HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationFOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED ^;;o\25\tt> Building Permit APPlication Plonning ond Development Services Buitdini and Code Regulotion Division-zii irsnn Avenue, Fort Pierce FL i4982 ii.".,irii) 452-1ss3 Fax: {772) 462-1s78 Commercial Residential * Address: Legal DescriPtion: \ne rct ruo.{flFJ Block No. Site Plan Name: Project Name: Setbacks Front- Back: - Right Side: Left Side: PERMIT APPLICATION FOR:To Select from dropbox, click uttoY't th::yf[X .D fn \Dv]^) v^(ofr Seesn,cD \,La_&;r \rY*e permIt -apply: lll *,noo*s/DoorsEhuo. fle t".tric tr Gas Tank Plumbing l-lom Pipine nsprinklers tr Shutters Generator flnoot t] Roorpitch Total sq. Ft of construction:Sq. Ft of First Floor: - utif ities,E r",r., E r"*Cost of Construction: S lf value of construction is 52500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. aaaress[fl04 cry' Po(t tdr(\t i-.{lC-.C glate: f\= State or County Zip Code: Phone No. E-Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) rmittodotheworkandinstallationasindicated. lcertifythatnoworkorinstallationhascommencedpriortotheissuanceofapermit.tn hr rild the subiect struCture . i{li[.j;..q[tT:[,:l]il:{,ffil#miti,i,::",'gtr,+iili',i,H.l,u:',J!Ifl?;I'}il"r,r:,ilt*ii*:ffiijiiffirtt1h ln consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects' perform the work in accordance with the approvid plans, the rf otia5ij'iiiine ioa;iina it' Lucie Countv Amendments' The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions' accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO oWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement mav resultin f"H$'Jlt HtjTJ3,i" imorovements to your property. A Notic"iiCo*r.ncement must be recorded ar beiore the first inspection. rf you intend i"-;bdi; iinancing, .""!rli*it[l"n?E or an attorney before ;;;;;;;i"g wort'oi reiordins Your Notice STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Type of ldentification Catherine Konger ocI zg, eoffi BONDED THRU $T TLORIDANOTARY,IJ.C tng Nahe of Pe.rsgn making statement Personally Known Y- OR Produced ldentification (Signature of Notary Public- Sta rl Lessee/Contractor as Agent for Owner Name of Persol making statement Personally Known --\A- on Produced ldentification Type of ldentification BOI{DED THRU lST FI.ORIDA TIOTARX, tLC (Signature of Notary Public- VEGETATION REVIEW aev.8/2lLt JOSEPH E. SMITHT Frr,E # 4439927 CI,ERK OF THE oR BOOK 4136 CIRCUIT COIJRT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTI PAGE 2005 ' Record'ed' 05 / 24 / zOtB 02 : 50 : 21 PM lnterestlnpropert/: Lr,Lx Ef,- , *i*iind lCj,"rs ort . ,imptilE;[otUrr {rf afferant from owner lirted above): Tex Follo Ho, State of tloridii f,ounty of st. ltlcie The under$r$ed heniby gtves notrE. that tmprovemect lvrlr be made to cenalft real proilertI; and in arcordance wlth chtFter?I3' Florlda ttatutes; ihe {ollowing lnformatloa b prorlded ln t}ris Notice of Commenctment Oflner Neme If the Lerrce conHasttd to, !h€ lmFrovemstt: Address tontractor'r .Hame: Contlactor (ttgnBlure of lhhry :4 ll,<? siirEty lif applicablt, a copy of thepayment hoM lt attachtd): Amount'of bond: $ - Phonenumb€I:- -Nameandaddressl .-", ,, ,, : , . linder [tam'e: ,. PhonE Number': , .Lende/s.addressi. - -713il1{1f {al7ii Florlda Statutes: .NamE:' Phone Nurabei:- <o Fi, v o o ,eolopersofi! rylthln the strte of Florlda designated by owner upgn whollt notites or other documsnts may be serv+d.ar Provtdeu bv' stfi$ ff ruloil EaEEB IJUour, - hedditiontohiii5elforherself;ownErdesignates..,-jl.---:_ioreceivE.*"EEEE'ar, aD F ljenofs Notice erProvided ln iection 7f3.$ititb), Floride ststutEs' Fh;one number ol peisoh or onttiy deslgnated.Q a,trner: Expiraflon daie of nsticF Ef iommencement; (the explratlon datb may not br h€foie the cornpietion oJ.conshuctlon and flnal payment to tlt€ .contrectbr, but$rlll !e 1 yeal ftom the datd of retordln8 unlEss a iJlfferent date b WARI,IING TOOWNERI ANY PAYMENTS MADE BYTI'IEOWNTRAFTIT,THEIXPIRATION OF IHENONff OF COMMENCEMENTAf,ECONSIDEfiEq i"rpnopEr pa"n,lrrn urrtprr +reprER z1g, pART r, sEcrIoN ?13.il!,rLoRrDAfraruTEs, AND cAN RESULT lH Yo{Jfi PAYINq TwrcE Fofl irr,tpnovrurNrsToyouRpRopERTy-A NonEE oF coMMENctMEflT MUsr BE *EcoRDED AND poslEDofl THEJoB slrE BEF0RT flE HBsr tNspEcrloN. tF you tNTENo TO OETAIN FtNANctl.tG, coNsurr wrTt{ YouR LENDER OR At{ ATTORNEY BEFOftE coMMENClflG WORK OR RFCOftDING YOUR '.IOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. under peinalty rif periury, i declare.that I hsvs read the loregoing notice pfrommeilsement and thlt the {acts statEd thEr€ln are ltuF tq thB be*t pf my knowhdge and bellef. berore me thrsZ4 ary orfflfl\, 2irB ,, C\^X\g.€- ' t",- Tme sf auth0rity {e.E'oifl cer,trustee)'was executied * !-"rr*;;O*.e/, ., LessEe's Authorized Officer/Olttctor/eirtnqr/Manrger Persorally kno*nfor produted ]dentif icrtion-, [PThi TYpE, OI TypeofldentiflcatjonProduced ,: