HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Information 06/07/2018 10:27 Lindquist Plumbing 7724611999 N0.617 #008 06/050018 10:52AM 7724659823 d1arC� PAGE 02/04 Lf1 Fort Pierce Utilities Authority Invoice# INV201859114317247 Payment Confirmation no-reply=invoicesloud.net@mg.invoicecloud.corn on behalf of 1^ Ll qp Fort Fierce Utilities Authority <no-repay@invoicecloud.net> Wed 5/9/2018 12;S3 PM To:Maryanne Palino <maryanne@brandysproducts.net>; FORT PJIE►tCIE Uirdo-pis AuTHoRny Dear Maryanne Palino Brandy's Products Payment Confirmation Thank you for your payment to Fort Pierce Utilities Authority. Invoice Number, Your payment has been successfully processed and your account INV20ISS9114317247 has been updated. ' eymant Amount= You will continue to receive an email each time a bill is ready for $3163,39 your review. This is an easy way to access, review and pay your bi I Is. IIMessage: If you haven't already gone paperless, please consider helping the APPROVED 09661G environment, reducing your clutter and supporting our green strategy by opting to move to paperless billing In your next billing cycle_ You will always have the option to print your bili directly from your computer if you need it for your records. To go paperless, log on to your account at https'//www.invoicecioud.com/fortpierceutllltlesauthority and select paperless options under My Profile. Then check the Yes, I want to go Paperless box and press Update. It you have any questions regarding your account, please email us at cs@fpua_com and include your account number, first name and last name on the account. Thank you for being a valued Fort Pierce Utilities Authority customer_ UN U 7 %n, Please Note: To ensure delivery of aCCount related email ST' Ducie CounYv . notif Catlons, please add no-Haply@involcecloud.net to your safe senders list. Below are the details you entered for this transaction: Account Number: 10007566-253764 0610612018 08:01 Lindquist Plumbing 7724611999 H0.812 #006 06/05/2018 10:52AM 7724659823 PAGE 04/04 -�j T Alit Ilk 04W % IM wow K .4vo 7 Will, r 4" M ...... ... .. .... 7-1 WIN Li E LIO IS y 00 -i—i I kor Woor W'w -00 .vaqhw ii *9 W*o • 1 WTT parr" ir., 6. UN.U Q VIZ., :7 f-N