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;FILE # 4445846 OR BOOK 4143 PAGE 2135, Recorded 06/12/2018 09:49:36 AM Doc
(Tax: $1428.00
This Dowmexd PIVPX By and Reusn to:
Christopher J.Twohey,P.A.
844 SE Ocean Blvd.Ste."A"
Stuart,FL 34994
Parcel ID Number: 4502-502-0065-000n
Warranty Deed
This Indenture,Made this 1 _day of June,2018 AD., Between
887666 Ontario,Inc.,a corporation existing under the laws of the Province of Ontario,Canada,grantor,and
Robyn Batson,whose address is:3 Palmetto Dr.,Stuart,FL 34996
of the County of Martin,State of Florida,grantee.
Witnesseth that the GRANTOR,for and in coasidetadon of the sum of
end other good and valuable consideration to GRANTOR in hand paid by GRANTEE,the receipt whereof is hereby a dmowledged,has
granted,bargained and sold to the said GRANTEE and GRANTEES heirs,successors and assigns forever,the following described land,
situate;lying and being in the County of St.Lucie State of Florida to wit
Unit No.608 of Oceans Oceanfront Condominium One,a Condominium,according to The Declaration of Candominhun
recorded in O.R.Book 245,Page 65,and all exhibits and amendments thereof,Public Records of Saint Lucie County,
Florida;together with an undivided share In the common elements appurtenant to such Unit and all other appurtenances
to such Unit as set forth in the Declaration of Condominium.
I •
1.Taxes for the year 2018 and all subsequent years;
2.Zoning restrictions,prohibitions and other requirements imposed by governmental authority;
3.Restrictions,and matters appearing on the plat or otherwise common to the condominium;and
4.Public utility easements of record,if arty.
and the grantor does hereby fully warrant the fide to said land,and will defend the same against lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
In Witness Whereof,the grantor has hereunto set its hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Signed,sealed and delivered in our presence:
887666 Ontario,Inc.,a corporation existing under the laws of rho
Province of Ontaarrio�Canaddaa
Printed Name:jLw061,044. 1wrr"A; ackDAguanno, ideart
Witness P.O.Address:28 Aladdin Cres MyClUchmoad Niel,Ontario,CAaads
US 2X1
(Corporate Se2I)
Printed Name: To&n we
Country ofC--anadapp
City of
The foregoing instrument was admowledged before me this_day of lune, 2018 by Jack D'Aguanno,President of
887666 Ontario,Inc.,a of Ontario,Canada Corporation,an behalf of the corporation,who is personally(mown to me or who has
produced his driver's license as identification.
prr,, i Printed Name: t'5 o"I'M C�4,m 1j
� --3'.`, X > � r� Notary Public
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