. Any approved open pavement cut or trench cut in proposed lintits of future pavement shall be restored to Fi101'and St.Lucie County standards. b. filo excavation shall take place within a minimum of five(5)feet of the edge of pavement or within the Clear Recovery Zone (CR7-).This distance may be increased by County Engineer dependent upon posted speed limit of roadway. 7. Minimum cover of 36"under the travelway and 30"elsewhere,including swalesfditches,shall be inaintained over the utility. Conflictino utilities shall maintain t 8"separation unless specifically approved by County Engineer. 8. Jack&Bore or Directional Bore installations shall be done per FDOT specifications.Casings under the travelway shall extend a minimurn of eight (8) feet beyond the edge of the travelway. Bentunite or drilling fluid shall be removed from Right-of- Way/project site same days as drilling operations. 9. Driveways, roadways, trenches and/or sidewalks shall be restored per the detail approved on the plans or specified in this permit.Proof of compaction shall be copied to the County Engineer. 10. Two (2) sets of certified record drawings shall be submitted to this office immediately upon completion of subject utility installation. 11. Dependent upon the type of project,additional permit(s)and!or agreement(s)may be required prior to approval of the right-of- way permit. Revised January 3 2017 Page 3 of 3 To: Page 11 of 16 2018-05-15 21:12:15(GMT) 17722647780 From: Maya Gifford Notes for completing a St. Lucie County Right-of-Way Permit Name of Applicant:this is the name of the entity requesting the permit(i.e. FPL, FPUA, AT&T, Comcast, etc) Name of Owner responsible for utility after installation: if a utility is being installed by a contractor not hired by a utility, the utility company MUST accept the work before it can be transferred. "We shall commence construction of the permitted installation on 415f18 and complete the same within 45 days thereof."The Right-of-Way Permit is valid for 180 days from the date it is approved by the County. Your anticipated start date and anticipated duration of the work is REQUIRED. Permittee Representative:the person who is responsible to coordinate with the County regarding schedules, begin and end work, and inspections_ The County will be randomly following up on coordination and schedules so this contact information is critical. Contractors Name(and contact information):if you have selected a contractor,that information should be included. However it is not required. Please complete the description of the work to be done as accurately and completely as possible. Three copies are not required for emailed applications. However the applicable detail from FDOT's 600 series for Maintenance of Traffic is required. Detours and road closures require additional coordination with St. Lucie County Engineering and the design must be signed and sealed by a registered Florida Professional Engineer. 0 w in rn N • O COMCAST#250 Prc e<i NSW COMCAST PCIWER SUPPLY CABINET } Ca6lnet Es 2A"w x'17"d k 36"h mauntetl to 44 S;t3''w a 2"1518(n d a 3"h:�ofycnr,,rr.�atl p�g:._MARGhi 2„S,2618 _ _ PIS mviceAddress•1(15 nC Pi'RE3CK RQATa!CFC3RT FIERCE 34945 j•ate.: FPLSQricfsP�ann r'tC'stal'iafar3 �4 77'2'-489-620 � Not to Scale n ...................•...._:...._...................... ptange.Ave r � � 20 ft' ,. Y S-i1 t-?55 R-34� :. LOCAFION MAP CATV cri Grange Ave 'x t d ' Gary J Gifford Inc. #SIE C. -PUBLIC WORKSc �iectrical Contractor EG130015?4 . EN N j # 350 SW Linden St .5tuart,FL-34991 Ps V O O T»of Work 0 Signed: —-- ' � w • w G) ' o n. T w fm co COMCAST# 250 0) a lie I"d 7-7 x O GENERAL NOTES I' at A;,.f M-i. 4!It.iYlm,;..l.-TF,' oh SYIVSGLS CONDITIONS tVHFA.F ANY 6cu;pwV;T. 5 P.1, wloR FRrl Ali r TRFI. v r,"Ic SPIPliv AV FiMFYM,SIRWE". "F'"c N!cm w. 'nota 14.vres o-ranvr(Wly -4 4 0) -N -4 FY 2011-18 FE ic. CO DESIGN STANDARDS TWO-LANE, TWO-WAY, WORK OUTSIDE SHOULDER 0 bol L J of i— T 0 3 ID `o m m E O LL O O n V' O N N r n r D' 6a I SCALE: 1.0 60 g g 6029_ I ,7. 76.03 �n e v � Own o ee.19sm� Ss In t0 O n g o ' YDS L6 ° z m O 4a 146.14 N ?� BEGIN,:Y/lAIIV:TE.NAN.CE;-Rw N14°56'09'W 732.5T ern 'BkGF' MAINTENANCE RN4% mw NSLRWCD € — RIGHT QF WAV PER y P822PAGE16 �4'O f 153.93• ... Q ORANGE AVENUE "+ }SECTION LINE j P8 22 PAGE 16 8018' O 07 N27.20 54'W SOUTHERLY E7QBaSION OF 25.24 THE WESTERLY RNV LINE OF R.00KROAD f9 vaa oer r O icF Ol' OJ IL O F- I To: Page 15 of 16 2018-05-15 21:12:15(GMT) 17722647780 From: Maya Gifford Gary J.Gifford Inc EC 13001574 Electric Contractor ontractor ROW east of - «s' - N 2311-210-0000-000-6 - Linden [reef PC 350 W S S - ,Yj, Stuart FL 34997 ' FPL Service Address: ;a 1 -P N Rock R - -_ 2 219-0146fax 05 C oc d 2 286-0954 office 77 77 Fort Pierce rce 34945 - y+�,n Date: March rch 28 2018 Meter: New F' '.f :7 Pole 6-5876-4047-0-6 Project:Comcast Power Supply i. , V - Jo S' L; a FPL Krystal stat B I rk a - C" �St:' `Uve sti� et 772489-6204 ::FBL 'I>s:loca�e 3 fe.nnr" :o k tal.b lark f Isom a d 8. th rY @ P ce 69hec;iau ua •-�,_ �' ea ��H`tr��:v4 :'0 rt a Ave•: O `uves't:taf N: tc;' i ti ......... .. f~ - f h fFi _ g,. ,•�..-'ter-'-. %:.:;. -=s S. ^L..J.'.r.. - �i:` Vii^ fid:'.' �.:�;I.. - x•- - r.=. _ inti`'• t 1� r it --:i0. `.;i:• ::i: ,k��,ay,.... -Y..:. '� 7 4i M" =/- 2o ft -/-4 ft v JC �/- 384 ft o 2 Orange Ave To: Page 16 of 16 2018-05-15 21:12:15(GMT) 17722647780 From: Maya Gifford Gary J. Gifford, Inc. EC13001574 Electrical Contractor 350 SW Linden St Stuart, FL 34997 772-286-0954 office 772-219-0146 fax 772-285-1228 mobile giffelec@comcast.net I To: Page 3 of 16 2018-05-15 21:12:15(GMT) 17722647780 From: Maya Gifford W .. ..• .. t ahn Beach.Gardens,FL'03410 t`M.1be r 19,2016 To lvk liom It N14ay Concern .;is-to fizz ym fl-aturail rrneast a€-6s adlem-Re,Gary 1.Gifford,Tnc;. Te zcal c ntraC.tor,has_th,autb€� �'tp.Si�ele ic4p�r it#OpR tions as.o'caner on behalf i€'Omca t• a t�;lE r Cabinet sitcf€, )s ar �u d. r sss ftic cleaTical permits Irom and with your:ciiv siran. Sincerely, Raga . al Const e€ion Manager co 'S�S1>ll�i��2a� i