HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCRE COUNTY VILE # 44:44$65 OR BOOK :41,41 PAGE 24.110., Recorded 06,/07/2018 i2:11 .,16 PM NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT i. Permit Wd., Tax ftillb go. Stattqfflbrlda touniy of St..Lude The und Onf Atd hereby gives noticethat Improvernentwill be made to certain real property,anflpaccordanicevirth Oapter,'713 Fk)yida Statutes, the following Informationts provIded;InfhIs:Notke of I Ornmendemot• act, ti of M, Wq r left�;d AV 1Ib 2A J Ownerin ormatloh.1f t4elemcooniracted f or,the4inpeove*ent: Mfrfie Address ev' 'il -4ml IntefesOryprdpe'rty;t u—n-ey—, ftne4nd addrei3,of fit s1mpIetitWhoIcW!-(If djfftrentfroitl<oWnerilsted abpye):, contractor's Narnei Phone Numbef-1-1. rety ilf.a.ppilcabit,a copy of the payment,bond.1s attached);Amount of bond:S Name and address.: —Phdrie number. Phone Number:, Lender's address;— PersOns*.wiihi,"th#,State*fiqori4adesionaie44yPWnerupoil'whbi"n'oticesor-oiherdocumehtsihikybeietvedetpr.ovid6db Section 13 13(3)4')7„FiorfdS Statutes: Name:-. —,Phone Number. Addre ini4ciditlofirtchi.mself or,hersof;.Owner designates to-receWa copyofthe Ljiw"s: sSection:Z1 I Notice a provided In -3.13(l)(b) Fibridastatutes., Phone-number of,pefson orantIty'destitited 6Y-oWner: 'Expiration date of notice of commencement:(the explration,date may rr;-be'befort the corn0leition of constructlowariO finaGpa ymenttothe coniractor,,btitmlll,belyear from the date oll"Tecording unless aidlfferent,date is spidfiedj '1NARNIW5'.TO4(5W0ER:'ANy PAyMtNTS'MADEVY THE,OWNER AFTERTHE'EXPIRATION-OF Tft.-NDTICE Or-COMMtNtEMENTARE.CONSIDEFtED IMPROPER PAYMENTS tIhbER'd44#TEFt 711,PART jj,S9CTk0N 7U.13kTL0RIDA.STAT.UTES,,IAN D CAWOSULT kYOUR,PAYl NG MCE FOR IMPR-OV,EMENT$'TO'YOURPROOtRTY.-ANOTIC;E,Oft-OMM fAENT,.MUST.BEgECORC!EDANDP16Sii' ' THEM rb S I I I TEtEf6hE T'Ift"F! _gNCE I DPK —— 11 -1 1 P4T INSP�-(;;TION.:�F,Yti(f,ftJYiMD-TO�OBTAINFINA FINANCING;CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN,ATT6RN&BEFORE tO'MMtNcws WORK OR ftiC6R.DiaGVOUR,46TICEbFtOMM-NCE'M"ENT. Under Penalty Of perjury,1 declarethat1,have-.read the-foregoing notice of cornmahceitnent and%hot the1acts statpd.ihereln are true to'thtbest of lily knowfedg#and belief. (SignAtut P/OWheror Lessee,or OWntes or Lessees.Authorized Officer/Olrector/PartneT/Ma nager, NA kyl— (Siginatory'ST614/01tice). 2 4CL The foregoing fnstroment'wasa�6k"Wled-jed'before,me this_tday of�lsm DIU By as for, Ime iPersOnY ( 6p,14c) Pd yo behalf ol"whornin3trument wa3 executled STAIJE OF I)A, `Comaiissfofit-PPI72372, Parr w bducod Iden catiok_. tin (Signature OfNdtary'Pub#c­ tate'ofilo TH. �"VAjffit�ffl UMAT T (Mot,Type,c i"sslo N Iw TYPT RRECT PY OF THE om&'INAL'. JOSEPH E. $MI RK p By,_ D0l4)Ut_V.Cl rk Date: T