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Notice of Commencement
JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE, CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY 'BILE #c 4437235 OR BOOK 4134 PAGE 40, Recorded 05/17/2018 01:54:09 PM NOVICE OF COMMENCEMENT Pernllt No. Tax roll*No:3d02=609-0255.000.4 State of Florida County of StLude The urdersignedhereby gives notice that improvement will be madato certain real property,and in accordance with Chapter 713,Florida Statutes, the fdidwing lidermatfonisprovided in this Notice of.Commencement I Legal Oosafption of Property:(and street address If available}: INDIAN RIVER ESTATES-UNff-08-BLK 58 LOT 37 j Generic description of immpmvement&Place door I I Oviner lhform atlon ar lessee information ff the Lessee conzsaded for the improvement: Name Naticy.Schneidcr Address 5601 Sunset Boulevard,Fort Pierce,FL34982 Interesttn property: Name and address of fee dmpietitleholder(if differeritfrom owner listed above): contractor's Name:Artaorvae Wfnd6w&Door CattractorAddress:l000 CWtt Moore Rd Ste 109,Boca Raton, I,33487 Phone N6n,ber;561.988-2444 Sumlytitapplicable,a copy ofthepayment bond is attadtedj:Amount of bond:S Name and address: Phoneaumber: Lenderltame• Phone Number: ` Lendes!taddresr. t C, Personswithbtthe State of Aorida destgnatedby fivrner upon whom nottes or other documents may be served as provided by Sectlon 713,13(tl(a)7,Florlda Statirtes: Namer Phone Number.. i Address• Z in addtdonto himself or herself;Owner designates d to recelveia copy of then n— Uenor,,sNoticeasprovided inSection 713.i3(t){li};Florida Stanstes. ---0 o Phone number of person tit entity designated by owner: ¢ C= LU XU Expiration date ofnotitecifcommencement;(the e:grist!ondatemay notbebeforethecompietion.cfcorstructionandfina1payrnet►tto 0 w W cotnranor,but wt8 be l year frortx.ttie date of iecording unless a different date is spectfted} Q U- F o WARNINGTOOWNER,ANYPAYMENTSMADEBY' THE OWNER AF(ERTHEgPIRATIONOFTHENOTICE-OF COMMENCEMENTAiE r . IMPROPER PAYMENTS ONDER.ta1APTER 713.PART 4 SECTION 713.13,RORIDA STATUTES,ANO CAN RESULT W YOUR PAYINGTWICE t 0,p z Uj ItvtPROUEMENTSTOYOURPROPERTY.ANOTfiSOFCOMMENCEMENT MUST BERECORDEDANDPOSTEdONTHEJOBSITEBEFORETHEHA r"r u, INSPECTION.IFYOUINTENOT008TAINFINANCING,CONSUITWITHYOUR LEN©ER6RANATTORNEYBEFORE COMMENONC,WORit&ON`t pj RalwNGYOt1RNOTICEOFCOMMENCEMENT. � - O vr,v~ix-Uj0 a Underpenaltyof perjury,I declarethat i have read the foregoing notice of commenceimentand that the facts stated therein are tnietothe baest of my,knowledge and belief. ' —Sp1t2 _ i (5ignatureof nerorlessee,orShvnerso'rLesSee'sAuthorixedQfficcrjDiredar/Partner/Manager I (S1torysrtiej0ffiice) The foregoing Instrument was acknoWMeedbefore methlsffe_day ofA&,U, 20,LV BYd1Alt'C4yJ* �ee+� Ldi�- as 1?l�t�!'t �'' for Nameof0ers6n Typeof.&s ortty(e.g.offices,tnstee) Party on behalf of whom instrument was executed j/ + (FirLl t VI*rIaLee Idunelt Personatlyknown�rproducedtderttficatiori i (Signa�otaryPublic,StateofFlorida) NOTARY PUBLIC (Print,TM or Stamp Gbinmissioned:Narne 04 NATE OF FLORIDA Type of iderrttftcationpnoduced ComoO FF'177686 s +:E i9��. Expires 11/18!2018